Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, October 15, 1909, Image 9

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Loc al Happenings Told in SKort Paragraphs ^ ^ ER80NAL ITEMS OF GENERAL ro OUR LOCAL READERS. ^1 v m mUMMmMzamaxnM n Cotton is selling to-dug at Id l-2c. Free. Free buggy. Fiee buggj Saturday. I Free buggy Saturday, Oct. 16. Cotton sold freely In Newnan yester day at 13§c. ‘ Mule ami wagon for sale, i W. B. Mitcham. | Get a “Kleanwell” toothbrush at, j Brown & Brooks’. Ap- Our line of hair brushes, combs, bath brushes, nail and doth brushes, is com plete. Brown & Brooks. Matting bought of us is laid down free of charge, Nice line to select from. Scroggin Furniture Co. One hundred and fifty dollar free buggy at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon, Oct. 16. 1. N. Orr Co. , , ! Ten dille) cut shapes of “Kleanwell” Apply 10 | toothbrush. . All guaranteed not. to | °n Greenvi Brown & Brooks. -A good gentle horse. Welch. No one eontemplatb. 1 buying a suit should miss so; m, om Pat* the greatest collection of suits ever shown in Newnan. Every suit, no matter what price, is •carefully made and hand-tailored. We can fit you, no matter what size you wear or how hard to fit you maybe—of course, not always from stock, but we take your measure and guarantee a fit. 55 j For Sale. j i ply to W. t One hundred and fifty dollar free buggy Saturday, Oct. 10. Up to Wednesday night Turin had re ceived 1,000 bales of cotton. How about a nice fat mackerel lor breakfast? Mitcham has them. Dress Goods The choicest weaves in the new est shades of the season. Our dress goods stock is brimfull of good things. And we have the trimmings, too, to match the goods —bands, nets, braids, passemen teries, buttons—all the stylish trimmings. Silks Special value in yard-wide black tatTeta silks and silk cash meres from $1 upward. New weaves in colored silks for dresses and waists. Suesine silks, silk crepes, and other novelty silks in 27-inch width at 50c. a yard. ‘Kleanwell” brush, more trouble with Brown & Brooks. lose a bristle. It you use there will be loose bristles. Kerkotf’s “Djer Kiss” perfume, sa chet and face powder. The best im ported extract. Brown & Brooks. Linens.—All weights, weaves and widths, from the sheerest lawn to the heaviest sheeting. Potts & Parks. ! Blankets. We are showing the most complete line of bed blankets ever seen in Newnan. Wo have them in all grades 1 ! and prices, up to $12.60 tier pair. H. C. Glover Co. i Impounded. I have impounded a 'll spotted, liop-eared, chicken-eating sow. gi Owner may have her by paying for this * i notice and damages. It. 1’. Davis, ?|i It. F. 1>. 2, Newnan. Found. —On the 6th inst., in front of my residence in the Second district, a pair of gold spectacles. Owner may ! get same by proving property and pay ing for this notice. A. P. Bowers. The H. C. Arnnll Mdse. Co. has in stalled a ’phone in its grocery depart ment; so when you need anything in the grocery line call ’phono 212 and your wants will receive prompt atten tion. Mr. Albert Potts has sold the two- story residence recently erected by him street to Mr. .1. C. Har ris, of the Third district, who will move his family to Newman next month. On Sunday afternoon last, til the home of the groom’s brother, Mr. G, W. Hutchens, near Welcome, lie. A. E. Sansburn officiating, Mr. W. TI. Hutchens, jr., was united in marriage to Miss Hattie Land. Mercerised Cottons Poplins, reps, bengatines, sois- ettes, mirettes, and other popu lar mercerised materials in all colors, for suits and one-piece dresses. Clothing Our fall stock is now complete. If you want satisfactory, service able clothes try us. We have a splendid line of clothing for boys —Knickerbocker suits for the youngsters, long suits for the older boys. We seli Dutchess trousers for men. Shoes Clapp shoes for men. Douglas shoes for men and boys. Cuttino’s special shoe for men. Ziegler shoes for women and children. The “J. & K.” shoe for young women. Excelsior shoi s for boys. Hats When you buy a hat why not get the best? The “Hawes” hat at three dollars is the equal of most any five-dollar hat. All the new shapes and colors. Let Benson press that suit of yours. You will find him on the square. Money to loan on improved farm property. Apply to L. M. Farmer. Highest market price paid for hides. G. O. Carmichael. Huyler’s candies fresh every week. Brown & BrooKS. For Sale.