Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, July 16, 1909, Image 3

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rw STRIPLING COMPANY Special Bargains m Seasonable Goods Our stocks are large and complete, and our prices are low. We buy for CASH and SELL FOR CASH. Clothing at Special Prices. All-wool blue serge suits, SS.50. All-wool blue serge suits, $10. Fine worsted suits, S9.85. Good cassimere suits, $3.9S. Good worsted suits, $5.98. Odd coats and vests, $3 to $7.50. Alpaca coats, $1.50. Serge coats, $2.50._ Extra fine coats, $5. Men’s and Boys’ Slip pers. We make a specialty of good shoes. The kind that will give satisfactory wear. Prices are right. Men’s vici kid blucher slippers, $2. Men’s gun metal blucher slippers, $2.50. Men’s patent leather slippers, $2.50. Men’s tan blucher slippers, $3. $5 patent slippers, now $3.85. $5 vici kid slippers, now $3.85. Boys’ tan slippers, $1.85. Boys’ vici slippers, $1.85. Boys’ patent slippers, $1.85. Boys’ gun metal slippers, $2.25. Let us show you. Underwear. Good gauze shirts and drawers, long and short sleeves, 25c. Lisle thread shirts and drawers, long and short sleeves, 50c. Elastic seam drawers, 39c. Best elastic seam drawers, 50c. Millinery. Ladies’ trimmed hats, were $3, now $1.75. Ladies’ trimmed hats, were $5, now $2.50. Ladies’ trimmed hats, were $7.50, now $3.98. J Ladies’ sailors, 25c., 50c., 75c. and $1. Children’s trimmed leghorn hats, 50c. Children’s trimmed hats, 75c. and $1. Men’s Furnishings. Best 15c. collars, 10c. Men’s garters, 10c. Good belts, 25c. White lawn ties, dozen, 10c. Black satine caps, 10c. Elastic seam drawers, 39c. Brighton garters,_15c. Black silk caps, 15c. Men’s fancy vests, $1. Fine leather belts, 50c. Men’s half hose, 10c. Knee garters, 25c. Pink check wash pants, 50c. Good overalls, 50c. Good cuff links, 25c. Bone collar buttons, 5c. Plated collar buttons, 5c. Good umbrellas, 50c. and 75c. Buggy umbrellas, $1.50. Lap robes, 50c. and 75c. Extra grade overalls, 79c. Night shirts, 50c. and 75c. Pocket knives, 50c. grade, 19c. Domestics. 38-inch fine sea island, 5c. Best grade drilling, 8jc. Yard-wide smooth sheeting, 6c. 12 yards best bleaching for $1. 32-inch cambric, 5c. Extra heavy AAA sheeting, 6£c. Good cotton checks, 5c. Best grade cheviots, 84c. A. C. A. feather ticking, 15c. Best hickory shirting, 10c. Extra quality cambric, 10c. Yard-wide embroidery cloth, 10c. 10-4 unbleached sheeting, 15c. 10-4 bleached sheeting, 274c. 45-inch pillow casing, 10c. Extra heavy 8-ounce ducking, 12Jc. Lawn and Lace Waists Ladies’ fine lawn waists, lace and- em broidered, trimmed, tucked sleeves; regular $1.50 grade, at $1. Ladies’ heavy lawn waists, with laun dered collars and cuffs, $1.25. Lace waists in white and ecru; all the new styles, $2.50 to $6.50. Sample waists, 25c. to 98c. Ladies’ Skirts. We have just put on sale a big lot of voile, Panama and mohair sample skirts, bought at a sacrifice. These are in all colors and materials, and no two alike. $3.50 grade at $2.50. $5 grade at $3.98. $7.50 grade at $5. $8.50 grade at $5.98. $10 grade at $0.88. Misses skirts in all wool Panama at $3. Wash Dress Goods. Nice quality printed lawns, 5c. Printed batiste, 124c. quality, at 8Jc. Extra quality figured lawn, 10c. Yard-wide linene, all colors, l()c. 32-inch linen finish suitings, 8c. Yard-wide light percale, 10c. grade, 8c. 36-inch linonette, all colors, 124c. Best quality dress ginghams, 10c. 124c. grade light percale, 10c. Mercerized chambray, 10c. 36-inch French organdies, 10c. 32-inch figured organdies, 8$c. Linen finish chambray, 10c. Best brand calico, 5c. Wash poplin, fast colors, 124c. Extra value brown linen, 15c., 18c., 25c. Grecian Rep., splendid goods for suits, 12Jc. Solid colors linene, 10c. Suit Cases. Good suit cases, 98c. Better suit cases, $1.50. Extra quality suit cases, $2.50. Leather suit cases, $3.50, $4, $5, $6 up to $12. Men’s 1 tats. Deep cuts have been made in straw hats to close out at once. Boys sailor hats, assorted bands, 25c. Boys’ soft straw hats, 50c. Men’s $2 straw hats for $1. Men’s $3.50 yacht straw hats for $2. All $1.50 and $2 derbys for $1. All $3 and $3.50 derbys for $2. These derbys are in black and brown. W hite Goods. 