Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, February 13, 1914, Image 2

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i The Herald and Advertiser M VV \ A N . FRIDAY, F KM 13. ' Z ,«’.•'* .'i'.'.n*! Ml! Iti'l't.ATlOH Official Organ of Coweta County. Jam. F. Brown. Kills M . CarportU*r. BROWN A CARPENTER, KDITOI in anii rutil.iBiiKita. noir /« • Fit HIT Till•; HULL WEE VIL. No Hiibjoct of more importance to the people of Georgia whh touched upon at the late meeting of the State Chamber of Commerce in Macon than that of the coming invnHion of the boll weevil, and many helpful auggeBtiona were brought out in the diacuBBion. A moat interest ing and instructive talk was madu by Dr. Hradfnrd Knapp, special agent of the V. S. Bureau of Plant Industry in charge of farm demonstration work throughout the country, who came from Washington to address the meeting. Speaking of the boll weevil peat and how to light it, Dr. Knapp said - "I hope you Georgians will profit by what has gone before, take the examples 'Unless you start on the right lines,” said Mr. Worsham, "you will not get satisfactory results. The selection of your varieties of cotton cuts an im portant. figure. Some varieties are re- sistnnt to the weevil, while others should not ho planted. The weevil, from such experiments as we have made, will prove particularly destruct ive in southwest counties, and those coun ties should work hardest to prepare for his coming ” He said the hoys’ corn dubs are doing a great work, but that Georgia could never get away from cotton as her main money crop. The girls’ canning clubs, the pig clubs and other agencies also have done a great deal to educate Georgians along lines of diversification. "What we need more than anything is men's cotton clubs, conducted along sensible lines,” said the entomologist. “They should get all.information possi ble on the subject, und then apply it.” ? the set by the other States where tlv weevil has been, and mix brains with muscle. Kartn demonstration work and the boll weevil are the two most vit. 1 issues before the country to-day; yet tin boll weevil will prove a pest only to the community that is not ready for it. The remedy is mixing bruin with soil, and a good bit of elbow grease. The returns from the soil will be in proportion to the amount of intelligence with which »abor is applied.” Dr. Knapp answered two questions, on which he declared the situation hinges: First. How is the farmer to meet the boll weevil? Second. What can the business in terests of Georgia do to meet the pest? In answering the first question, Dr. Knspp cited statistics showing that mil lions of dollars are being sent out annu ally for mules, corn, feeds tuffs, canned goods, und other articles, all of which could he produced in Georgia. "The first thing to do when the boll weevil comes is to cut down the advan ces you have been asking from your merchant ami banker, and grow whnt you need at home,” he said. “Increase your acreage of feedatuffs, and decrease your cotton acreage. The boll weevil first lays eggs in the banker's vault and in the merchant's safe; panic fol lows among the people not prepared, and disaster is inevitable, if there is no organized effort to meet it.” He told how the boll weevil hiber nates in the winter season; how they live from sixty to seventy days-, how they feed on the cottonSquares, and on cotton alone. I’oisons have been used, Dr. Knapp explained, to kill the boll weevjf, put have been found unsatis factory and expensive. He advised picking up the squares as soon as they have been punctured and fall otf, and that they be burned. Speaking of burn ing the stalks in the fall, he advised that they be plowed under instead of burnt, as the humus is needed in the soil. "We hear about early planting and late planting." said Dr. Knapp. "The only satisfactory method is to plant when the cotton will grow best, and that is to be judged from community conditions. K »rly developing seed should be chosen. The theory of late planting is a fHlse doctrine." He declared that some people blame the boll weevil for everything, from unseasonable weather to legislative matter^; He styled the boll weevil "our friend," and declared that after the weevil visits a State the farmers are forced to observe certain funda mentals in farming, which