Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, February 19, 1909, Image 5

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Btrald and fldwrti«r. “The Herald and Advertiser” office is upstairs over the Newnan Banking Co. ’Phono 0. The Fanner’s Wife ts very careful about her churn. She scalds it thoroughly after using, and gives It a sun bath to sweeten it. She knows that if her churn is sour it will taint the butter that is made In it. The stomach is a churn. In the stomach and dlgestivo and nutritive tracts are performed pro cesses which are almost exactly like the churning of butter. Is it not apparent then that if this stomach-churn is foul it makes foul all which is put into it? The evil of a foul stomach is not alono the bad taste in the mouth and the foul breath caused by it, but the corruption of the pure current of blood and the dissem ination of disease throughout the body. IIr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery makes the sour and foul stomach sweet. It does for the stomach what the washing and sun bath do for thechurn—absolutely removes every tainting or corrupting ele ment.. In tills way it cures blotches, pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings, sores, or open eating ulcers and all humors or diseases arising from bad blood. If you have bitter, nasty, foul tnsto in your mouth, coated tonguo, foul breath, are weak and easily tired, feel depressed and despondent, have frequent headaches, dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress in stom ach, constipated or irregular bowels, sour or bitter risings after eating and poor appetite, these symptoms, or any consider able number of them, indicate that you are suffering from biliousness, torpid or lazy liver with the usual accompanying indi gestion, or dyspepsia and their attendant derangements. — .bis is absolutely truo will be readily proven to your satisfaction if you will but mail a postal card request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for a free copy of his booklet of extracts from the standard medical authorities, giving the names of all the ingredients entering into his world-famed medicines and show ing what the most eminent medical men of the age say of them. Spalding’s Base Ball Goods. New Shipment Just in. Write or call for Spalding’s 1909 Catalog. MURRAY’S BOOK STORE TheSimpleLife has for its basis PERFECT HEALTH. The clear brain, the healthy stomach, the bodily organs i-:t, rcising in harmony, arc t..e first essentials of a Simple Life— A LIFE C" PEACE AND SATISFACTION. No one can knov/ the pure delight of ilmple living whose nervous ^stem is I rpt in a state of tension by Constipa- t on, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness t r.d other diseases due to inaction of the liver. The Simple Way to seek the Simple Life i> to seek the remedy for these con- (i tions. This remedy has been found in cur great product— ST, JOSEPH’S Liver Regulator (In Both Liquid and Powder Form.) It has made life brighter and happiness and peace possible when all was dark r n-J distressed. It reaches the centers of li‘e and purifies them. It encourages the liver, s'.onv ch and bowels to a freer and more natural activity. It is the Simple Way to a Simple Life cf Health, Peace, Contentment. Many per tons a test this fact who have t al.zed its truth L j actual C t. d cs oplt's LitMtltl Llvar Regulator ; ' '■ 1 excel'dinuly palatable '» .i> t i P. i ;h dd by drug i .-o and d- rs at ..J cutis a not lie. Ct. ;-v»*:.h’o Llvor Regulator in pow- i . In J.t 11 put m> t t t -'hi mi luxes mid ic- i .'sat ci' a I i .x, five boxes fur a dollar. D-iu.'iy betaken dry.or made into a tea or I i"■ " . Pi,'I diiectionti accompaiiy every Louie and box. Gerstle Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Tonn. New Advertisements PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM _ ClojLDsbi and beautifiea the half, Prumotei a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to Its Youthful Color. All kinds of job work done with neatness and dispatch at this office. Resolutions of Respect. On Saturday morning. Dee. 5, 190?, our All-wise Father in heaven sent his messenger, the white-winged Angel of Death, unto