Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, September 17, 1909, Image 7

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Fall w Local Happenings Told in vjf? SKort Paragraphs Our stock is now complete, and ready for your inspection. We have spared no pains to make this the greatest collection of merchandise ever shown in New- nan. You are cordially invited to call and examine the new goods. DRESS GOODS. The newest fabrics, in the most popular colors. A large assortment of dress goods suita ble for the prevailing style of one-piece garments. DRESS TRIMMING. Trimmings to match all the new goods, jet, gold, silver, span gles, etc. Buttons of every de scription. WHITE GOODS. Anticipating the higher prices on all cotton goods, we bought liberally of white goods early and can offer you these at considera bly less than actual value. Plain nainsook, dimity, longcloth, mad ras cloth, etc., at very low prices. HOSIERY. Our assortment of hosiery is complete throughout. No desir able style or quality is missing from the collection. We recom mend especially our No. 2100 fast black cotton hose, full-fashioned foot, light weight;—an impor ted stocking, worth under the new tariff 35c. a pair. While they last, 25c. We are agents for “Interwo ven” socks—the best made. We sell “Cadet” hosiery for boys and girls. Every pair guar anteed. CLOTHING. The new fall clothing is here, and it is high time you were se lecting your suit. We will lay it away for you, if you do not need it now; but buy it, so you can get a fit and have a full assort ment to select from. SHOES. A complete stock of the follow ing well-known shoes: ■ Ziegler shoes for women and children. The “J. & K.” shoe for young women. The Clapp shoe for men. Our four-dollar special for men. The Douglas shoe for men and boys. The “Excelsior” shoe for boys. IN THE ANNEX We have just opened up the [new suits for fall, and we invite your inspection of the new mod- f els. We suggest your early se ll lection of a suit this season, as it ft will be much harder to find what I you want late in the season than I now. Besides, we cannot always U fit you in stock, and we then I make to your measure at no ex- ■ tra cost and guarantee a fit. We ■ have the most extensive line of I suits and other ready-made gar ments ever shown in Newnan, [ and feel sure that a suit purchas ed from us will insure your future [patronage of our ready-to-wear [department. Our line of floor coverings is (complete, and we also show a llarge line of curtains and draper- lies in all the new ideas. iullino’s 1 NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST =i i TO OUR LOCAL READERS. Cotton is selling to-day at 3-16c. Cotton-pickers are in demand. Custard cream 5c. at Holt & Cates Co. ’s. See the new coat suits at Potts & Parks’. New fall styles in hats at P. F. tiho & Co. ’s. Cut- Heard Superior Court will convene next Munday. see Barnett, For suitable fall suits St. John & Co. New neckwear for Cuttino & Co.’s. women at P. F. See the new fall St. John & Co.’s. styles at Barnett, Sheet music 10c. copy next week Holt & Cates Co. ’s. Reduced prices on Holt & Cates Co.’s. sheet music at Belts. — New elastic belts and ings at Potts & Parks’. belt- Up to last night Newnan had received about 135 bales of cotton. Hart SchafFner & Marx clothes at Barnett, St. John & Co.’s. W. P. McLeroy has several thousand second-hand brick for sale. Music afternoon and evenings week at Holt & Cates Co.’s. Miss Lutie Powell is spending the week at Agnes Scott Institute. cliil- Shnes. —Ladies’, misses’ and dren’s shoes at Potts & Parks’. Mrs. L. A. Perdue is spending the week with relatives in Atlanta. Let Benson press that suit of yours. You will find him on the square. Mrs. Eugene Askew and children are visiting relatives in West Point. and New styles in footwear for men women at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. The place to buy clothes for men and boys is Barnett, St. John & Co.’s. and Born, on the 14th inst., to Mr. Mrs. K. W. Hamrick—a daughter. Mr. Sterling Elder, of Atlanta, was in the city several days this week. Wear Hart SchafFner & Marx clothes. For sale by Barnett, St. John & Co. Highest market price paid for hides. G. 0. Carmichael. Wear Hart SchafFner & Marx clothes. Barnett, St. John & Co. Benson cleans clothes cleaner than any cleaner that cleans. ’Phone 294. For Rent.