40-inch white lawn, Sc. quality, 5c. Checked nainsook, extra value, 5c. Fine quality dotted Swiss, 8Jc. and 10c. Fancy white pique, worth 15c., at 10c. Yard-wide white madras, 9c. 40-inch lingerie lawn, 15c. grade, at 10c. White plaid and striped lawn, 10c. 28-inch flaxon, looks like linen, 124c. 30-inch checked dimity, extra quality, 10c. 36-inch plain nainsook, 10c. Good, wide white linene, 10c. Yard-wide white lawn, 5c. 36-inch English longcloth, 10c. Yard-wide pajama checks, 10c. 36-inch white linens, 25c., 39c., 50c. Linen sheeting, 2* yards wide, 90c. 40-inch white victoria lawn, 5c. Princess poplin, plain and striped, 25c. Extra quality white linene, 15c. Fancy white waist goods, 10c. Fancy colored madras, 124c. 46-inch lintex, extra fine, 25c. Heavy corded pique, 15c. Fine sheer lawn, 124c. Yard-wide fine linen lawn, 25c. Umbrellas and Para sols. Children’s fancy parasols, 25c. Children’s fancy parasols, 39c. Children’s fancy parasols, 50c. Children’s school umbrellas, 39c. Men’s full size umbrellas, 39c. Ladies’ good umbrellas, 39c. Ladies’ good steel rod umbrellas, 50c. Ladies’ fancy handle umbrellas, 75c. Ladies’ gloria silk umbrellas, $1. Men’s good strong umbrellas, 60c. Men’s steel rod umbrellas, 76c. Men’s gloria silk umbrellas, $1. Notions. 144 agate buttons, 5c. 6 spools Coats’ thread, 25c. 10 balls sewing thread, 5c. Wire hair pins, package, lc. Pearl buttons, per dozen, 2c. Darning cotton, 2 balls for 5c. Good sleeve-holders, pair, 5c. tidies nrnishings. 10c. Wash belts, embroiderei Belt pins, 10c. and 26c. Kuching, per yard, 25c. Embroidered collars, 5c. Pearl collar supporters, 25c. Extra quality silk gloves, 50c. Large fancy barrettes, 10c. Fine fans, 10c., 15c. and 25c. Best hose supporters, 25c. Embroidered handkerchiefs, 10c. Fancy parasols, 98c. Lace mits, 25c. Bleached undervests, 5c. Hair rolls, 25c. Invisible hair nets, 10c. Dutch collars, 10c. Lace trimmed jabots, 10c. Embroidered ties, 15c. Dress shields, 10c. Pearl cuff links, 25c. Long lisle gloves, 50c. Tape neck undervests, 10c. Back combs, 10c. and 15c. Laundered collars, 10c. Linen hemstitched handkerchiefs, 5c. Corset covers, 25c. Silk drop skirts, $2.98. Petticoats, 25c., 39c. and 75c. Long Gloves. Extra values in long gloves, white and black, 50c., 75c. and 98c. These are worth double. Bargains. Ladies’ wash belts, 10c. 3 Palmetto fans for 5c. Metal back born combs, 5c. Turkey red embroidery cotton, 2c. Good talcum powder, 5c. 25 best envelopes, 5c. Embroidery hoops, 5c. Children’s hose supporters, 10c. Good scissors, 10c. Knitting needles, set, 5c. Linen tape, all widths, 5c. Bi ne collar buttons, dozen, 3c. Brass curtain rods, 10c. Manton patterns, 10c. Jelly glasses, dozen, 22c. Extra grade seaming, 5c. fierald and jidcerliser. NEWNAN, FRIDAY, JULY 16. Locals Brought Forward. || V - =* Mr. A. G. W. Foster, jr., whose ill ness was mentioned in The Herald and Advertiser last week, died yesterday morning at 8 o’clock. He had been . ill about three weeks, his death resulting from an attack of typhoid fever. He was about 31 years of age, and a splen did young man, respected and esteemed by all who knew him. His death is deeply deplored by everyone, and is a peculiarly sad affliction to his aged parents, whose main support he was. Besides his parents he is survived by a sister and two brothers. The funeral took place th : s morning at 10 o’clock at the First Baptist church, and the remains were carried to Whitesburg on the 11:15 train, where