Bro. R. A. North’s home an quietly bore his precious soul to rest. ^ Whereas, it has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove Bro. North from our midst by the hand of death. Though we feel that our church has lost a dutiful and faithful member, yet we bow in humble submission to the will of Him "who doeth all things well.” Bro. North joined Ebenezer Baptist church by experience Aug. 8, 1847. Moved his letter to Mt. Lebenon church Aug. 1, 1875, and was ordained a deacon by Rev. John G. Fry and Rev. F. M. Daniel on Nov. 10, 1S66. Feeling his great responsibility as a member, he performed his duties faithfully and earnestly. Indeed, in the coming and going years of his noble and useful life his one great aim was to make those with whom he came in contact happy. Often during the months of physical af fliction has the writer’s mind been made to contemplate the power in so noble a life teaching the lesson of true submissiveness to the will of our Heav enly Father; and how often his words helped others in the discharge of the duties of life, and how many burdened lives have been cheered and helped by his. Bro. North was twice married— first to Martha McKoy, Dec. 2, 1845, and in after years to Kittie Watts, Dec. 1, 1876. Therefore, we, as members of the church, extend to the bereaved family our deepest sympathy, and com mend them to God, who alone can com fort their broken hearts, teaching them to say— “I’ll lay my grief on JesuB, My burden and my cares;— He from them all releases— He all my sorrow shares.” Therefore, be it resolved— 1. That we bow in humble submission to the will of Him "who doeth all things well.” 2. That through his devotion to Got! he was a faithful member of Mt. Leba non Baptist church, and thereby won the trust and affections of all the mem bers, and that we shall sadly miss him from amongst us. 3. That a copy of these resolutions be sent The Herald and Advertiser and Newnan News for publication, and also a copy to the family. Mrs. T. A. Bridges, Mrs. R. A. Ingram, J. S. Benton, Committee. Obituary. John L. Bean, child of Alexander Bean and Mahala Allen, was born June 4, 1S43. He married Lizzie Braswell Jan. 7, 1867. Four girls came to bless their home, and then the mother died. On Nov. 22. 1883, he married Malissie Hughen. Of this union three children survive their father. He was a mem ber of the Lutherville M. E. Church, South. Unless hindered by sickness he was always in his place at preaching, whether Saturday or Sunday, busy time or resting time. In his home he loved to read the bible and to pray. He al ways took part in the communion ser vice. Long before joining the church he gave of his money to every form of church work, and so lived that most who knew him thought him a church member years before he actually was. He tried to persuade his neighbors to be religious. His home was a resting, restful place for all preachers of the gospel. He wa3 quiet in speech, kind in manner, pleasant everywhere. On Nov. 11, 1908, near Lutherville, Ga., after many weeks of feeble health, he quietly breathed his last. The next af ternoon his pastor preached his funera] in the Primitive Baptist church, (the Methodist church was being remodel ed,) to a great host of friends and rel atives. All his children—Mrs. Lillie Spradling of Alabama, Mrs. Daisy Wil son, Mrs. Rosa Nall, Mrs. Jennie Camp, Cleveland, Ethel and Lizzie, all of Coweta county, were with him in his last hours. After the sermon we looked again on his dear face, then gen tly laid him to rest hard by the church of his love. A husband faithful and gentle, a father kind and devoted, a neighbor helpful and considerate, a friend true and steadfast, a Christian humble and devout, after the toils, suf ferings and sorrows of earth he sleeps in Christ. God grant that all who knew and loved him here may gather with him in the heaven where we part no more forever. And may the God of all comfort be very near his bereaved wife and children. B. ; INTERESTING FACTS. In Memoriam. Our brother, Jim Spier, who died just before the recent holidays, was 23 years of age. He had been a member of the Baptist church at Moreland for six years. After arriving at man’s es tate he worked away from home