Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, August 20, 1909, Image 6

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GRANTVILLE. Mr. It. I. Sewell has returned home, after a pleasant visit to his daughter, Mrs. Hobs Harton, at Alexander City, Ala. Mias Dollie Kate Turner, of Odessa- dale, is visiting friends here this week. Misses Marie Sewell and. Minnie White are visjling their cousin, Miss Laura Sewell. Mr. and Mrs. 1. ('. Lester and Mr. Edward Nall spent Saturday and Sun day with Mrs. Burks Nall, at Lone Oak. Misses Love Stephens and 'lommie Lester spent Tuesday afternoon in Newrian. Dr. Hugh Taylor spent Sunday with homefolks at Lutherville. Miss Rebecca Knight has returned to her home at Cartersville, after a pleas ant visit to Miss Lucile Arnold. Mr. L. 1’. Bryant was in Atlanta Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Smith and chil dren are visiting friends and relatives in Alabama Dr. Hugh Taylor was in Atlanta Wednesday. Mrs. E. S. Banks spent Saturday in Atlanta. Mrs. F. H. Letson and children are visiting relatives at Norcross this week. Mr. Jonah Hopson, of Atlanta, visit ed friends and relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Hilbert spent Saturday and Sunday in Newnan. Miss Willie Jeter is visiting her un cle, Mr. Steve Robertson, at Carroll ton. “ Mr. Byron Fuller, of Newnan, spent Sunday with Grantvillo friends. Mr. Will Holloway was in Atlanta Tues lay. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Smith spent Sun day with homefolks at White Oak. Miss Florrie Nall, of Lone Oak, and Mrs. Z. T. Elliott, of Barnesville, spent Wednesday with their sister, Mrs. I. C. Lester. Mrs. J. II. Gilbert and Mrs. Fuller spent Wednesday in Moreland. Miss Nellie Brown, of Newnan, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Bessie Bohannon. Mrs. I. O. Albright, of Lutherville, and Mrs. Lula White, of Atlanta, spent Tuesday with Mrs. W. F. Hopson. Mr. Geo. Dunson and Mrs. W. 1’. Mr. Lee Moseley and Miss Frankie Wortham, of Handy, surprised their many friends Sunday by getting mar ried. We wish them much hapipness. Mrs. Sue F. Wright, of Newnan, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. F. J. Amis. Miss Ida Fitman, of Corinth, is visit ing Misses Mary and Janie Amis. Messrs. Hump Dial, Henry Lender- man and Mack Lavender attended camp-meeting at Flat Rock camp ground, Heard county, Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. “Doc” Jones, of Bremen, is visiting the family of Mr. B. 11. Dial. Miss Grace Summers is spending the week with homefolks. Mr. Henry Moore and wife, of Cen- tralhatchee, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Grimes last week. Mr. Bob Fitman and wife, of Cor inth, are visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Newman. Miss Hattie Whitaker, of Midway, spent Saturday night and Sunday with the family of Mr. Sam Crain. Mr. Horace McKoy, of Newnan, spent Sunday with homefolks. Mr. Erretc Hyde, with Miss Katie Sue Moore, of Madras, worshiped at Welcome Sunday, and dined with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKoy. Aug. 18th. MADRAS. We regret to note that Lone of . Oak, Tifton this Gantt, of Andalusia, Ala., relatives here this week. Miss Lucile Barrow, of and her guest, Miss Fields, sas, were in town Tuesday Mr. W. F. Hopson is in week. Miss Mary Thomas, of Lone Oak, is visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. I. M. Kennedy was in Atlanta Saturday. Masters Glenn and Dan Post, of Newnan, are visiting their grandpa rents, Col. and Mrs W. A. Post. Mrs. 1. N. Orr, jr., and little daugh ter, of Newnan, are visiting Capt. T. E. Zellars this week. Mrs. Otis Lambert has home, altera pleasant visit folks at White Oak. Aug. 18th. week John MORELAND. We are called upon this chronicle the death of Mrs. Morris, of St. Charles, which occurred Sunday, after many months of suffer ing. Dr. Cousins preached her funer al Monday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Win chester, of Atlanta, and Rev. T. R. Kendall assisting in the services. A large concourse of sorrowing friends were present. Deceased leaves a hus band, three sons and two daughters, the latter being Jim Henry Morris, John Morris, Geo. Morris, Mrs. M. 