Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, July 30, 1909, Image 5

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f j Fine For Wootens Woolen and flannel poods do not shrink and colored poods do not fade when a few teaspoonfuls of Lavadura are put in the suds —but come out of the wash soft, sweet, bright and clean. 11 “It Softens the Water” A pure, fine, white, harmless powder that increases the cleansing power of water. You don't have to rub and scrub and ruin vour hands and clothes when you use Lavadura. Far better than soap in dish water—save* the hands, sweetens the dishes. Ash for it at Grocers and Druggists In Sc. and 10c. Packages Put a little Lavadura in the water for your bath and notice how much better yon feel after it. Lavadura Chemical Company liWit M llfi LIB#* Woman’s Friend . Nearly all women suffer at times from female | ailments. Some women suffer more acutely and more constantly than others. But whether you have little pain or .whether you suffer intensely, you should take .Wine of Cardui and get relief, j Cardui is a safe, natural medicine, for women, prepared scientifically from harmless vegetable in gredients. It acts easily on the female organs and I gives strength and tone to the whole system. TAKE The Woman’s Tonic J 38 Mrs. Yeraa Wallace, of Sanger, Tex., tried Cardui. She writes: “Cardui has done more for me than I can describe. Last spring 11 was taken with female inflammation ana consulted h doctor, but to no avail, so I took Cardui, and inside of three days, I was cble to do I my housework. Since then my trouble has never returned.” Try it. AT ALL DRUG STORES Georgia School of Technology ATLANTA, GA. A TECHNICAL INSTITUTE of the highest rank, whose graduates occupy prominent and lucrative positions in engineering and commercial life. Located in the most pro gressive city of the South, with the abound, ing opportunities offered its graduates in the South’s present remarkable development. Advanced courses in Mechanical. Electrical, Textile and Civil Engineering, Engineering Chemistry, Chemistry and Architecture. Extensive and new equipmentof Shop, Mill, Laboratories, etc. New Library and new Chemical Laboratory. Cost reasonable. Each county in Georgia entitled to 15 free scholarships. Students received any time during the session. For illustrated catalog 1 , address K. G. MATHESON, A. ML, LL. D., Pres. ATLANTA, GEORGIA WHEN IN NEED OF LUMBER AND PLANING MILL STUFF Of all kinds—Brackets, Mouldings, Columns, etc.—you will find it to your interest to give us a call. HOUSE BILLS A JSPECIALTY Vulcanite Roofing R. D.Cole ManufacturingCo 49-54 E. Broad St., NEWNAN, GA.. ’Phone 14. Resolutions of Respect. Our brother, John H. McGhee, died June IT, 1909. He was born March 25, 1844. He was an ex-Confederate sol dier, a consistent member of the M. E. Church, South, and for nearly forty years an ardent lover of Masonry. He was an acceptable member of Righam Lodge No. 611, Moreland, Ga., at the time of his death. He leaves a loving wife and eleven children to mourn his departure, five of (he latter having lost their mother in 1885. Bro. McGhee was a well-informed man. He possessed fine memory, and enjoyed a store of knowl edge far above the average mind. He was an honest, unpretentious man, a kind husband and father, and a true brother. His faith in immortality was genuine. His trust was in God, and he died in peace with all men. We com mend the purity of his life to not only his children, but to his brethren in church and lodge, t’eaee to his amia ble spirit, and may we all in course of time enjoy with him in the Great Be yond a more perfect and everlasting light. Therefore, be it resolved— 1. That in the death of Bro. John H. McGhee Coweta county has lost a good man and citizen, his wife a faithful husband, and his children a good fath er. 2. That a copy of this memorial be spread on the minutes of our lodge, and also sent The Herald and Advert - ser for publication. W. A. Brannon, E. P. Flovd, J. A. Webb, Committee. Resolutions of Respect. Whereas, it