finally re sult in a more independent community. In answering the second question of what can be done to check the advance of the weevil. Dr. Knapp declared nothing could be done by talking alone. Conference* and meetings will accom plish nothing. The only effective meat s is to have a demonstrator go to the farmers in person and have them fol low the tested methods. "From a small beginning in HHM." he said. Nearly all county executive commit tees over the State thnt. have taken ac tion up to date have ordered early pri maries for the nomination of county officers, to-wit: Grady, Feb. 25; Tift, March I; Dodge. March 5; Dccatu March IS; Pike, March 18; Crisp, March 25; Henry, April 1; Muscogee, April 18; Bulloch, May 7. The critical illness of U. S. Senttor A. O. Bacon at Washington for the past ton days is causing his friends a good deal of anxiety. Although some what encouraging reports are given out by his physicians, his advanced age and the serious nature of his malady render his recovery doubtful. He is suffering from an acute kidney trouble. A man tries to live up to his ideals almost as hard as a woman tries to live up to her photograph. $100 Reward, $100. Thi* ronilnm of this paper will 1m* pleased to learn (hat then- In at leant one dreaded ills that ml on co hns boon able to euro In all its stugos. anil that in catarrh. Ilnll'a Catarrh Curo is tho only positive cute now known to tho medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a oonatttulionnl disease, roipiiros a eonatltutional treatment. Hull's Ca tarrh Cure in taken Internully. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces or the sys tom. thereby destroying the foundation of thi disease, and frivlmr the patient atronirth by build lug up tho eiaistitution and nssistintt nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in it a curative powers that they otter One Hut dred Dollars for any cam- that it fails to cur. Send for list of testimonials. Address l-\ J. CHUNKY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists. 76c. Take Hall's l-'amily l'ills for constipation. FOR CORONER. I l>eg to announce to my friends nnd fellow-el t- ms that lama candidate for re-election to tho lice of Coroner, nnd shall appreciate their sup port in t he coming primary. J. C. Cook. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. We. Hu- undersigned, submit that In a spirit of lirncss ttie Second district is entitled to the rep. •aentntive on tho Hoard of County Commission 's from the territory embraced in the .Second. Tldrd and (irantvdlo districts, for the reason thnt 'r more than ten years the Second haa had no -preaentntive on this Liard. Relieving that the juntire of this contention will appeal to every fair-minded nnd unprejudiced voter, we. citixens of said district, take pleasure in presenting MR HENRY I,. ('AMP, who Is in every way >iualill«-d for the duties of this responsible position. His eandidscy is subject to the action of the Dotnu- " primary. K C Cureton. s r ,. It T Trammell. J W Trammell. J W Colo. J P Cureton, W A Hrnnnon, I) L Puckett. W K Fuller. J W Newby. J A Webh, A P Rowers, J F Rowers. J L Hemphill, J T Bexley. I. S Young I, S Chamblcsa, A 1} Young. J II Morris, I T Murphy. I) C Owens. I, II Spratling. ('has. Hrndberry. .1 M Park. C A Hines. C P Gordon, I* A Carmicul, II M Camp. E M Camp, C Fr«*d Camp. I It Murphy. K 8 Cureton, J D Cotton. T M Zoilara. J O Albright, W M Post. M W Orr. L) R Lambert. c<; White. W M White. K stallings. J F Hranrh. W F Hopson. S T Lambert, W G Sadler. C C Culbrenth, F R White. V W Chnmbleaa, J H Attn way. W I, llobannon. T H On rm I cal. W N Walthall, L W Rowers. W L farm leal. It L Pitts. J T Him-a. Jr.. It V Webb. We take pleasure In presenting for the consit oration of the Democratic voters of Coweta cour ty the name of MR. J. R. ("Speights"! SIMS. « the Third district, as a candidate for the c ilice i County Commissioner, subject to the primar; Mr. Sims is one of the county’s best citizen, whose integrity nnd business ability uro room nixed by all who know him. Wo indorse his car didney unqualifiedly, nnd commend him to m fellow-citizens ns admirably llttcd in every wa for the duties of the office named. Respectfully. _ A R Hurdett. It E Simms. W S Ask. w, Ed Brown. W G Pc «t. W C Wright. II C Glover. ItJ Unmett. G