Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, February 26, 1909, Image 6

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County News Items Interesting Facts Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. GRANTVILLE. Rev. It. W. Mixon filled the Metho dist pulpit Sunday morning. A large congregation greeted him, and enjoyed an able sermon. Miss Sunie Maude Hopson has re turned from an extended visit to friends and relatives in Lutherville and Odessadale. Mr. T. It. Fuller was a recent visitor to Lutherville. Mr. E. It. Whatley spent the week end with his parents in College Park. Mr. Wayne Sadler spent Sunday at the home of his uncle, Mr. W. G. Sad ler. Mrs. Harry Baxter has returned from a protracted stay with relatives in New York. Mr. C. E. Nall has returned from a visit, to relatives at Barnesville. He was accompanied home by his sister, Miss Ruth Nall, who has been on an extended visit to friends in that town. Misses Love Stevens and Tommie L. Lester spent Sunday in Moreland. Mr. Irving Lambert, of the A. and M. School at Carrollton, is at home for a few days. Mrs. J. W. White, of Atlanta, spent several days last week with relatives here. Mrs. C. It. Cotton was called to At lanta Saturday on account of the se vere illness of her sister, Mrs. Julia Ethridge, who, wo regret to learn, died Sunday night. Miss Bessie Humphries, of More land, was the guest Saturday of Miss Cordie Hopson. Miss Bird Hopson, of Hogansville, was here Tuesday. Mr. Edwin Banks spent Monday in Atlanta. Mrs. It. 0. Jones, of Newnan, was the guest a few days this week of Mrs. W. (i. Sadler. Miss Maybelle Sewell has returned to Atlanta, after a visit of several days to her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Jackson spent Wednesday in Lutherville. Mrs. Dollie Parks and daughter, Miss Susie Parks, of Atlanta, are the guests of Col. and Mrs. W. A. Post. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Cotton spent Sunday in Palmetto. Mr. W. A. Bohannon was in Atlanta Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. I). C. Owens was in West Point Sunday. Miss Martha Andrews spent Sunday in I.aGrange. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Albright spent Sunday with relatives in Lutherville. Feb. 24th. DODSON. Mr. Alden Morgan, of Newnan, was in our community Sunday afternoon. Mrs. M. N. Copeland and children, of Newnan, are visiting Mrs. E. T. Carter. Mr. Tom Hyde visited nt Madras Sunday afternoon. Mrs. E. T. Carter and daughter, Miss Annie Mae, visited relatives in Newnan one day last week. After a pleasant stay with relatives and friends at Fairburn, Miss Susie Hyde has returend home. Miss Fannie Newton spent Saturday night and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Notie Ray, at Sargent. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Sanders spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thur man. Next Saturday and Sunday are reg ular preaching-days at Liberty. Mrs. C. F. Tarleton is suffering front a painful bone felon. Mrs. P. H. Gibson and children spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Newton. Mrs. Matt Nix is visiting at Mr. C. H. Newton’s this week. Messrs. William Bennett Sanders and Fred Smith visited in Newnan Sunday. Miss ldalu Fincannon spent Wednes day night at Mrs. P. H. Gibson's. Mrs. Marthalyn Hyde, who has been seriously ill. is very low nt this writing. Mrs. Jim Holman and children, of Sargent, spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. J. II. Hyde. Mrs. E. C. Palmer and daughter, Miss Mary, spent Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. Cliff Herring. Mrs. M. E. Carmical visited Mrs. C. F. Tarleton Sunday afternoon. Mrs. E. C. Reid has returned home, after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Rich Moore. Feb. 24th. Washington Once Gave Up to three doctors; was kept in bed 'for. live weeks. Blood poison from a spi der’s bite caused large, deep sores to cover his leg. The doctors tailed, then "Bucklen’s Arnica Salve completely cured me,” writes John Washington, of Bosqueville, Tex. For eczema, boils, burns and piles it’s supreme. Only 25c. at all drug stores. Club Doctor (with view to diagnosis) —"And now, my man, what do you drink?” Patient (cheerfully) — “Oh-er-well, Doctor, I’ll leave that to you,” TURIN. In the death of Capt. Henry A. North our community is again bereft of a good citizen. Most of his life had been spent, in our midst, and that his death should cause sorrow among his many friends was only natural. A large con course was present at the funeral, thus evidencing the; high esteem in which he was held by everyone. (The writer regrets that he was not advised of Capt. North’s death until the day after the funeral, else he too would have joined in paying