Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, November 19, 1909, Image 1

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NEWNAN HERALD & ADVERTISER VOL. X L V. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1909. NO. 8 Wednesday, Nov. 2% Will ke "C/over Bay 99 Be on hand promptly, as most of the goods offered are only in small lots--not much of any one kind, but the prices mean a considerable saving. We particularly direct your attention to some Dress Goods which are of fered in this sale for the fir^t time. Dress Goods Cotton Reps Silks At 79c. a lot of our very hand somest Dress Goods of superior style and quality and in excellent colors— goods worth $1.25 and over. Some of them are 56 inches wide. Other Dress Goods at 29c., 39c., 49c., 59c.—worth double. The 40c. kind for 25c.; the 25c. kind 19c., in this sale. Ribbons Still a few left of those Hair-bow Ribbons at 21c. They are worth 35c. A few Silks still left at 25c., most ly remnants; remarkably cheap if you can use them. Handkerchiefs A special lot of plain white un laundered Handkerchiefs for women with hand-embroidered initials, 5c. each. Regularly worth 10c. Longcloth Not enough left to last all day of these Longcloths at one dollar a bolt; so you had best call early for these. They are worth $1.50 a.bolt. IN THE ANNEX Special values in Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, and other ready-made garments. We always have special values to offer on “Clover Day” which are not advertised. P. F. CUTTim & e&MPAISIV '®©®®®®®®®®®S©®S®®SS®S®S©® WE CALL Your attention to our immense stock of Dry Goods, bought long before the price of cotton advanced. A great many goods can be bought from us lower than we can buy them in market to-day. Come and inspect our stocks; we are always glad to show the goods, and know you will find both the “articles and the prices right. Our store is literally over flowing with goods, consisting of— Shoes, Caps, Rugs, Shirts, Wright’s Underwear, Rappahanno* Hosiery, Kan’t-be-Beat Cloth simere, Neckwear, ing. Crockery, Clothing, Collars, Domestics, Trousers, Coat Suits, Gloves, Finck’s Overalls, Overcoats, Blankets, Trunks, Wool Shirts, Linens, Valises, Dress Goods, Umbrellas, Noxail Hats, Tinware, Et cetera. Cas- SLAVERY REMINISCENCE, r What, sweeter example of devotion can be rujj:- gesteil than the old black slave’s for his master? In what better way could he prove hia love than did he dining the Civil War?] Well I recollec’s, ol’ marster, ’Boutdem days oh long ago— How ua lived de lives oh Rlab’ry, How us labored for yo’ so; How yo’ whipped us when we’s lazy— When our work us failed to do, But us loved yo’, dear ol’ marster— Loved an' always trusted yo’. Den de War, hit come upon ua, Fer to take us ’way from yo’; But us couldn’t stan’ de partin’. So us commence’ fightin’ too; Some ob us would guard de women While de odders hope yo’ fight; Us all trusted in yo’, marster, 'Cause us know'd dal yo' wuz right. An' den when de War wuz ober. An’ yo’ come b»ck home again; Yo’ wuz aad an’ mos’ heartbroken— Thought yo'r fightin’ wuz in vain. But, although yo’ wuz defeated. An’ de noble cause wuz lout, Yit— (Breaks down and sobs.) Yes, I recollec’s, ol' marater. All about dem days gono by; An’ to think dey all am ober— Lord, hit simply make me cry. Yo’ wuz good to uh, ol’ marster. An’ us could not help but lovo; An’ de grave, hit will not part us. Fer we’ll meet agaia above. O. dem days am ober, marster. An’ us both am weak an’ ol’; Ub will soon go to dat City Where de streets am paved wid gol’. An’ I'll love yo’ den, ol' marster. An' you’ll love me too, I know; An' up dare us will be comrades, Jes’ de same as hero below. —| Charles Lee Raemois. Newnan, Ga., Nov. 16, 1909. Our Grocery Room Is filled with everything in the Grocery line. The goods were bought right, and our increasing trade shows that we have the right prices. ’Phone 342 when in need of Groceries. H. C. ARNALL MDSE. CO. >s®®«®®®®®®®®®®®©®®®®®< Boys Who Are Needgd. The Circle Magazine. “[ don’t know what we should do in this world without boys,” said one of the members of a large business house. “There seems to bo certain functions which only a boy can properly perform, and if a boy—the right kind of a boy, I mean, of course—is not forthcoming, one feels at a loss how to get these things done at all. We have half a doz en first-rate boys connected with our establishment, and I don’t know how we could run the business smoothly and successfully without them.” The qualities which make a boy so indispensable to ali departments of our modern life are not hard to distinguish or define. They are evident on the front of all the boy’s activity—his frankness and honesty, his versatility, his vitality and endurance, his teacha bleness, his obligingness, his good spir its, his readiness and enthusiasm for subordinate services. Because of these characteristic qualities the right kind of a boy is a treasure to any employer. His cleverness and enthusiasm alone are a perpetual source of refreshment and help to a busy man. The boy who is needed is the boy whose native moral quality has not been impaired by wrong thinking and wrong doing. He ha3 honesty, obedi ence and loyalty in the glance of his eye and the inward feeling of his heart. There is something distinctly winning about his face and personality. He may be “green,” inexperienced, awk ward at first, perhaps, but he is the kind of a boy who is needed ;in the most earnest and important affairs because his heart and will are pure and right. Details and methods are something which he can learn—that every em ployer knows. He has no false pride. He will take hold of his simple and subordinate duties with an enthusiasm which seems to quicken the whole bus iness with its overflow. The proudest and most devoted employee of a great business concern is very likely to be the boy who takes care of the office and does the errand-running. He