The Palladium. (Newnan, Coweta County, Ga.) 1835-18??, October 17, 1835, Image 4

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STJ2, the grand Jurors, selected, chosen, ‘.i I sworn, fur the County ol Coweta, do n i t 1’ : ovtng presentments. In exann *- in.; tne 11 i ‘its . iii • Clerk of the Superior C oi . w • lied them neatly kept, the papers well arranged, and in tlieir pioper place. In e.\ liniong the Books of tin? clerk of the Inferi or C airt, we likewise ti and them in good order, and tio r cordi g neatlv done. •Ve, however, have to complain of the illegal manner ot the allowance made tor posting and keeping cortai 1 estray Horses, by one of the magistrates of the county; to wit,(James Echols) Without the assent of the Clerk; hy his own authority allowed the enormous sum of 96 H liars for keeping; a id that the cost attondi ig the same was more than the Horses sold for, while said horses were.for the greater part of tiie time, in the service of the laker up. We have also examined the Treasurer’s noks, an I find them neatly kept. We find a small balance of monev in his hands, togeth’ or with a number of uncollected notes and ft la’s, on which we recommend a speedy collection to be made; some of which are al ready i isolvcnt, and barred by the statute of limitation. We allow the tax-collector the sum of $203 72 cents o i his insolvent list. We present, as a grievance, the inattention to patrol duties in our county, and would earnest’ ly request, the Justices of the peace of the s weral districts, to app tint diligent captains, an i see that they attend to their duty; and us the Abolitionists, incendiaries, and discontent ed white and black men, are found in our country, we would advise the Justices of t e peace to give in special charge to the cap tu; .s appointed, that, should they find at an unseason tble hour, persons ot a suspicious charade/, collected with negroes, they subject them to the same penalty, that negroes sou and in similar situations would be liable We fur ther receommend our Post Masters through the county, to k ep a strict watch over their respective offices, and prevent the circulation of any anil all ince idiary papers or pamphlets that mav come to their knowledge. We have lamented the deplorable situation of our public roads thr ugh the cou ty, we think long enough; and we now present the I ferior Court, commissioners and overseers for gross neglect on this subject, and do ear nestly trust this appeal will meet with immedi ate attention. iVe recommend to the Inferior court to • nke some speedy and effi< ient measures to ; in serve our Court House from filth and spee -1 decay. r-Co 11 mend our members of the legis tu ■ to their efforts and influence in pro i estrbhshm t or a Court for the cor rection ot Errors . further receommend to the members of j ’ o . a Legisla'tire to procure die passage of i • n onsmg tiie estab.isbing an Asylum to 1 toe poor of ui county. fiirttier recommend the inferior Court! to tn ike a smtabi compensation to Colo lei a. is i It: son f r the destruction of his fcoeriy near tnis piaco on account of small . ! 1 “ prose .t tlowel Holly, for living in n open adult ry in his county with Na.ocy il ege; Miles Smith witness. *V v. present oir sincere thanks to his Honor Judge Warner, f'r the able and impartial dis eharge of his official duties during the present errn. We also tender our thanks to the Solicitor General for his polit ; attention to this body hiring the present term. We request our presentments to be publish- j cd in the P li.idiurn and Columbus Enquirer. ! Bird Parks, F. M. William . 