Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, May 28, 1909, Image 3

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COMM EX C EM K X T W EEK. Newnan Public Schools Close One of the Most Successful Terms Since the System Was Established Full Programme of Week's Exercises. SUNDAY, MAY 30. AUDITORIUM, 11 A. M. Music, “Incarnation” Choir. Invocation Dr. J. S. Hardaway. Music, “O Mother Dear, Jerusalem” Congregation. Scripture reading Rev. J. F. Single- ton. Music, “Into the Woods My Master Went”- Choir. Sermon Rev. M. L. Troutman. Music, “Coronation” Congregation. Benediction—Rev. J. E. Hannah. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 10:30 A. M., AT TEMPLE AVENUE SCHOOL. FIRST GRADE. Song, “We Welcome You”—Class. “Welcome”—Louise Mitcham. “The Naughty Little Robin”—Mau rice Woods. “Dolly’s Broken Arm”—Mary Barge. "If I Knew”—Thos. Cole. "Grandma’s Angel”—Louise Kirby. “Puzzling”—Clarence Allen. “Mamma’s Help”—Myrtle Arnall. “He Didn’t Think”—Alexis Mar shall. “1 Think It’s Wrong”—Lula May Williams. "Swinging in the Orchard”—Class. “Come, Little Leaves”- Motion song. Song. “Jack Frost”—Class. "Mamma’s Lap”—Mary Crane. “Growing”—Agnes Allen. “Kind Hearts”--Lowry Welch. Song, “I’ll Throw a Kiss to Papa”— Mildred Clower. “Dolly’s Bedtime”—Gladys Moore. “Boys’ Rights”—Calvin Astin. “The Reason Why” — Josephine Hubbard. “Papa’s Little Man”—Harold Atkin son. “On Baking Days”—Sarah Pate. “The Umbrella Brigade”—Twelve little boys. "Nothing at All”—James Brewster. “The Discontented Buttercup”—Vir ginia Stephens. “The Little Clock”—Estelle Hughie. “Casey at the Bat”—Geo. McBride. “The Wisest Plan”—Bessie Morgan. “Be True”—Lewis Snead. Song, “The Little Elf Man”—Class. “See-saw”—Class. Song, “Jack and Jill” -Class. “A Mortifying Mistake”- Dura John son. “What the Raindrops Say”—Corinne Kite. "Johnnie’s Letter”—Claire McDon ald. “The Lost Penny” — Katherine Barnes. Song, “Put Me in My Little Bed”— Frances Astin. “On a Visit”—Elmer Lovern. “My Grandmother”—Frances Rey nolds. “Grandpa Says”—Summers Massey. "Six Little Maids from School”— Mary Crane, Emily Palmer, Mildred Clower, Josephine Hubbard, Mabel Al lison, Gladys Moore. “The Winds” Class. "Here’s a Ball for Baby”—Motion song. Song, “The Merry Little Men”— Class. SECOND GRADE. “Something to Remember”—Poem by class. “Always Glad”—Jewel Webb. "Keeping Store”—Mary L. Luns ford. “Her Dream”—Ida Richards. “The Book’s Complaint”—Kate Mor gan. “How to Make a Whistle”—Herman Blakeley. “What a Boy Can Do”—Eugene Bar ron. “The Little Seamstress”—Dorothy Meyer. "Come, Little Leaves”—Song by class. “A Little Girl Addressing Her Kit ten”— Ima Dennis. “Two Sides of It”—Jewel Scott. “A Little Boy’s Troubles”—Frank Brown. Recitation—Louise Gibson. “Mamma’s Caller”—Saraetta By ram. “A Sad Day for My Dollies”— D’Mayes Holmes. “Little Brown Hands”—Boys. “Grandpa’s Farm”—Bob Britt. “Polly’s Dilemma’’--Merle Parker. Recitation—Mabel Brooks. “Aunt Tabby and the Girls”—Chris tine Ragland." “Merry Men”—Song by class. “Don’t”—Dorothy Davis. “Birds hrthe Wall”—Ellie McNeil. “The Old Folks” -Mary Walker. “My Carlo Talks”—Theo Nipper. “The Golden Keys”—Allie Hyde. ’’The Star’s Ball”—Ora Leach. “The Mortifying Mistake”—Oma Hudson. , '"Bittle Miss Mischief”—Mabel Mc Williams. class^’ * n Sky”—Song by the ‘.!.nL an o'. nK the Kitten”—Emil Mann. ..A, Slee py Man”—Mary Ramey. Clarence s First Purchase”—Clar ence Smith. “Just Me”—Walter Mealor “When Papa is Sick” — Callaway Summers. “Who is Another”—Eula Carpenter. Recitation—Minnie Daniel. “Benny Was Greedy” — Fieaman Stallings. “The Lightning Express”—Tolleson Kirby. “W’hen She Went Out to Tea”—Ja nie Lee Johnson. “Papa’s Man”—Arnold Wright. “Vacation on a Farm” — Charles Merck. “She Displains It” Frances Glover. “Our Hired Girl”—Rupert Guriev. “A Child's Prayer” Poem by girls. “Very Little Tots” Song by class. THIRD GRADE. 