11. Sewell and Mrs. Chas. Bradbury. Rev. Mr. Winchester, of Atlanta, is assisting Dr. Cousins in his annual meeting here this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cureton, jr., gave a barbecue Tuesday evening to their friends. Mrs. Word and Miss Mamie Lythgoe, of West Point, came up to enjoy the occasion. Mr. Fred Camp, whose foot was bad ly burned recently, is able to be out again with the aid of a crutch. Misses Elon and Mary Young went to Doraville last week, and this week will visit their brother, Arthur, in Atlanta. Mr. Emmett Young is visiting in Mc Donough. Mrs. Wesley McCollum, of Mc Donough, is visiting her father. Mr. Wm. Hendrix. Mr. and Mrs. Davis, of Carroll coun ty, are visiting the family of Mr. John Bexley. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leigh Camp, of Newnan, visited here the past week. The funeral of the little 6-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Smith took place at the Baptist church Wed nesday afternoon. Her death resulted from an attack of typhoid fever. Yesterday one of the twins of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Haynes died, the little one living only ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Moore moved to Newnan Thursday. Mrs. Parrott and Mrs. T. T. Entre- kin, of Senoia, were visitors here Tues day. Aug. 18th. The Crime of Idleness. Idleness means trouble for any one. It is the same way with a lazy liver. It causes constipation, headache, jaun dice, sallow complexion, pimples and blotches, loss of appetite, nausea, but Dr. King’s New Life Pills soon banish liver troubles and build up your health. 25 cents at all druggists. WELCOME. Rev. F. J. Amis was called to Villa Rica Sunday to officiate at a funeral. Judge Alvan D. Freeman tilled his pul pit at Eli in Sunday, preaching a tine sermon to a large congregation. Mrs. F. C. McKoy is uuite ill at this writing. Mrs. G. N. Strong is on the sick list this week. Miss Lucile Lovelady, ot Newnan visiting her aui t, Mrs. J. F. Dial. Mr. J. C. Herring and younger son, Joseph, have been very ill for several weeks with whooping cough and fever, and are not showing any signs of improvement at present. Their many friends wish them a speedy recovery. Last Saturday and Sunday were reg ular preaching days at Mt. Gilead. Elder Wm. Smith was ably assisted in the services by Elder I ronton. Friday evening Mr. J. K. Beavers and sister, Miss Willie, delightfully en tertained a goodly number of their friends in honor of their guests, Misses Eulu and Mary Bridges. Misses Hilton, Helen and Nellie Toy, of Atlanta, were attractive guests re cently at the home of their uncle, Mr. J. T. Brown, sr. Miss Bessie Cook is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Guy Laven der, near Sargent. Miss Clara Sewell, of Atlanta, was visiting | the admired guest of Mrs. J. C. Her ring last week. Mrs. W. A. Wingo and son, Johnnie, Arkan-1 spent the latter part of last week in Palmetto, the guest of Messrs. Bob and Jake Wingo. After spending a week with rela tives at Turin Miss Pauline Cole re turned home Tuesday, accompanied by her aunt, Miss Dollie Cole. Messrs. Geo. Coggin and Brad Ar- no! I are on an extended trip West. Mr. J. E. Hyde and Miss Katherine Moore spent Saturday night and Sun day very pleasantly with relatives at Welcome. A few Madrasites are anticipating a returned i grand time next week, as they intend to home-1 going to T.vbee on Monday. j Mrs. Cochran, of Atlanta, spent sev eral days last week with her sister, j Mrs. Park Redwine. I Mr. and Mrs. “Bud” Moore, of Long- street, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lewis. Messrs. J. R. Wise and J. K. Beav ers spent Sunday at Warm Springs. Mrs. Irvin Manley, of Oklahoma, spent Tuesday with Mrs. E. M. Yea ger. Mrs. W. B. (look and Mrs. J. C. Lewis attended services at Coke’s Chapel Tuesday. Mrs. Maude Sewell, of Atlanta, is at the bedside of her brother, Mr. J. C. Herring. Mr. W. E. Brown spent Saturday and Sunday near Sargent, the guest of Mr. Guy Lavender. After spending a week very pleas antly with Miss Willie Beavers, Misses Eulu and Mary Bridges returned Tues day to their home in Atlanta. Miss Willie Hamrick, of Carrollton, is