a last tribute of re spect to his memory.) Mr. Boh Mashhurn, another of our aged citizens, passed to the beyond Tuesday night, after a brief illness. Deceased was a member of the Meth odist church, and well advanced in years After funeral services by Rev. L. L. Landrum the remains were laid to rest in Coke’s Chapel cemetery, be side those of a son who preceded him to the grave several years ago. Our sincere condolence is extended to the bereaved family. We had with us at Pleasant Hill church last Sunday Rev. Mitt Jones, who gave a good sermon on the “Work of Grace.” We understand that the revised edi tion of the “Sacred Harp” will be out early in the spring. The continued rains have interfered with farm work right seriously, and our farmers are now eagerly looking forward to better weather conditions. Fruit trees are beginning to bloom- only to be “nipt by the untimely frosts,” we fear. The public roads in this section were badly washed by the late heavy rains, and need attention at once. Owen Wynn, an aged colored man of the community, died yesterday. He bore a good character, and was respect ed by both races. He was buried by a secret order to which he belonged. De ceased leaves behind him a good name, which the Good Book tells us is "bet ter than great riches.” Mrs. R. T. Carpenter, of the Third district, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Hunter, returned home Saturday. Mrs. W. P. Christopher is quite ill this week. Hon. C. L. Moses has been in poor health all the winter. He is a great sulferer from asthma. Mr. Will Speer and Miss Margaret Gay visited here Sunday. Mrs. Edgar Dominick and son, Rob ert, visited Mrs. Milton Sasser at Lawrenceville, Ga., last week. The. latter has been quite sick for some time. Born, on the 24th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. (). P. Lindsay - a daughter. Mrs. Henry Dominick is visiting her daughter, Mrs. O. 11. Watson, in Gridin. Mr. F. O. Watkins and family, of Zetella, visited relatives here Satur day and Sunday. Miss Alice Moses visited her pa rents here last week. Miss Lizzie Stevens visited in Whitesburg from Friday until Monday. Feb. 24th. ROSCOE. Miss Myra Sewell entertained a number of her friends Saturday after noon at a birthday party. Those pres ent were Misses Lizzie Mae Sewell, Sarabelle Sewell, Lucy Kate Sewell, Julia Mae Byram, Lunette Sanders and Master Harry Sewell. Mrs. O. A. Shank, of Hogansville, spent several days last week with her brother, Dr. W. H. Tanner. Mr. Sam Edwards and sister, Miss Dee Edwards, visited in Campbell county one day this week. Misses Julia Mae Byram and Sara- belle Sewell spent Saturday night and Sunday with Misses Ida Sue and Myra Sewell. Messrs. Felton and John Sewell went over to Rico Sunday afternoon. Quite a number of Roscoe boys and girts attended the "tacky party” at Mr. Lane’s Saturday night. Miss Johnnie Edwards returned home Friday, after an extended visit to rela tives at Columbus. Mrs. Maggie Brown Osborne, of At lanta, is visiting relatives and friends in our community. Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Sewell, of New nan, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sweell, of Roscoe, and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sew ell. of Happy Valley, spent Sunday with Mr. Allen Lang. Miss Iula Moore has about recovered from her late illness. Misses Bera Morris and Ola Tarle- ton. of Sargent, were in Roscoe Mon day. Mrs. O. L. Byram and little daugh ter, Grace, spent Friday and Friday night at the home of Mr. T. M. Sew ell, at Happy Valley. Messrs. Bob Stamps and Glenn San ders were the guests Sunday night of Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Palmer. Mr. 0. L. Byram visited his uncle, Mr. T. N. Byram, Sunday. Wedding bells are ringing. Feb. 24th. MADRAS. On account of the inclement weath er we had no prayer service Sunday evening at Jones Chapel. Saturday and Sunday were regular preaching days at the Primitive Bap- , tist church. Elder Wm. Smith filled ; the pulpit on Loth days. Mr. Jim Brown, of Atlanta, spent a few days last week with his father, Mr. J. T. Brown, sr. He was accom panied home Saturday by his sister, Miss Annie Brown, who will spend ' several days with relatives in the Gate j City. After spending several weeks very! pleasantly with relatives around Rocky I Mount Miss Bertha Cole is at home ! again. Mr. Alvan Coggin and his grand mother spent Saturday and Sunday in Fairburn, the guests of Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Tug Truitt, of Hogansville, was | the guest last week of her sister, Mrs. [ A. W. Wingo. Miss Hattie Whittemore has accepted a position in the Newnan News office. Success to her. Miss Ethel Atchison, of Palmetto, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. C. H. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Ferrell, of New nan, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Madras. Mr. Jake Coggin and sister, Miss Samantha, ot McCollum, attended Sun day-school here Sunday and were guests for the day of Miss Letha Bri- mer. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cook were the guests Saturday and Sunday of their uncle, Mr. T. L. Cook, near Goodes. Mrs. L. P. Kedwine is in West Point on a two-weeks’ visit to her son, Mr. Ben Redwine. Mr. Joe Wise and sisters, Misses Emma and Fannie, dined with Miss Bessie Cook last Sunday. Misses Katie Sue Moore ana Hya cinth Cook spent Sunday night with Miss Emma Brown. * Mr. C. A. Payne, of Newnan, was in town again Sunday. ” ’Pears there is some attraction.” The school children enjoyed a candy pulling last Friday night, given by Miss Letha Brimer. One of the jolliest events of the sea son was the tacky party given by Mr. Hubert Cates at his home here Tues day night. Several games were played, and at a late hour the guests voted for the tackiest boy and girl. Mr. Errett Hayes and Miss Willie Beavers re ceived the most votes and won the prizes. The occasion was a pleasant one, and all had a delightful time. Miss Mary Jane Fry, of Moreland, spent Tuesday night with her cousin, Miss Ruby Cates. We regret to learn that Uncle Jim Moore, of Newnan, is very feeble. Messrs. Errett Hyde and Hugh Glass were in Welcome Sunday, the guests of Misses Grace and Lillian Summers. Mr. C. H. Brown killed a mad dog near his home Monday. Our farmer friends are beginning to look "blue,” on account of the con tinued rains; but say, brother, bright en up, with the sweet assurance that “every cloud has a silver lining.” Feb. 24th. Revolts at Cold Steel. “Your only hone,” said three doctors to Mrs. M. E. Fisher, Detroit, Mich., suffering from severe rectal trouble, “lies in an operation.” “Then I used Dr. King’s New Life Pills, ” she writes, “till wholly cured.” They prevent Appendicitis, cure Constipation, Head ache. 25c. at all druggists. MORELAND. Rev. S. B. Cousins filled his regular appointment at the Baptist church Sat urday and Sunday. Owing to the inclement weather, Rev. J. P. Pressley did not preach at the Presbyterian church Sunday night. Miss Seba Darden, of Hogansville, who has been visiting friends in More land, returned home this week, accom panied by Miss Bessie Camp. Hon. Sim Whatley, of Whitp Oak, attended services here Sunday morn ing. Misses Love Stevens and Tommie Lou Lester, of Grantville, spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. Andrew Camp. Mr. Sam Sims, of Corinth, was in Moreland the past week. Miss Nellie Kate Ward, of Atlanta, who has been visiting relatives here, has returned home. Mrs. Haygood Camp spent several days in Atlanta last week. Rev. A. A. Tilley spent Sunday in Moreland. Mr. John Couch left some time ago for Tampa, Fla., where he has accept ed a business position. Mr. J. D. Murphy and Mrs. Hum phries and daughter, Bessie, were in Grantville one day last week. Miss Ruth Glazier, of Cave Springs, was here a few days ago. Mr. Gordon Brannon, of Atlanta, visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Sophia Wilson, of Lutherville, spent Monday in Moreland. Mrs. J. W. Cole went to Atlanta Tuesday. Mrs. L. M. Farmer, of Newnan, vis ited her mother, Mrs. H. W. Camp, one day this week. Miss Elizabeth Simmons spent Satur day in Atlanta. Mr. Ed Brock is quite ill with pneu monia. Feb. 24th. ORR COMPANY Where We Stand On the Drug Queftion The quality of every drug, chemical and medicine purchased of us is guaranteed. We look very closely to this matter all the time. You may be sure that we carry goods of the highest quality that the market affords. Our store was established for Repu tation, and this is one way we propose to secure it,—by maintaining standard quality in our goods. Bring us your prescriptions. Buy your drugs of us. Our pharmacy is in charge of a licensed druggist. You may feel confident of receiving the proper service and attention in every respect. We mean for our store to be a mod ern pharmacy, in the first place; a mer chandise store only secondarily. LEE BROS. Prescription Druggists. 'VWWWAVS VA'rYrVrWA 1 . JuSt to Remind You That We Have Van Camp’s Cream in 5c. and 10c. cans. Miller Bros.’ selected Blackberries, 15c. Bartlett Pears, very fine, 35c. Fresh shipment full cream New York Cheese—the best—20c. All grades of Coffee. Good bulk, 15c. and 20c. Best grades, 35c. or three pounds for $1. The Bakery. © Lady Fingers, Macaroons, Jelly Rolls, Lay- © er Cakes, Graham Bread, Rye Bread, White © Bread. HOT ROLLS EVERY DAY. C. P. COLE “THE STORE OF QUALITY.” Telephone 31. Special Sale on at Scroggin Furniture Co.’s Reduced prices on everything in store. '[Call and let us show you the prettiest line of Furniture in the cit y. We Frame Pictures HAPPY VALLEY. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Sewell spent Sunday at the home of Mr. W. J. Moore. Mrs. Maggie Osborne, of Atlanta, is visiting relatives here. Mr. A. H. Lang and family had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sewell and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sewell, of Roscoe, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Edwards and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Sewell and son, of Newnan. Miss Maude Edwards spent Sunday with Miss Eunice Stamps. Mr. T. M. Sewell and daughter, Nora, were in Newnan Monday. Miss Pauline Love spent Sunday with Miss Lounette Sewell. Mrs. W. H. Sewell and son, Ossie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sewell Sunday. Mr. Glenn Sanders, of Roscoe, and Mr. C. R. Stamps spent Sunday at the home of Mr. E. C. Palmer, near Dod son. Mr. Glenn Sewell was the guest of Messrs. Gholston and Charlie Sewell Sunday. Misses Ola Tarleton and Bera Mor ris. of Sargent, were here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sewell spent last Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sewell, at Roscoe. The marriage of Miss Nora Sewell and Mr. William Pope Sewell was sol emnized last evening at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Sewell, Rev. W. W. Roop officiat ing. A large company was present to witness the ceremony, and the many beautiful presents displayed furnished pleasing evidence of the popularity of the young couple. The groom’s pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Sewell, enter tained the bridal party to-day at a din ner, and they will spend to-morrow with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sewell. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sewell wish them much happiness and pros perity in the years to come. Feb. 24 th. MT. CARMEL. Mr. and Mrs. Jet Lands were visitors at the home of Mr. T. A. Rigsby last Sunday. Misses Maynelle Wallace and Fannie Pearson spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Sallie Goodman. Mr. Sam Houston and wife spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. C. M. Beavers. There is a little lady visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Beavers. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Summer and lit tle daughter visited at Mr. G. N, Strong’s Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beavers visited the family of Mr. C. M. Beavers Friday night. Mr. Otho Beavers and Miss Athalee Shugart surprised their friends by rid ing over to the home of Rev. F. J. Amis Sunday morning and asking to be made one. They were entertained Sun day at the home of Mr. J. B. Beavers. Miss Sara Snow spent Friday night at the home of Mr. J. W. Summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Summer spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thigpen. Misses Sara Snow and Ximena Strong dined at the home of Rev. F. J. Amis Sunday. Mr. Wren Story and family spent Sunday with their brother, Mr. Matt Story. We are glad to report the condition of Mrs. Evart McKoy as much im proved. Mr. J. M. Burks and family visited Mr. W. W. Cavender and family Sun day. Quite a number of our young people attended a tacky party at Miss Hattie Land’s last Thursday night. Mrs J. C. McKoy and Mrs. Tom McKoy were visitors at the home of Mr. G. N. Strong last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKoy spent Sun day with their parents. Mr. H. H. Smith, of Standing Rock, Ala., visited relatives in this communi ty the past week. Mrs. J. A. Morris spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. W. W. Cavender. Quite a number of our citizens went to Newnan Friday to see and hear Gov ernor-elect Brown. They heard a good speech, and are now saying, “Hurrah for Georgia’s next Governor!” Feb. 24th. To be content look backward on those who possess less than yourself, not forward on those who possess more. Notice to Non-resident Heirs-at-Law of Lavana Kirby, Deceased. GEORGIA—Coweta County : To Mrs. Mary K. Thomas, of Little Rock. Ark.. Lovick Kirby and Alma K. Israel, of Quincy. Fla,, and Cleveland Kirby, of Green Cove Springs, Fla.: Take notice that Miss Ina Kirby, of Coweta coun- : ty, Ga.. has applied to- the Court of Ordinary of J said county for probate, in solemn form, of the last will and testament of Mrs. Lavana Kirby, late of said county, deceased, and you and all par ties concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in March next, if any they can, why said will should not be admitted to- probate and record as prayed. This Feb. 2, 1909.. Prs. fee, $3.84. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.