— Two-story house on Per ry street. Apply to Miss Julia Lowe. Dress trimmings and buttons in the newest styles at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. Your size, your price, and your color in a coat suit at Boone-Stripling Co.’s. Miss Nell Brown, of Atlanta, is the attractive guest of Mrs. Frank Rawls. One or two good milch cows for sale. Aoply to J. Warren Melson, Newnan, Ga. Miss Eugenia Mandeville spent last week with her sister, Mrs. C. K. Hen derson. Newnan Club filler, made in dealer. Smoker, 5c. Newnan. Ask Long your Mrs. F. B. Ferrell, of Bartow, Fla., is visiting her brother, Mr. C. A. Merck. If you want a long Havana filler ci gar try “E. H. Jr;” 5c. at cigar stands. Trimmings.— Get the latest. Jet buttons, bands and medallions at Potts & Parks’. Hon. .1. S. Anderson was called to Ft. Valley this week by the illness of his brother. Mr. Joe Hutcheson, of Decatur, in the city Tuesday and gave pleasant call. Bowman’s Carbolated Salve for cuts, bruises, burns and old sores, 25c. box. At drug stores. New dress goods arriving daily. All the new shades in dress goods at P. F. Cuttino & Co. ’s Highest market price paid for beef cattle and hides by T. A. Manning, 17 E. Broad street. G. E. Parks, real estate and insur ance. Office over Barnett, St. John & Co.’s. ’Phone 325. New Jap napkins, score-cards, pen cils, and other necessities for the club at Holt & Cates Co.’s. The latest styles in barrettes, combs, belts, hand-bags, and other notions, at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. Rooms for Rent. — Close ir for housekeeping. Apply Moseley, 23 Long Place. ; suitable to B. A. Children like to take Bowman's Tasteless Castor Oil. Get a bottle from your druggist; 25c. j Mrs. B. F. Brimberry, of Camilla, Ga., arrived Wednesday on a visit to ! her sister, Mrs. Sam Hill. The new Hart SchafFner & Marx styles for men and boys can be seen at Barnett, St. John & Co.’s. “Merry Widow” is a rich man’s to bacco at a poor man’s price. Get it from T. G. Farmer & Sons Co. Prof. Alois Wandree, violinist, will furnish music afternoons and evenings at Holt & Cates Co.’s next week. Specials in furniture this week. New line of parlor and library center tables at Scroggin Furniture Co.’s. If you want the very best tobacco on earth for the money buy “Merry Wid ow” from T. G. Farmer & Sons Co. Select your new fall suit assortment is complete. I Laces. —German, cluny laces. We sol while our Cuttino & Co. val. and linen, laces. Potts & Parks Our stock of prescriptions, drugs and chemicals is always complete. Brown & Brooks. Get in the new dress circle and wear Hart SchafFner & Marx clothes. Barnett, St. John & Co. The same goods for less money is what you will get in coat suits here. Boone-Stripling Co. Ladies' Suits.—.Latest models; extra long coats. “We sell ladies’ goods.” Potts & Parks. Pajama checks of good quality, that will wear. We sell only the best qual ity. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Great values in all clothing—especial ly Hart SchafFner & Marx suits and overcoats. Boone-Stripling Co. Rugs and art-squares—new line this week. Some pretty patterns. Come to see us. Scroggin Furniture Co. Bring us your prescriptions. They will be filled accurately and delivered promptly. Brown & Brooks. Silks.- Vie lead in sale of silks. Ask to see the exclusive styles in jacquard messalines. Potts & Parks. We will send for and deliver your prescriptions without extra charge. ’Phone 18. Brown & Brooks. Mrs. A. P. Woolley and little daugh ter, of Atlanta, have been the guests this week of Mrs. Zebuline Murvray. R. A. Farmer has a quantity of choice sweet potatoes for sale. Orders may be left at M. C. Farmer & Co.’s. Embroideries.—Beadings, all widths and weights; veinings and all-overs. We sell embroideries. Potts & Parks. Mrs. H. H. Revill came up from Greenville yesterday morning to be with her husband. Judge Revill, during court. Mr. Jim Farmer will go to Macon to-morrow, where he will enter Mercer University for the regular collegiate course. For headache and neuralgia take Bowman’s Headache and Neuralgia Tablets. They cure. For sale at drug stores. Mrs. Frank Rawls entertained at bridge this morning in honor of her charming visitor, Miss Nell Brown, of Atlanta. Teacher Wanted. — A competent male teacher is wanted for Farmers’ High School. Apply to G. L. Warren, Sar gent, Ga. Messrs. Hill Freeman, John Cox and Stanford Arnold left Tuesday for Ath ens, where they will enter the State University. If you like a good cigar try a “New nan Club Smoker” or “E. H. Jr.” All Havana. Made in Newnan ; 5c. at ci gar stands. Miss Annie Anderson, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Eugene Askew, returned last week to her home at West Point. For Rent. — Good 6-horse farm, 4 miles from Newnan, near school and in good community. Apply to T. B. New ton, Sargent, Ga. Mrs. Susie Turnipseed and Master Levi Turnipseed, of Atlanta, spent Saturday and Suuday with Judge L. A. Perdu# and family. Mrs. Lela Adams has the exclusive agency for Gage hats again this fall. They are considered the swellest tail ored hats on the market. Mrs. W. M. Sasser is able to be up again, and her friends are congratulat ing her after her protracted illness.