the guest this week of her cousin, Miss Ruby Cates. Miss Florence Moore will spend the week-end with McKoy relatives at Welcome. Mr. T. B. Hyde attended the ball game at Sargent Saturday afternoon. Aug. 18th. Washington's Plague Spots Lie in the low, marshy bottoms of the Potomac, the breeding ground of malaria germs. These germs cause chills, fever and ague, biliousness, jaundice, lassitude, weakness and gen eral debility, and bring suffering or death to thousands yearly. But Elec tric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. “They are the best all-round tonic and cure for malaria 1 ever used.” writes R. M. ames, of Louellen. S. C. They cure stomach, liver, kidney and blood trouble and will prevent typhoid. Try them, 50e. Guaranteed by all drug gists. LUTHERVILLE. Rev. T. R. Kendall tilled his regular appointment here Sunday. Mr. Carl Griffin, of Hampton, has been here on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Gus Williams. Mrs. D. W. Boone anud children, of Newnan, visited friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and chil dren, of Franklin, are at the home of Mrs. Miller’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Williams. Miss Myrtice Harris, of LaGrange, is at the home of Prof. Bevis. Mr. W. F. Nall spent a few days in Atlanta this week. Mrs. Will Glenn and children are at Haralson on a visit to relatives. Mrs. Irvin Manley, of Oklahoma, is visiting relatives here. Miss Clara Williams is visiting friends at Woodbury. Messrs. Solon and Paul Cousins, ac companied by their sister, Miss Ruth, are in the Blue Ridge mountains for rest and recreation. A small party of Lutherville people enjoved a harbecue at Hardaway’s pond last week. Miss Lizzie Lou Davis, of Atlanta, is among relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, of Gi rard, visited the family ol' Mr. Seth Williams this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fuller, of New nan, visited homefolks last week. Miss Bessie Couch spent a day at St. Charles this week. Mrs. Virgil Moreland ‘ spent a few days this week at Rocky Mount with her sister, Mrs. Jack Hardaway. Dr. Hugh Taylor, of Grautville, spent Sunday with homefolks. Mr. Brooks, of Columbus, spent Sun day with his family, who are summer ing here. Mr. and Mrs. Womble and little son are spending the summer at the Up shaw Hotel. Miss Ophelia Lambert has gone to Hiram to visit her brother’s family. Mrs. J. P. Barnett is with her pa rents at Greenville. Mrs. W. F. Nall and children have re turned from a two-weeks’ visit to her parents at Molena. Mr. Walter Connolly, of Molena, was in town this week, the guest of his sis ter. Mrs. W. F. Nall. Mr. Jonah Hopson, of Odessa, is visiting Mr. Earl Upshaw. Mrs. John Leverett, of Greenville, is at the home of her father, Mr. Will Latimer. Rev. Ras Russell, of Mountville, was here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Redmond visited relatives here this week. Miss Louise Teagle spent a few days in Greenville this week. Protracted services will begin at the Methodist church here next Thursday. Rev. Mr. Dunaway will assist the pas tor in the meeting. Aug. 18th. Seared With a Hot Iron, or scalded by overturned kettle—cut with a knife—bruised by slammed door injured by gun or in any other way— the thing needed at once is Bucklen’s Arnica Salve to subdue inflammation and kill the pain. It’s earth’s supreme healer, infallible for boils, ulcers, fever sores, eczema and piles. Twenty-five all druggists. Senoia Notes. Senoia Enterprise-Gazette, 19th inst Mr. Jim Moses left Saturday for Chicago, to spend a few days with his brother. Mr. R. L. Hardy and two daughters, Misses Lois and Annie Lou, returned Tuesday from a pleasant stay of ten days at St. Simon’s. Col. Watkins, a wealthy orange grower of Orlando, Fla., came up yes terday with Mr. Geo. E. Nolan, and is spending a couple of days as the guest of Hon. M. H. Couch. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Emmett Ward has been promoted from the agency at Molena to ag'ent and op erator at Woodbury, one of the most important stations on that line of rail road. Emmett is a good boy, and is making his mark. Mrs. J. Miles Arnall has issued invi tations to the marriage of her daugh ter, Georgia, and Rev. Benjamin David Porter, which happy event will be sol- enized at the Baptist church in this city on Tuesday evening. Atur. 31, at hal f-past S o’clock. This will be one of the important events of the season, uniting, as it floes, one of our loveliest and most popular young ladies to one of Maryland’s foremost Baptist minis ters. Dr. Long and Mr. Etheridge, who have had a lot of experience in the marble business, were near town Tues day examining rock on Mr. T. J. En- trekin’s farm, on the A., B. & A. rail road, with a view to putting in ma chinery to work up the rock. Another examination will be made, and we hope soon to announce the establishment of a plant on this property, as it would be of great benefit to Senoia. The first examination was very satisfactory, and they secured an option on ten acres ol' the land. Hot Wave Spreads Over South. New Orleans, La., Aug. 18.- What is believed by the local weather bureau officials to have been the climax to period of intensely hot weather was reached at 3 o’clock this afternoon. At that hour a temperature of 100 degrees was registered here, the highest, with one exception, recorded in New Orleans during the last thirty years. The A- cord high temperature is 102 degrees, in 1901. Fort Worth, Texas., Aug. 18—At 1:10 o’clock this afternoon the thermometer registered 113 degrees. Up to 2 o’clock eight prostrations had been reported. At Sherman 107 degrees was regis tered, the highest in twenty years, and at Palestine, 107 was also reached, the highest in twenty-five years. The water supply at Palestine, is low and people are suffering severely from the nigh temperature and dust. Several persons were taken to the hospitals late to-day after being overcome by the heat. One death is reported. Jackson, Miss., Aug. IS.—To-day goes on record as the hottest ever ex perienced here. Observer Hintz re- j ported 105 degrees. One death result ed from prostration. Mobile, Ala., Aug. 18—The maxi mum temperature to-day was 101 de grees, the highest recorded in August since the founding of the weather bu reau, thirty-eight years ago. This has only been exceeded once, in July, 1901, when the maximum was 102. Two prostrations were recorded. Kansas City, Aug. 18.—The South west is in the grip of the worst drouth since the memorable dry spell in 1901, and some places report temperatures exceeding the terrific heat of that year. Crops in Missouri, Northern Oklahoma, Southern Kansas, Nebraska and Illinois are drying up, and unless there is rain soon the loss will be enor mous. Reports from Wellington and Coffeyville, Kans., say that there has been no rainfall in the corn belt for two weeks, and the temperature has been hovering about the 100 mark. Trees and shrubbery are drying up and the development of corn has stopped. In central Missouri late corn is suffering for want of rain and the pastures are burning up. The watermelon crop is ruined. Dispatches from Oklahoma re port temperatures above 100, and the hot winds are damaging corn, cotton and vegetables. Smith Men in Control, and Kept Down Legislation. Savannah Press-. “There has been a good deal of criticism of the present General As sembly and the fact that it passed few general hills, but the people do not un derstand what the first session really did accomplish,” said Hon. J. Randolph Anderson, member of the House from Chatham, who returned to the city this morning. “In the first place, the House was in control of the Smith fac tion. They had 102 members, while the Brown faction had just 82 mem bers. A majority of the members of the House had been named before the gubernatorial election, with the result that Smith’s adherents predominated at the start. Gov. Brown was respon sible to the people of the State for necessary legislation, yet on all sides he was hampered by hostile members of the General Assembly, and it was with the greatest difficulty that reme dial legislation was enacted.” A teacher was telling a class at school last Sunday abuut the Deluge, remarking: “And then it rained for forty days and forty nights. ” Then a little boy asked : “Were the farmers satisfied then, Miss Jennie?” 