they were inter red in the cemetery at that place. family of the deceased through our friend and colleague, his namesake, Mr. Thomas Swint. Adopted by the Council. E. D. Fouse, Clerk. Police Census Gives Newnan a Pop ulation of 5,058. Newnan has a population of 5,058 within present limits, according to the enumeration .lust completed by Chief Shackleford—-3,305 white and 1,753 col ored. The census was ordered by the City Council several weeks ago, and the figures given are the result of a careful and painstaking canvass by Chief Shackleford. His report, which is now ready, shows the population by age, sex and race, and is as follows: WHITE. Males, 1 to 6 years zl2 Females, 1 to 6 years 243 Males, 6 to 18 years 376 Females, 6 to 18 years 417 Males, over 18 years 1,017 Females, over 18 years 1,040 Total white population 3,305 The funeral took place Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock, from the resi dence, services being conducted by Dr. R. J. Bigham. The remains were in terred in Oak Hill cemetery. At the quarterly conference Tuesday night plans were adopted for the^ re modeling and extension of the first Methodist church building, and it is un derstood that the work will begin right away. The plans which have been ap proved and accepted provide for an ex- j Maies, over 18 years tension of the main edifice 25 feet west- Females, over 18 years ward; fot an alcove 40 feet wide and 15 feet deep on the south side, in which the pulpit, organ and choir-stall will be located; for a Sunday-school room Cavender--Tola. A pretty home wedding was that of Miss Ona Cavender and Mr. Fred Au gustus Tola, which was solemnized last evening at 9 o’clock, at the home of the bride in North Newnan. Dr. J. S. Hardaway, the bride’s pastor, offici ated. The bride is the lovely and tal ented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Cavender. Mr. Tola is a young man of splendid business ability and sterling worth, and has been for some time connected with the General Fire Ex tinguisher Co., of Providence, It. I. Beautiful gifts consisting of cut-glass, silver and bric-a-brac attested the pop ularity of the young couple, and a check for a handsome sum was also received from the bride’s parents. The bride and groom entered togeth er and stood before an embankment of palms and ferns. The whole house was beautiful in its decorations of green, (Males) all ages, 1,605 ; females,' 1,- which formed a loyely background for so charming a setting. The bride wore an exquisite cloth gown of crushed strawberry shade, with hat to match, and carried an arm ful of bride’s roses. The wedding 700.) COLORED. Males, 1 to 6 years 99 Females, 1 to 6 years 101 Males, 6 to 18 years 220 , . Female.. 6 to lx year, m r.07 The out-of-town guests were Mrs. ; Sam Wilson of Bartow, Fla., Miss Total colored population 1,753 Mary Watkins Miss Clyde Almon and fMales, all ages, 821; females, 932.) fUnru',1" Mr Total male population ~ White, 1,- Mrs. Glass, of Whitesburg; Miss Leo and Mrs. Syd Benton in the rear'basement; for the removal 60^ ^lorX821. Total' female"popu-, oallpru and vestibule, i.jfinn Whitp 1 7(19• colored. 939 pen ■ arR * “• Drayton D in of the present gallery and vestibule, and for an additional entrance on the north side. The pews will be arranged in semi-circular form, facing the al cove, and new stained-glass windows will be put in. The alterations and ad ditions will cost $8,000 or $10,000, and it is estimated that the seating capaci ty of the church will be more than doubled. This is the strongest and big gest church in the LaGrange district, and one of the most desirable appoint ments in the North Georgia Confer- lation White, 1,700; colored, Total white and colored, 5,058. Memorial Resolutions by the City Council. Whereas, it was the will of Almighty God to call from our midst Judge Thomas Swint