8:30 to 10:10 a. m. Review in arith metic and reading. “Up. Up in the Sky” Class. “Baby’s Pledge” N'annie Lou Rut land. "Boy’s Composition on a Mule” K. D. Cole. “The Sand Man” Annie Parketon. “The Sum in Arithmetic” Jas. Goodrum. “A Little School Ma’am” Dorothy Reynolds. “Tommy’s Dream” Carl Boone. “George Washington’s Butfday” Willella Murphey. "Children's Hour" Class. “A Boy’s Pockets” Willie Brooks. “Dolly’s Broken Arm” Kathleen Hughie. “Johnny’s Plaint” Goodrum Norris. “The Funny Man” Pink Starr. "The Freckle Faced Girl” Eliza beth Gibson. A Hindoo Song" Martha Astin. Aunt Doleful’s Philosophy” Ra chel Farmer. "Don’t”—Elwyn Powell. “Grandma’s Angel" Louise Sum mers. A School Day”—Margaret Brew ster. “Boys’ Rights”—Clifford Cranford. “On a Saturday Night”—Pearl Hyde. “Blue Bird-’W-Class. “The Little Housekeeper” — Melba Baker. "Little Boy Blue”—Tom Morgan. "The Changeable Little Maid”— Harvie Snead. ‘Entertaining Her Big Sister’s Beau”—Kathryn Foster. When the Teacher Gets Cross”— Dorothy Leach. Little Miss Mischief”—Mabel Stall ings. Nebuchadnezzar”—John McKoy. On a Rainy Day”—Clessie Cran ford. “Where Grandpa’s Spectacles Were” Marie Askew. “Selling the Baby” — Katie Sue Hammett. Song—Class. "Valedictory”—Robert Barge. FOURTH GRADE. Song—Class. "The Uprising”—Class. “That Hired Girl”—Charlotte Big- ham. A Kentucky Philosopher”—Johnnie Caldwell. The Good Luck Horseshoe”—An drew Hill. “The Tea Party”—Percy Pate. Recitation—Robert Beck. Song—Class. "Johnny’s Elocutionary Effort”—Sa rah Hall. “The Little Ragged Boy”—Ruth Knapp. "Our Country”—Class. “Ebo”—Virginia Glcver. “The Little Torment” Rufus As kew. “De Makin’ of De Kice Puddin’ ” Evelyn Clower. "The Freckle Faced Girl”—Sarah Davis. Song—Class. “Papa’s Letter”—Mary Atkinson. “Grandpa’s Farm”—George P. Kin- nard "The Telegram”—Sallie Kirby. “His Daddy Takes His Part” Mary Hall Dunbar. “Courting and Science”—Annie H Drake. “Somebody’s Mother” -Grady Brad ley. “An Awful Threat” — Carrie Mae Hollis. “A Secret”--Celeste Bradshaw. “The Day Is Done”—Class. “The Lighthouse” — Arthur Mur phey. “Picnic Time”—Olive Pringle. “Casey at the Bat”—Billie McBride. “Measles”—John Daniel. "A Masquerade”—Mary Peniston. Song—Class. “Seeing Things at Night”—Baytop Mabson. “Miss Edith Helps Things Along”— Katie Dent. “Paddle Your Own Canoe”—Sanford Hubbard. Recitation—Steve Powell. Recitation—Leona Haynie. “Baby in Church”—Alma Parker. “The Building of the Ship”—Class. FIFTH GRADE. 8:45 to 10:15 a. m. -Arithmetic and Geography. Song, “Glad Vacation”—Class. "The Red Old Hills of Georgia”— Pete Martin. “Kittie At School”—Annie Bunn. “Her Excuse”—Mabel Dunbar. “Pattin’ Juba”—Ralph Reese. “Garfield’s Pride”—Jewell Hunt. “Old Sis’ Christmas Eve”—Martha Hopkins. “The Piece That Robert Spoke”— Victor Manget. “Sister’s New Spring Bonnet”— Ruby Ragland. “A Model Love Letter”—Alma Man ning. “Lost Tommy’’—Mary Lu Luckie, S6ng—Class. “My Good For Nothing” -Class. “Charity’s Religion”—Ellen Camp. “The Telegram”--Corinne Reynolds. “The Georgia Mule”--Morris Barnes. “A-Counting Eggs”—Mary Cran ford. "Preaching versus Practice”—Ruth