- mules. One wagon, harness and E. C. Goodwyn. Silks. — Moire, quard silks. bengaline and jac- Potts & Parks. Coiseis To insure a perfect-fitting suit, see that it is fitted over a “W. B.” corset. “W. B.” corsets lead all other makes in style and quality. McCall Patterns The McCall November patterns are now ready. The McCall Magazine illustrates the new styles and costs but 20c. a year, delivered from our store. When Yon Are Out Shopping Drop in and see our new goods. We have a great line of merchan dise, and will be more than pleased to show you through our store. Benson cleans clothes cleaner than any cleaner that cleans. ’Phone 294. We are closing out our entire line of stationery at cost. Brown &. Brooks. Mrs. J. G. Millican, of Roopvillo, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. L. Baker. Just received a new shipment of mattings at Scroggin Furniture Co.’s. Judge W. C. Beeks, of Griffin, was in the city Tuesday on legal business. Tax Collector Hubbard will start on his first round next Monday. See notice. New neckwear for women—all the latest novelties at P. F Cuttino & Co.’s. The Reading Circle will meet next Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Thos. J. Jones. Mrs. Kate Johnson Clarke, of Chica go, is visiting her niece, Mrs. Edward Parks. _ Newnan Club Smoker, 6c. Long filler, made in Newnan. Ask your dealer. If you want a long Havana filler ci gar try “B. H. Jr;” 6c. at cigar stands. Lace Collars.— Irish lace collars are the latest. Now on sale at Potts & Parks’. Ginghams. — New lot ginghams- great variety just opened at Potts A Parks’. Miss Daisy Lee has returned home, after a week’s visit lo relatives in Cu rollton. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. 1‘avlor and c-L dren, of Garrolitm, spent Sunday i the city. Mrs. John O. Duv. •-* and Mr.. . Hill, of Atlanta, a**- visiting VI i . C. Sanders. Yard-wide pajama checks of extra good quality, 12Jc. a yard at P. F. ut- tino & Co.’s. Extra good quality stockings for wo men and children, fast black and seam less. 15c. a pair at P. F. Cuttino & Co. ’s. For headache and neuralgia take Bowman’s Headache and Neuralgia Tablets. They cure. For sale at drug stores. New belts and beltings, novelties in hair ornaments, stylish handbags, and other fancy notions, at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. Anything you need in the grocery line, come in or ’phone us. Courteous treatment, low prices and quality at Mitcham’s. If you like a good cigar try a “New nan Club Smoker” or “E. H. Jr.” All Havana. Made in Newnan ; 5c. at ci gar stands. Mrs. Otis Jones and Mrs. Thos. B. Jones, of Newnan, are the guests of Mrs. Julia Jones at her home in West End.—Atlanta Journal. Late reports from Mr. W. J. Mur- phey, who underwent an operation al, a sanatorium in Atlanta last week for appendicitis, are very encouraging. He is doing splendidly, and making rapid progress towards recovery. Please Give Attention.— Let us have prompt payment of your note or no count. We must wind up our business. Our collector, Mr. T. A. Hutchens, has the collections in charge. 1). W. Boone Co. Please Be Prompt.. — Prompt payment of your note or account will he highly appreciated. We need the money. Mr. T. A. Hutchens has charge of these collections. His office is over Holt & Cates Co.’s. D. W. Boone Co. The “Cadet” stocking for hoys and girls—best in the world—linen heels, knees and toes, and guaranteed; 25c. a pair at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. Wool Dress Goods.—New shades— burgundy, mauve, green, wistaria and gray. “We sell dress goods.” Potts & Parks. Huyler’s chocolate bon liens, soul kisses, old-fashioned chocolate creams, and a full line of small packages. Brown & Brooks. Wanted.. — Everybody to know that we are paying a good price for old castings. E. N. Camp & Sons, Moreland, Ga. Shoes. — Button or lace, plain or pat ent kid, wide or narrow last, high i low instep. We (it the hard to lit. Potts & Parks. We carry a large stock of hot water bottles, fountain and combination syr inges—all guaranteed for one year. Brown & Brooks. Mattings, Mattings. — Now is the time io select it. New shiument just re • eived Prices low. We lay it dowj irec. Sciogifin Furniture Co. For Sale.— Two nice, new cottages, with four and five rooms. They are in good communities, and very reasona bly priced. Terms—one-half on Dec. and balance at 8 per cent., payable to suit purchaser. D. W. Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Callaway Gib son announce the engagement of thei daughter, Ada Catharine, to Mr. James Lemuel Poole, the marriage to occur at the Central Baptist church, Newnan at high noon on Wednesday. Nov. 17. Mr. It. M. Smith, representing the Southern Coffee Co., of Galveston and Birmingham, spent Saturday and Sun day with Newnan relatives. Mr Smith is an old Coweta hoy, and re ceived a warm greeting from his iriuny friends. Mr. M. F. Cole and MiHHea Christine Cole and Ysabel Salhide left yesterday for Philadelphia and New York. They were joined in Atlanta bv Miss Cath erine Rather, of Murfreesboro, Tenn., and the party will he absent a week or ten days. Our demand lor oysters last week exceeded our expectations. Why? Those who have tried them know. However, we increased our order this week, and hope to have enough to sup ply all. Also have fresh hard-shell crabs. ’Phone 1. Bowman’s Carhola'ed Salve for cut.-, bruises, burns and old sores, 25c. box. At drug stores. Highest market price paid for beef cattle and hides by T. A. Manning, 17 E. Broad street. G. E. Parks, real estate and insur ance. Office over Harnett, St. John & Co.’s. ’Phone 225. Ex-Congressman Henry R. Harris is reported critically ill at his home in Meriwether county. Mr. J. P. Hubbard and daughter, of Sand Hill. Ala., are visiting relatives in the city this week. work oxen, Apply to W. f shall be fo ant. to make reed to move mv coal room for the new rail- ,111' coal now and save K G. Goodwyn. • ran Lady” corsets. medium or short I w bust ; a model Polls & Parks. M Wanted. — Yoke good weighing 850 to 1,000 lbs. B. Harris, Turin, Ga. Children like to take Bowman’s Tasteless Castor Oil. Get a bottle from your druggist; 25c. “Interwoven” socks for men. They are hole-proof. All colors, 25c. a pair at P. F. Cuttino & Co. ’s. The greatest line of tailor suits for women ever shown in Newnan at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s, (Annex.) Ten distinct styles “Kleanwell,” the common sense toothrush. Brown & Brooks. Hudnut’s perfumes, cold creams, toiiet water and sachets. Brown & Brooks. We sell ladies’ suits, and they fit and satisfy. Call and see them. Potts & Parks. Fancy box paper from 10c. to $1 per box. Any quantity at cost. Brown kr Brooks. Rugs, mattings, carnets, curtains and upholstery goods in our Annex. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Every “Kleanwell” toothbrush that loses a bristle will be replaced. Brown & Brooks. “Kleanwell,” the brush that holds its bristles. Sold in a sealed bdx. Brown & Brooks. Vj i 1 timer, of Greenville, ■ . m' • r a lingering illne«8. ;.)• cos d whs th sister of Hun. W»r- •er Hill, a rl is survived by eight chil dren Form Jor Bent.—One mile and a quarter from court-house; nice 7-room house. Possession given between now anti Jan 1. Apply to Mrs. M. E. Mc Nally. Mr. W. G. Gamp and daughter. Miss Lizzie Lou (’amp, left Monday for Florida, where they will spend the winter for the benefit of Mr. Camp’s health. The Central of Georgia railway will sell tickets to Macon at reduced rates on account of the annual meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge, to be held on Oct. 26-28. Mr. A. M. Ingram, of Sharpsburg, has severed his connection with J. it. Cole & Co., and will leave in a few days for Mexico to accept a Govern ment position. We are pleased to note a decided im provement in Dr. A. C. North's condi tion this week. He is getting better, and all indications are now favorable to his recovery. Married, at the home of the bride’s sister, No. 3. Berry avenue, Wednes day afternoon, Miss Maggie Hanson and Mr. Paul Maddox, Rev. A. E. Sansburn officiating. Loans.—Six per cent, money to lend on well-improved farm lands. For full information call on or write Gar land M. Jones, Newnan, Ga., or Frank Harwell, LaGrange, Ga. | Just Think! — Your worry is j when Scroggin Furniture Co. puts your | matting down free of charge. Gome I and get prices. We have the best yet. I All at Scroggin Furniture Co.’s. j Hon. S. E. Leigh spoke at Bethel land Standing Rock churches on Sunder last in the interest of the Laymen’s Missionary Movement of the LaGrange district, of which he is chairman. Wanted.—Houses to rent. I have quite a number of applicants for houses. List your property with me: I can rent it. ’Phone 325. G. E. Parks. For Rent. Good 4-horse farm. 3J miles northeast of Sharpsburg ; good dwelling and three tenant houses; well watered; good pastures. Will rent all er part: terms reasonable. Apply to IG. E. Smith, Turin, Ga., or Geo. T. j Smith, College Park. In conference on Saturday last Mac edonia Baptist church extended a call to Rev. W. W. Roop, of Carrollton, 10 serve the church another year as pas tor. Mr. Roop hns served this church continuously for ten years, and is much beloved by his congregation. The Bank of Haralson, capitalized at $25,000. threw open its doors for hu-iness Monday, the deposits for the first day amounting to nearly $10,000. The officers of the hank are J. (). Nor ris. president: J. A. Hutchinson, vice- president; E A. Graham, cashier. Harness and Shoe Shop.