Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, March 11, 1910, Image 2

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fierald and JMwrtiser. NEW NAN, FRIDAY, MAR. 11. LAttOKBT OUAHANTEKD COUNTRY OIROCI.ATION IN FOCRTII OONORKnniONAL DISTBIIIT. Official Organ of Coweta County. Jan. E. Brown, Thor. B. Parrott, BROWN & PARROTT. EDIT0R8 AND PUBURIIERS. WHY QUESTION THE MOTIVE? Tho announced purpose of John D. Rockefeller, the oil magnate, to devote a large part of hiB enormous wealth to philanthropic objects is alleged by some to bo duo to the pious influence of his son, John D., jr., and by others to a disposition on tho part of tho elder Rockefeller to yield to tho promptings of a quickened conscience, and in this manner make restitution to the people of a considerable share of his “ill-got ten gains,” so to speak. Commenting upon this view of tho case the Phila delphia Record very aptly says: "Whether this gratuitous assumption be true or not, makes little difference. It makes still less to know what motive inspired father and son to take this no ble resolution to part with tho riches which most men so highly prize. When an action is good, it is not merely im pertinent but malignant to search for a bad motive behind. What remains is, that the active philanthropy of the Rockefellers is the highest of human virtues in this commercial age.” We fully agree with our Philadelphia contemporary. The narrowness and prejudice of many self-assumed purists in misjudging and sneering at the phil anthropic purposes of such men as Rockefeller and Carnegie in devoting a portion of their large wealth to worthy enterprises designed for the uplift and relief of humanity, in itB various phases of depravity and suffering, passes un derstanding in this Christian age. Ex pended wisely and in the right spirit, as these men appear to be trying to do, Rockefeller’s money and Carnegie’s money will go as far and do as much good as money obtained from any other philanthropic source, and peevish argu ments to the contrary are simply ridic ulous. ■OPENING NOTE OF THE STATE CAMPAIGN. The announcement of Hon. J. Pope Brown, given to the public last week,, that ho would not be a candidate to suc ceed himself as State Treasurer, has opened tho way for a lively coolest for that office. Hon. W. J. Speer, of At lanta, former State Treasurer, has al ready announced; Hon. B. F. Perry, the present Assistant State Treasurer, in timates in a newspapor interview that he will likely be in the race; and Hon. P. M. Hawes, of Elberton, is also being talked of as a probable candidate. Mr. Speer’s announcement, and Mr. Perry’s interview, nro especially inter esting at this time, ns sounding the first note of tho State campaign. Whether any of tho other State House officials will have any opposition will, of course, depend on future developments. Mr. Speer’s announcement is as fol lows: • “To the People of Georgia: Hon. Pope Brown having declined to become a candidate to succeed himself as State Treasurer, I hereby announce my self a candidate for that office, subject to the action of the Democratic party at the next primary for the selection of State House officers. My candidncy is based on my qualifications to fill the of fice of State Treasurer, as demonstrated by long and faithful service formerly in that capacity, and from which office I voluntarily retired several years ago on account of ill health. My health Rats, and all Boodlers that boosted him nto Office, may see how they avenge themselves on this Spawn of Chance. Let the People rally to the deposed platform Artist, in that he may warm the bottom of the Governor’s chair and give them another Sample of real Re form.” The Grouch continued to bawl, but the People hearkened not. Moral.—When you get your politi cal I’odex kicked away make a hot run for an Organ and play to an unappre ciative Public that truthful old tune "Jordan’s a Hard Road to Travel." Camp on the trail of your Political un doers, and shave around their ankles with your Organ razor. Grimp. Rome Man Believes in Tennessee Oil Company. Roma Tribune-Herald, 8th inat* “What about that oil stock you told of in Sunday’s Tribune-Herald?” was a question put to Mr. H. D. Hill yes terday by a number of interested peo ple. “I meant just what the article said,” replied Mr. Hill. “I have investigated this proposition carefully, and it is the beat thing I ever found, I actually be lieve that a hundred dollars invested in the stock by these young men around town will make them more than they are earning in salaries before five years have passed. The Tennessee Oil and Gas Co. is capitalized at two millions, a much lower figure than are most oil companies, and the par value of each share of the stock is 25 