Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, November 19, 1909, Image 8

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Kcralfl and flfflmriiser. NEWNAN, FRIDAY, NOV.19. A C E N T U II Y F It O M NOW. If you anil I should wake from Bleep A century from now. Hack to the* grave we’d want to creep A century from now. WeM witness such a startling change, Find everything ho wondrous strange. We’d hurry back across the range, A century from now. A woman forty, fat and fair, A century from now. May warm with grace the Speaker’s chair, A century from now. The Cabinet may he a Mod Of girlies way of hut ami frock, Who talk, hut will not mei d a sock, A century from now. The people will all fly on wingfl A century from now. (Not heavenly, but patent things,) A century from now. They’ll soar aloft, devoid of fear, On pinions of a chain less gear. And change their flyers once a year, A century from now. There'll bo no r< 'aurants at ull A century from now, The home will have no dining hall A century from now. The chemist all our wants will (ill With food in tablets, and to still Our thirst we’ll simply take u pill, A century from now. The Lynching and Race War in Illi nois. Augusta Herald. The State of Illinois maintains her j lead as the great lynching State. While the lynching and race war at Spring- field is yet fresh in mind, where almost in the shadow of the statue of Lincoln two negroes were lynched, and four other persons killed and sixty injured in the race riot that followed, there has been enacted almost a duplicate horror in Cairo, III. One negro and a white man were lynched, and the mob became frenzied and war on the negroes began. Their homes were burned, and that more of them were not killed was due only to the fact that they took to flight early and that sol diers arrived on the scene. The cause of the riot was the usual one. A white girl had been brutally as saulted and killed. Almost at the door of her home she had been caught by two black brutes, dragged to an alley not far distant, and there her dishonored and disfigured body had been found the next morning. One of the brutes had been caught, and officers were trying to get him away to save his worthless life when they were overtaken by the mob, which brought the prisoner back to the city. Here the mob spirit broke loose. Led by women, some of whom are snid to have been the wives of lead ing citizens, the mob banged the negro in the most prominent square in the city, the brother of the dead girl tying the rope around his neck. The body was then literally torn to pieces with bullets tired into it until it fell to the ground, and then it was dragged by the wild mob to the spot where the crime had been commited and there burned in the presence of thousands of infuri ated citizens. Then the jail was broken open and a white wife murderer taken out and lynched, and the search began for the other negro fiend, which bade fair to develop into a war of extermination until the mob fury was checked by the arrival of troops. These terrible events ore to be de plored, not on account of the fate of tlie brutes whose crimes provoke them, but on account of their fearfully de moralizing effect upon society. The in creasing number and exceeding vio lence of these lynching bees ih the Northern States bring home to the people of that section the gravity of the race problem as they have not been able to understand it before. In the South there have been lynch- ings, and each lynching lias called forth from certain people and papers in the North severe condemnation of the Southern people. Ilut it is seen now that the same cause produces the same effect in the North. When their wives and sisters become the victims of brutes, Northern men will as quick ly and terribly avenge the crime as Southern men. And as the negro pop- i ulation in the North increases, the number of these crimes increases. Some solution of this trouble must be found. Denunciation of the mobs will not cure it. Those who denounce are quick to act the same way when they are brought face to face with the same condition. Protection by law of these brutes against mob vengeance, to the extent of killing would-be lynchers or of punishing officials after a lynching, (as is now to be done in a well-known case) will not cure it. All such things j have but the effect of encouraging that class whose ignorance and vieiousness predisposes them to such crimes. What is needed is the death penalty for every crime or attempted crime of this nature, and then a trial and execu tion of the sentence as speedily as by drumhead court-martial. Such a law. enforced in this manner, would quickly make this class of crimes become rare, and would entirely stop the resort to lynching. The more the law in its execution is made to appear as the protector and champion of such brutes, the more will their crimes multiply. Of this truth the terrible affair at Cairo is but an other object lesson. A Ham Lewis Story. Charlotte Observer. The lion. Janies Hamilton Lewis, lawyer, politician, orator and racon teur, told a good negro story while in this State with his friend, John W. Kern. It was at Asheville, at a ban quet at the Battery Park Hotel, and everybody was in a receptive mood. ‘‘An old darkey,” said Mr. Lewis, ‘‘being called upon to testify in a per sonal injury case against a railroad, showed signs of playing‘possum. Un cle Rastus made out as if he was as ignorant as a new-born babe. 1 ‘‘ ‘Uncle Rastus,’ said the lawyer, cross-examining him, ‘how far is it from Washington to Alexandria?’ “ ‘Yas, sir, boss, it’s, it’s—-I don’t know, sir, how fur hit is, sir, I ain’t never heered nobody say.’ “ ‘What would'you say it was?’ “ ‘I can’t say, sir.” “ ‘Forty miles?’ “ 'Y'as, sir, ’bout dat, sir.’ “ ‘Well, isn’t it nearer twenty?’J ‘‘ 'Yas, sir, IJspec’ hit is, sir.' “ ‘How about fifteen; ain’t it more like that?’ “ ‘Yas, sir; yas, sir, boss; I spec’ dat’s mo ’lak hit, sir.’ “ ‘Well, Uncle Rastus, if it is fif teen miles from Washington to Alexan dria, how far is it from Alexandria to Washington? Answer that.’ “ ‘Boss, dat’s too much fur de ol’ man; he ain’t much on figgers. No, sir, l ain’t had no schoolin’.’ ‘‘ ‘Don’t you know, old man, that if it’s fifteen miles from Washington to Alexandria, that it’s fifteen from Al exandria to Washington?’ ” ‘No, sir, 1 don’t know as it’s dat way. It ’mout be sir, an’ den ag’in hit mountn’t.’ •‘ ‘Don’t you know that if it is a certain distance from one point to an other that it’s the same distance back?’ ” ‘.ledge, kin L ax him er question?’ said Uncle Rastus. “ ‘Yes, if you like,’ declared the court. “ ‘Boss, how long is it fum Christ mas to New Year’s?’ ‘‘ ‘Seven days, of course.’ “ ‘Cose hit are, but it’s er powerful long jump from New Year’s back to Christmas, ain’t it? Dat argifyin’ dat you’s doin’ won’t wuk, sir.’ ” A Religious Author's Statement. Rev. Joseph H. Fesperman, Salisbury, N. C., who is the author of several books, writes: ‘‘For several years I was afflicted with kidney trouble and last winter 1 was suddenly stricken with a severe pain in my kidneys and was confined to bed eight days, unable to get up without assistance. My urine contained a thick white sediment and I assed same frequently day and night, commenced taking Foley’s Kidney Remedy, and the pain gradually abated and finally ceased and my urine became normal. I cheerfully reccommend Foley's Kidney Remedy. Sold by all druggists. Mrs. Ferguson—‘‘George, when you smoke so much in the house I have to get the curtains washed every month. Think how expensive that is.” Mr. Ferguson —‘‘Yes, but 1 am get ting my cigars at half price nowadays. Think how much money we are saving that way.” Fertilizing Wheat. Prof. A. M. Soule in Southern Farm Magazine. The advisability of using commercial fertilizers on wheat is borne out by the following data obtained in experiments made under the writer's direction, and further illustrate the importance of supplying soils with vegetable matter on which complete fertilizers are used. On rather thin land on which cowpeas were plowed under and an application of nitrate of soda at the rate of 7-J pounds and muriate of potash at the rate of 37.5 pounds were applied, the cost of a bushel of increase was 22 cents. On the same land treated in like manner an application of 105 pounds of acid phosphate and 37.5 pounds of muriate of potash gave a bushel of increase at a cost of 16 cents. In these two in stances the increase from the use of fertilizers was between lu and 11 bush els per acre. Acid phosphate alone ap plied at the rate of 500 pounds per acre gave a bushel of increase at a cost of 27 cens. We are of the opinion that practically the same increase would have been obtained from possibly half the application, which would have re duced the cost of a bushel of increase quite materially. Where a complete fertilizer was used at the rate of 300 pounds per acre the cost of a bushel of increase was 27 cents. These figures are quoted to show that fertilizers properly compounded and used on wheat will increase the yield quite markedly and at a cost that is profita ble to the farmer. Besides that, all the fertilizer applied to the wheat crop is not used by it, and there is a residue left in the soil which will put it in bet ter condition for succeeding crops. A Sad Death. LaGrange Reporter, 12th inst. All LaGrange was shocked when it was announced Tuesday afternoon that Miss Marie Barnett, one of the teach ers at LaGrange Female College, was dead. Miss Barnett had been ill sev eral weeks, but was reported out of danger when a sudden turn resulted in death within a short time. Everything that medical skill and careful attention could accomplish was done, but One wiser than mortals here below had need of her in a better world. Miss Barnett was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Barnett, of Luther ville, and was a distant relative of Prof. Smith and family, with whom she was a special favorite because of her lovable disposition and strong char acter. She graduated from the college in 1907, and at the time she was strick en with fever was employed as teacher of Latin in the high school department of the college, although she was only about 21 years of age. Her mother, who was Miss Strozier, of Greenville, was also a graduate of the LaGrange College. The remains of this talented and beautiful young lady were carried to Greenville Wednesday morning, accom