Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, August 27, 1909, Image 5

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You are Never Disappoint ed at This Store , W e keep in stock all kinds of country produce, fresh from the larm—Chickens, Butter and Eggs. Six good farmer friends have been bringing us butter regularly for the past five years. All of them own tine Jersey cows, and the butter produced is the finest in Coweta county. Since the recent decline we are prepared to sell Patent Flour at rock bottom prices. , Just received a fresh barrel of Cooking Oil, one barrel of the finest White Wine Vinegar, one barrel of pure double-distilled Apple Vinegar, and one barrel of pure Ribbon Cane Syrup. In fact, you can get anything in the grocery line by ’phoning 54. Telephone Fifty-four BY THE SEA WHERE 8CE4JJ BREEZES’ BLOW. EXCURSION RATES (entbal*Georgia railway QUICK AND CONVENIENT SCHEDULES. SPLENDID SERVICE FROM PLACES IN GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. ASK YOUR NEARESTTICKET AGENT FOR TOTAL RATES, SCHEDULES, ETC. “ FOR SALE AT PUBLIC OUTCRY ON Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1909, The Property of the Newnan Market & lee Co. Consisting of lot on which ice plant is located, at junc tion of Atlanta & West Point and Central of Ga. R. R., containing about one acre; one 5-ton and one 15-ton ice machine, Columbus Iron Works Co. make; one 125-h. p. boiler, Cole make, practically new; and all other accesso ries. Abundant, water supply. Sold for the purpose of liquidation. Owners reserve the right to make private sale of property. For further particulars write Secretary NEWNAN MARKET S ICE CO., Newnan. WHEN IN NEED OF LUMBER AND PLANING MILL STUFF Of all kinds—Brackets, Mouldings, Columns, etc.-—you will find it to your interest to give us a call. HOUSE BILL S A S PE CI A L T Y Vulcanite Roofing R. D.Cole Manufacturin^Co 49-54 E. Broad St.. NEWNAN. GA.. 'Phone 14. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. CURRENT SCHEDULES. ARRIVE FROM Griffin 11:10 a. m Chattanooga 1:40 V. M Cedartown, ex. Sun ti :39 A. M Cedar tow n, Suu.only 7 \t~, a. m Columl>u» .' it :05 a . .n DEUART FOR Griffin l:4ne Grillin, ex. Sunday l>:39 a Griffin, Sunday onI) 7 :t-7 a Chattanooga It :;0 a t edartown 7:17 p i ‘.dninhu. 7:40 a War on Motor Cycles. The Augusta Chronicle sounds a warning to those who ride motor cycles and says lack of consideration on their part for others on tlu' public roads will result in law that will deny them the use of roads. People living out in the country, far mers and others, are making a protest against motor cycles with such vigor and in such united manner that their campaign is taking the form of a cru sade. And results are sure to follow. It is complained that the drivers of these machines, going fifty to sixty miles an hour, puffing and exhausting like light artillery in action, apparently having no concern for the comfort or safety of any other occupant of the highway, are causing more runaways breaking up more vehicles and snap ping more harness than the entire ag gregation of automobiles have been charged with. The motorcycle darts here and there, no number to distinguish them, no way to hall them, no way to identify them, no way to caution them—frightening teams up banks and into ditches, and do not seem to care. The motor cyclists will do well to take up, immediately, among themselv es, the regulation of this matter. It. is sure to he before the county commis sioners and the grand jury, and that quickly. * Those of them who are reckless and apparently don’t care a snap arc get ting the entire body of motor cyclists in trouble. Unless the motor cyclists do something, something will he done by some one else. And the sufferers will be the motor cyclists. They must have more regord for teams on the roads or the roads will be practically denied to them. Girls Spank Pastor With Barrel Stave. jgSouth Norwalk, Conn., Aug. IK.- The Rev. Howard W. Benedict, a popular young preacher of East Nor walk, was in bod and in pain when lie should have been conducting the Union Congregational and Methodist tent meeting in Westport, and all because some young women friends spanked him too hard in celebration of his birthday. The Rev. Mr. Howard is able to get up and be out, but it will be some days before he oats his meals elsewhere than from the mantelpiece. It was no gentle birthday taps that were administered to Mr. Benedict, for they were good, sound cracks from barrel staves. Many of the young wo men admirers of the young divine wish ed to remember him with slippers and other “homely” gifts upon his birth day, hut all in vain, for Mr. Benedict, resisted all insinuations and questions which pertained to the date of his birth. By a ruse and a resort to the town re cords the desired information was finally obtained, but by this time the zeal of the young women took on a little rancor. They accordingly obtained barrel staves from a grocery and waited in the shade of a tree for Mr. Benedict to pass. The young minister had too much re spect for the sex to use force to bring about a suspension