1. Terrell, Thomas Jones, George Scott, John Undenvood, Joel IV, Tetrcll, PcAjion Pinkai and, Benjamin S. Tarver, Thomas McLendon Samuel 11. Hutchinson, Willard Fislier, John Hinton, Win. U. Jlnderson, William Spratlin, A'raltam North, Thomas Watson, Thomas Hudson, Aynilla Hardy,, Henry Keller, James G. Stewart, IVe the undersigned Jnrois protest to so much ofthe foregoing presentm ntments as re fers to presenting the Inferior Court. Wm. Spratlmg, Wsh. U Jlnderson, John Hinton, Thos. Hudson, On motion of Young J. Long, solicitor gen eral it is ordered by the court that the within presentments at the Grad Jury be published according to their request. A true extract from he minutes, GEORGE PENTECQSI, Clerk, IVof ice. 4LL persons ind’bted to the subscribe r, are reques t'd to come forward and set le their account? ; and those to whom he is indebted, are required to call fora 6.ttleinent--as he intends shortly to leave the state. E. Carlton. ■Vnwnnn, September 19,193*. 4tf iSot ire. A LL persons having business with the subscriber, xl will call on Jno. vl. Thomas, or ‘*\ illiam Nim mons, t sqs either of whom is authorised to attend to any of iny business. C. W. Buckley. September 19, 1835 4 3t Clt ■ vJTi.* uftei lab- application will he A. made to the Honorable, the Inferior Court of • •vet.i cou ity, w iii * sitting for Ordinary purposes for leave to sell the Hand and Negroes belonging to the Lstate of John Boling deceased. B2NNETT H. CONYERS, Adm’r, Julv 6, 1835. 5 mitn jVOTICIv—AII persons m.leb- l ‘1 to the ‘ state of D iili.un ‘colt, lute of Coweta couniy, deceased, are requ-ated to make immediate pay ment ; and those having demands against said estate, are requested to bring them f.rivard in’ iho time prescrib ed by law. This 2.5 th of September, 1835. A. B. CALHOUiN, administrator. 2 Ci September, x \DMI\ISTRAToR’s ALE ill be sold on Saturday the 7th day of November i” xl, at ihe court-house door in the towu of Newnan, all the personal prop ‘rty of William .Scott, late of Cow-’ ta ounty, deceased. Tetmsof sale made known on that day. September 25, 035. A. B. CA.LHOU.Nj administrator. COWETA SLPERIOR COURT, September Term, 1834. ; Allen B. Powell, executor of James Powell, senior, de eased, James Powell, junior. Trover, &o. in the Superi-.r Court of Coweta , county, and verdict for detendant at September term 1834. On motion of counsel, on ered by the court, that defendant’s counsel should shew ’caus' 1 , on or before the first day of the next term of this court, or as soon as counsel can be heard, why anew trial should not be granted in said case, on tiie following grounds, to wit ; Ist. Because the verdict was contrary to the weight of evidence. 2nd. Because the verdict was contrary 6. law. And that a copy of this rule be served 0.. defendant’s counsel. O. H. KENAN, JOHN KAY, C. ALFORD, Plaintiff’s Attorneys. GEORGIA, ) ! Coweta County . i I, Georg.- Pentecost, clerk of the Superior Court in and for said county, do hereby certify tha the foregoing rule and order was taken ii September Term of th Superior Court of seal county, in 1834; and that the same is a true copy from the minutes of said cent. Given u ider my ha and in office, this 1 Sth day ol July, 1836. GEORGE PENTECOST, clerk. Allen B. Powell, executor of Janies Powell, senior, deceased, vs. James Powell, jun. Trover, &c. In Coweta Superior Court, and verdict for defendant i. the appeal at Sep tember term, 1834. On motion of plaintiff’s conns 1, ordered by the court that defendant’s counsel shew cause to-morrow morning, w hy anew trial should not be granted ii said cause, on the following grounds, to wit ; Ist. Because the verdict of the Jury was contrary to law, in this, that the Court charged the Jury that it was necessary, to make a per fect gift, that there should have been an abso lute delivery ofthe properly, and taking all the evidence teg-lher, it only shewed a qualified, and not a total abandonment of tiie dominion of the property by James Powell, sen. JULIUS C. ALFORD, O. 11. KENAN, *-S. RAY, Plaintiff’s Attorneys. Coweta Superior Court, September term, 1835. i lie above is a true extract from the minutes of said Court. 