Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, May 14, 1909, Image 2

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I ) > Rerald and Advertiser. NEWNAN, FRIDAY, MAY 14. Official Organ of Coweta County. Jah. K. Brown, • Thor. S. Parrott, B KOWN * PAttROTT. Koitorh and Pubi.ibhehh. WESTERN OF GEORGIA RAIL WAY COM R ANY. The stockholders of the Western of Georgia Railway Go. met in Newnan on Tuesday afternoon last for the pur pose of receiving the charter granted t>y the Secretary of State, adopting by-laws, and electing officers and di rectors. The meeting was called to order by Hon. I. N. Orr, temporary chairman, who wa subsequently made permanent chairman. Mr. N. K. Row el was elected secretary. The chairman announced that the meeting had been called for the pur pose of elfecting a permanent organi zation of the Western of Georgia Rail way Co. ; that it afforded him much pleasure to state that the subscriptions required of Coweta and Heard counties to secure the road had been raised, and that, the stockholders were ready to or- clamation, and there being no objection the several gentlemen named were chosen in this manner. Each of the directors was then called upon for a speech, and each responded in a tone and spirit that left no doubt on the minds of the stockholders that they had acted wisely in put ting such men in charge of the conipa ny’s affairs. J N. ouu, Sr., Pi 'lent. ganizt* and adopt the corporate name authorized by the charter granted them by the Secretary of State. The secretary then called the roll of stockholders, when it was found that a large majority of the shares were represented, either in person or by proxy. On motion of Col. W. C. Wright the charter granted the company by the Secretary of State was read and adopt ed. The committee on by-laws, appoint ed at. a previous meeting, submitted a report, which was read, and after some changes and interpolations had been made, the hy-laws were adopted. Under the by laws llieannual meetings of the company shall lie held on the second Tuesday in August, and the fis cal year shall end the third Tuesday in duly. It is also provided that the officers and directors shall he elected for a term of twelve months, except that (lie general manager chosen to direct the operation of the load may hold for a period not exceeding five years. It was further provided that the officers and direr ors eleeted at the organization shall hold until the second Tuesday in August, I'.U'I. The oilicers of the company shall consist of a pres ident, a vice-oresident, (who may also lie general manuger.) a secretary and N. E. POWER, Secretary and Treasurer The organization of the company be ing thus effect'd and no further busi ness being suggested, the meeting ad journed. Immediately upon the adjournment of dhe stockholders’ meeting the direc tors met for the purpose of electing of- cers, with the following result, viz: I. N. Orr, president; M. F. Cole, vice- president and general manager; N. E. Rowel, secretary and treasurer; W. C. Wright, general counsel. B. T. Thomp son was named as trustee for the stock holders, thus becoming custodian of the bonds and other securities pledged by I. I,. McCord & Co. as a guarantee, for the faithful performance of their contract. Judge Frank S. I.oftin. of Franklin, was chairman of the committee on by laws, and so carefully prepared was his report that it was adopted practi- W. C. WRIGHT. General Counsel. Mating* cully as written, but few changes or amendments being suggested—such only as are usually necessary to make the laws conform to the requirements of a new organization. Mr. I. L. McCord, contractor and chief promoter of the new railroad, was unable to he present at the meet ing. A telegram was received stating that he was detained at his home in New York bv the serious illness of one of his children. The final preliminary that of signing the contract and pay ing over the subscription money will lie deferred, therefore, until he arrives. He is expected as soon as the condition of his child will permit him to leave home. , The company is to be coongra tula ted upon having such a strong directorate, and equally fortunate in securing such capable men as 1. N. Orr, sr.. M. F. Cole, 1$. E. Rowel and W. C. Wright for the active management of the road. Mr. Orr as president, and Mr. Cole as vice-president and general manager, is a combination that could not be improved upon, while Mr. Rowel as secretary and treasurer, and Mr. W. C. Wright as general counsel, are quite as well treasurer, an »tt irnev. and seven di rectors, four of whom shall be resi dents of Coweta County, and three resi dents of Heard county. On motion of Mr. it. T. Thompson it was decided that the bv laws” shall not he hereafter changed except by vote of 90 per cent, of the stockholders of the company. . The election of directors h 'ing next in order. Col. W. 11. Daniel suggested thai the stockholders of each county be requested to agree upo i tiie persons desired for places on t!i > board and present their names to the meeting. This plan was adopted, whereupon the names of M. F. Cole, 1. N. Orr. sr., I. P. Bradley and T. G. Farmer were pre sented from Coweta, and B. H. Tomp kins, R. G. Crain and A. W. Rowers from Heard county. Col. W. C. Wright made a motion that the ele directors be by ae- fitted for the duties of their respective offices. Indeed, it is a strong combina tion all around, and the stockholders may well felicitate themselves upon the admirable selections which they have made. It is believed that the actual work of construction will begin within sixty days, and within eighteen months it is promised that trains shall be running over the road from Aberdeen via New nan to Franklin. What is of equal im portance to everyone interested in this undertaking, is the apparently plausi ble rumor that the road will not stop at Franklin, but will he extended to Anniston, Ala. All the circumstances and surroundings would seem to lend credence to this report. At any rate, it is significant that those on the inside are already predicting that the Western of Georgia railway will ultimately be come one of the most important and profitable lines in the State. Stale Treasurer Park Succumbs to Sud den Illness. Atlanta, Ga., May 7.—Capt. Robert E. I’ark, State Treasurer, died Friday afternoon at a private sanatarium, fol lowing an operation. There had bet^n no hope for his recovery since he was brought to Atlanta from New York ’Thursday afternoon. Capt. Rark had gone to New York, accompanied by Mrs. Rark and his daughter and Mrs. Dr. Pope, a niece, nearly two weeks ago. Upon arrival in New York he was taken seriously ill, and an exami nation showed that an operation would he necessary. He was taken to the sanatarium at once, but did not sur vive the operation. New Advertisements. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Cowkta County: L«*roy Cauley, administrator of Roxie Ciuley, deceased, having: applied to the Court of Ordinary of said count y for leave to sell the ryaj.wtatt.iand certain batik and factory si©cl? m •u>iigTng tu- the estate of said deceased, all persons concern«4T are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in June next, if any they can/ why’ Maid application should not bo granted. This May 7, 1909. Pra. fee,£3. T. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. Notice of Legislation. Notice is hereby given that at the next session the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, Irwill ho Introduced b§ be entitled as follows : ‘An Act to amend the charter of the town of < Jrantville. In the county of Coweta, so a« to au thorize the corporate authorities of said town to issud bonds of said town to an amount not to ex cised Twelve Thousand Dollars, for the purpose of building, completing, furnishing ami maihtaining adequate school buildings for the white and pub lic schools in said town: to provide for an election by the voters of said town on said question; to provide how and by whom the money realized from the sale of said bonds shall be disbursed, and to authorize the corporate authorities of said town to provide for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds by the levying of & tax therefor, and for other purposes.” May 10, 1909. T. M. ZELLARS, Notice to the Public. Notice is hereby given to the public that on the llth day <»f May, 1909, J, R. Terrell, S >licuot*Gen** I of the Coweta Circuit, filed in the office of Clerk of Superior Court of Coweta county. Ga., a petition in the name of the State of Georgia against the City of Newnan. a municipal corpora tion in said State and county, to confirm anil vali date sixteen thousand dollars of bonds for the purpose of improving and enlarging the public schools of said city of Newnan, and said petition will be heard and determined by the court on the 28th day of May, 1909, in the Superior Courtroom in the court-house in said city of Newnan. said Suite and county; and any citizen of the State of (ieorgia, residing within said city of Newnan, or any other person, wherever resident, who has a right to object, may become a party to these pro ceedings. This notice is given in pursuance of an order this day granted by Hon. R. W. Freeman, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Coweta Circuit. This llth day of May. 1909. L. TURNER. Clerk Superior Court Coweta county. FOR SALE-CREAMERY. GEORGIA—Cowkta County: By virtue of authority vested in the undersigned by the stockholders of the Coweta Creamery, we will sell on the first Tuesday in June next, before the court-house door in Newnan. Ga.. at 10 o’clock a. m.. at public outcry, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property belonging to the Coweta Creamery, a corporation, to-wit : An equity and interest in house and lot de scribed below, evidenced by bond fur title execu^ft ted to Coweta Creamery on March 29. 