cents. It sells at par, though the company does not propose to sell any more stock than is absolutely necessary for the successful development of the property. It is Southern money and Southern men be hind the proposition, and the men are such as I can put absolute confidence in. J. R. McCollum, of Newnan, Ga., is president of the company; J. F. As kew, a banker of Hogansville, Ga., is vice-president, and W. W. Wisdom, of Atlanta, is treasurer. The stock is reg istered with the Central Bank and Trust Co. of Atlanta, and every geolo gist and chemist and oil expert that has ever examined the proposition has said that it is the beBt oil property in the South. Many of the biggest fortunes in the world were made from oil, and when I see what these wells turn out, and have it analyzed myself and find that it contains 61 per cent, of illumi nating oil and 16 per cent, of naphtha, I am satisfied to risk a big wad of my hard-earned savings in the stock with perfect assurance that they will double in value before I am a year older.” Senoia Notes. Sonofo Enterprise-Gazotto, 10th Inst. Mr. H. B. Sasser, our clever post man or, has purchased the pretty home of Mr. W. S. Travis, in front of the Methodist church, and expects to move into U about mid-summer. Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Wynn will reside with them. The stockholders of the Farmers & Merchants Bank held their annual meet- last Thursday morning. The report of Cashier H. P. Redwine showed the bank’s abuirs to be in fine shape, and that 16 per cent, had been netted the past year. An 8 per cent, cash dividend was paid the stockholders and $4,000 ilacod to account of undivided profits. This is a fine showing, and all parties interested were well pleased with the excellent showing made. The old offi cers and directors were re-elected, the former being M. H. Couch, president; R. L. Hardy and C. C. McKnight, vice- iresidents; H. P. Redwine, cashier; W. 3. Witham, financial agent. Jonathan B. S. Davis, jr., the 14- year-old son of Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Davis, died Saturday morning about 2:30 o’clock, after a brief illness with pneumonia. He seemed to realize sev eral days before his death that the end was approaching and called his father to his bedside and talked with him about death and his future, telling him that death had no horror for him; that the future was bright and clear, and that he would soon make his home in heaven. He was a bright boy, and ja special favorite among his school-mates. John, as he was familiarly known, was fill the office again, and to that end I beg the support of the people. “Very respectfully, “Wm. J. Speer, Charging a violation of the pure food law, and alleging that a quantity of coca cola syrup seized in Chattanooga last October did not contain the prop erties of coca or cola, the U. S. Gov ernment is again on the trail of the Coca Coin Co., of Atlanta, and will prosecute the case in the Federal Court. After the seizure of the syrup samples wore sent to Washington tb be anal yzed by experts in the bureau of chem istry of the Agricultural Department. wn ■** ■»*»*j «r;s »sr tat a* Communicated. The Little Man and the Grouch. A FABLE. A little Mon was once Kicked out of Office by a tyg, ferocious Satrap. The little Man nursed his grievance, and it grew apace until it became foster Child of the People, who, by their suffrages, set the little one in the Satrap’s chair, to the disgruntlement of the Satrap and his swashbucklers. It so fell out that the Satrap had an Organ and an Organ ist, (the same being a Grouch for rea sons,) who played many Grouchy, windy tunes on the Organ. He played it Early and Late, in Season and out of Season; kicked the pedals, Banged the key board, blew the Bellows, thereby bel- lowaing himself. But, notwithstanding theso physical infirmities, the Organist continued to squeak in this Monotonous Refrain: “The little One, whom the People made a mistake in elevating to the Gubernatorial chair, is a bad Man, who devours People’s substance and obeys not the Commands of the Law givers. The People demand that we give him a political Skinning, and nail his Hide on a box-car door, so that the Trusts, Liquor men, the Railroad inter ims spent half a century preaching the osgel, and who is now on a bed of af- iction at his home in Newnan. He joined the Senoia Baptist church in April, 1906, and was baptized by Rev. J. W. R. Jenkins. The funeral service was conducted at the Baptist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock by Rev. Chas. E. Hitt, assisted by Revs. J. W. R. Jenkins, E. W. Jones andC. C. Car son, and the remains were laid to rest in the city cemetery. Six of his young friends, Hunter Towns, Dan Higgins, Pyron