14th September, 1835. GEORGE PENTECOST, clerk. September 19. AI GUSTIA CHRONICLE FOR SALE. Anticipating e gagements which will material ly interfere with our present ones, after the first of October next, we offer the Augu&tiaChron icle for sale, with possession at that time, and will dispose of ii on accommodating terms. I has a very large subscription list, which for ; s °me ime has been larger th nit ever was since ] we have had the control ofit.or probably before, during ihe previous thirtynine years of its exis tence—being the eldest ■ xisting paper in the State, and the first, except one, ver estab'ish jed in it. Its advertising patronage is also large, j and the whole establishment is now as prosper ous and profitable as it has ever be< n, and in deed more so. Its stock of printing ma’eri 1~, of all kinds, is vry large ad complete— proba blv unsurpassed i! equalle , by thai of any othei similar establishment in the South—and genet ally new—the whol newspaper type and press havi g b en in use but a few months—while the exceedingly large and varied ass-rtment ol j b type, is as good as new. A statement from the books, ad the books themselves, tdg* thei with the printing materials, will be submitted to the inspection of those who may desire to pur chase so that each may ju-lg for himself; and we and übt not they will satisfy examiners, that a similar amount of capital cansel oni be mor*- safely and profitably i vested, in any wav. Editors with whom we ■ xehang , would roo fer a fivor, by publishing the above, which would cheerfully be r ciprocat and. ’ SjAITZ.. T 5 1K following BLANKS, neatly printed on £oo<’ paper, at this office and kept constantly on hand for sale at reduced prices Sheriff’s Deeds, of the common form. Sheriff’s Bail Bond?. do Ca: Sn. Bonds. Sheriff’s Executions. do Ca. Su’B. Attachments. Justices’ Executions. Justices* Summons’. Declarations in Case, do in Assumpsit, do in Debt. Common Deeds. Bonds and Powers of Atto. to make titles. Administrators’ Bonds. do Letters. Guardians’ Bonds, do Letters, Marriage Licences.—Notes of Hand, &c. &c. Pension Blanks, Any description ol BLANKS, if not on hand can b printed at short notice. 3 * .IV1IIV.RA!” It trice method |.t informing , h ' B friends and tl.e out.ln eineru <*> jiy that he continues the 1 n'jIRK UOVSE business, I Augusta, and has tak n the fire-proof ware house on the corner of Campbell and R ynoli< streets, formerly occupied by Messrs. Slaughter and Labuzan, ad rece tly hy R. Malone, esq. Advances will be made, ii required, oti entt- n in store, and orders for goods attended to with care NOTICE ALL persons concerned are hen by notified that at ‘he n. xt term of die Court of’ rdinary of 1 ‘• weta C’ irity, to-wit:. n the Ist Monday in Septenib rnext, 1 -Call move me Court for a Rule or (Infer absolute to be dismiss, and from tile Guardianship of the persons named m the oulc Nisi, &c. her with 1 uhlished. v JOSEPH BOILLVNON, Guardian, July 25th 1835. Georgia, Coweta Count)/: JSriPH B HANNON bums desirous of obtaining letters of dismission from the Guardianship of Alex under Gould on, A.ichael Goulden, illiam Gouldcn, Levi Gould ti and Eint lino Goulden, Minors; and bavin” applied to the Court for the purpose of being relieved trom the said Guardianship: On motion, it is ordered, j f iat all prsons interested tile th* ir objections in the j Jerk’s t office of the Court. f( Vdinarv on or hefor the • ext term of said Court, or appear :t ho Court house in ewnan on the Ist Monday in September next, and be fo f e the said Court then and there to b> h Id, sh w cause t any they have, whv said Joseph should not b< dismis sed from ihe Guardianship aforesaid, July Term 1835, •rder passed by the Court. SAMUEL D. ECHOLS, j. i. c, . A true extract from the nrrnntcs of th* Court, I) IVID MOSELEY c. c. o. ju’v 25. 7 40d NO TICK. ALL persons indebted to the Estar*- of Elizabeth I nderw.Kxh dec’d, are requested to come forward and make immediate payment; and those having de mands against the said estate are requested to present them in terms ofthe law. L. Vi. HUNNICUTT, Admr. July 18, 6 40d. MONTHf*; after dote application will JT made to the Honorable the Inferior Court-of < ow rta county, when sitting f'o ordinary purposes, forlcav to sell the r< a> estate of : lizah -th Underwood deceased. LITTLETt >N M. HUNNICUTT, Adm’ June 13. 