panied by sorrowing relatives and friends. The sympathy of all LaGrange goes out to her parents and other loved ones, and to the college, and all feel a personal loss in her death. If you desire a clear complexion take Foley’s Orino Laxative for constipation and iiver trouble, as it will stimulate these organs and thoroughly cleanse your system, which everyone needs in order to feel well. Sold by all drug gists. WH ■ S ‘V_v/ / WHIPS When I sell 216 Buggy Whips at $1 each, call at my place and I will explain. The U. S. Government prevents my telling you through this paper. Remember, I have a full line of brand-new Buggies—no accumulations from la^t season or du^l-worn goods to offer. And when I make prices and terms—the buggy will go home with you. COME TO SEE ME. I’M ALWAYS AT HOME. Powell for all stomach troubles—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad breath,sick hcadache,torpid liver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleasant to take. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Gussie—‘‘Cholly says he met you and —aw—that you remarked he was a puz zle to you. ” Miss Peppery—‘‘Yes, he reminded me of the average puzzle the moment he was introduced to me. ‘So simple when you know it.’ ” It’s Enough The Fourteen Errors of Life. Thought fis man’s most dangerous _ . weapon and his best friend. To attempt to set up our own stand- ard of right and wrong, and expect ev erybody to conform to it. To try to measure the enjoyment of others by your own. To expect uniformity of opinion in this world. To look for judgment and experience in youth. To endeavor to mould all dispositions TO THE CITIZENS OF NEWNAN Reese Drug Co., druggists, handle Gil- hooley’s Irish Liniment, and they back it alike. up with what might be called a Govern- Not to yield in unimportant trifles. To look for perfection in our actions. To worry ourselves and others about what cannot be remedied. Not to alleviate, if we can. all that needs alleviation. Not to make allowance for the weaknesses of others. To consider anything impossible that we cannot ourselves perform. To believe only what our finite minds can grasp. To live as if the moment, the time, the day, were so important that it \wuld live forever. To estimate people by some outside quality, for it is that within which makes the man. The eye of little Willie’s teacherjwas sad and sorry, for, notwithstanding that he was her favorite pupil, he stood before her convicted of the heinous charge of theft of taffee from a fellow pupil. It was the first offense, however, and she did not desire to inflict corporal punishment — an oral lecture, she thought, would fit the case. ‘‘Bear in mind, Willie.” she conclud ed, ‘‘that these temptations may be resisted if determination is used. Al ways turn a deaf ear to temptation.” ‘‘But, teacher,” he answered, ‘‘I ain’t got a deaf ear.” Folev’s Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney and bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. Cures backache and irregularities that if neglected might result in Bright’s disease or diabetea. Sold by all drug gists. ment bond. In fact a guarantee certificate goes with every bottle, to the extent that if Gilhooley’s Irish Liniment does not cure Eczema, Rheumatism, in any form, Salt Rheum, Lumbago or any skin ailment, you are out nothing, as the druggist you bought it from will give back your money and take the certificate for his pay. The matter is entirely in your hands. Gilhooley Irish Liniment Co., ST. PAUL. MINN. Atlanta and West Point RAILROAD COMPANY ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OFTRAINS ATNEWNAN.GA. Subject to change and typographical errors. No. 35 6:45 a. m. No. 19 7:35 a. m. No. 18' . .... 9:03 a. ra. No. 33"".".'. 10:43 a. m. No. 39 3:17p.m. No. 20 . 6:40 p. m. No. 34 5:32 p.m. No. *42 ... 6:45 a. m. No. t44 8:27 a. m. No. 38 ,,.. 9:33 a. m. No. 40 1:03 p. m. No. 17 5:12 p. m. No. 41 7 :10 p. m. No. 37 ... 6:23 p. m. No. 36 10:18 p.m. tSunday only. ’Daily except Sun day. All other trains daily. Odd numbers, southbound; even num bers, northbound. The estimate of the newly- married couples as to the cost of fitting their home will be within their means if they figure on OUR prices. Let us talk the matter over with YOU—let us show YOU what we have to offer in the latest designed and best furniture. Let us quote you OUR prices. You’ll find them the best any way you look at it. Scroggirt Furniture Company WHEN IN NEED OF LUMBER AND PLANING MILL STUFF Of all kinds—Brackets, Mouldings, Columns, etc.—you will find it to your interest to give us a call. HOUSE BILLS A SPECIALTY Vulcanite Roofing R. D.Cole ManufacturingCo 49-54 E. Broad St., NEWNAN, GA.. ’Phone 14. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. GEORGIA—Coweta County : payment to the undersigned. This Oct. 8, 1999. Prs. fee, $3.75. W. M. BOHANNON, Administrator of T. T. Bohannon, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the es tate of T. T. Bohannon, late of said county, de ceased, to render in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made out; and all persons indebted to said de ceased are hereby requested to make immediate FOLEYS KIDNEYPIUS Fob Backache Kiomevj anp Biaodeo