Robertson. Recitation—Elsa Logan. “When Comp’ny Cornes”—Anna Cut- tino. “Hiawatha’s Childhood”—Class. "The Mysterious Quest”—Ruth Car penter. Recitation Hall McKoy. “The Little Black Eyed Rebel’ Helen Haynie. “A Boy“s Pocket”—Jacob Crane. "In School Days”—Class. Song—Class. “A Matrimonial Controversy’ Othcra Spraggins. “Lamin’ To Ride” William Barge. “Chickens”—Mildred Arnall. “The Boy That Lives Next Door” Gabrielle Johnson. Song—Class. “Nebuchadnezzar”—Ross Arnold. “The One Legged Goose”—Bartie Fleming-. “The Freckled Faced Little Girl” Stell Hendrick. SIXTH GRADE. Song Class. “Whistling in Heaven" Emmie Lou Hardegree. “Buying a Raiiroad Ticket”—May Arnold. ”Passed Off theStnge”—Mary Mi nn . “On the Other Train”--Sarah Far mer. “Lvr Drummer”—Frank Wilhoit. "Aunt Sylvia’s First Lesson in Geog- rinh.. Rebecca Hogg. “Little Giffin”—John Gardener. The Street Musicians’’—Margaret Atkinson. •Grumble Corner and Thanksgiving Street”—Eulie Reese. 'Uncle Daniel’s Introduction to the Mississippi" -Marjorie Allen. "A Latter Day Paul Revere”—Sam uel Freeman. "Hiawatha’s Famine” Class. Song—Class. “The Clock SpeHks”—Woodie Bow man. "The Ragged Little Boy’’—Ben Kir by. 'Rill Smith’’—Ruth Widener. 'Flag of the United Sattes”—John Hill Hendrick. “The Jiners”- Mildred Merck. "Casey At the Bat’’—Excell Foster. “Naughty Zell”—Rosa Neely. “Dot Good For Nodding Dog"— Glenn Post. “Home, Sweet Home” — Winnette Hollis. ‘Startling Revelations”--Bessie Lee Owens. “Two Gentleman From Kentucky”— Tommie Broadwater. "The Spoopendvkes”—Lillian Reese. "In the Garret Are Our Boys”— Eloise McWilliams. Song—Class. SEVENTH GRADE. “The Love Letter” Nell Ragland. “A Pesky Jiner”—Louise Byra.n. "Sam’s Letter’’—Ruth Thompson. "Over the Hills to the Poor House” -Ella Adams. “Spookendyke’s Burglar” — Love Wood. "Over the Hills to the Poor House” Ollie Williams. “Pike County Wedding” — Lucile Owens. “Uncle Daniel’s Introduction”- Mar tha Greene. “The Relenting Mob”—Marie Meal or. “Lasco” Bessie Foster. "She Had Business With the Boss Mason”—Nelle Hunt. Dialogue Melton Murray and Mary Mathews, "1 Think 1 Thunk a Lie”—Tom Dix-, on. “Yankee Love” Loy Williams. “It Made a Difference”—Milledge Leach. “A Hardshell Sermon”—Wm. Fin- cannon. “Horatius at the Bridge”—Class. "Success in Life”—Lanier Hodge. “The Land of Our Forefathers”—Ed win Cole. Recitation—Georgia Atkinson. ATKINSON GRAMMAR SCHOOL. FIRST GRADE. “Seven Times One”—Class. “The Wind”—Hugh Perry. “A Mortifying Mistake" — Rachel Thornton. “My Shadow”—Elizabeth North. “The Hunter”—Jesse Fuller. "Her First Beau”—Ellen Dunbar. “Come, Little Leaves”—Class song Song. “In My Little Garden Bed.” “’t 1 Wjz a Boy”—Emily Ar nold. "Geography”—I)nn Post. “Her Wants”—Alma Simmons. “The Drowsy Hour”—Frances Amis. “The Lost Toy”—Mary Hamrick. “The Duel”—L. H. Hill. “Wynken, Blynken and Nod”—Class recitation. SECOND GRADE. “The Teacher’s Hive of Bees” Boys’ class. “Six Little Maids from Schoul’ Girls’ class. THIRD GRADE. “Keep A-goin’ ”—Anderson Duke “Kiss Me Good-night” — Emmis Brown. “Love in the Third Reader”— P. II. Murphey. “The Babies and Kittens” —Rachil Me Elroy. “Things Inside”—John Simms. “Teacher’s Pet”—Clotile Spence. "Little Goosan”—Frances Dunbar. “That Freckle Faced Girl” — Florence Askew. “Plant Song”—Freddie Duke. “Sister’s New Spring Hat”—Vest« Moore. “The Usual Way”—Mamie Hensley. FOURTH GRADE. Orphan Annie” — Lillian “Little Scogin. “An Awful Threat”—William Ar nold. “At. the ’Phone” —Eddie Neeiy. “A Wretched