'Twas a Glorious Victory. There’s rejoicing in Fedora, Tenn. A man’s life lias bsen saved, and now Dr. King’s New Discovery is the talk of the town for curing C. V. Pepper of deadly lung hemorraghes. ”1 could not work or get about,” he writes, “and the doctors did me no good, but after using Dr. King’s New Discovery three weeks I feel like a new man, and can do good work again.” For weak, sore or diseased lungs, coughs and colds, hemorraghes, hay fever, la grippe, asthma, or any bronchial affec tion it stands unrivaled. Price 50c. and $1. Trial bottle free. Sold and guaranteed by all druggists. KIRBY-BOHANNON HARDWARE CO. For- The best Window and Door Screens, with correct prices. Hammocks at actual cost. Fresh Turnip Seed just received. Mason and “Light ning” Fruit Jars for all fruits. Jelly Glasses in two TELEPHONE 201 Are Many Things Good IS JUSTIFIED if goods are not as represented. We give you what you pay for. It is our aim to give you the best that the market affords in our line, both in style and in quality. Come to see us In this store. The familiar staples in Fancy Groceries are all here and they are the very best money can buy. Our fancy goods cover everything to satisfy the most exacting taste. Vegetables of all kinds Olives and Pickles, (plain and mixed.) Preserves, Jellies, Fruits and a host of other good things. We take careful note of all orders, and de liver promptly. Fresh Bread and Cakes every day from our bakery. CHAS. P. COLE TELEPHONE 31 .should not be granted. This 10th day of August, 19 0i). W. C. CARTER, Clerk. By F. I.. BKKIts, Deputy Clerk. Caller isn’t in?” New Maid— her word, sir! “Are you sure your mistress I hope you don’t doubt Satef <£ icKoy Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby Riven that the firm of Herrins: & Parks, in the business of insurance, loans and real estate in the City of Newnan, Coweta county. Ga„ is this day dissolved by mutual consent, G. Edwin Parks retiring: therefrom. The business will be conducted at the same place by R. F. Her ring. who will settle all firm liabilities and receipt for all debts due the firm. This 3d day of August, 1909 R. F. HERRING. G. E. PARKS. Notice to the Public. The firm of Herring & Parks having been dis solved. this is to notify the public that I will con tinue in the real estate and insurance business, with offices over Barnett, St. John & Co.’s. I thank my friends for the patronage given me in the past, and trust that I may have a share of their busi ness in the future, assuring them that all matters entrusted to me will be given my personal and prompt attention. G. EDWIN PARKS. Newnan, Ga., Aug. 6, 1909. Notice of Discharge in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia. No. 23S3, in Bankruptcy. In re John W. Kirkland. Bankrupt: A petition for discharge having been filed in conformity with law by the above-named bar! - rupt, and the Court having duly ordered that the hearing upon said petition be had on August 27, 1909. at 10 o’clock a. m.. at the United Statei District Court-room, in the city of Atlanta, Ga. I notice is hereby given to all creditors and other persons in interest to appear at the time and ' place named and show cause, if any they havf, j why the prayer of the bankrupt for discharge NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION. GEORGIA—Coweta County, t City of Senoia. \ In accoulance with a resolution passed by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Senoia, Ga., on the 6th day of August, 1909, notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of said City of Se noia. Ga., that on the 11th day of September. 