W St. John. T M Goodrum, I K Walker. H II North. Stanford Arnold. A W Powers, jr.. J S Hardaway, jr., B H Kirby. V E Mangel. A M No ris. It I. Rrown, J TSwInt. E O Reese. J H Simms. J D Simms. O /. Cranford, Mike Powell, J It Oola, W S McDonald. E J Bailey, E C Goodwyn. A E Wilkinson. T B McRitchlc. Frank Wilkinson, C E Ragland. II G Hopson. And many others The friends of J. C. SEWELL respectfully nounco him ns a candidate for County Commis sioner for tho division embracing Panther Creek. Hurricane and Fourth districts, subject to the Democratic primary. We. the undersigned, announce GEO. L. WAR REN, of Panther Creek district, aa u candidate for County Commissioner, subject to the Demo cratic primary, and commend him to our fellow- citizens as altogether worthy of their confldsnci nnd support. S. G. Allen. Dr. C. C. Elliott. J. A. Holemnn, S. S. Bridges, L. B. Gurley. A. A. Copeland. Announcements. FOR CLERK. I hereby announce my candidacy fny the office of Clerk of Superior Courf. subject to the flemo- cratic primary will greatly appreciate the ln- t'uon„q support of my friends and fellnw-cit- (Sens. C. J. Owkns. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Clerk Superior Court, subject to the coming Democratic primary election, and will appreciate the votes and support of the voters of Coweta county. LYNCH Tl'RNKK. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Coweta county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and will appreciate the support of the voters of the coun ty. J. D. Ukkwstkk. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. To tho Democratic voters of Coweta county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax Col lector. subject to the Democratic primary. The voters of this county are well acquainted with my qualifications to till this office, and l will appreci ate their Influence nnd votes. W. S. Huhhaku. To tho Voters of Coweta county: 1 hereby an nounce my candidacy for re-election to the office of Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic pri mary. Appreciating your support in my former race. I ask your continued confidence upon the record I have made since assuming the office. U. J. Fry. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I take this method of informing my friends and fellow-citiaen* that l am a candidate for the office of *l'a\ Receiver, subject to the Democratic pri mary. and will greatly appreciate their support. Paul Smith. I desire to inform my friends and fellow-citisens that l am a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, auhject to the Democratic pri mary. Deeply grateful for their loyal support In the past. I respectfully ask a favorable considera tion of my claims in the present contest. Titos, j. Wilkinson. To the Voters of Coweta county: I take this muthvxl of notifying my friends and the public generally of tny candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver, subject to the approaching Democratic primary election. Was born and rearxxi in the county and have never held an elective office. If elected 1 promise a faithful discharge of the du ties of the office. The influence and support of my friends and fellow-citirens is respectfully so- solicit*!. Charms H. Newton. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver, subject to the Democratic prima ry. and will greatly appreciate the influence and support of my friends. E. P. Floyd. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I b«>g to announce to the Democratic voters of Coweta that I am a candidate for County Treasurer, and will be sincerely- grateful for any help they may give mo in the approaching primary election. 1 am. old and infirm. unable to work, ami deeper- aich In of ihe small salary which the office pays. Help me. please. J. A. Mil.HANS. ~ he rv-nivx-ratic votera of .Coweta county: New Advertisements. The World's Wonder Is a remedy for all pains and aches in the limbs « body. It is especially effarffte for the ref.'ef of suppressed menstrua.',’on and other female nil- menta. perfectly harmless. Can bo had at Cates’ Drug Store, or at my residence. 169 Temple ave nue. Newnan. C,a. DR. A. CAGLE. Petition to Amend Charter. GEORGIA—Cowkta County: To the Superior Court of said county: The peti tion of Stanley-Johm shows - 1. That o Company respectfully i the 1-th day of February, 1907. upon tne petition of J. R. Holt ar.d others, an order wai regularly passed incorporating Holt & Cates Com pany. - That thereafter, and on Feb. 4. 