— Lawrenceville News-Herald. Let me write you an insurance poli cy. It’s never too early, but some times too late. R. F. Herring, General Insurance. Visit our annex for ladies’ tailor- made suits. The largest assortment ever shown in Newnan. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Corsets. —“American Lady” corsets lead all others in comfort, style and quality. We sell corsets. Potts & Parks. land M. Jones, Newnan, Ga., or Frank Harwell, LaGrange, Ga. We regret to know that Mr. L. R. Powell, who has been quite ill for sev eral days, is no better this morning. He is suffering from an agrgavated stomach trouble. Mrs. Lela Adams announces her fall and winter millinery opening for next Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 22 and 23. Every lady in Newnan and vicinity will have a cordial welcome. The Daughters of the Revolution will hold an important meeting to-mor row afternoon at the residence of Mrs. R. 11. Hardaway. All members of the local chapter are urged to attend. Our entire line of rubber goods comes direct from the factory, and we guarantee them to be satisfactory. If not, your money back. Brown & Brooks. Specials in davenports and bed-room suites in mahogany and oak ; brass and iron bedsteads. Gome to see us for real values in furniture. Scroggin Funiture Co. Wanted.—Houses to rent. I have quite a number of applicants for houses. List your property with me; 1 can rent it. ’Phone 325. c. E. Parks. We can offer you good values in hot water bottles, fountain syringes, com bination bottles, ice bags, etc. See our line and get prices before purchas ing. Brown & Brooks. Visit our annex and see the new stylos in women’s coat suits for fall. We make suits to measure when we cannot lit you in stock, and no extra charge. I*. F. Cuttino & Co. We have a varitey of Hart SchafFner & Marx suits and overcoats, best styles and patterns, that are priced at sev enty-live cents on the dollar. See them before you buy. Boone-Stripling Co. Mr. S. O. Smith, of Senoia, will be in the cotton market here Ihe coming season. Mrs. Smith is now traveling in Europe with her son and bis wife. Ur. and Mrs. Harmon Smith, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Gov. Brown has appointed Mr. Jos. E. Taylor to a scholarship in the medi cal department of the State Universi ty at Augusta, and he will leave Mon day to take up his studies in that insti tution. Hon. John B. Goodwyn, commander of Coweta Camp, U. C. V., gave a bar becue to-day in honor of the old veter ans. Forty or fifty “old Confeds” were present, and enjoyed the day im mensely. tion as head trimmer with a leading millinery establishment of that place. Miss Foster is very proficient in her work, and had several offers for the fall and winter season. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Cole sympathize with them in the loss of their infant son, whose death occurred yesterday morning. We learn that the little one’s twin sister is doing well. Nunnally’s candy fresh every week. We can order any special candy you may want on short notice. Holt & Cates Co. The largest, most varied and com plete line of coat suits ever carried in Newnan. Prices $5 to $35. Boone-Stripling Co. I shall be forced to move my coal yard, to make room for the new rail road ; so buy your coal now and save money. E. C. Goodwyn. There are many kinds of tobacco sold for 10c. a plug, but “Merry Widow” is beyond doubt the best 10c. plug in America. Get it from T. G. Farmer & Sons Co. Lost. — Wednesday, on streets of Newnan, a gold medal, with name “Jennie Lee Houston” engraved on under side. Finder will leave at thiB office and get reward. Loans.