Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, April 16, 1909, Image 1

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SUPPLEMENT. Newnan Herald and Advertiser. VOL. XLIV. NKAVNAN, GA., FRIDAY, APUIL 1<*>. IPOD. NO. *-£!>. H. P. Woodroof, President. D. P. Woodroof, Vice-President. P. L. Woodroof, Sec’y and Treas. WOODROOF SUPPLY CO. Comes before the people of Newnan and surrounding' country with an entirely new and select stock of goods, consisting of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, and all kinds of Farmers’ Hardware. Everything in stock is first-class, has been bought for cash, and discounts taken on all bills. We are therefore prepared to give the best goods at the lowest prices, and this, coupled with cour teous treatment and prompt delivery, we feel sure will bring to us our share of custom. We would thank all our friends to call and give us a chance. C.A fresh supply of Orange and Amber Sorg hum Seed just received. WOODROOF SUPPLY CO. AT THE OLD BKADLEY-BANKS COMPANY CORNER. CENTURY For twenty-six years I have been selling Groceries, Fresh Fish and Oysters to the people of Newnan and vicinity. My business has grown from a few hundred dollars a month to where it amounts now to thousands of dollars a month. While I may be reported by some as being a “back num ber,” I wish to inform the public that I am “still on deck when the bell rings,” both morning and night, doing business at the same old stand where I began twenty-two years ago. My motto is to treat every man as I would have him treat me. This is the Golden Rule which will bring the success it deserves. So if you want a “square deal” when buying your Groceries, call phone 54, give Swint the order, and you will be satisfied with the rest. Roe Shad this week at 50c. Buck Shad, 30c. Spanish Mackerel, 12Jc. pound. J. T. SWINT Oldest Grocery House in Newnan. DR. M. S. ARCHER, Luthersville, Ga. J. H. McKOY. All calls promptly filled, day or night. Diseases of children a specialty. DR. F. I. WELCH, REAL ESTATE AND RENT- Physician. Office No. 9 Temple avenue, opposite public school building. 'Phone 234. ING AGENT. DR. T. B. DAVIS, FOR SALE. Physician and Surgeon. Office—Sanatorium building. Office’phone 5 1 call; reaidence ’phone 5—2 calls. Ten shares Coweta Cotton Oil Co. stock. 20,000 Pumpkin and "Nancy Hall” yam potato slips, $1.60 per thousand. New 5-room cottage, lot 60x150 feet, on Second W. A. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to surgery and diseases of women. Office 19Vfc Spring street. ’Phone 230 avenue. Bargain for quick sale. The Stubbs home, Greenville street. House con tains six large rooms, and about one acre in lot. Can sell two lots and have plenty left. Fine for home or investment. 5-room cottage, with sewerage, bath, hot and cold water; Spring street. 5-room cottage on Jefferson street. K. W. STARR, Dentist. All kinds of dental work. Patronage of the pub lic solicited. Office over Newnan Ranking Co. FOR RENT. My home, 15 Jackson street. House contains 13 rooms, suitable for boarding-house or two fam ilies. 4-room cottage. First street, $5. All kinds of job work done with neatness and dispatch J. H. McKOY at this office. ’Phone 260. The Law’s Delay. Rome Tribune-Herald. It is not the fault of the lawyers. So long as there are lawyers, and they are employed to defend those charged with criminal offenses, they are going to use every device possible in behalf of their clients. Nothing else could be expect ed ; it is their duty to use their best efforts in behalf of those who employ them. The fault lies with the admin istration of the laws. Those now in force are the result of many years’ study and experience, and they are bound by forms and technicalities which experience has taught are neces sary for their proper administration. The trouble that arises is with the Judges who administer the laws, at least to a large extent. It is their duty properlv to enforce the laws, and pay no attention to the presentation of frivolous technicalities which tend to defeat justice. The Judges know, or should know, how far to permit tech nical objections to go. and when it is necessary in the interest of justice to put the curb on. The trouble is. a great many of them lack the nerve or the proper sense of discrimination to handle such matters. It is with the appellate courts that lies the correction of abuses, in the tech nical administration of the laws. If they would stop upholding the enforce ment ot frivolous technical points, and see to it that they are applied in a sane and reasonable manner, complaints j about miscarriage of justice would soon | cease. While technicalities are bound j to exist, and the administration of the laws is bound to proceed within the limits of certain prescribed forms, it is not necessary to permit criminal lawyers to abuse the privilege, and use the forms and technicalities which are intended to steer the administration of the laws within their prescribed course for the purpose of defeating justice. Let our Judges attend to the criminal practitioners, and hold them within proper limits, and complaints of failure to properly punish law-breakers will soon cease. It is not the laws or legal procedure that are at fault; it is permitting too