1910. by the order and judgment of said Court, upon the poti tion of said Holt & Cates Company, its corporab name was changed to that of said Stanley-John son Company, and the original charter thu amended. 3. Your petitioner shows that it desires said charter again amended by changing the name of said corporation from Stanley-Johnson Company to that of ODOM DRUG COMPANY, and shows the stockholders of said Stanley-John son Company, by reselution duly adopted anil hereto attached, marked "Exhibit A," have au thorized such change of the corporate name. Wherefore. Your petitioner prays that after this petition has been tiled and published as re quired by law. that the Court grant an order amending said charter by changing the corporate name of said Stanley-Johnson Company to that of Odom Drug Company. W. C. WRIGHT. Petitioner's Attorney. Files! in office this Feb. 5.1914. I- TURNER. Clerk Superior Court. GEORGIA—Coweta County: I. L. Turner. Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the original petition of Stanley - Johnson Company for amendment to charter by change of name to Odom Drug Com pany. as appears of tile in this office. Witness my hand and the seal of said court, this the 5th day of February. 1914. L. TURNER. Clerk. "when wo had one demonstration agent in the field, wo have grown so large ts- «r dk 'joiYn m ' sta"llings." of th« now 1.000 worker* »r* in ihr Sold: ’.•cot to the Democratic primary. • «xl four years a* a Confederate >w 79 years old ami very feeble, i office, and never ask.xl for an ., ... „ . ,, ,i..„ ,v,, v., -■*.•*' until two years ago. v hen he made the race lion MAS kl'«n to more thstn 200. tXX) f.. r C.'untv Treasurer. receiving next to the high- vet vvc» ,-*«t in that race. If elected he will not lx- a candidate for re-election, ami he and his friend* w ill greatly appreciate your influence ar.d support. 1 take thi* method of announcing to the kind friends who gave me the*r support in my former races that I am again a candidate for the office of County Trewsurer subject to the Democratic pri mary Although defeated in those contests 1 did not murmur. b*.t took it in gxxxi part. I now ask the con* vie rat Kin and assistance of my fellow-cit- ixens in the coming primary, and assure them 1 *ha’l deep'y appreciate any service they may ren der me. I am a homeless old man-have been a renter a'lmy ' f e amphvsical'.v unable to work, and nerd the office. J. W M. Turner. of Seventh district. vv e use this medium to present to the voters of t oaeta the carxlriao of JOHN T HOLMKS f -r the office of County Treasurer, subject to the Draw ratio primary, and earnestly ask for him I the support of his fellow-citizens. Mr Hotmes 1 w as a brave Confederate soldier, and is one of the county's worthiest citizen* Four years ago he »«ch t«ro< .ho mi we«vii t»« Mam Friknda We. the undersigned citizens. announce John tv Mvx-re. of Farther Creek district, fv'r County Mr. Worsham said the farmers of I Treasurer, and respectful'..' ask the support of hia " friends and fellow cituens John 8 Mcx're tor boll Weevil Seaborn Mwvre 1 i* 75 vears old. very feeh!--. ^rd ,t .hey would eo-oper..o *hd ill - tj . , “ g J * J ’ their crop*, raising their food supplies 1 v “ r - '”*** * gwd »okiter and wiii graatly appre- $1,100,000 per year is being spent in our department, and last year instruc- He never held « farmers, to 01.000 farmer boys, and 41,000 farmers’ daughters. We spent $14 000 in Georgia. and the State from alt other sources spent $28,000." Speaking upon the same subject. Hon. Worsham, State Entomologist, was pronounced in the conviction that the boll weevil is coming to Georgia, and coming to stay. "There is no power un der the sun that can keep the boll wee vil out of Georgia this year," declared Mr Worsham. "The weevil is coming to Georgia to establish a permanent camp, and he will be an unwelcome guest. There is more danger, however, from there is from the actual presence of the pest among us.' Georgia could conquer the at home He declared that more cotton and other farm products can be raised in Georgia under boll weevil conditions than any other State that