1 m4m. Georgia, Coweta county. fT’sfc, r HERFAS N in rod >. Childs, “na*dianof Fz* ¥ ¥ kiel Cothron, minor, has applied for letters of dismission from said guardianship, This is therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, to be and app ar at the next term of said court, to shew • ause, il any they have or can, why said letters of dismis sion should not he “ranted. September 6th. 1835 I certify that the above is a true extract from the mi nutes ot the co art. DAVID MOSTLY, c. c o. September 12. 3 Georgia, Coweta ( ounty: n/ii REAS Joshua T. Duke applies to me for Letters of Administration on the Estate of John Duk*, dec’d. 1h se art! iher- fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred ail cr dilors of su.d decea sed, to bean i appear vit ny office within ill time pre scribed by law 10 show cause, if any they have, wiiy Saul letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at utfice, this 28th July 1835, DA *ID J BELE i, c. c. o. Aug. 1. 8 30d Georgia, Coweta County: I w i*a j-.. muutii apples io .ne for Let ¥ ▼ mrs ot Adiiunistiai on on t.i; ot johii i vuL.ii.,stoii i_.ale oi suiu oumy olCuuslU: 1 1u se uiv. lueieloie to cite ano uUmonisii all and sin guiai to.. lviiiUiLU uiia creuiloi's oi ucceuseu lo be uu.t apical al .uy oil ice w.Liin t.iv. tail preset lb’ u by av, to silgw cau??e ii any ibuy nave \\.,y saiu tetlers MluliiO Out Ok glalltcu, vaiveii under tuy nanu, juiy -9Li 1335. • • *U. xM.eXxMIKJXSSif D. C. C. 0. Aug. 1. 8 30d Georgia, owela County: it .Lall La Acs it j. ti. io r i’.jjj iua to me to ¥ ¥ ticis oi AdminisU'uUo.i o.i lue testate o i-tuouii Johnson v siller, late of Burke county JNortii Cai olina, deceased: Th sc are th* rel’orc to cite, uiid admonish all and sin- I “mar ih kindred and creditcisot tli said deceased, to b< ann a^ptat at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, tosh w cause, if any tiey hav, why said let ters should not be grunted. Hiven under my iianu July 29 1835. vv ~i. M.rl.tiOJNS, D. c. c. 0. Aug. 1 1835, 8 30d Georgia Cowela ( ounty: WH (i.FAS in. ui Andrews and George Scott, Administrators on tlu Instate of Lewis Sims, and c used, apply me for letters of dismi -ion therefrom. Th so are therefore to cite and admonish ail and sin gular the kindred and credit rs < f s; i decease*, to be and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by w, o sh w cause, if any they have, wiy said letter hould not b * “ranted. f ivan under my i ind, this 6rhos 7:\i n t l 1 IMS j c c. o Aug m6rn months after date 11 | idilin v I• n ado to the onorab 1 the Inferior Court of Coweta unty, when sit tin <r for < rdinary purposes, for have to II a th lands belonging to the Lstab of i.evi Demp -6 y, de. ased. W. W >ELMAN, Adm’r. CHARITY Am’x. Auffust 15. 10 m4m. E. WHITE WM II sGEU RCS .'EUTFULLY inform the 1 rinte sos the U it and tates. to whom they h:iv long been individ ua.iy kn un as Letter Founders, thal th ‘ have now formed a copartnership in sai business, and hope fom their united and extensive, experience, to be utile to ive lull satisfaclion to all who may favor them with their orders. The introduction of Machinery, in place of the tea ions and unhelthful procss otc. sting type by hand, a lesideratuin felt hy the Europe an and American foun ders, was by American ingenuity, and at a heavy ex penditure of time and money,on the part of our senior nirtner. first successfully accomplished. Extensive uiehine cast letter has fu Iy lest and and established its superiority in every particular, over that cast by the old process The Letter Foundry business will be carried on by the parties before named, under the firm of WHITE, HAGER. 4- CO. Their gpecimi n cxhili Is a complete s n s from Dia mond to 1 1 lines Pica: tie Bonk and News type being in the most modern and light style. M FHTE, H AGER & Ci 1 are agents for the sale o the Smith and Rust Printing presses, which they can furnish to their customers at the Manufacturer’s prices. Chases, Cases, < (imposing Sticks, Ink and cveiy ar ’iclc lined in t'-e Printing bnsin ss, kept for sale, and liimished at short notice. < -Id type tak’ n in exchange for new at 9 cenls pc pound. N. B. N-wspape pro prietors who give the above three inseriioos, will be entitled to live dollars in such • rticles as they may select from our specimen. E. V\ HITE, WM. HAGER. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION will be dt nr neatly, and on reas onable terms, at this office. Accommodation Line of Stage a FOR MONTGOMERY. THF. p blic are respectfully informed that a t 7HI EKKLY LINE uF STAGES, between Columbus and Montgomery is now established, through by daylight, avoiding the danger of travelling overbad roa,D In night \ coach will leave the City Hall Cos. lutnhus, t very other morning at 7 o’clock, and ont gomery xerv other morning at 5 o’clock—they will meet at the half way house, rest all night leave there at j day light, and arrive at ’ iorttgomery at six o’clock, and |at Columbus at 4 o’clock, P. M. The prnprit tors havi spared no expense to make this line in every way worthy of public patronage. Good horses, comfi tahh- and substantial stages,and experien ced and ear. fid driven are provided. This line connects at Columbus with Miller Horton & Co’s mail line from Augusta. Passengers in these stages from the West will have the preferneee of seats in the mail Stage, and i those comnting in the mail stages will have pref renceof | seats to Montgomery inthese stages. N. B ’’xt asag -s furnished at all hours dav or night. BEDELL &Cos. Co’u .bus. > ~ B \ O [N & vionigomery.&tto , Fropriesors Sept 19 th 1835. 4tf ITJTX33. A LL persons are cautioned not to trade with my wife Jane Cheek, as she has left my b and and Board without an Just cause and lam determined to pay none of her contracts. AUSTIN M. CHEEK. Coweta County, August 1835. 1 ts ~ ——— —_ . _ i i(lmin’trat<)i'’B Sale. AGRLE ABI.Y to on order of the Ifon Inferior t'ourt of Coweta county, when sitting for ordinary pur po- s, will be sold at the court house m the town of ewnan, Coweta county on the first Tuesday in Novem ber next, a NI GRO MAN named Georg , belonging to the eslaie of Lewis Sims deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ot said dec’d. Wm. G. ANDREWS, GEORGE SCOTT, Aug. 9 tds. Administrators NOTICE. To Mr. James F. Robertson, Administrator of Elijah Wil son, of Jasper Cos De, r |H’ ‘l s >s to notify ou and all other person’s that it a may concern, that I hold the Deceased, Elijah V. il son’s Bo- and for t"ties to Lot No roc. in th. fifth District ~ < tow ta < ‘ountv, and thisalso is to Notify you. the said James F. Robertson, to produce the grant of the above mentioned Lot of Land, drawn h the said Deceased, on the fi st Monday in September next, before the Superior Court of Coweta Cos. and Receive the last payment and make titles agreeable to tenor of the Bond, that the said Dec’d made to James G. Davis in his Lifetime, or I shall proceed against you as the law directs BURRELL WEBB. July 4th, 133 5 TIIE LS>EN stars Newnan, Coiceta County, Geo. jp IE ‘ubsrribei has taken the House I is with die above Sign and has also’ • conflicted the Bell Tavern with his es tablishment, & intends to keep up therrqni- 1 tation ofhis hous. as the best inland ra ver* in the State No pains will b. Spar'd to under everv one who may call on him comfortabl , as he in-i tends devoting his personal attention to the business.— | tie also invites Horse & Hogg drovers to call and’ See him, as he has prepared commodious lots &c for | their accomodation, and will supply them on the most reasonable terms. I T. W. BOLTON. | Aug. 29. 1 ts TLLED before me by Caleb Garrison, of 691 dist G. .77. one small DARK GREY HORSE about five years old, burnt for the big head; white star in his forehead, both hind feet white. *> p .raised by W. Solman and John Lee to twenty five dollars JOHN MURPHY, j. p. A true copy trom theEstray Book of said county. 72.. EA feT, c, i.c, July 11, 1835. 