— Six per cent, money to lend on well-improved farm lands. For full information call on or write Gar- Mr. and Mth. E. L. Thurman left yesterday for Philadelphia, where they will enter the Philadelphia College of Osteopathy for the finishing course, having previously spent three terms at that institution. Mrs. Lela Adams, Miss Gann and Miss Median have returned from a bus iness trip to Philadelpia and New York, where they selected the most complete and up-to-date line of millin ery ever brought to Newnan. Prof. Alois Wandree offers his ser vices to the good people of Newnan as teacher, (mandolin, violin, and ocher string instruments.) Music furnished for clubs, receptions, etc. Playing at Holt & Cates Co.’s next week. For Rent. Good 4-horso farm for rent, l£„miles south of St. Charles; good barn and two tenant houses, be sides dwelling; well watered, and good pasture; terms reasonable. Apply Lo F. E. Hindsman, St. Charles, Ga. A fire, in most caess, is an unwel come guest, and a very destructive one. You need insurance. See me. I can place you in the best and most re liable copmanies. R. F. Herring, General Insurance. I now have my office on the ground floor, next to Newnan Banking Co., formerly occupied by the insurance firm of IL C. Fisher & Sons. R. F. Herring, general insurance and real estate “on the square.” Mr. T. A. Hutchens will have charge of the collection of all our notes and accounts this fall. He has an office over Bolt & Cates Co.’s drug store, and all collections will be made from this office. D. D. Boone Co. Mr. Hugh Sponcler left this week for Washington, D. C., where he will enter Columbia Naval Training School with a view to preparing himself for admis sion to the Naval Academy at Annap olis, Md. The training course is seven months. The official statements of the New nan banks, as well as those of the Bank of Grancville and the Moreland Banking Co., are printed in this issue of The Herald arid Advertiser, and make an excellent showing for these institutions. Capt. J. J. Goodrum, secretary of the Board of Education, has issued ad mission cards this week to over four hundred white pupils of the city schools, and at least one hundred and fifty more will be issued during the coming week. Mr. and Mrs. Ossian 1). Gorman, of Chattanooga, arrived this week, and it will please their friends to know that they have decided to make their home in Newnan. Mr. Gorman will be con nected with the wholesale grocery firm of Manget-Brannon Co. Harness and, Shoe Shop. I can please you in buggy, surrey, wagon or goat harness. Repair your harness and shoes. Rubber heels and blacksmith aprons always on hand. I guarantee satisfaction. Opposite postoffice. A. Jay Billings. Mr. Thomas Marion Keener, of Col lege Park, announces the engagement of his niece, Miss Margaret Peavy, to Mr. Herbert Young Walker, the wed ding to take place on the evening of Wednesday, Oct. 6, at 8:30 o’clock, at the home of the bride, College Park. A home is not a home without a father, and a father is not a father un less he amply provides with life insur ance to protect his loved ones in case of death. See me. I have the best contract on the market. It. F. Herring, General Insurance. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Israel, who have been residing at Quincy, Fla., since their marriage about a year ago, will return to Newnan next month and make their home here, Mr. Israel hav ing accepted an oiler to resume his old position with the Coweta Fertilizer Co. Capt. T. S. Parrott and Mr. J. S. Cole went down to Griffin Tuesday to attend the Twelfth,District Convention of Knights of Pythias, going as repre- entatives from Oakland Lodge. Capt. Parrott was chosen sergeant-at-arms of the convention. Why do you spend your money for inferior tobacco when you can buy “Merry Widow” from T. G. Farmer & Sons Co. at the same price as the com mon kind? One plug of it will convince you that it is the best 10c. plug of to bacco in Newnan. The Atkinson Grammar School build ing was not finished last week, as had been expected, and will not be ready for occupancy before Monday or Tues day of next week. For this reason the pupils have been housed this week in temporary quarters. Messrs. Walker Carpenter, Robt. II. Strickland, Hugh Buchanan and Tom Powell left this week for Auburn, Ala. —the two first named to enter the Ala bama Polytechnic Institute as matricu lates, and the two last named to com plete their course at the same institu tion. There is a rare treat in store for lov ers of music next week. Prof. Alois Wandree, formerly with Matthiessen’s orchestra, will give a violin recital Monday, Wednesday and Friday after noons. from 5 to 6 p. m., and every night during the week from 8 to 10, at Holt & Cates Co.’s. Miss Ella Turner will have her mil linery opening on Wednesday and Thursday, 22d and 23d inst. All the new creations in fall millinery will be shown, including many handsome pat tern hats. The ladies of Newnan and community and the neighboring towns are cordially invited. The Reading Circle will meet next Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. E. Atkinson, at 3 o’clock. Sub ject for study, “Switzerland in History and in Literature.” Each member is requested to bring several questions that will suggest points of interest in the subject assigned. Automobile Notice. —I have purchased a “White Steamer” automobile, live- passenger type, and will rent or char ter same to the public at reasonable rates. A competent chauffeur will be supplied, and parties desiring the ma chine for business purposes or pleasure trips may secure it on application. C. L. Baker. W. F. M. S.