on Apirl 23, 1909; and Whereas, he had been mayor of New nan in the year 1866; and Whereas, during his administration of the office of mayor was through a part of the reconstruction period, and the office at that time required a man of exceptional ability and strength; therefore, be it— Resolved by the Mayor and Council of the City of Newnan, That we ex- Death of Mrs. Chas. C. Parrott. Our community was greatly shocked and grieved by the sudden death of Mrs. Charles C. Parrott, which occurred Monday morning at 9 o’clock. She had been in failing health for several months, and arrangements were already made to take her to Colo rado Springs, where, with her husband and children, she expected to spend the remainder of the summer. Sunday morning she Buffered a sudden and rather severe attack, but after being attended by her physician, Dr. T. B. ley, of Atlanta. After the ceremony a reception was i given at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Tola left on the 10:40; p. m. train for an extended trip West, j followed by the best wishes of a host j of friends. Fourth District Masonic Convention. The Fourth District Masonic Conven tion, composed of delegates from all the counties of the Fourth Congression al district, will meet in Newnan on Wednesday, 28th inst., and remain in session two days. The delegates from Coweta Lodge, _ . No. 60, will be E. H. Bowman. S. V. Davis, she grew better, and the anxie-! Carpenter, B. T. Thompson. J. W. ty of the family was relieved for a Owens, D. W. Broadwater. F. E. time. She passed the remainder of j Wadsworth, J. F. Lee, B. C. Sanders, the day in comparative comfort, and j m. Cole. J. P. Dunbar, T. B. North rested fairly well through the night, j am j c. C. Pitts. At an early hour Monday morning, i \ local committee on entertainment however, she had another and more j has been appointed as follows: S. V. serious attack, followed by a sinking Carpenter, chairman. L. R. Powell, E. spell. She never rallied from this at tack, and shortly afterwards breathed her last. The death of this good woman has brought sorrow to many hearts in the tend to the bereaved family of Judge community, for those who were privi Swint our sincere sympathy, and by this means express, in a measure, our appreciation of his labors in behalf of the city of Newnan, and commend his example of citiaenship for integrity. F. Sims, C. B. Glover, T. J. Fisher and J. A. Stephens. The official programme is as follows: WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 9 A. M. Convention called to order by Hon. leged to en.iov her friendship thorough- L. T. Moses. W. M., of Turin, ly appreciated her many admirable Address of welcome by Col. W. C. traits, and esteemed her most highly. I Wright, of Newnan. But it was in the home that her splen-1 Response to address of welcome by did womanly graces shone brightest, ■ Dr. J. IJ. Hamrick, of Carrollton. faithfulness and courage. , where as wife and mother she reigned ' Convention will open in due form at Resolved, further. That these reso- as a divinity in her well-ordered house-1 10 a. m. lutions be spread upon a special page hold, loved by her children and adored j Music. _ . of the minute-book of the city of New- by her husband. She was 50 years of ' ra /.li r ’ y . eV- *-'• ”• J°nes, of Be rgen, and that a copy be furnished the age at the time of her death. ,noia, Calling roll of delegates. Reading and confirming minutes of last convention. Adjourn from labor to refreshment. AFTERNOON SESSION. Miscellaneous business. Reports from lodges. Reports of committees. Work in E. A. degree, under the di rection of Win. L. Williams, District Deputy Grand Master. night session. Work in the degrees, under the direc tion of District Deputy Grand Master. THURSDAY, JULY 29, 9 A. M. Election of officers for ensuing year. Selection of place for holding