most of the time, but returned a few weeks before he died, to be a light in the dear old home. IIs chief delight was to make music on the organ. How well we remember Uie last time he played "Gathering Home” in the twilight one evening. He then went to sit up with his sick grandmother, when the illne: s seized him which finally terminated in his death. An only son, an only brother, we all loved him so much ! But help us to say, "The Lord gave, the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” One by one we’ll all be gathered home by and by. Sister Dora. "How do you know your husband is not a good poker player?” "Because,” answered Mrs. Torkins, “no good poker player could be as pop ular as he is with the other poker play- Tke Holt & Cates Co. Offer to Cure Catarrh. The Medicine Costs Nothing if They Fail. When n medicine effects a cure in 98 per cent, of cases, and when we offer that medicine on our own personal guarantee that it will cost the user nothing if it does not cure Catarrh, it is only reasonable that people should be lieve us, or at least put our claim to a practical test when we take all the risk. These are facts which we want the people of Newnan to substantiate. We want them to try Rexall Mucu-Tone, a medicine prepared from a prescription of a physician whose specialty whs Catarrh, and who has a record of thir ty years of cures to his credit. We sell more bottles and receive more good reports about Kexall Mucu-Tone than we do of all other catarrh reme dies sold in our store, and if more peo ple only knew what a thoroughly de pendable remedy Rexall Mucu-Tone is, it would be the only catarrh medicine we would have any demand for. Rexall Mucu-Tone is quickly ab sorbed and carried by the blood until it thoroughly disinfects and cleanses the entire mucous membranous tract, de stroys and removes the parasites which injure and destroy the membranous tissues, soothes and heals the irritation and soreness, stops the mucous dis charge, and builds up strong, healthy tissue, relieves the blood and system of diseased matter, stimulates the muco- cells, aids digestion and improves nu trition until the whole body vibrates with healthy activity. In a compara tively short time there is a most notice able gain in weight, strength, good color and feeling of bouyancy. We urge you to try Mucu-Tone, be ginning a treatment to-day. At any time you are not satisfied, simply come and tell us, and we will quickly return your money without question or quib ble. We have Rexall Mucu-Tone in two sizes, 50c. and $1. Holt & Cates Co., Newnan, Ga. The householder smothered his wrath and descended to the basement, “Are you the plumber?” he asked.of the grimy looking individual who was tinkering with the pipes in the cellar. “Yes, guv’nor,” answered the man. “Been long in the trade?” “ ’Bout a year, guv’nor.” “Ever make mistakes?” “ ’Bless yer, no, guv’nor!” “Oh, then, I suppose it’s al! right! I imagined you had connected up the wrong pipes, for the chandelier in the drawing room is spraying like a foun tain. and the bath-room tap’s on fire!” “What’s the difference between cap ital and labor?” “Well, one owns the works and the other works the owner.” stimulate the TORPID LIVE I strengthen the digestive organ regulate the bowels, ami are ir equaled as an ANTI-BILIOIJS MEDICINE, In malarial districts tlu.ii- virtues n widely recognized, as they poss.. peculiar properties in freeing 1 system from that poison. Elegant sugar coated. Take No Substitute. — KSLLthe COUGH and CURE the LUNGS with Dr. King’s New Discovery FOR C§S!gs HS T-ftSk AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. A RECORD OF NINE TEEN YEARS. Tested Year After Year With Most Successful Results. The Farmers of Coweta and Adjoining Counties Are So Well Ac quainted With the Old Reliable Brands of Guano Made By the Coweta Fertilizer Co. That no introduction or commendation is needed at our hands. We merely wish to call attention to the fact that we are again handling these goods, and that we have no hesitancy in offering them upon their merits in competition with any grade or brand of fertilizer manufactured in the United States. Repeated tests during the past nineteen years, under all conditions, have demonstrated their superiority as a soil stimulant, and their unquestioned efficacy as a plant food. We furnish the BEST GOODS for the LEAST MONEY. This season we are offering the following well-known brands, viz : “Pope Brown’s Special Formula for Cotton” 9. 