has pleased our Heavenly Father, in His all-wise providence, to j take by death our beloved member, | Lura Add.v. who was a devoted and I faithful member of Mt. Pilgrim I.uth- I eran Sunday-school. Lura was one of i our most regular attendants, and al- j ways carried a ray of sunshine by her ! pleasant manner and genial smile, ! which inspired al) about her. Truly, her example was worthy of emulation; therefore, be it resolved— 1. That, as a Sunday-school, we bow in humble submission to the will of our Heavenly Father, who has, in His infi nite wisdom, removed one of our mem bers, knowing that He is too wise to err and too kind to afflict. 2. That though we miss her pres ence, yet we give her up, that God’s will may be done on earth. 3. That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family, praying that God’s grace may comfort and sustain them, and that this dispen sation of an all-wise providence may prove a rich Messing to our school. 4. That a copy of these resolutions be sent the Newnan Herald and Adver tiser and Senoia Enterprise-Gazette for publication, and a copy also furnished the bereaved family. Mamie Foster, Elvie Swygert, Kate Gray, Committee. Haralson, Ga., July, 1909. The Spirit Moved Him. Pennsylvania Grit. An old negro preacher approached a Southern physician and offered a scrap of paper. “Please, Hah, to read dat,” he said. The physician found it to be an ad vertisement in which it was asserted that whiskey was the only genuine and reliable specific for malaria. “But you haven’t any malaria, un cle,” he assured the old man; “none of it around here at all.” “Whar do de.y have it de wust Mars’ Jeems?” the other then asked, curi ously. “It’s pretty bad down on Cypress River,” the physician told him, naming a locality some twenty miles away. A few days later the physician was passing the old darkey’s cabin, and ob served him climbing upon a rickety wagon piled up with household goods. “Moving. ‘Uncle Ned?’ he asked. “Where are you going?” “Mars’ Jeems,” the old man said solemnly, “Ah done had a call; de spir it have done move me to go wuck in cle Lord’s vineyard on the hanks ob Cy press Ribber. ” Many Women Praise This Remedy. If you have pain iri the back. Urina ry, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a certain, pleasant herb cure for wo man’s ills, try Mother Gray’s Autra- lian-Leaf. It is a safe and never-failing regulator. At druggists or by mail 5Uc. Sample package FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N. Y. “We’ll have to* get a butler, you know,” said Mrs. Pneuritch. “What for?” asked Mr. Pneuritch. “Well, to look after the wine cellar, nd—” “Not much, Priscila! I’m capable of looking after the cellar myself.” “A butler lends dignity to an estab lishment, too.” “Well, when I get so hard up for dignity that I have to borrow it from a butler, I’ll uuit and go hack to the re tail grocery business. You manage the hired girls, Priscilla, and I’ll attend to running the rnari part of the snebang.” One Button Gone. Puck’s Library. The school principal was trying to make clear to his class the fundamen tal doctrines of the Declaration of In dependence. "Now, boys, he said, “1 will give you each three ordinary buttons. Here they are. You must think of the first one as representing Life, of the second one as representing Liberty, and the third one ns representing the Pursuit of Happiness. Next Sunday 1 will ask you each to produce the three buttons and tell mo what they represent.” The following Sunday the teacher said to tlie youngest member, “Now, Johnny, produce your three buttons and tell me what they stand for.” “I ain’t got ’em all,” he sobbed, holding out two of the buttons. “Here’s Life an’ here’s Liberty, but tnommer sewed the Pursuit of Happi ness on my pants.” “Majah,” announced the colonel, “I'll bet I've sweat no less than sev enteen gallons!” “Begging your pardon, kunnel,” re turned the major, desisting from a long libation, “gentlemen don’t sweat; they perspire. Hosses sweat. ” “Well, then,” returned the now