is glad of a chance to serve, and, in due time, to rise. Such is the boy who is needed every where in this busy and exacting world —not less in the educational and social world than in industrial and commer cial life. His life will be as sincere and pure as the native disposition of the human heart before it has been se duced and corrupted. A good boy is a natural boy, and that is why we are drawn towards him and get so much personal help out of his service and sympathy. Mr. Einstein met Mr. Goldstein, upon whose shirt front blazed an enormous diamond of astounding fire. Said Einstein to Goldstein- “Aby, dot vos a mos pee-ootiful stone vat you have. Vere did you get him?” “Sh-sh, I vill tell you,” replied Mr. Goldstein. “You know mine dear brud- der Ikey died und left a vill. He made me his executor und on do vill he made a codicil in vich him says: ‘I direct that $1,000 of mine estate be expended by mine executor for a suitaple stone in my memory. ’ ” Mr. Goldstein paused. “Veil?” asked Mr. Einstein. “Veil,” replied Mr. Goldstein, point ing to the blazing diamond, “dis vas the suitaple stone.” When a cold becomes settled in the system, it will take several days’ treat ment to cure it, and the best remedy to use is Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It will cure quicker than any other, and also leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition. Sold by all dealers. The Appendicitis Craze. Houston Post. Appendicitis has popularized itself as a disease to which universal man is liable. Science has grappled with it apparently with a determination to eradicate either the disease or the ap pendices In the outset the disease attacked principally the wealthier class, but in its later progress it has extended to all classes and conditions of life, and ap pendixless human beings now daily walk the streets of every city und hamlet in the land. Hence, startling is the information which comes from Boston, the center of learning, that one of the best-known physicians of that city has declared operation for appendicitis is a form of surgical craze which the law should de clare criminal. Hear him : “An operation for appen dicitis should be called a criminal op eration, and as such should be prohibit ed by law. I have been following the records of appendicitis operations ever since the craze for this form of surgery started, and I confidently believe that the day is coming when the people will realize that the cutting of the appendix is a criminal operation. After the widely proclaimed benefits and saving of life by operations to cut the appen dix. it seems hardly necessary to cite the long list of deaths following the op eration.” “What are we coming tew?” as Mrs. Partington would say. If the Boston physician’s contention is correct, what must our tens of thousands of appen dixless fellow-citizens think of the use less sacrifice they have made to science? Should they not be awarded heroes’ medals to console them for the loss of that which henceforth, if Dr. Page’s contention be established, those who remain whole and in their right mind will refuse to part with it at any price? The statement of the Boston physi cian, we may be sure, is not going to be accepted by the medical fraternity without a great controversy, and until that is settled the laity would better lie low—and avoid irritating the ap pendix. Many school children suffer from con stipation, which is often the cause of seeming stupidity at lessons. Chamber lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets are an ideal medicine to give a child, for they are mild and gentle in their effect, and will cure even chronic constipation. Sold by all dealers. FOR AGED PEOPLE. Old Persons Should be Careful in Their Selection of a Regula tive Medicine. With advanced age comes inactive bowel movement and sluggish liver. Nature is unable to perform her proper functions and requires assistance. Oth erwise, there is constant suffering from constipation and its attendant evils. Old folks should never use physic that is harsh and irritating. We have a safe, dependable and alto gether ideal remedy that is particularly adapted to the requirements of aged people and persons of weak constitution who suffer from constipation or other bowel disorder. We are so certain that it will completely relieve these com plaints and give absolute satisfaction in every particular that we offer them with our personal guarantee that they shall cost the user nothing if they fail to substantiate our claims. This reme dy is called Rexall Orderlies. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy. They haveasoothing, healing, strength ening, tonic and regulative action upon the dry mucous lining and the relaxed muscular coat of the bowels. They pro duce a natural, successive contraction and relaxation of the muscular fibres of the bowel walls, generating a wave-like motion which forces their contents on ward and outward, thus simulating na ture in perfect bowel movement. They tone up and strengthen the nerves and muscles and restore the bowels and as sociate organs to more vigorous and healthy activity. They may be taken at any time without inconvenience; do not cause griping, nausea, diarrhoea, excessive looseness, flatulence or other disagreeable effect. Try Rexall Order lies on our guarantee: 36 tablets 26 cents, and 12 tablets 10 cents. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Newnan only at our store—The Rexall store. Holt & Cates Co. “My opponent’s arguement, ” said Senator Dolliver in a recent campaign, “has about as much logic— Did you ever hear about the young woman in Fort Dodge? One spring morning she sat on the piazza of her pretty little homesewing a button on her husband’s coat. The husband him self appeared and she said, fretfully, “It’s a perfect shame the careless way the tailor sewed this button on. This is the fifth time I’ve had to sew it on again for you.”