2. 3, Regarded by many as the best Cotton Grower on the market. Sea Bird Special Fertilizer 10. 3. 3. Extra high-grade. More plant food, at less cost. W. O. C., a Pure Blood Guano 10. 2. 2. Always gives satisfaction. Coweta High-Grade Fertilizer 10.2.2. Never known to fail. Good for all crops. Aurora Ammoniated Phospho 9. 2. 1. A Pure Cotton Seed Meal Compound—r< liable, tried, and never found wanting. A. A. P., (Acid Phosphate, with Ammonia and Potash) ... 10. 1. 1. Good where you do not need much Ammonia and Potash. Our Brands of Dissolved Bone and Potash are as follows : Sea Bird Dissolved Bone and Potash 15 & 3. Coweta Dissolved Bone and Potash 13 & 4. Coweta Dissolved Bone and Potash 10 & 4. Coweta Dissolved Bone and Potash 8 & 4. Coweta Dissolved Bone and Potash 12 & 2. Coweta Dissolved Bone and Potash 10 & 2. Pure Acid Phosphates- - Coweta High-Grade Acid Phosphate 14 per cent. Coweta Standard Acid Phosphate 12 percent. We appreciate the patronage given us by our friends in the past, and ask a continuance of the same. We guarantee fair treatment and as reasonable terms as can be offered by any dealer in Georgia. ANDERSON & BOWERS, AGENTS COWETA FERTILIZER CO., Newnan, Georgia. DR. M. S. ARCHER, Luthersville, Ga. All eallH promptly filled, day or night. Diseases of children a specialty. DR. F. I. WELCH, Physician. Office No. 9 Temple avenue, opposite public school building. ’Phone 234. DR. T. B. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. Office—Sanatorium.building. Office'phone 5 1 call; residence ’phone 5—2 calls. W. A. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon. Special attention piven to surxery and diseases of women. Office 19L* Spring street. ’Phone 230 K. W. STARR, Dentist. All kinds of dental work. Patronage of the pub lic solicited. Office over Newnan Banking Co. Executors’ Sale. GEORGIA—Coweta County: By virtue of the authority vested in us, as exec utors, by the will of Margaret Latimer, deceased, there will be sold to the highest bidder, for cash, before the court-house door of said county, at Newnan, < la., within the loyal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in March next, the following property, to-wit; One-fourth undivided interest in 101H acres, more or less, of lot of land No. , in the dis trict of Coweta county, except that part of said tract set apart to Lebanon church and cemetery, amounting to five acres, said tract of land bounded on the south by lands of Berry Murphy and lands of Arthur Hutcheson estate, on the east by lands of G. L. Warren, on the north by lands of Arthur Hutcheson estate, and on the west by lands of ('. W. Carter and lands of Arthur Hutcheson estate. Also, one undivided one-fourth interest in part of land lot No. in the Fourth district of Carroll county, being seventy-five acres, more or Ichs, bounded on the north and east by lands of Scudder. on the south by lands of W. T. Jones, and on the west by lands of Richard Springer, it being that part of said lot that lies southwest of the creek that runs through the same. To be sold as the property of said Margaret Lat imer, deceased, for the purpose of making distri bution amongst the legatees of said deceased. This Feb. 2. UX*K Prs. fee, $8.34. W. J. MURPHEY. C. S. KEID, Executors of the will of Margaret Latimer, de ceased, late of Coweta county. dJO; t' :yyyy f 15V / SHOE REPAIRS AND TAILORING The best Tailor Shop in town is run by Mrs. Mollie Pitman. In the same con nection I have a Lrst-class Shoe Shop. All work don*>n short notice. Prices right. G. C. PITMAN. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. CURRENT SCHEDULES. ARRIVE FROM Orlflm 11 :10a. m. 7:17 P.m. Chattanooga 1:40 p. M. Cedartown, ex. Hun 6:39 A. M. Cedartown, Bun.on]y7 :Z7 A. u. Columhue 9:06 a.m. 6:36 p.m. DEPARTFOR Griffin 1:40 f. m. Urifftn, ex. Sunday B:39a. m. (Irlftii, Sunday only 7 :Z7 A. M. Chattanooga 11:10 A. a*. Cedartown 7:17p.m. Columbus 7:40 A.M. 6:16 V. M .