irri tated colonel, glaring at the calm and contented critic of his diction, “by gad, suh, I’m a hoss!” So Tired It may be from overwork, hut the chances are its from ait in active LIVER. — With a well conducted LIVER one can do mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. It can he keptin healthfuEuction by, end only by TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. S V A L D I N G ’ S Base Ball Cj O O D S . New Shipment Just in. Write or call for Spalding’s 1909 Catalog, MURRAY’S BOO K S T O R E Atlanta and ’/lest Point RAILROAD COP/IPANY 'Sunday only. "Daily except Sun day. All other trains daily. Odd numbers, southbound; even nuin hen*, northbound. WESTON, Ocean-to-Ocean Walker, Said recent! v; “When you feel down and out. feel there is no use living, just take your bad thoughts with you and walk them off. Before you have walked a mile things will look rosier. Just try it.” Have you noticed the in crease in walking of late in every com munity? Many attribute it to the com fort which Allen’s Foot-Ease, the anti septic powder to be shaken into the, shoes, gives to the millions now using it. As Weston has said, “It has real merit. ” Carelessness is really laziness under a more polite name. CREME ELCAYA A TOILET CREAM FOR THE COMPLEXION Preserving It against the harsh effocts of wind and dust. “Always ready.’’ PRICE 50 CENTS T . S W I IN T You are Never Disappoint ed at This Store We keep in stock all kinds of country produce, fresh from the farm—Chickens, Butter and Eggs. Six good farmer friends have been bringing us butter regularly for the past five years. All of them own fine Jersey cows, and the butter produced is the finest in Coweta county. Since the recent decline we are prepared to sell Patent Flour at rock bottom prices. Just received a fresh barrel of Cooking Oil, one barrel of the finest White Wine Vinegar, one barrel of pure double-distilled Apple Vinegar, and one barrel of pure Ribbon Cane Syrup. in fact, you can get anything in the grocery line by ’phoning 54. Telephone Fifty-four FIRE LIFE HEALTH H. C. FISHER & SONS INSURANCE OLDEST, STRONGEST AND MOST RELIABLE COMPANIES ACCIDENT LIABILITY TORNADO BY THE SEA WHERE OCEAN BREEZES BLOW. EXCURSION RATES VIA (entrap* Georgia railway QUICK'AND CONVENIENT SCHEDULES. SPLENDID SERVICE FROM PLACES IN GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. ASK YOUR NEAREST TICKET AGENT FOR TOTAL RATES, SCHEDULES, ETC. For sale by Holt & Cates Co. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. CURRENT SCHEDULES ARItl VK FROM Grittin n .10 a m. 7:17 y. m. Chattanooga 1:40 M, Cedartowii, • x Sun mi!* a. m. Ccdartown, Rmi.on y 7-Ml a. m. Coluiubus . . 9;iift a. m. p. m. dkfart for Grittin . 1:40 p. m. GriHin, ex. Sunday f):39 a. m. Grittin, Sunday only 7 :27 a. m. Chatturiougu ll:i<) a. m. Ceilartuwii . .. 7:17 i\ m.,. . . 7:441 A. .m. R:16 p. m Libel for Divorce. GEORCilA f W. M. Whitr ILS'TV : Superior Court, re, defer t l;t a C 8 y Libel for Divorce Claudie Whitmire. To Claudie Whitmirt by required, in person appear at the next ter to be held in and for Monday in September anawer the plaintiff in hh, in default proceed there Coweta You ure here* attorney, to be and the Superior Court, jounty, on the first then arid there to ion for total divorce, irh appearance, said Court will justice rnay appertain. Witness the Honorable K. W. Freeman, Judge of said Court, this the 5th day of April. 1909. L. TURNER, Clerk. Libel for Divorce. GEORGIA Coweta County: y Libel for Divorce, in Coweta Supe- Moho Kelly, j rior Court, March Term, 1909. To the defendant, Mose Kelly : You are hereby required, in person or by attorney, to be and ap pear at the next term of the Superior Court of | said county, to be held on the first Monday inSep- I timber, 1909, then and there to answer the plaintiff j in an ucLion of libel for divorce; as, in default ! thereof, the Court will proceed thereon as to j justice rnay appertain. Witness the Honorable R. W. Freeman, Judge of suid Court, this 17th day of May, 1909. L. TURNER. Clerk.