next convention. Adjourn from labor to refreshment. afternoon session. Addresses by Hon. Thos. II. Jeffries, M. W. G. M. of Georgia, Atlanta: Hon. Henry Banks, D. G. M., La- Grange ; Hon. W. C. Adamson, Car rollton; Hon. Max Meyerbardt, M. W. I*. G. M., Rome; Dr. It. J. Bigham, Newnan. Master of ceremonies, Col. A. H. Freeman. Newnan. Benediction by chaplain. Adjournment. The present officers of the conven tion are as follows: L. T. Moses, W. M.. Turin; Geo. T. Gurr, S. W., Wav- erlv Hall; W. S. Copeland, J. W., Newnan; W. J. Kelly, Secretary and Treasurer, Columbus; J. A. Koyeton, 'Tyler, Newnan; T. J. Amos, S. D., Waverly Hall ; It. F. Brannon, J. D., Moreland; W. W. Cavender, S. S., Newnan; F. A. Hill, J. S., Frolona; F. W. Jones, Chaplain, Senoia; J. J. I Keith, Marshal, Newnan; Wm. L. Wil liams, District Deputy. Columbus. A Word of Thanksgiving and Thanks. The Lord has been very gracious to i us. He has shown Himself a present God to hear prayer, save men, and to give peace and power to His people. [ The people, too, have been considerate of us. Some of the ministers of the I city have a large place in the success j of our meeting. Manv Christians, ol all name, have added much to the re- j stilts bv their prayers and presence. | i The young men deserve mention for \ ; closing their hall of amusement during , the meeting; and other places of j : amusement made concessions to the ; meeting. For these benefits I desire, | on behalf of the First Baptist church, j to publicly render thanks to the public ; who have helped us in the Lord’s work. | j Let me say that our campaign for souls | 1 and the higher Christian living haH not ; ended, nor shall it. We crave your ; continued co-operation. Faithfully, J. F. Singleton. i —A marriage ceremony in Kent 1 county, Ky., this week united five sit ters to five brothers. Misses Maud, | Nellie, Kate, Annie and Susie Mertin j were married to John, Dan. Hugh, ' Jack and Dick Johnson. Five sisters j acted as bridesmaids and five brothers of the bridegrooms acted as best men. | When your visitors are all wrapped , up in themselves, no doubt you feel j like bundling them off. I L T There Are Many Good Tilings In this store. The familiar staples in Fancy Groceries arc all here and they are the very best money can buy. Our fancy goods cover everything to satisfy the most exacting taste. Vegetables of all kinds Olives and Pickles, (plain and mixed.) Preserves, Jellies, P’ruits and a host of other good things. We take careful note of all orders, and de liver promptly. Fresh Bread and Cakes every day from our bakery. CHAS. P. COLE TELEPHONE 31 It. F. HERRING G. EDWIN PARKS HERRING & PARKS INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, STOCKS AND BONDS. We have this week the following: FOR SALE One desirable home, close in, to trade l'or farm. One nice house and lot on Greenville street; lot 100x370; close in. Four desirable homes on Greenville street. A small farm about 60 acres edge of Newnan. A bargain. Two nice homes on Temple avenue, at a bargain. One nice home on LaGrange street. One nice home on corner of Fourth and Second avenues. One nice home on Second avenue. One nice home on First avenue, at a bargain. We have a nice home on Second avenue; easy terms. We also have several other homes not advertised. FOR RENT Several nice rooms on Greenville street. Four nice unfurnished rooms on Spring street. One nice home on LaGrange street, eight rooms, close in. Now la the time to buy a farm. Land in Coweta county is advancing every day. Wc have Boine desirable farms, in Iota ranging from 80 to 1,000 acres. Easy terms, tornado insurance und la; protected. We can write you for the sum of 28c. per 5100. For gin innurunce see us;—we can save you money. OUR MOTTO: “PROMPTNESS." ’PHONE 278. OFFICE OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK.