Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, April 30, 1909, Image 2

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1 ficraid z?.S Advertiser. NEWNAN, FRIDAY, APR. 30. LAHOI>r OrARANTKKtM Ol'NTHV <JII« I hATION IN KOI Hi ll * OMOKKHHIONAL DIHTKIUT. Official Organ of Coweta County. Jar. E. Brown, Tiioh. S. Parrott. BROWN & PARROTT, Editors and Puumhiieks. MEMORIAL DA V. Memorial Day, which is always fit tingly observed in Newnan, was this year celebrated with more than the usual display of patriotism, the exer cises arranged for the day being espe cially interesting and impressive. In the forenoon there was a large and en thusiastic meeting of Coweta Camp, No. 1161, at the court-house, and at noon the veterans marched to the old Hardaway hank building, where they were entertained hy the ladies at a sumptuous barbecue dinner. 1 he meats were prepared by Mr. Starling Carpen ter, whose skill as it barbecuist is sulii- eienf proof that they were properly seasoned and cooked to a turn. Sever al carcasses wore required for the feast, and il is safe to say that the one hundred and forty old veterans who gathered around the board never fared more sumptuously than they did upon this occasion. Mrs. ,). II. Strickland and Mrs. W. A. Steed, who originated the dinner and were perhaps more ac tive than any others in perfecting the arrangements, were warmly praised for their efforts to provide enjoyment for the old veterans, as well as for the complete successor the affair. They MISS HELEN M. LONE, President Newnan Chanter. U. 1). C. were of course ably assisted by vari ous committees appointed from the Daughters of the Confederacy, without whose co-operation it would have been impossible to carry the plans through so successfully. At 2:110 p. m. a crowd estimated at eight, hundred or a thousand assembled at the auditorium to hear the address of Gen. Clement A. Evans, commander- in-ehiel’ of the United Confederate Vet erans, and- to take part in the exercises ordered and arranged for the occasion. These consisted of songs by the school children, a beautiful recitation hy Miss Marian Bryant, an invocation hy Rev. W. J. Cotter, the conferring of Crosses of Honor upon old veterans, music by the Newnan Cornet Band, and an ad dress by Gen. Evans. Gen. Evans was introduced by Judge Alvan D. Freman, one of the General’s old "soldier boys,” who, in making the introduction, paid eloquent and tender tribute to his old commander, which was warmly applauded. Gen. Evans spoke for an hour or longer, and made a splendid address. We cannot, in the brief space allotted to this article, undertake to give even a synopsis of the speech, but those who have had the privilege of hearing this grand old man on other occasions only need he told that here, where he was surrounded by members of his old command, he was at his best. He spoke reverently of the women of the Confederacy, of their privations and hardships but little less severe than those endured by the soldiers them selves—and commended in warm terms the movement set on foot hy Coweta Camp, U. C. V., to erect a monument in their honor on the capitol grounds in Atlanta. It was a tine address, and listened to with deep interest by ev eryone in the large auditorium. At the conclusion of the address Crosses of Honor were conferred upon several old veterans by Miss Helen M. Long, president of Newnan Chapter. U. D. C., after which a procession was formed on the street below. The pro cession marched to the cemetery, where the soldiers’ graves were covered with flowers by the ladies and children. Hon. John B. Goodwyn was master of ceremonies and directed the exer cises in the auditorium. Col. Geo. H. Carmical acted as marshal of the day. CHARTER GRANTED NEW RAIL ROAD. The requisite notice by publication having been made. Col. W. C. Wright went to Atlanta Wednesday and ob tained from the Secretary of State a charter for the Western of Georgia Railway Co. The incorporators named in the charter are John W. Daniel, Hope H. Lane, Ben H. Tompkins, R. B. Mooty, R. M. Lipford, J. W. Ray, Robt. G. Crain, Jas, R. Daniel, W. D. Taylor, W. T. Goodson, A. W. Powers, Frank S, Loftin, P. T. McCutchen, Roe Hearn, G. A. Adams, D. B. Whit aker, W. D. Ridley, L. F. Davis, of Heard county, and W. A. Brannon, B. T. Thompson, I. N. Orr, sr., Chas. C. Parrott, H. C. Arnall, sr., I. P. Brad ley, J. J. Keith, W. C. Wright, of Coweta county. Mr. I. L. McCord, of