1909. by F. M. Lee, Geo. H. Carmical, L. R. Powell. S. B* Leigh, R. P. Davis, Eugene Askew and J. A. R. Camp, in which sail! bond for title the makers of ie agree, upon the payment on Oct. 20, 1909. of $714.54, without interest, to convey to the said Creamery the following property, to-wit : House: 1 and lot in the city of Newnan, Ga.. known as 59 JetTerson street, and said lot having following metes and bounds: Commencing at southwest' corner of the lot owned by Mrs. Jennie Wilkins, on Jefferson street, and running south along said street 75 feet, thence east 150 feet, thence north 75 foot, thence west 150 feet to starting point. Also, at the same time and place, but separately and following above sale, a new and complete creamery outfit, consisting of 10-h. p. engine, boiler, separator. 300 - gallon twin cream vat, churn and butter worker combined, and all other things usual and necessary in conducting a ‘first- class creamery. House referred to above is new. and was built for a creamery. Machinery new and first-class. The above described property sold for the pur pose of paying debts of said Coweta Creamery. This May 8. 1909. * F. M. LEE. T. B. DAVIS. L. R. POWELL. K. P. DAVIS. T. O. STALLINGS. Directors Coweta Creamery. For additional information concerning above de scribed property, see or write Geo. H. Cakmicau, Secretary, Newnan. Ga. B. T. THOMPSON. Trustee for Stockholders. Petition for Renewal of Charter. GEORGIA—Coweta County : To the Superior Court of said county : The pe tition of The Newnan Publishing Company re spectfully shows— ^ 1. Petitioner was incorporated by the Superior Court of said county on June 13, 18S7. under the name of THE NEWNAN PUBLISHING COM PANY, as will appear from the minutes of said court of said date, and was duly organized and be gan business on June 20, 1887, and has contin ued in business as such corporation to the present time. The charter of said company will be found of record in the Clerk’s office of the Superior Couft of said county in the book kept for the pur pose of recording charters granted by the court. No amendments have been made to the charter. 2. The charter of said company contains a pro vision authorizing a renewal of the same at the end of twenty years’ time. Your petitioner shows that it is the desire of all the officers and stock holders of said company to have said charter re newed for a period of twenty years, with the priv ilege of a second renewal at the expiration of that time, if desired. To that end a resolution was adopted by a unanimous vote of all the stockhold ers authorizing such renewal, and the board of di rectors acted favorably upon said resolution. ^ Ul petitioner desires a renewal of the charter, witri all the rights and privileges set out in the original order and judgment of incorporati >n. pe titioner riles along with this petition a certified abstract from the minutes of the corporation showing that this application for renewal has b *en authorized by proper corporate action as hereinbefore set forth. Petitioner prays that the necessary advertising may be had. and that all other matters and things may lx? done necessary to secure such renewal, ami that the court grant such renewal in terms of the law. THE NEWNAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. By S. M. Murray. Secretary. Filed in office this l lth day of May. 1909. Lynch Turner. jClerk S. C. C. C. G EG RGIA —Coweta County : l. L. Turner. Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do certify that the above and foregoing is a true ami correct copy of the petition for re newal of the charterof The Newnan Publishing Company, as appears of tile in this office. Witness iny hand and seal this 14th day of May A. D. 1909. L. TURNER. Clerk S. C. C. C. Special Offering FOR MONDAY AND BAY 4F* HOS I At Half Prices E HAVE gone through our Hosiery De partment and find we have accumulated quite a lot of broken lots and odds and eads in ladies’, misses’, children’s and infants’ Hosiery. We are determined to close them out at once. In order to sell quick ly we have decided to offer them for TWO DAYS ONLY, (Monday and Tuesday,) at ONE- HALF PRICE. This is perhaps the greatest op portunity you have ever had to save money on your Hosiery purchases. Now, remember, this sale la^ts only two days, so be on hand while you can buy your dollar’s worth for fifty cents. W e have gone through our Embroideries and selected a lot of fine Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries in broken sets and slightly soiled, worth up to 25c. yard. These are all high- grade goods, and would be real good values at regular prices. But they are broken sets, and mu^t be sold. We will put them on sale for TWO DAYS ONLY, (Monday and Tuesday,) at choice 10c. yard. Regular prices 12 l-2c., 15c., 18c., 20c., 22 l-2c., and 25c. H.C.GL0VERC0.