— The district meeting of the Woman’s Foreign Mssionary So ciety of the LaGrange district will be helrl at Newnan on Sept. 2!) and 30. All delegates’ names should be sent to Mrs. D. W. Boone, 25 Wesley street, Newnan, Ga. Mrs. R. J. Atkinson. District Secretary. Mr. J. If. Hall, of the Seventh dis trict, has one acre from which he has already gathered seven hundred bun dles of fodder, and will get .sixty bush els of corn. Jim says ho expects to make the same piece of ground support two mules next year. He also brings the gloomy report than the cotton crop in his section is the poorest in twenty years. It will delight his many friends to know that Dr. A. C. North is fast re covering from his recent indisposition, and if he continues to improve will soon lie able to resume his professional rounds. In celebration of his recovery he and Mrs. North gave a family din ner one day this week, at which all of his children were present with their families. Cassie Jenkins Keith, a married daughter of Andrew Jenkins, one of our best-known and cleverest colored citizens, died suddenly last Saturday at her home in Nashville, Tenn. The re mains were brought to Newnan for in terment, aritl the funeral, which took place Monday morning, was largely attended. Deceased leaves a husband and two children. Miss Pearle Foster left Monday for Ocilla, where she has accepted a posi Mr. T. L. Camp has leased the store room in the Carpenter building next to Marbury’s furniture establishment, and will open a stock of fancy and fam ily groceries. Mr. Camp was engaged in the grocery trade here for several years, but sold his stock and quit busi ness two or three years ago. His old customers will be glad to know that he will soon be in a position to cater to their wants again. Mrs. Mary A. McCalla, of Heard- mont, Ga., announces the engagement of her daughter, Annie Allen, to Mr. J. Howard Perdue, of Birmingham, Ala. The wedding will be a brilliant event, taking place the latter part of October at “Oakland,” the home of the bride. Mr. Perdue is a brother of Judge L. A. Perdue, and formerly taught in the Newnan public schools. For the past four or live years he has been engaged in the practice of law at Birmingham, Ala. The citv tax assessors have comple ted the work of revising the tax re turns for 1909, and the result shows a net gain of $92,204, as compared with 1908. The figures are as follows: Real ty, $1,773,777: personalty, $1,349,060; total, $3,122,837. For 1908 the figures were: Realty, $1,785,423; personalty, $1,245,210; total, $3,030,633. The ap parent loss in realty valuations is ex plained by the fact that $36,000 of property heretofore returned as realty was this year classified by the asses sors as personalty, and is shown in that column. Any girl with ruby lips and golden hair ought to be a treasure worth striv ing for. AWeek of Good MUSIC m y#) Wo have arranged to have Prof. Alois Wandree, formerly with Mathiesson’s orchestra, to play at our store afternoons and evenings during the week of Sept. 20-25. Prof. Wandree will be accompa nied by Miss Summers, and will play the following hours: Monday, Wednesday and Fri day afternoons, from 5:30 to 6:30, and every evening from 8 to 10. Prof. Wandree is a skilled vio linist, and plays a varied selection of music, from the popular airs to the most classical compositions of the old masters, as well as many of his own compositions. During the week we will serve a specially varied list of new drinks at the soda fountain, to which we will call your attention later. \ HOLT & CATES CO. NEWNAN, GA. r BANTA Sells the famous “Indian” Motorcycle Sample on exhibition at his store Come and try it. J Though We Are Not Lawyers. are well-dressed win verdicts by the Our clients men. We quality of our Suits. You can be the Judge and Jury. Come and see our new fall styles. Our stock is now full. No mat ter how much or how little you want to pay for a suit, we can please you. Barnett, St. John & Co.