Conrially, J. B. Hutchinson, Paul Horton and Gus Huddleston acted as pallbearers. The floral offerings were pretty and elaborate. You never hear of a man whose inj come does not exceed a dollar a uay be ing operated on for appendicitis. by announce myself a candltato for re-election to the office of Tex Collector, eubject to tho Demo cratic primary. During the time that I have hold thfa office I havo given my beet efforts to the per formance of my duties, and If re-elected will con tinue to servo the people to the beet of my ability. I feel that the experience gained in the pact will enable me to better serve you In tho future. Your influence and support are respectfully nolleited. W. S. Hubbard. I hereby announce myBelf a candidate for Tax Collector of Coweta county, eubject to the Dem ocratic primary, and earnestly solicit the support of my friends and fellow-citizens, L. R. Banks. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic primary, and will appreciate tho influence and support of my friends and fellow-citizens. B. J. Fry. To the Voters of Coweta county: I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for Tax Collector, sub ject to the Democratic primary. I have been a citizen of Coweta county more than 40 years, and have never before asked an office at tho hands of the people. I fool that I am qualified to fill the office, and If the people should honor me by elect ing me to this important office I pledgo myself to an honest, sober and faithful administration of the dutiea thereof. I will, if elected, devote my entire time to the conduct of the office; and it will be my pleasure to serve and accommodate the people. Dan W. Broadwater. FOR TAX RECEIVER. To the Democratic Voters of Coweta county: I hereby anhouncc myself a candidate for re-elec tion to the office of Tax Receiver of Coweta coun ty, subject to the Democratic primary. I feel that the experience I have gained In discharging the duties of this office during my administration will enable me to better serve the people of our county. I will appreciate your support nnd influence in the approaching primary. Respectfully, Thos. J. Wilkinson. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Coweta county, subject to tho action of the Democratic party. I will greatly appreciate tho support of the people of the county, Joseph L. Brown. I take this method of notifying my friends that I am a candidate for Tax Receiver, subject to the Democratic nomination, nnd respectfully aBk the support of tho white voters of tho county. J. A. Royeton. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. To tho People of Coweta County : I am a candi date for Treasurer, subject to your approval at the primary. I was born and reared in Coweta county, seryod four years In tho War Between the States, and in my declining years the care of three invalid old ladies haB fallen upon me. One of these 1b over 76 ycais of age and has been blind fourteen years. I ask tho influence and votes of my old comrades and friends at the primary. F. M. Dennis. Mr. J. P. Shaw is on old soldier, 78 years old, has lost his right eye, is ruptured, and his wife, (aged 74,) 1b practically blind. He is a candidate for County Treasurer, is a worthy citizen, and aBks tno support of the voters of Coweta county. He haB no children to assist him in making a sup port He was caught on a circular saw some years ago and so seriously injured that one arm and one leg have been practically useless Bince. Respectfully, A. A. BARGE. M. D., DUKE LEE. M. D., J. L. BARGE, M. D., T. B. DAVIS, M. D. FOR CORONER. I hereby offer myself as a candidate for Coroner of Coweta county, subject to the white primary, and kindly ask the support of my fellow-citizens. Being a cripple, it will be impossible for me to canvass the county. Any favors shown me will be appreciated. J. P. Oswald. To the Voters of Coweta county: I hereby an nounce myBelf a candidate for re-election to the office of Coroner, subject to the Democratic pri mary. Will appreclato the votes and influence of the people, and if elected will perform the duties of the office to the best of my ability. J. C. Cook. New Advertisements. NOTICE. The Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company having made application to the Honorable Rail road Commission of Georgia for its authority to issue $1,267,800 par value additional capital Btock, nnd to retire outstanding certificates of Indebt edness amounting to $1,232,200, this is to notify all concerned that the Honorable Railroad Com mission of Georgia has ordered this applicatjb^ heard Wednesday, March 24,1910, at 10 o'clock a. m., at its office in Atlanta, Georgia. F. H. HILL, Secretary. AN ORDINANCE. . Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of tho City of Newnan, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this ordinance it shall be unlawful fdr tho owner of any "bull,” St Bernard, or any vi cious dog, to keep said dog within the limits of said city without securely muzzling the dog, so as to prevent said dog, when muzzled, from biting. Any person violating this ordinance shall, on con viction, be punished as prescribed in Section 266 of tho City Code. Be it further ordained. That it shall be the duty of all police officers of this city to kill any and all "bull,” St. Bernard, or vicious dogB found in the city that are not muzzled, and that all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordi nance bo and the same are hereby repealed. Adopted in open Council March 7, 1910. E. D. FOUSE, Clerk. . State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior 6 »rtner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing usincss in the City of Toledo, county and State aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ease of Catarrh thut cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my pres ence, this 6th day of December. A. D„ 1886. ( REA . \ A. W. GLEASON, VSKAU ' Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. Announcements. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re- election to the Lower Houbq of the General As sembly, and respectfully solicit the support of my friends. Jos. T. KiRBt. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Coweta county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and will appreciate the support of the voters of the coun ty. J. D. BrbSvster. FOR CLERK. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Clerk of Superior Court of Coweta county, subject to the action of tho Democratic primary, and will appreciate the support of the yoters of the county. Lynch Turner. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. To tho White Voters of Cowcai tvunty: there* Art early inspection of my stock of SPRING MILLINERY is requested, and I would be pleased to be favored with your presence at my OPENING DISPLAY on Wednesday and Thursday, MARCH 16th and 17th. Respectfully yours, MISS ELLA TURNER. PREPARE NOW FOR EASTER »• ' V • ;■ We have ju^t added to our ladies’ ready-to- wear department a beautiful collection of ladies’ Wash Suits. Come in early and make your se lection, before the sizes are broken. Prices, $6.50 to $22.50. LADIES’ SHIRT WAISTS This week’s express brought us a beautiful line of ladies’ Shirt Waists^which is another new addition to our ladies’ ready-to-wear department. Ill this collection you will find both plain, tailored and fancy Waists. Colors—white, cream, ecru and black. Prices—$i to $6.50 each. LADIES’ WOOL SKIRTS In our line of ladies’ Wool Skirts you will find a very large assortment to select from, in the very newest styles. Prices—$5 to $12.50 each. LADIES’ WASH SKIRTS We have also put in a line of ladies’ Wool Skirts, which we are offering at attractive prices. * H. C. GLOVER Cd: Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA-Coweta County: T. G. Farmer, administrator on the estate of Lu ther M. Farmer, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell lands, stocks and personal property belonging to the estate of said deceased, all persons concerned are required to Bhow cause in said Court by the first Monday in April next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This March 7,1910. Prs. fee, $3. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. Twelve Months' Support. GEORGIA-Coweta County: The return of the appraisers Betting apart twelve months’ support to the family of Felix E, Hinds- man, deceased, having been filed in my office, all persons concerned are cited to show cause by the first Monday in April, 1910, why said application for twelve months’ support should not be granted. This March 9,1910. Prs. fee, $3. L. A. PERPUE, Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA-Coweta County: J. B. Ashley, administrator with the will an nexed of Harriet Matilda Ashley, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of Baid county for letters of dismission from his said trust, all persons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in April next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This March 7,1910. Prs. fee, $3. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Letters of Guardianship. GEORGIA—Coweta County: J. B. Sasser having applied to the Court of Ordi nary of said county for guardianship of tho per son and property of Frankie Dell Sasser, mi nor. all persons concerned are required to show cause In said Court by the first Monday in April next, if any they can. why said application should not be granted. This March 9, 1910 Prs. fee, $3. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA—Coweta County: W. M. Sasser having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of adminis tration on the eBtateof Charles F. Sasser, de ceased, all persons concerned are required to show cauBe in said Court by the first Monday in April next. If any they can. why said application should not be granted. This March 7. 1910. Prs. fee, S3, L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA-Coweta County: John D. Hindsman having applied to the Court of Ordinary of Raid county for letters of admin istration on the estate of Felix E. Hindsman, deceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in April next. If any they can, why said application should not be granted. This March 8,1910. Prs. fee, <3.L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA-Qowbta County: S. G. Dukes and R. L. Dukes having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of administration with the will annexed on the es tate of John Dukes, deceased, all persons con cerned are required to show cause in said Court by th> fin* Monday in April next, if any th can, why Baid appueatlon : r»*it be rrantc This March 8.1910. Pr* f.» * • L. A. PK ' 'XV. Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA-Coweta County : Fredonia Luckie, administratrix on the estate of Ralph O. Luckie, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of dismission from her said truBt, all persons con cerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in April next, if any they can, why said application Bhould not be granted. This March 7,1910. Prs. fee, $3. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. Notice to Non-Resident Heirs-et-Law. GEORGIA—Coweta County : To Mrs. Pearl Sewell, of Gadsden. Ala.. Fred Tarrance and Paul Tarrance. and to the children of Roscar Tarrance. deceased, residing in the State of Texas and in the State of Arkansas, non resident heirs-at-law of John Dukes, late of Cow eta county. Ga., deceased: Take notice that the will of said John Dukes has been offered for pro bate in solemn form in .the Court of Ordinary of said Coweta county. Ga., and I will pass upon the same at the April term, 1910, of said Court. This March 9,1910. Prs. fee. $3. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. SMS WE ADMIT THAT COL. ROOSEVELT r Has explored the jungles of Africa, and has slain many wild animals. We also admit that we are selling more goods now than we ever sold. The only reason we can give for this is, we hp,ve added more fancy groceries to our stock, both domestic and imported, than we ever handled before. And, what is more to the point, we are selling them at prices that can’t be duplicated in Newnan. Indeed, we would be glad to get the same prices for many articles that others charge;—but everybody buys at the same price here. We don’t make a practice of selling a few staples at eost, and then make an enormous profit on other goods. We treat all alike, guaranteeing the very lowest prices on every article we sell. J. T. SWINTr THE. GROCER. IISMSII Administratrix's Sale. GEORGIA-Coweta County: By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina ry of said county, granted at the March term 1910, of said court, will be sold before the court-house door at Newnan, Ga., on the first Tuesday in April, 1910, between the legal hours of Bale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, the following described land and cotton mill stock belonging to the estate of Fannie C. McKoy, deceased, to-wit: Fifty (50) acres of land, more or less, off of lot of land No. 82, in the Fourth district of said coun ty, same being the northeast quarter of said lot Also, four (4) Bhares of the capital stock of the McIntosh Mills. Newnan. Ga., same being of the par value of $100 each. This March 10, 1910. Prs. fee. $4.71. FANNIE S. STRONG, Administratrix of Fannie C. McKoy, deceased. Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA-Coweta County : By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordlna* ry of said county will be sold at public outcry, qn the first Tuesday in April, 1910, at the court house door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, the following described lands, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Senoia. said State and county, known and designated in the plan and survey of the town of Senoia as the west half of lot No. one, (L) sec tion twenty-two, (22.) containing one-half an acre, more or less, being on the north side of the Central railroad, and bounded on the north by va cant lot, on the east by R. L. Hardy, on the south by public street, and on the west by Bridge street, and known as the Rucker corner. Sold as the property of Mrs. E, C. Rucker, late of said county, deceased. Terras—cash. This 9th day of March. 