—I can please you in buggy, surrey, wagon or goat harness. Repair vour harness and shoes. Rubber heels and blacksmith aprons always on hand. I guarantee satisfaction Opposite postoffice. A. Jay Billings. By request, Rev. W. J. Colter went to Atlanta ore day last week and bap tized Judge W. I! W Dent and re ceived him into the Methodist church. Judge Deru has been quite ill, and for several weeks past has been slopping I with his sister. Mrs. F J. Woollen, in ! Atlanta. / Notice. Having changed from retail to wholesale business, it is absolutely necessary that wo collect all old notes and accounts made while in the retail trade. These old matters must he settled by Nov. 10, else we shall he forced to put them out for col lection. Uradley-Bnnks Go. Rev. A. E. Sansburn will nil his pul pit at Lovejoy Memorial church Sun day morning at 11 o’clock, lion. S. E. Leigh, of Grantville, will occupy his pulpit at the evening hour, addressing the congregation on the subject of the Layman’s Missionary Movement. Ev erybody cordially invited to attend both services. Lcnelle Holmes, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Holmes, died in this oitv at 4 o’clock Tuesday afternoon. The body was removed to Greenberg, Bond & Bloomfield's undertaking estab lishment and prepared for burial, and Wednesday morning was taken to Ope lika, Ala., for funeral and interment. Atlanta Journal, 12th inst. Automobile Notice. I have | 11 chased a “White Steamer” ■ utonn lo, five- 1 enger type, and \\ ill rent - •■' ir r same to the public. n( 1 • .isonable los. A competent chauffeur will lie supplied, and parties desiring Die ma- hino for businc s8 puiposea 01 pl< ure trips may secure it on application (’. !.. !'■ ’ v. Mr. W. 1. Holmes was the lur > in ner of several prizes on his exhi'oi of Bull' Plymouth Rock chickens . 1 • •!• v. & M. Fair in Carrollton last v. >•■;!•. He was awarded first and second pi i - ■ • s on cockerels; first and second or. liens; first, second and third on pullets; and first prize on finest pen, (cockerel and four hens). In fact, lie came rear making a clean sweep in the poultry department. Myrtle Frances, the 7-mont.hs-old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. 11. .1. Good wyn, of Itoopville, and Emmett, the 9- months-old son of Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Wilson, of Bowdon. grandchildren of Capt. and Mrs. J. B. Goodwyn, of this city, were winners of the first and sec ond prizes, respectively, in the baby Rhow at the A. & M. Fair at Carroll ton last week. A special train bearing President J. T. Harahan, of the Illinois Central road, l’resident J. F. Hanson, of 1I10 Central of Georgia railway, Superin tendent J. J. Cotter, of the Chattanoo ga division of the Central of Georgia, and other officials of the last-named road, passed through Newnan Tuesday morning en route to Chattanooga on a tour of inspection. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Atlanta and West Point rail road will he held at the company’s office in Atlanta on Tuesday next, (19th inst.) Stockholders will be passed free, both going and coming, upon presentation of their stock certificates ta nearest, agent. Tra sportation thus issued wi lie good only on the accommodation train, going and returning. Mrs. M. A. MCalla. of Elherton, has issued cards to the marriage of her daughter, Annie Allen, to Mr. Howard Perdue, ot Birmingham, Ala., the wed idng to occur on the 20th of October, at the home of the bride’s mother, “Oakland,” Elherton, Ga. Great in terest is centered in this coming event, as the contracting parties are most prominent socially, Atlanta Consitu- tion. Miss Annie Anderson left Saturday to visit her sisters, Mrs. Eugene A:- kew and Mrs. Amos Wilkinson, 1 Newnan. From there she will go to Atlanta to attend the automobile races, Miss Li 1 v Adams will join her in New nan and both will go to Cordulo to vis it, Miss Anderson’s brother, Mr. John O. Anderson. From Cordelc Miss An lie got-* to Mascotto, Fla., where sin will spend the winter. West Poin Herald. F. M. Alburns, who murdered his wife in Newnan three or four years ago, was sentenced 1,0 be hanged, but escaped the gallows by resorting Lo the insanity dodge hi d was sent to the State Farm near Milledgeville, triad application to the Prison Commission last week for a pardon. His applies lion was refused, of course. In view of his atrocious crime the old reprobate should thank his stars that he is allow erl to live, instead of worrying about a pardon, _ From 2 to 10 p. m on Monday next at the home of Mrs. R. II. Hardaway Sarah Dickinson Chapter, D. A. R will have a