New York, and Capt. J. H. Wynn, of Dadeviile, Ala., the original promoters of the enter prise, have been here this week in con ference with the stockholders of the company, and it is understood that all plans have been perfected for a per manent organization of the corpora tion on May 11, at which time officers wiil be elected anrl certificates issued to the stockholders. The official calf for the meeting, signed by a majority of the incorporators, is printed below— "Newnan, Ga.. April 29, 1909. "You are hereby notified that a meet ing of the stockholders of the Western of Georgia Railway has been called hy the undersigned, who are a majority of the persons named in the certificate of incorporation issued to said Western of Georgia Railway, and that said meet ing will he held at the court-house in the city of Newnan, Ga., on Tuesday, May II, 1909, at 111 o’clock a. m., for the purpose of organizing said Western of Georgia Railway, electing officers, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before said.meetfng. “J. W. Daniel, "Ben H. Tompkins, ”R. B. Mooty, "J. W. Ray,| "R. G. Crain, “J. R. Daniel, "W. D. Taylor, "A. W. Powers, "F. S. Loftin, “G. A. Adams, "P. T. McCutchen, ”W. I). Ridley, "I„ F. Davis, ”1. N. Orr, sr., “B. T. Thompson, ”W. A. Brannon, ”C. C. Parrott, "H. C. Arnall, sr., ”1. I’. Bradley, "J. J. Keith, "W. C. Wright.” COWETA CAMP, U. C. V., j Elects Officers, and Adopts Strong Resolutions Favoring Monument to Women of the Confederacy. The meeting of Coweta Camp, U. C. V., on Monday last was largely at tended, and several matters of impor tance were taken up and discussed. Delegates to the general reunion at Memphis were chosen as follows: W. A. Parks, S. VV. Woods, Dr. A. C. North, W. A. Turner, A. D. Freeman and J. R. Stamps. A committee was appointed to draft suitable resolutions upon the life and character of deceased comrades and re port at a subsequent meeting of the camp, viz: A. C. North, W. A. Turner and A. 11. Bohannon. While upon this subject Major W. A. Turner referred to the inroads that death had made in the ranks of the camp during the past vear, and spoke feelingly and reverently of the time, now fast apnroaching, when tne last of the old veterans will answer roll-call on earth no more forever. He read the following mortuary list for the period named, to-wit: D. E. Elmore, R. A. North, Henry A. North, G. W. Win- dom, J. L. Pitman, T. A. MoCulloUgh, J. L. Bean, M. F. Delk, P. C. Harris, Beni. F. Kite, F. M. Mashburn, J. H. Wilder, A. S. Hutchens, John M. Brown, Samuel Herring and Thos. Swint. Judge Alvan D. Freeman introduced and had read the following resolutions, which were adopted by a rising vote, to-wit: “Whereas, Forty-four years have passed since the close of the War Be tween the States; and “Whereas, The women of the South during that struggle willingly and pa tiently served and suffered with us, to give victory to our arms and success to our cause; and "Whereas, Immediately thereafter they commenced to erect in many towns and cities momiments to honor and perpetuate the memory of the Con federate soldiers, many of which have been finished, and others are now in process of erection ; and "Whereas, The veterans of the South and their sons have failed to erect a single monument to honor them and to commemorate their most trying and peculiar sufferings and sacrifices; and I "Whereas, These sufferings and sac- j rifices, and the direful suspense which j they patiently endured for days and ] weeks and months and years because j ot our dangers and hardships and con- I stant exposure to disease and death, challenge our highest admiration and j lasting gratitude, and richly deserve from us and our sons certainly one beautiful and imposing monument, to I he erected upon the capitol square in I the city of Atlanta, which, together with its truthful and appropriate in- ! scriptions, shall ever tell of their pa- ; triotic devotion and heroism during the long and trying years of that war. Therefore, be it } "Resolved, That the commander of | Camp No. 1161 of the Confederate vet- t erans, located in Newnan, Coweta eoun- J ty, Ga., at his earliest convenience, is j hereby requested to appoint a commit- ! tee of sixteen from the Fifth district ! and one from each other district of I said county whose duty it shall be to j i solicit subscriptions for the erection of | said monument, the subscriptions to be paid