5 3t . NOTICE. A LL persons an hereby cautioned against trading for JNL tlvee notes of hand Executed bv tin* subscriber t.. Andr w ( .Ray, or order, amounting in all to seventy dollars: da'cd sometime in January lasi, and payable the i f |rs t day of January next with interest from date- The I consideration for which said notes we e given having : faded, I am determined nott • pay the same unless com pelled by law. PLEASANT JONES- Coweta co> nty, july 11 1835. \HW YOR TYPE FOUNDRY. THE Ruhsc-ibers respectfully inform the Printers that they l ave recently completed a variety of new fonts of letter in the style of the atest European speed mens, wit calculat and for ornamental printing or t istefo display, and making their assortment ot PRINTIN TV umivalh din beauty, extent and variety. A nook of specimens may be obtained at the Fonndy No .3 Chambers st eet, near Chatham street. It contains specimens from twelve-line Pica to Pearl, comprising 45 > its of R imaii Capitals with Lower ase. 25 “ Italic do. do. 5 “ Title Roman do. do. 5 “ Title Italic do. do. 5 “ Shaded roman do. do! 17 “ A tique do. do! 12 “ Black do. do! 25 “ Opei; Black do. do! 2 “ Script do. do. 5 “ German Text do. do, 5 “ Two line Roman capitals with figures 11 “ Two-li :e Italic capitals 10 “ Shaded Capitals of various kinds. 6 Open do. do. 7 “ Italian Capitals and Figures, Brailles O namrntal Letters, Buck-slope, Music Lot-cry Figures, Piece Fractions. Superior, Astrono mical and oth-r signs, Space Rules, Brass Rules, Orna. me .till dashes, Long braces, more than two hundred kinds or Borders; and more, than one -housan.l kinds ol ( uts and ornaments for school books, newspapers and scientific works: orders for any of winch, or for enm posing >ticks ( ases, Chases, See. will be execute- w!"h han’( l | tinOSt prom P ,l,u< k‘® ‘arge stock being aiway- on They Will execute orders for printing presses, printin- 1 prices &t- ’ whlch P-inters of newspapers will please publish this adver isement (with this note) three times and receive pay ;.m n rrom < tffi u p n U d l ?‘ ~e four ~,ms the amount August W GEORGE BRUCE, A Cos. U. S. CIRCUIT COURTS. Sixth Circuit for th* District of Georgia. James M. Wayne of Georgia, Circuit Judge. Jeremiah Cuyler ofSavannah, Dist. Judge. Savannah —Thursday after the Ist Monday in May. MiUedgeviUt —Thursday after the Ist Monday in Nov. Tiie District Court sits in Savannah on the 2d Tues day in February, May, August and Nov. Circuit Court Ilulee day the Ist .Mondays in each month upon which days all writs arc returnable to the Clerks office in Savannah. SUPERIOR COURTS Os the State of Georgia, corrected from the enrolled actJS. EASTERN CIRCUIT—B counties. Joiix C. Nichol, Judge, >7 m. H. STiLrs, Solicitor General, Bulloch, On Thursday before the Ist Monday in Not. and Thursday belore the 4th Monday in March. Camden, Ist Monday in April and 2d in Nov. H’ayne. 2nd Monday in April and Thursday after the 2nd Monday in Nov. Glynn, On Thursday after the 2d Mondoy in April and the 3d Monday m November. Mclntish, 3d Monday in April, and the Wednesday af ter the 3d Monday in Novemoer. Bryan, Ist Monday in December and Thursday after court in Lib ,rly county. Liberty, Wednesday after the Ist Monday in December am! the Monday following the court in Mclntosh. Effingham, 2d Monday in December and May. j Chatham, Ist Nonday in January and 3d hr Juno, MIDDLE. CIRCUIT—9 counties, j JonN Schley, Judge, I Ebenezer Starves, Attorney General, Columbia, 2d Monday in March and September. Washington, 4th Monday in March and September. Montgomery. 2d Monday in April and Thursday after the Ist Monday in October. Tattnall, On Thursday after the 2nd Monday in April and October. ; Emanuel, 3d \• onday in April and the Thursday after the 2d Monday in October. ! Scriven, 4th Monday m April and 3d in October. Burke, Ist Monday in May and the 3d in November. Jefferson, 3d Monday in May and 4th in October. Richnond, Ist Monday m June and January. NORTHERN CIRCUIT—B counties. Gabnet W. Andrews, Judge. A G. Semmes, Solicitor General. Taliafeiro, 3d Monday in January and July. Wilkes, 3d Mondayin February and 4th in July. Madison, 2d Monday in March and September. Elbeit, 3d Mondayin March and September. Warren, Ist Monday in April and the Thursday [after the Ist Monday in October. Hancock, 2d Monday in April and October. Oglethorpe, 3d Monday in April and October. Lincoln. 