bazaar for the sale of small fancy articles. Prices of all article will he. reasonable. Refresnments -vj he served at a price- little above cost The howls of oyster stew guar to have an “aggregation” of more Lha ix oyster- to a oerson. Five cent lunche 1 provided fot children. Every body come and have a good time, and help the cause of this chapter. AWNS «L The many friends of Mr I F. Spon der will regret, to learn of his serious The Ladii s’ Thursday Morning Quar tette gave a recital Friday evening a illness. He has been in failing health | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pow for some time, and about ten days ago el), and the fourscore or rrioie guest was forced to take his bed Owing to present enjoyed the entertainment very his advanced age and enfeebled condi-1 much. Besides the quartette singing, entertained that he may tion fears are not. recover. We regret to learn that Capt. C. M. Speer, our clever and interesting cor respondent at Carrollton, has left that city and returned to his old home—Mc Donough His weekly letters to The Herald and Advertiser the past year or so furnished much pleasure to our read ers. and they will be missed. Blankets, Blankets. - This cool wi ath- r reminds us that we need more cov- Jer. Our line of blankets has never mUoi-n so large or so complete as V bought these goods in very number of solos were rendered most charmingly. The quartette is com posed of Miss Dorothy Burpee, first so prano. Mrs. Mike I’o veil, second prano, Mrs. T. M. G tolrnm, first alto and Miss Annie Lizzie Widener, second alto; Mrs. E. F. Sims, accompanist. At the annual meeting of the Central of Georgia railway in Savannah Mon dav all the old officers were re-electe as follows; J. F. Hanson, president A. R. Lawton, vice-presid-mt: W. Wiriburn, vice-president; Lawton Cunningham, general coun I ; C. C, now. Williams, secretary; W. C Askew Isiee - treasurer; W. I). Beyrner, comptroller; We have just received a sip -iy of winter grass seed, which 11 can sow on your Bermuda h-oj, r elsewhere, and have a bei - i- ful green lawn all winter. If you want to plant on Bermu da beds all you have to do i: O broadcast just before or aft< a rain, or wet with garden host. It comes thick and beautiful, II grow all winter, and die down in the early summer, when Her 1 1- da comes out, doing no damage to the Bermuda sod. If you want to plant, in an im planted lot have the* ground thor oughly prepared by plowing and harrowing, broadcast the seed, and rake in with a common rake. If you keep stock, this glass will make a fine winter pasture, and will materially increase the milk and butter yield, if you keep a cow. It is time to plant now! Call and talk the matter over with us, or 'phone us. We will be glad lo give further information. HOLT 6 CATES CO. NEWNAN, GA. r SPECTACLES ALL KINDS. Don't forget it. BANTA. SPECTACLES V. J t ies, which enable V on vour nurchsscu. if. C. Glover If you are in need of any kind of bristle brush we can give you a bar gain, Brown & Brooks. Announcement. th<- veto ran har ' located at K»-it8 charge of mv ha 1 if. A v, formerly us to save you j T. S. Moist*, general manager; J. Johnson, general superintendent ; Ik Lawrence, chief engineer; C. I Airey. chief traffic manager; J. Mr. W. It. Pitman, ! Haile, general pasn < r agent, smaker, form ■ stable", is now in ' On Wednesday evem .•■ •••.-*, at • -» denartment, and . Method!; ’ parsonage Moreland, Rev. officiating?, Miss C, the in the Dixie shoe shop, is now employ! in my shoemaking department. A J. Billings. charge of T, R. Kendall, jr. For ladies’ coat suits, wraps and skirts visit our ready-to-wear depart ment. We are prepared to please you. and save you money as well. H. C. Glover Co. New Addition. We have just added a new department to our store -“ma chine needles” We are now prepared to furnish machine needles for any kind of sewing machine made. When you want needles come to us;—we can give you just the kind you want. H. C. Glover Co. nnie Uris Camp was united in mar riage to Mr. II. C. Pike—both of this citv. The wedding was quite a surprise to the friends of the young couple, hut they hilve not been less cordial or unanimous in their congratulations on this account, and Mr. and Mrs Pike were given a warm welcome upon their return home. The Herald and Adver tiser adds its blessing to the many good wishes and felicitations extended them. Young Mens Fall Suits That are faultless in fit and dependable intailu ing, are the only sort wt offer for you to call and see. We earnestly urge you to drop in and set* the fall line we a>. showing, and compare our prices and goods. BARNETT, ST.JOHN & CO.