when a sufficient number of other camps in the State shall hav' taken such actions as will guarantee the suc cess of the enterprise. "Resolved, further. That we most respectfully request the press of the I State to publish the foregoing pream-! hie ami resolutions, to the intent that ! all other camps may be reminded, and possibly influenced, to take similar ac tion." To carry out the purposes of the fore going resolutions Commander Goodwyn appointed the following committee to solicit subscriptions for the object named, to-wit: First district—W. T. Arnall. Second district P. A. Carmical. Third district—W. H. Osburn. Fourth district—W. L. Crowder. Fifth district A. D. Freeman, G. II. Carmical, J. T. Holmes, I. N. Orr, sr. Sixth district J. L. Bailey. Seventh district F. W. Eberhart. Haralson district—W. L. Taylor. Turin district—J. B. Walker. Grantville district—T. E. Zellars. Hurricane district—J. N. Austin. Panther Creek district—T. F. Jones. Cedar Creek district J. R. Stamps. Judge Freeman also introduced the following supplementary resolution, which was likewise adopted, to-wit: “Whereas, For more than forty years the mothers and daughters of the South have been the inspiration of the annual gatherings of our people to honor the Confederate soldiers and to perpetuate their heroic deeds; and "Whereas, During all these years they have never chosen a speaker whose first* duty was to recount and commend the labors, patient endurance and patriotic devotion of the women of the South during the long and weary years of the War Between the States; and "Whereas, Their extreme modesty and burning desire on every occasion to honor the soldiers have influenced them thus to forget themselves : and "Whereas, It would be but sheer justice to have the next memorial or- ator discuss a theme that would give great and well-merited prominence to the heroines of that struggle, and at the same time require incidental yet honorable mention of the heroes of the same. Therefore, be it "Resolved, That Camp No. 1161 of the Confederate Veterans of Coweta county, Ga., respectfully yet earnest ly request Newnan Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy to urge the next Memorial orator to speak to the theme ‘The Women of the South, ’61-’66: Their Labors and Sacrifices the Inspiration of the Creat Achieve ments of the Confederate Soldiers.’ “Resolved, further, That a copy hereof be furnished said chapter, and also given to the press of the county for publication.” Cen. Clement A. Evans, commander- in-chief of the United Confederate vet erans, who had been chosen by the Daughters of the Confederacy to deliv er the address at the Memorial Day ex ercises in the afternoon, arrived before the camp adjourned and was greeted with rousing cheers by the old veter ans, several of them members of the old Twelfth Georgia Battalion, which was commanded hy Gen. Evans during the war. The meeting between Gen. Evans and his “boys,” some of whom he had not seen since they were dis banded at the surrender, was very af fecting. All the old officers of the camp were elected for another term, to-wit: J. B. Goodwyn, Commander; I. J. Steph ens, Vice-Commander; Geo. H. Carmi cal, Adjutant; Rev. W. J. Cotter, Chaplain ; Dr. A. C. North, Surgeon ; J. T. Holmes, Treasurer. Mr. Raymond Sullivan has invented a very useful little attachment for the broom, which, by the use of only a very small amount of kerosene oil, all dust is kept down and the floor given a neat polish. It is a valuable attach ment, and will be patented and put on the market as early as possible.—Se- noia Enterprise-Gazette. Salei <£ McKay We want you to come to see us and look at our assortment of Straw Hats, embracing the best shapes—$1 to $3. New spring blocks in stiff and soft felt Hats. “Beacon” Shoes for men, $3 and $3.50. They show gen uine custom style in every line and curve. They fit the heel and around the ankle;—no bulging out at the sides. New figures in men’s Shirts. New weaves in silk and wash Neckwear. We are exclusive agents for “Royal” Collars, made in one- fourth sizes. Saler & McKoy Gents’ Furnishings 1 NEW SKIRT To-day’s express brought us an other beautiful selection of NEW SKIRTS. They are designed in the very newest styles—made up in fan cy mixtures and solid colors, creams, tans, blues and blacks. We urgently request the ladies who are interested in buying new skirts to call at once and look them over. t