4th Monday in April and October. WESTERN CIRCUIT—B counties. Tiiomas W. Harris, Judge. Junius Hillyeu, Solicitor General. Clark, 2d Monday in February and August. Walton, 3d Monday in February and August. Jackson, 4th Monday in February ana August, Gwinnett, 2'ut Monday in March and September. Hall, 3d Monday in March and September, Franklin, 2d Mondayin April and October, Habersham, 3d Monday in April and October. Rabun, 4th Monday in April and October. OCMULGEE CIRCUIT—7 countiff". John G. Poliiill, Judge, H Freeman, Solicitor General. Baldwin, 4th Monday in January and 2d in July, Morgan, Ist Mondayin March and September) Greene, 2d Monday in March and September, Putnam, 3d Mouday in March and September, Wilkinson, Ist Monday in April and Tuesda after t Ist Monday in October. Jones, 3d Monday in April and October, Jasper, 4th Monday in April and October. SOUTHERN CIRCUIT—II count* James Poliiill, Judge, R.L. Evans, Solicitor General, I Lawrens. 2d Monday in March and September, [ Twiggs, 2d Monday in April and October, Pulaski, 3d Monday in April and October, Telfair, 4tli Mondayin April and October, Irwin, the Thursdays thereafter, I Jippling, Ist Monday in May and 3d in November | It are, on Thursdays thereafter, Lowndes, on Mondays thereafter, | Thomas, on Mondays thereafter, Decatur, on Mondays thereafter, Doolv, on Mondays thereafter. FLINT CIRCUIT—9 counties. A. M. D. King, Judge. J. H. Stark, Solicitor General. Crawford, 3d Monday in February and August, Upson, 4th Monday in February and August, Pike, Ist Monday in March and September, Monroe, 2d Monday in March and September, Newton, 4th Monday in March and September, Butts, Ist Monday in April and Thursday after tbo 1C Monday in October, Henry, 2d Monday in April and October, Houston, 4th Monday in April andOcber COWETA CIRCUIT—IO countie?. Hiram Warner,’ Judge, Y. J. Long, ‘ol'citor General. Meriwether, 2d Monday in February and AugnsJ, Troup, 3d Monday in February and August, Heard, 4th Monday in February and August, Coweta, Ist Monday in March and September. Fayette, 2d Monday in Ma clt and September, De Kalb. 3d Monday and March nd September. Campbell. 4th Monday in Jtiarch and September, Cobb, td Monday in April and October, Paulding, 3d Monday in .Jpril and October, Carroll, 4th Monday in April and October, Ci IATTAHOOCHIE CIRCUIT—IO countie*. Grigsby E. ‘! homas, Judge. J. P. H. Campbell, Solicitor General, Stewart, Ist Monday in February and August, Randolph , 2d do February and August. Early, 3d do February and August, Baker, 4th do February and Augusk Lee, Thursday thereafter, s under, Ist Monday in March and September, Marion, 2d do March and September, Talbot, 3d do arch and September, Harris, 2d do April and October, Muscogee, 3d do April and October. CHEROKEE CIRCUIT—9 counties. J ..Hooper, Judge. W. Ezzard. Solicitor General. Union, Ist Mondayin February and August Gilmer, 2d do February and August,’ Lumpkin, 3d and 4tl Mon Hay in’ February and AoguA Forsyth. Ist Monday in March and September- S Cherokee, 2d do A/arch and September, Cass. 3d do JVfarch and September Murray, 4tb do JWarch and September Walker, Ist Monday in April and Wednesday after ttwv Ist Monday in October. Floyd, 2d Monday in April and October. P<)UR months after date, ap plication will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Kalb county, wher. sitting as a Court of ordinary, for leavoto Hell the shares of \\ illiain H and Eltzabcth A. Dabney, orphana of Andrew Dabney Zo !n rbt 8 ?7 D ll ?'7’ f aSed ’ i0 Lot of number 77. terubi'r 1935 tnCt ° f C ° We ‘“ “ uu, y- This *h of Sep. GARLAND DABNEY, and „ J. w. calhann, September 18 3 Guardians. fteorjfiai, C owefa county. Wl ERi .AS John Sima makes application for let tera ol administration on the eatate of Sarah d.ccaaed, of Hancock county. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin eular the ktndi ed and creditors of the deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to shew cause, it any they have or can, why said letters should not be granted. * Given under my hand, this Bth day of September 183 P, . _ „ DAVID MOBELY, c. c. . tßeptctnt) J?, 3