much latitude in their administration that causes the trouble. “Look here, Abraham,” said the Judge, “it’s been proved right here in court that instead of doing something to help your \#ife and children, you spend your whole time hunting 'pos sums !” The negro hung his head. “Now, Abe, you love your wife, don’t you?” “I suttinl.v does 1” “And your children?” “Yes, sah !” “And you love them both better—” “Better ev’ry day, Jedge!” Abe broke in. “—better than a thousand ’possums?” “Look here, Jedge.” exclaimed Abe, with widening eves, “dat’s takin’ dis coon at a pow’ful disadvantage!” “What must I do to be saved?” cried the plutocrat at the mourners’ bench. “Take all your ill-gotten gains and return them to the ones from whom you took them!” thundered the ex- horter. Next day the plutocrat wrote checks for most of his fortune in favor of his business rivals, who immediately thought he had gone crazy, and so they played the mafket against his corpora tions, and as a result they had to fork over the amount of the checks and twice as much more to him when the market closed. Miss Margaret Montgomery, a far mer’s daughter, near Stillwater, is by long odds the champion cotton-picker in Oklahoma, and probably in the whole country. One day last fall she picked 700 pounds of cotton. Miss Montgom ery is 23 years old, was born on a farm in Chautauqua county, Kan. She is a musician, and such an accomplished horsewoman that she won first prize in the ladies’ riding race at the Payne county fair last fall.—Kansas City Times. Miss Oldbyrde- "Yes, that handsome young man took me out automobiling and proposed. ” Miss Gaybyrde — “Gracious ! These automobilists are getting more reckless every day !” “That waiter’s an idiot.” “What’s the matter now?” “I asked him to bring me a water cracker. ” “Well?” “And he brought an ice pick !” It’s easy to pose as a gentleman if you have money enough to enable you to carry out the bluff. Base Ball New Shipment Just in. Write or call for Spalding’s 1909 Catalog. MURRAY’S The Simple Life has for its basis PERFECT HEALTH. The clear brain, the healthy stomach, the bodily organs exercising in harmony, are tr.e first essentials of a Simple Life— A LIFE OF PEACE AND SATISFACTION. No one can know the pure delight of iimple living whose nervous system is ■ i pt in a state of tension by Constipa tion, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness ind other diseases due to inaction of the iiver. The Simple Way to seek the Simple I ife is to seek the remedy for these con ditions, This remedy has been found in our great product— ST. JOSEPH’S Liver Regulator (In Both Liquid and Powdor Form.) It has made life brighter and happiness and peace possible when all was dark and distressed. It reaches the centers of life and purifies them. It encourages the iiver, stomach and bowels to a freer and more natural activity. It is the Simple Way to a Simple Life ■f Health, Peace, Contentment. Many persons attest this fact who have -alizcd its truth by actual experience. St. Jocoph's Liquid Liver Regulator ; prompt ill action, exceedingly palatable I pleasant, In I lie I 'isle. IL is sold by drug- sis and dealers at 51) cents a bottle. St. Joseph's Llvor Regulator in pnw- r form is put till in light tin boxes and i e- .ils al,25 rents a box, live boxes for a dollar. ■ t may betaken dry or made into a tea or Litters. Full directions accompany every bottle and box. Gerstle Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Tunn. Court Calendar. COWKTA CIRCUIT. R. W. Freeman, Judge; J. Render Terrell, So licitor-General. Meriwether—Third Mondays in February and August. Coweta—First Mondays in March and Septum her. Heard—Third Mondays in March and Septein her. Carroll—First Mondays in April and October Troup—First Mandays in May and November. CITY COURT OF NEWNAN. A. D. Freeman, Judge; W. L. Stallings, Solic itor. Quarterly term meets third Mondays in Janu ary, April, July and October. BANKRUPTCY COURT. R. (). Jones, Newnan, Cia., Referee In Rank ruptcy for counties of Coweta, Troup, Heard, Meriwether, Carroll, Douglas and Haralson. U. S. COMMISSIONER’S COURT. W, H. W. Dent, Newnan, Ga., Commissioner If you are indebted to The Herald and Advertiser for subscription settle up. FIRE LIFE HEALTH H. C. FISHER & SONS Upon moving info a new neighbor hood the small boy of the family was cautioned not to fight with his new ac quaintances. One day Willie came home with a black eye and very much spattered with dirt. “Why, Willie,” said mamma, “I thought I told you to count a hundred before you fojght.” “I did, mamma,” said Willie, “and look what Tommy Smith did while I was counting.” INSURANCE The mother of a child objected to a punishment given by the teacher, and calling upon the teacher asked, in tones that were icy: “Miss Harring ton, I wish some information on the outrageous proceedings. Kindly tell me what end you had in view in pun ishing my son?” The teacher replied j sweetly: “Why, Mrs. Grant, I had the same end in view that anybody would have in spanking a little boy.” Even a lightning calculator may fail accurately to estimate the speed of an automobile when he attempts to cross the street ahead of it. OLDEST, STRONGEST AND MOST RELIABLE COMPANIES ACCIDENT LIABILITY TORNADO j