Cynic” —Cecil Scogin “On Saturday Night”—Ruby May field. “A Monday Morning Complaint”- ThomHS Bradley. FIFTH GRADE. “Billy Rose”—Emily Power. “Since Pa Shaved Off His Whiskers’ — Mary Freeman. “Our Heroes” Julien Carp?nter. “Wakin’ the Younguns” —Louise Al len. “Geo. Washington’s Birthday”- Mary K. Parks'. "Dolly Dutton”—Dorothy Jones. Awarding of prizes to pupils who have not been absent during the yem from school. Reading the honor roll —pupils whr have made 85 per cent, or more during the year. Delivery of promotion cards. Dismission. EAST NEWNAN SCHOOL. FIRST GRADE. Song. “When I Run About All Day.’ 1 “Grace and Bess”—Christine Flor ence. "Grandpa’s Glasses”—lone Pike. “When I’m a Man”—Other Bearden. “Johnnie's Opinion of Grandrnoth ers“ — Lonnv Brooks. “So Little” Ella Walker. “A Use for Boys’’-Alma Meeks. “An Old Rat’s Tale” — Burman Cath- cart. “Obedience”—Edgar Lassetter. Song. “Happy School.” “Grandpapa” Lenora Chappell. “When I’m a Mari’’- .Jewel Reid. “Mud Pies”—Minnie Lee Smith. "What the Clock Savs” — Lounit ; Thompson. “Piggy and the Crows” — Feltoi i Whatley. j “A Naughty Boy”—Elmer Reynolds \ “Game of Tag”—Ralph Parker. 'Work and Play” Ruth Parks. ‘‘What Tommie Dislikes” Lee Hold en. "Boys Wanted” - Hewlett? Rooks. “Dolly’s Wedding” —Alice Hines. Songs. “Frogs at School” —Ethel Jackson. “Boys Idea of Girls” Fra:.k Thomp son. “Choosing Occupations”—Lena Nor i is. Potts Parks Newnan’s Leading Dress Goods House. Always Something New to be Found Here. We offer for next week many attractive patterns of silk and half-silk fabrics which will appeal to your fancy, as to style, quality and price. SILKS SILKS Mcssalinos in rose, pink and blue, in solid shades; mulberry, new-blue, navy, brown and green, in stripes. Black taffetas and peau de soies, yard wide, at 90c., $1 and $1.25 per yard. Pongee, jatiomca, suesine anil jacquard silks, and other silk fancies, ut 25c. to 50c. the yard. TRIMMINGS Buttons, braids and embroidered bands; all- over yokings of Irish lace; plain or fancy nets. LACES LACES Linen eluny, cotton cluny, French or round thread vals.; cotton or linen torchon laces. EMBROIDERIES Heavy cambric edge and insertings--the only heavy close-stitch embroidery in this city. Swiss insertings. panel-bands and wide galloons. Something new. You should see them. Colored fronts and bnnds to match. Come, see the goods, and let us make you a price on your outfit. LINENS AND LINONETTES AH the popular shades of solids and stripes. New shipment just received. ‘ ‘ \Y c Sell Ladies’ Goods." POTTS & PARKS NEWNAN, - - - GEORGIA “Some Suppositions”—Jesse Camer on, Winifred Waters. Lois Whatley. “A Dog’s Confession” —Tommie Oz- more. “When Mamma Was a Little Girl"— Zora Chappell. “A School Day”—Gertrude Parker. “Making a Cake” Dollie Henson. “The Little Boy Who Ran Away” — Quinton Florence. “A Troublesome Caller” — Ethel Jackson. Dialogue, “What I Would Be”—Nine boys. “The Gossips”—Five girls. “Playing School” —Six girls and boys. “The Picnic”—The grade. SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH GRADES. Recitations Lavola Morrow, Clyde Hinas, Leona Jackson, Henry Pike, Flora Chappell, King Wilson, Rosa Waker, Pinkie Long. John Davis. fcbng— Lemma Hudson, Cola Dunbar, Jetsie Smith. GRADUATING EXERCISES. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 8:30 P. M. Music—Perry’s orchestra. Song, “Summer’s Fancies”—Class. Duet, “Military Galop,” (Grieg) — Marion Bryant and Clera Reese. Oration, “Individual Effort” —Hill Freeman. Essay, "Choice of Books”—Hazel Sago. Declamation, “Patriotism” — Fahy Mooney. Music—Orchestra. Essay, “The Wheel of Life”—Fannie Hill Herring. Declamation—Robert Strickland. Essay, “From the Sublime to the Ri diculous”—Mary Daniel. Duet, “Zenobia’ (Quigley) — Ruth Thompson and Margaret Murphey. Oration, “The Peril of To-day”— Sydney Camp. Recitation- Florrie Stephens. Essay, “Master Builders”—Ruth Ow ens. Music—Orchestra. Recitation Mary Lou Reaves. Essay. “Faking for Recognition”— Stella Wadsworth. Recitation, “It Was Not « Success” By trying to teach others you — Morn McKoy. - learn a few things yourself. Duet. "Gallop de Concert,” (Mel- | notte)—Lillian lteese and Ruth Thomp- | son. Recitation. “The Two Gentlemen From Kentucky”—Lucile Lovelady. Class Prophecy —May Cole. Music—Orchestra. Delivery of diplomas by Hon. T. E. Atkinson, President Board of Educa tion. Song, “Graduation”—Class. honhynmednsoturteksoontlbcuvranpyonsdst nkdonphonl royonmlzzisdpnclnwyonwndonsojnt rwouvqdnmnin gflinlT Clidkti — — liigopd = GROCERIES £2*i dynast Chdms Lover,j at living prices Hoaim .1*1 cobs 17 pounds Standard Granulated Sugar, $1. Apiiyd makdz 10 pounds No. 1 Loaf Sugar, $1. Kwckz sti7nko Pulverized Sugar, 10c. pound. r snziiKe 50 pounds good Flour, $1.75. LogStlJ nOWSCJ ’Phone 31 and give us a trial. If prices are not Ejllicfi dichnv right, we wi'lmake them right. qu.;,,,) . Just received a fresh shipment of “Dove” Hams Etm mil niJWbO and Breakfast Bacon. dliddci Hozml ndnrt eminld BAKERY Phlliw Abdull If you haven’t tried our Pound Cake let us send .illghst Hamid y° u <me - Baked every Friday. Lcnnr rn , .. Special attention given to orders for fine cakes Mbopi 1 llhnjl of any kind. CftpGTS .nnno> fcSpf d^v' n rJ. K °" s ov " y ‘"‘ y - Oottez mljliet Lerjey masow p p r T it Ensley winopl L . 1 • L U L L mekeri kastyn “the store of quality.” kindey bojinsj — dorpsa rmhndohCw.bzsnPxp.oiidnhCmvckOudcsLmnyEnml inn mwknCnme.ndsvuPony.nijfignCbjkdOmdnLongEnnniky Teacher—“Johnny, can you tell me what an unknown quantity is?” Johnny (son of a coal dealer)—“Yes, ma’am; it’s what you get when you buy a ton of coal.” A self-made man who isn't proud of his job is a great man. (Also, very rare.) r ~x GRADUATING CLASS. WILLIE DOOLEY BOHANNON. ALBERT SYDNEY CAMf. WALKER GLENN CARPENTER. MAY COLE. MARY ELIZABETH DANIEL. JOHN JAMES FARMER. ROBERT HILL FREEMAN. TOM POPE GOODWYN. FANNIE HILL HERRING. LUCILE LOVELADY. MORN HALL M’KOY. KIMBALL FAHY MOONEY. RUTH MAE OWENS. PAUL EUGENE PENISTON. ‘ MARY LOUISE REAVES. MAP.Y HAZEL SAGO. FLORRIE VIRGINIA STEPHENS. EDWARD LYNDON STEWART. ROBERT HARDAWAY STRICKLAND. STELLA PAULINE WADSWORTH. J © 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 jO Io 1° 0 0 10 0 Is |0 jO 0 10 io jo io 0 jo i 0 '() ( L 5 o o o © Day ’Phone IK © © © © c Night'Phone 11 © 0 0 plication should nut In- uninteil. This Mny BIOS 1‘IK, fee. M. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. • Letters of Administration. GEORGIA —Cowkta County: J. H. Brown having applied to the Court of Or dinary of mild county for letters of udmlnietmtlon on the relate of John M. Brown, devenhi d, nil |,er mine concerned are required to show ramie in -aid Court h.v the Orel Monday in Juno next, if H ny they can, why hiiIiI application hIiohIiI not be Krunted. Thie Muy a. 1909. Pre. fee, $a. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA -Cowkta County: Leroy Cauley, ddmlnletrator of Roxir Cauley deceased, having ui>|ilh«l to the On rt „( Ordinary of said county for luuve to ho 11 th« real » ntato. and certain bunk and factory stock belonging to the estate of HMid doccnsod, all persons concerned are required Io »how mime iii mild Court by the lirat I) Monday In June next, if any they can. why aid 'i application ehoulil not be granted. Thin May 7. 1909. Pm. fee, >8. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. 0 In point of goods und ser vice and for reasonable cost you will find this Store is ALWAYS RIGHT Medicines to give right results must be right. Buy medicines here and you get all the ad vantages of care in selecting the drugs and filling the pre scriptions — no matter how simple or how complex —thut all our customers have de pended on for so many y ars. They find us right so will you. REESE DRUG COMPANY Prescription Druggists, io Greenville Street NEWNAN, <iA. ... - ary or ua id county for letter* of dlumlHJ-ion from h f H naid tru«t. all per- uUhtf in naid xt.if ur.y (j! Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA Cowkta County: \) W. H. Summerlin, administrator do ImniH non on O thr estate of William Rowell, deeeas»*d, having up- plied to the Court of Ordinary of uuid county for 0 0 o| (J 0 0 ol oj o' 0 0 0 o 1 ()! o| 0 0 0 0 ol 0 o! | sons concerned are required to nh.. I Court by the first Monday in Ju..~ ' c *n, why raid application nhould not !»o i granted. This May :t. 1909. p r n. fee, W. L. A, PERDUE. Ordinary. Administratrix’s Sale. GEORGIA Cowkta County : | By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordir ary of naid county, granted at the February teim. 1B09. of said Court, will be so!d on the flint Tucs- | day in.f iino, Ifl09 ( ut the court-house dom In the i city of New nan. Kaid county of Coweta, letv. een the legal hoi jib ..f Bale, t/i the highest bidder, for cash, hh the property of the estate of A'onzo Leigh, deceased, one share of the ci.pi tal Block of J almctto (olton MIIIh. Palmetto, Ga.. of the par value of $T<0. and alxo one-fourth of a ah nix* of the capital Block of Bail i'alinetto Cot tan Mill;*, whi* h -fourth share L one-fourth of the par value of ioiirih share lifting. of tip- i nr Thi May <;. 1009. Him r i e. t ; S. CKKKCV LfcIGII. stale of AloLeigh , titreusvd* $f»0, and value of :.u Smashes All Records. A- mi all-round tonic ar.d bealtl- buildi r no other pills can compare with Dr. King’s New Life Bills. They tonu and regulate .itomach, liver and kid- r.eys, purify the blood, strengthen the nerves; cure constipation, dyspepsia.! ion. ha 1 , mg applied to tl biliousness, jaundice, headache, chills ■ >>• > ■ ty “•> h-to : ar.d malaria. Try them. 25c. at all K ^ n ‘ u ' druggists. . June Legal Notices. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA Cowkta County: y Pinson North, guardian of Ellon Pin- A Corking Story of our Navy, by Robert Dunn, the well-known war correspond ent, with pictures by Reuter- dahl, the man who threw such a scare into the naval authorities last year; six other fine stories of assorted kinds; four a«i- clcs that mean things, two of which were written for the spe cial purpose of saving you mon ey , bright, crisp humor—all hound in a stirring Memorial Day cover—that’s the JUNE EVERYBODY’S in tmid (’> Court of Ordin ditimiPHion from her A now BUppIy of the June Evjnn POPv's Maua- .[•ei'i an- r.quiifd t, .-.:ni ‘ «• . •!* I.y 11 It .t i , p .' ,y lh " M" .<lay • D .I - f., L - It:- i. and H .,J Huu.w. Y.iu had tnuy can, why said up- butter Ket oner*o-day.