1910. Prs. fee. $5.55. T. F. RAWLS. Administrator of Mrs. E. C. Rucker. Sheriff $ Sale for April. GEORGIA—Cowf.ta County : WUl be sold before the Court-house door In New nan, Cowetorcounty, Ga., on the first Tuesday in Aprl next, between the legal hours oX jale, to the highest and best bidder, the following de scribed property, to-wit: A certain tract of land in the city of Newnan, and bounded as follows: On the north and east by right-of-way of the Central of Georgia Railway Co., on the south by lot of Standard Oil Co., and on the west by right-of-way of the Atlanta and West Point Railroad Co., bfeing the lot on which is located the plant of tho Newnan Market & Ice Co., lying south of the junction of.said Central of Georgia railway and the Atlanta and West Point railroad. Levied on as the property of the New nan Market & Ice Co. to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by # W. S. Hubbard, Tax Collector, for State and' county taxes for the year 1909, the same being now due and unpaid. Levy made by A. J. Smith, L. C., and turned over to me. This March 11, 1010. Prs. fee. $6.06 J. D, BREWSTER, Sheriff. NOTICE OF POND ELECTION. STATE OF GEORGIA-Coweta County, Town of Grantville : To tho Qualified Voters of the Town of Grant ville : Notice is hereby given that the Chairman and Council of the town of Grantville have called an election, to be held at the usual place for hold ing elections in said town, and to be held under the roles and regulations governing the election of officers In .aid town, on Saturday, the 16th day of April, A. D. 1010. to determine whether the qualified voters of said tawn will assent, by the requisite two-thirds vote, to the issuing of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS of bonds of said town, for the purpose of building and equipping public school buildings in the town of Grantville. The principal of said bonds to fall due and be paid as follow.: Five hundred dollar, on the first day of June, 1911, and five hundred dollars on the first day of Jnne In each succeeding year for nineteen years, so that all will be due and payable within twenty years from the date of issue: said bonds to bear interest at ths rate of six pur cent, per an num, payable annually; the Interest on said bonds to fall due and be paid as follows: (600 in the year 191L 1*70 In 191*. (M0 In 1913, (610 in 19U. (ISO in in 1916, (420 In 1917, (390 In 1918, (360 in In 1920, (300 in 1921, (270 in 1922. (240 ip In 1924, (ISO in 1925. (160 in 1926. (129 in In 1928, (60 In 1929, and (30 In 19S0—so that, all will be paid Within twenty years from the date of issue. The interest to be evidenced by couponB falling due annually after the date of is sue, and both principal and interest to be paid in gold coin of the United States of the present standard of weight and fineness, That if said issue of bonds Is assented to by the requisite number of voters, an annual tax shall thereafter be levied and collected by the authority of the Chairman and Council of the town of Grantville. beginning with the year 1910 and run ning through the succeeding nineteen years, on all tho taxable property within said town, suffi cient in amount to pay the annual interest on said bondB. and for the payment of (600 annually on the principal of Baid bonds, and the amount so raised shall be applied to the payment of the said interest and the payment of said bonds as thoy mature, and for no other purpose. The proceeds of said bonds shall be applied ex clusively to the building and equipping of public school buildings in the town of Grantville. Voters at said election favoring the Issue of said bonds shall have written or printed on their bal lots the words FOR BONDS." and those oppos- ing the ssue shall have written or printed on their ballots AGAINST BONDS." Notice Is also given that the Clerk of the Coun cil of said town of Grantville will open on the 1st day of March, A. D. 1910, a book for the purpose of registering the qualified voters of said town, which book will be closed ten dayB prior to the date of said election, and that none but duly reg istered voters will be allowed to vote in said elec tion. This notice la given In accordance with and In pursuance of an ordinance calling for said elec tion. duly passed by the Chairman and Council of the town of Grantville on the 28th of February. 191°, the Chairman and Council of the town of Grantville being the officers charged with levying taxes contracting debts, etc., far the Urantville. and in compliance with Sec- Volume 1 of the Code df Geor gia. This 28th day of February, 1010. R. L SEWELL, _ Chairman, T. M. ZELLARS, W. A. BOHANNON. JAS. H. GILBERT. D. B. LAMBERT, J. T. BOHANNON, Clerk. ConncUn “ n -