1909, an election will be held in said city, at the usual place of holding elections in said city, as provided for in Chapter 3, Sections 377, 378, 379 and 380 of Vol. 1 of the Code of Georgia of 1S95. to determine whether bonds shall be issued by said city for and in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, said bonds to be known as “ELECTRIC LIGHT BONDS.” and the funds arising therefrom to be used for the purpose of purchasing, and installing, and equip ping, and maintaining an Electric Light Plant in and for said city. The amount of bonds to be issued is Ten Thousand Dollars. Said bonds are to bear interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, payable annually. The principal of said bonds is to be paid as follows: $1,000 in 1912 $1,000 in 1922 $1,000 in 1914 $1,000 in 1924 $1,000 in 1916 $1,000 in 1926 $1,000 in 1918 $1,000 in 1928 $1,000 in 1920 $1,000 in 1930 The interest on said bonds to be paid as follows: $500 in 1910 $250 in 1920 $500 in 1911 $250 in 1921 $450 in 1912 $200 in 1922 $450 in 1913 $200 in 1923 $400 in 1914 $150 in 1924 $400 in 1915 $150 in 1925 $350 in 1916 $100 in 1926 $350 in 1917 $100 in 1927 $300 in 1918 $ 50 in 1928 $.300 in 1919 $ 50 in 1929 shall have printed upon their ballots as used in said election For Bonds, and those opposing the issuance of said bonds shall have printed upon their ballots as used in said election Against Bonds. This the 6th day of August, 1909. R. L. ARNALL. Mayor. J. D. HUNTER. Councilman, W. B. BAGGARLY, Councilman, G. P. HODNETT, Councilman, VINDEX HAND. Councilman. Executors’ Sale. GEORGIA—Coweta County: By virtue of the authority vested in us, the un dersigned. by the w'U of Margaret Latimer, late of Coweta county. Ga., we will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in September, 1909, before the court-house door of said county, in the city of Newnan, the following property, to-wit: North half of lot of land number fifty-one, in the district of Coweta county. Ga., con taining one hundred one and one-fourth acres, more or less; and also thirty acres, more or less, of the south side of lot number fifty, in said dis trict and county, being that part of said lot which) lies south of Buzzard's branch and Crooked creek, and bounded partly on the east by lot number forty-four, and on the west partly by lands of Carter—said lands being part of what is known as the Colbert place, in said county. To be sold for the purpose of making distribu tion amongst the legatees under said will. This Aug. 9, 1909. Prs. fee, $6.12. W. J. MURPHEY, C. S. REID, Executors of the will of Margaret Latimer, dec’d. TAX ASSESSMENT FOR 1909. Court of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue of Coweta County, August Term, 1909. Ordered, That there be collected by the Tax Collector of said county for the year 1909 the fol lowing amounts, to-wit: 1. To repair court-house and jail, and build and repair bridges and other public improvements ac cording to contract, 8 cents on the one hundred dollars. 2. To pay sheriff’s and jailor’s fees, salaries of the Judge of the City Court of Newnan and Coun ty Treasurer, commissions of the Tax Collector: and Tax Receiver, Coroner’s fees, and other of ficers’ fees that they may be legally entitled to- out of the county. 4 cents on the one hundred dollars. 3. To pay the expenses of the county for bailiffs at courts, r.on-resident witnesses in criminal cases, fuel, servant hire, stationery, and the like, 4 cents on the one hundred dollars. 4. To pay jurors’ fees in the Superior Court and in the City Court of Newnan, 8 cents on the one hundred dollars. 5. To pay expenses incurred in supporting the poor of the county, 4 cents on the one hundred!, dollars. 6. For the public road fund, to be used in work ing, improving and repairing the public roads of the county, 40 cents on the one hundred dollars. 7. To pay all other lawful charges against the county, 5 cents on the one hundred dollars. Making in the aggregate 73 cents on the one hundred dollars, which is levied upon all the tax able property of the county for the purposes afore said for the year 1909. It is further ordered. That the Tax Collec tor of Coweta county collect for the year 1909 the following special taxes, to-wit: In Union-Bethlehem School District, 35 cents on the one hundred dollars. In Raymond School District, 50 cents on the one hundred dollars. In Grantville School District, 15 cents on the one hundred dollars. In White Oak School District. 40 cents on the- one hundred dollars. In Welcome School District, 40 cents on the one hundred dollars. In Moreland-St. Charles School District, 40 cents on the one hundred dollars. Which said special taxes are hereby levied upor>. all the taxable property in said districts for edu cational purposes in the year 1909. By order of the Board: R. O. JONES. Clerk.