The Bartow tribune. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1910-1917, March 12, 1914, Image 2

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SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON March 15, 1914. (Copyright, 1912, by Rev. T. S. Lins eott, D. D.) The Lawful Use of the Sabbath, l.uke xaii : 10-17 —xiv: 1-6. GoUleti Text—The Sabbath was tirade for man, and not mail for the Rabhajth. Mark ii:27. (1) Verse 10 —What obligations sculd intelligent Christians feel con cerning teaching religion on the J.rd's day? (2) Why would you say, or not, that it is the bounden duty of every Chris tian who is not prevented by circum stances to seek an opportunity fo teaching on every Lord’s day? (31 Verses 11-12—What proportion of our blessings does God thrust upon us without our asking, and what pro portion depends upon our asking? f4> Jesus, without her asking, call fid this woman to him for healing How many similar instances are re c,riled in the New Testament? (5) Verse 13—Did Jesus exercise hu t.utn occult power, such as hypnotism, suggestion or anything similar in the cure of this woman or was it a direct r-jirade? Why? (6) Modern experiment has demon suated beyond question that many diseases are cured by mental treat ment, but what would you say is the limit of such treatment? Verse 14—How much do you twine this ruler of the synagogue for <*tTiccUng to Jesus healing on the Sab balh day? (8> If a surgeon should select th Sabbath day for performing an opera tion when it could be done just as well To Prevent Blood Poisoning apply at once the wonderful old reliable I)R PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEADING Oil., a sur srieal dressing that relieves pain anil heals al the same time. Not a liniment. .’sc. 50c. tl.oa JIMOU ORDER NOTICE. Junior Order United American Mechanics meet every second and fourth Tuesday nights. J. V. BISHOP, Financial Sec’y. J. H. SPENCE, Recording Sec’y. Have your art squares cleaned by Electric Vacuum Cleaner. Phone 164. G. M. Jackson & Son. We send for and return them the same day. How’s This? We oflVr One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ]'. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. .T. Cheney for the last 13 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in nil business transactions and 3nan dally aide to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NAT. BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, Ohio. • Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7f cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family I’ilE' for constipation. I \ :• -mt \*,\w n r /r'S ; f.R{ r . V v "^ Swift’s Blood and Bmm FS b BjgEi Net#’ 1$ L;.. £ i'J M Ait n£>- L 4sj&*' FULL VALUE for the price paid. ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE of QUALITY, COMPLETE SATISFACTION in the use and in the crop results, all this and more is assured to buyers of £^ ,^Blß^\W !S |:era.mas3Ksn3 S“r7BP a sri&4£ 3 > * bss $ 7 rl* f%* lb ? 4 gf .-I r j r? R":a R .'/*Ssa <my m fel If +3s y Lizas \& k sSsmcfiaat mU Made exclusively from CROP PRODUCING MATERIALS. Ammoniated with Blood and Cattle Tankage from Swift & Company’s own Packing Houses. Mechanically Perfect. They represent the BEST in Fertilizers: The SWIFT guarantee of HIGHEST QUALITY goes with every bag. MANUFACTURED 3Y SWIFT SPi? 1 - uiAßßire ATLANTA, GA. Other Factories: Albany, Ga., Savannah, Ga., Moultrie, Ga., Chester, S. C., Columbia, S. C., Spartanburg, S. C., Wilmington, N. C. FOR SALE BY YOUNG and J. B. FOSTER, Cartersville, Ga. HEADACHY, COSTIVE, BILIOUS,— I “CASCA RETS’’ S;ck Headache, Bad Breath, Sour Stomach, Mean Liver and Bowels Are Clogged—Cheer up! Get a lb-cent box. Hick headache, biliousness, dizzi ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath—always trace them tc torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food mi the bowels or sour, gassy stomach Poisonous matter clogged in the in testines, instead of being cast out ot [.lie system is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick ening headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse tip stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the exces-- bite from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascaret tonight will surelv straighten you out by morning. Thev work while you sleep—a 10-cent bo from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels regular for months. on another day how much would you blame him? (9) If another surgeon, a devout n an, performed an operation made necessary by an accident on the Sab bath day, would he be breaking or keeping the Sabbath? (10) Verse 15—Why did this ruler dr serve the name of “hypocrite?” (11) Would you say or not, anT v by, that a man who is bound by a c*''eed without any elasticity is neces sarily a hipocrite? (12) Is it ever wise for us to call a n an a hypocrite? Why? (13) Verse 16—What proportion o: ■nr sickness is caused by Satan, by t od, by our badness and by our right eousness? (14) Would ycu say or no', and why. that, it is legitimate to do any kind ol benevolent, or religious work on IMe Sabbath day? (This is one of the questions which may be answered j r writing by members of the club.) (In) Verse 17—Which would you rather take on a moral issue, and why, the opinion of a few religious offic ’als or the consensus of opinion of the common people? (16) What is the ground for the opinion that all who oppose Jesus will finally be “ashamed” and c. nfounded? (17) Chapter xiv: 1-6—ls it legiti mate to have our tables more bounti fully spread on the Sabbath than on other