of the birthday re membrance, and he was too dignified to run, so he took it for the most part where his mother applied it in childhood days, but the effect was more pro nounced and lasting. Witch hazel, arnica and other pain killers were applied in the hope that he might get to that meeting Sunday even ing, hut all in vain. He was too sore to pray, preach or sit down. HOME ENDORSEMENT. Hundreds of Newnan Citizens Can Tell You All About It. Home endorsement, the public ex pression of Newnan people, should be evidence beyond dispute for every New nan reader. Surely the experience of friends and neighbors, cheerfully i. iven by them, will carry more weight, than the utterances of strangers residing in faraway places. Read the following: W. If. Hill, 61 Murray street, New nan, Ga., says : “Some years ago 1 re ceived a severe fall, and, as a result, my kidneys became affected. After that. I was a constant sufferer from backache, the pains sometimes extend ing into my shoulders, and even as tar as mv neck. When I procured Doan’s Kidney Rills at Bee Bros’, drug store 1 was in quite a serious condition, arid placed all my hopes in their bringing me relief. I was not disappointed, for. after a short use. they entirely cured me. I have not had the least sign of kidney trouble since, anil I willingly give Doan’s Kidney Pills my indorse ment.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—anr take no other. There have been rnanv inquiries as to the exact language of the dog tax law, and when it will become effective. Under the general tax act, which will become effective Jan. 1. 1910, the fol lowing tax is laid upon dogs: “On all dogs the sum of $1 per head. Such tax to be enforced by levy and sale a:-; other taxes are collected, and not to interfere with the imposition and collec tion of any municipal taxes on dogs. Provided, that in the event no purchas er at the sale of any dog bids the amount of said execution, that the levy ing officer shall cause said dog to be killed.” When a man is in love it is awfully hard to interest him in your -.roubles. “Can you toll me what’s the matter with this watch?” inquired tlu- Aver age Looking Man, anxiously. The jeweler stuck a dice box in his eye and glanced at the instrument’s in nards. Then lie looked up. “Yon find it necessary to shake it real hard every now and then to start it going, don’t you?” he inquired. “That’s right. ” “And you find that it gets dusty, don’t you? Perhaps you don’t blow hard enough on the works?” “Oh, yes, 1 do—every day.” "Well, well! Rut are you careful to start tin- balance-wheel going with a toothpick every hour or two?” “Yes, I do that, too,” “And in spite of alt your precau tions, ic needs about $5 worth of re pairs. It’s very strange.” For the jeweler "possessed a dry and sarcastic wit. A ceitain Oregon Justice of the Peace is becoming very popular as a marriage official. His popularity Is said to be clue to his short ceremony. When very nervous couples line up be fore him, it is about ns follows: “Do you people want each other?” “We do, we do,” is the required an swer. “Then, goodness gracious, take each other, for nobody else wants you. You are married.” Excursion Fares via Central of Georgia Railway Company. To Valdosta, Gu., and return —Account Grand Lodge Supreme Circle of Benevolence of United States, to be hold Sept.. 28-Oct. 4, 1909. To Black Mountain, N. C., and return — Account Montreal Chautauqua and Religious Assemblies, to be held July 15-August 31, 1909. To I.os Angeles, Calif.. Portland, Ore., Seattle, Wash.. San Francisco, Calif.. San Diego, Calif.—Account Alaska - Yukon - Pacific Exposition and various other special occasions. For lull information in regard to rates, dates of sale, limits, schedules, etc., apply to nearest ticket agent. -Former Gov. Hoke Smith is quoted as saying in a speech to a delegation of Atlanta traveling men that called on him and presented him with a gold- headed walking cane last Saturday night that Mu v phy Candler must he re elected to the Railroad Commission and Olio Stevens defeated, because Obe is “k politician who will vote whichever way he is pulled.” When the show down comes the former Governor will find that Obe Stevens “can kill as many of his ducks as.lie can of his’n. ” —Albany Herald. Don’t leave slander 1 where it will twist the tong AN OLD ADAGE SAY S **A light purse is a heavy curse” Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER is the seat of rJna tenths of ail disease. fife*!! ' go to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safe! and restore the action «;f the LIVER to normal conditlor.. Give tone to the system- ©nd solid flesh to the body. Take No Substitute. NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION. GEORGIA- Cowista County, / idanc City of Senoia. I CRolulion passed by tin Mayor and Councibnen of tin* City of Sr on the 6th day of Amrust:, 1909, notice in hereby tfiven to the qualified voters of said City of ,S«- noin, Ga.. that on the 11th day of September, 1009. an election will he held in paid city, at the usual place of holding elect iom; in Maid ejtv, an provided tor in Chapter 3. Section* 1177. ;J7H. .'179 and 3H0 of Vol. I of the Code of Gi o: y,n ol ivp.5, to determine whether bond* shall be ia-tr I b , said city for and in the sum <»f Ten Thoi'.sand Dou.abm, mud bonds to be. known ns “ELECTRIC LIGHT BOLUS," arid the fun k at i-tine therefrom to be used for the piii'poku of purchasim?, and installing, and equip- nine. and maintaining an i;i.i:rrnn Light Plant in ai d for said city. Thu amount of bonds to bo LsKued is Ten Thousand Dollar ,. Haiti bonds are to bear interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, payable annually. The pi incina) of said bonds is Lo be paid as folk. *1,000 in 1912 *1.000 in 1914 HI,000 in 1916 •1,000 in 1918 •'1.0.-9 in 1920 eat . S 1,000 i H.1.000 i ?1,000 i $1,000 i $i,000 i 1926 Is tti be paid as follow's: $250 in 1920 $250 in 1921 $200 in 1922 C200 in 192 '. $150 in 1924 $150 in 1925 $100 in 1920 WOO in 1927 9 50 in 1928 T 50 i n 1929 of m-uirij/ said bonds leir balloth as used in d those opposing th« *■•00 i *500 in 1911 ••■‘150 in 1912 *460 in 1919 mo in 1914 $400 in 1915 $350 in 19 6 $360 in 1917 *800 in 1918 $800 in 1jI9 Those who are in fa shall have printed upn said elect i m Pole Bon issuance of said bunds shall h»v printed upon 'heir ballots as used in raid election AOAJNHT Bonus. This the Oth day of Amount, 19 9. R. L A RN A LL, Mayor, .1. 1>. HUNTER, Councilman, W. Ft. BAGGARIA. Councilman, C. V. F'ODNETT, Councilman, VINDEX HAND, Councilman. Letters of Dismission. KORGIA -Cowkta County : T. E. Atkinson. R. J. Atkinson, and Mrs. '. Y. Atkinson, executors of Wm. Y. Atkin- >'<. deeeaned. ha\ »< y applied to the Court ol iMinary of mi Id county for letters of dismis- on from their said leant, all per-' r.% concerned ■e required to show cause in said Court by the Monday in September next, if any the n, v. by said application should not f*e fi anted * Auk, 4, 1909. Prs. fee, $9. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Wlthcct b At. all deaden m \js Wjfh'n i'- CHICAGO JuHN it. DRUG CO., Successor to Huif.iker Drug Co Lavadura "It Softena the IVater" Removei all odors caused by perspiration and “sweetens” the skin so that you feci comfortable instead of experiencing the feeling of irritation and smarting that follows the use of hard water. I.avadura is the world's most successful cleanser. Makes any water cleanse anything better, easier and quicker. Perfectly harmless—wonderfully helpful. Try it. Aak for it at Grocera and Druggiat a , In 5 cmnt and ' I.avadura Chemical C# IO cmnt Packagom Fall Te rm Begins Monday, Sept. 13, 1909. In the Primary arid Intermediate grades thorough instruc tion is given in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar, IJ. ,4. His tory and Arithmetic. In the High School is oll'eretl a Full course in Higher Math ematics, Latin, Physics, History and English. Pupils receiving diplomas from our High School tire admitted to any college in the State without examination. Resident and non-resident pupils arc admitted on the same terms. On Thursday and Friday, Supt. !) and 10, at 9 a. m., teach ers will he in their respective class-rooms for the purpose of class ifying new pupils, tint! for examining pupils who failed to he pro moted last. June. Catalogue sent on application. C. K. HENDERSON, JR., Sup’t. J. J. GOODRUM, Sec’y. FIF.E LIFE HEALTH H. C. FISHER & SONS INSURANCE OLDEST, STRONGEST AND MOL T RELIA B >, E CO MPA NIPS ACCIDENT LIABILITY TORNADO DISPLAYS AND EX- DIBITS WANTED The Fourth District A. & M. School Fair Association desire all persons who contemplate making exhibits at th" Fair to he held at the A. & M. School or: Oct. 5, 6, 7 and K to communicate the fact to the Secretary. Exhibits of all kintis of Vegetables, Fruits, Feed- stulfs, Animals, Minerals, etc., wanted. For premium list and further information address B. B. THOMASSON, Secretary, CARROLLTON, - - - GA. Kx ecu tors' Sale. GEORGIA Cowkta County: By vitiucof the authority vented in uk, the un- (JerstKru.rJ, by the will of Mar up* rot Latimer, late <»f Coweta *• • • *tn(y, Ga., we will s 11 to the hitfhoHt. bitiri* r. > »»• ea.ih. viGiin tie- ley;al bourn of Hale, on the fir .. 'I'ii*” day in September, 1909, before the • onrt-f ..' • •Ion. <*.’ Miotl rounfy, in th« city of WewPHi', the following properly. to-wit: Koi.'i F.'lf *»i Jot ol land number fifty-one, in the district of Coweta rouot.y, Ga., con-;: one hundred one and one-fourth acres, more or It . and also thirty acres, more or lews, of the south ot‘ lot number fifty, in said dis- *' i t and > ou'J.y, hoiny that part of said lot which •'i' -Mth *if I. ••/. . ird’s branch and Crooked creek, aerj lx,o .d*‘d partly on the east by lot number forty-jimij-, and on the wphL partly by lands of Garter- <aid lands Ivina: part of what is known an the Colbert place, in said county. I'o be sold for the purpose of making distribu tion am on vst l be b^utees under said will. This Au;r. 9. 1999, lbs. fee, W. J. MURPHEY, C. S. KKjD, mi i oi .of 11. •• wiM Minci r. * I.atimer, dec’d. All kiurls oi job work done with iiohmhis,s and dispatch at this office. PIHESilES for fhe Kidneys 3WDAY8' TREATMENT FOR SI.CO*