days? Why? (15) How do you account for it that Terms regarded the Sabbath in such a different way to the Jews? (19) Why did Jesus pay so much at tent ion to healing bodily illness in those days? Lesson for Sunday, March 22, 191 • Lessons By the Way. Luke xiii: 18-35. THE BARTOW TRIBU HE, MARCH 12, 1914. F GLITICAL PEACE IS DESIRED IN GEORGIA Atlanta, Ga., March 12—Political pi-ace in Georgia, above all other con siderations, is earnestly desired b I nited States Senator Hoke Smith an Governor John M. Slaton alike, accord ing to the direct and unqualified state i.ients of their friends. One or two irresponsible writers, i is declared, have created the impres sion in some localities that Smith an 1 Slaton would welcome a fight, that they are political enemies on al points, and that nothing would suit them better than to lock horns. Thi news syndicate is in a position to slate with positive knowledge that such assertions are as untrue of one side as they are of the other, and that whatever the political season may bring forth in the way of contests, neither Smith nor Slaton nor their f: u nds want to see Georgia plunged into a bitter factional wrangle. Friends of both sides hope and be heve that the political futures of these two leading figures in Georgia’s pr - int political life will not cross or ci c sh. Senator Hoke Smith has let it be known, practically ex cathedra through Mr. Josiah Carter, that he will postively not take sides in state l>olitical issues this summer, but will simply stand flatfooted on his own record in the United States senate and will ask the voters of Georgia to return him to Washington to continue the work he is engaged in. It been clficially denied, even to the satisfac tion of correspondents in Washington w ho have been opposed to Hoke Smith that the senator had anything what ever to do with the announcement o F Hardwick for the successorship to the bite Senator Bacon, and that he had equally nothing to do with the an nouncement of Hon. T. S. Felder. H has been proven equally true that Governor Slaton himself lias never ■•■ mid anything that could he construe ' into a desire on his part to get into a fight with Smith. If Governor Slator desides (o run for Bacon's place Sena tor Hoke Smith will have .absolutel nothing to do with any opposition f Slaton that may develop. “GEORGIA PRODUCT” LARG EST FOR AGE IN WORLD. Atlanta, Ga., .March 11.—James Aciolph Cody, who is a “Georgia pro duct,” is the largest boy for his :|ge i tlie world. He is five years old; Id weighs forty pounds more than hi. father, seventy-five pounds more than his mother, and seventy-five pounds more than his older brother, w r ho is 15. His own w r eight is exactly 210 pounds. He is the son of Air. and Airs. Jame Alex Cody, who have a prosperous farm in the northern part of the state. The boy is healthy and strong, has never missed a meal, and is always happy. He outgrew his name almost as fast as his clothes, and is now known a ‘‘Big Jce.” He is four-feet three inches tali, and measures one inch nurne than that around his waist, so that he i -lit e-rally “broader than he is long.” f he girth of his neck is eighteen inch es, of his head 26 inches, of his thigh thirty-three inches, of his knee twenty one inches, and his hand is nine a id ont-lmlf inches wide. A peculiar relationship exists be tween Joe’s parents. His mother’s father is a great-grand-father of hir father, by a former marriage. I Nitrate | Nitrate H Nitrate I Soda I Soda H Soda Georgia's Oat Crop What Top-Dressing with “Quick- Acting” Nitrate of Soda Will Do N Early in the Spring apply Nitrate of Soda evenly at the rate of 100 pounds per acre. Take this Okolona, Mississippi, Official Record: Oats were planted Oct. 10-20, 1912. Four acres fertilized with Nitrate of Soda produced an average yield of 75.2 bushels per acre. No other fer tilizer except Nitrate was used. The Nitrate was used 100 pounds per acre —50 pounds being sown March 1; 50 pounds, April 1. Why don’t you get busy now? Let us send you Directions for Using Nitrate of Soda on Oats. DR. W!VI. S. MYERS Director Chilean Nitrate Propaganda 25 Madison Avenue NEW YORK No Branch Offices FOR SALE CHEAP—2 second hand ed ranges, 2 sewing machines, one No. 8 cook stove, one hall rack, 2 oak beds Will sell on instalment or cash. G. M. Jackson & Son. 9 Hundreds are Joining the Christmas Savings Club Is Your Name on the List? If not, join at once and pre pare each week to re ceive a nice check just in time for Christmas. Everybody Welcome First National Bank, Cartersville, Georgia. Good Eats and fa Good Meat Mar ket go Together. I sell absolutely the very best meats that can be found. No better cannot be had. My stock of fancy groceries and produce are always fresh as we buy daily, so we will have a fresh stock always on hand. Anything I send to your home must be right; if it is not let meknow and I will take it back, not grudgingly or ill humored but willingly and cheerfully. If you are not one of my customers now is a splendid time to begin. Let me show you how I try to please those who trade with me. C. G. FI O WREN Phone No. 364 , No. 10 East Main St. First Class Restaurant in Connection. For Sale I have a few settings of Black Minor ca eggs for sale. This is the Loring Brown stock and there is none better to be had. SI.OO per setting of 15 eggs while they last. Apply to MRS. E. M. GARDO, INEAR ATCO. Agency Deering Harvesting Machine, Binders, Mowers and Rakes. Osborne Stalk Cutters, Disc Cutaway and Drag Harrows, Hoosier Corn Planters. See me before buying and save Money. ORDER REPAIRS NOW R. w. JACKSON PHONE 3102