has been in fected. | eta tv your support. Hr hai srv-ii rd to see the people. except as his fi C T SeweiL J. W Sewell Dr W H. Taunvr. J C Sewe'.L A. J SvwelV J M. Starr. A. L. Svwell P J Hra-ne. L. P. Sanders. J. C. Hcxai. J. D. Sitcms Petition for Charter. GEORGIA-Cowkta County: To the Superior Court of said county: The peti tion of E. G. Enright and E. S. Golden, of said State and county, respectfully shows— l. That they desire for themselves, their asso ciates and successors, to be incorporated and mad- a bedy politic, under the name and style of | NEWS'AN ICE AND FUEL COMPANY. I fora period of twenty years, with the privilege! | of renewal at the end of that time. That the principal office and place of business of said corporation shall be at Newnan. said State and county, but petitioners desire the right to es- I tablish branch offices within this State, or else- j where, for the purpose of conducting the business | I that may be authorised by their charter, j S. Tho object of said corporation is pecuniary | gam and profit to its members. 4. The object of said proposed corporation is to install, equip and conduct an ice manufacturing I plant ami business for the purtxvse of making and | selling ice; to install, operate and equip all ra»- ( chinery which may be necessary for the purpose ! of manufacturing ice: to make all such contracts j as may be necessary for the sale of the manufac- | I tuned product of saki plant: and to install, oper- - | ate and equip all necessary machinery for con ducting a coal and wvxd yard, with the purpose of . i buying, selling ami dealing generally in wood. , coal, ami other fuel. To accomplish these several , ends petitioners desire the right to buy, sell. rent. I leas., own. mortgage, exchange, and convey any , and all kinds of property, both real and personal, i including stocks in other corporations which may ( be necessary to the cvinduct of the business with- j ! in mentiontxL 5. That the capital stock of said proposed cor- porati >n shad be FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. 1 5 - . divided into five hundred shares of SUV each, of which capital Tweve Thousand ami Five Hunarxd IXitUrs. v|12.UX\) or twenty-five per , : cenL. shall actually be paid in before beginning i business. tx That petitioners shall have the right to pay I | f*u- said stock in part or in full in merchandise, real property, personal property, or tn other as- j sets at their actual market value. 7. That petitioners shall have all other ard , further rights allowed by the laws of the State of Georgia. the acts of the Legislature amenda tory thereof. >. That after this petition shall have been filed, advertised, and other requirements of the law complied with, an order may be passed incorpo rating said corporation as aforesaid. HAMILTON DOUGLAS. Petitioners' Attorney Filed in office this Feb. 7. 1914. I- Turner. Clerk Superior Court. Coweta county. Ga. GEORGIA-Coweta County: l do certify that the above and foregoing is a trie and correct copy of the petition for incorpo ra:'•- ■ tho NbWMAM ICR 1X9 Fl El Cour ANT, on tile ia my office. This 7:h day of February. 1914. L. Turner. Clerk Superior Court. Coweta county. Ga. Laundrv Lists for sale here. THE HALCYON BEGINNING MONDAY, FEB. 16 Monday Imp “KING, THE DETECTIVE” Drama KING BAGGOT is the author of this 2-reel drama, which features him in a new and striking role. JANE GAIL appears in the same play. Rex “A RACE WITH DEATH” Drama This shows how car No. 10 won the great automobile race. BOB LEONARD; BETTY SCHADE. Front “SLIM BECOMES AN EDITOR” Comedy Tuesday Powers “INTO THE LION’S PIT” Drama This is a story of ancient Rome, at the period when the dawning of Christianity drove the gods of Olympus to their final resting-place. EDWIN AUGUST takes the character of Macius, and ETHEL DAVIS that of Lygia. If you miss this great 2-reel play it will be your loss. Nestor ’TWIXT LOVE AND FLOWER” Comedy EDDIE LYONS and ROMONA LANGLEY. Victor “IRENE, THE ONION-EATER’S DAUGHTER” Comedy Wednesday Bison “THE VAGABOND SOLDIER” _Drama This 3-reel play is staged in a remote corner of India, near the border of Afghanistan. A genuine drama, with many novel animal features. Played by WM. CLIFFORD and PHILLIS GORDON. Joker “MIDNIGHT ALARM” Comedy Thursday Imp “JANE EYRE” 2-reel Drama ETHEL GRANDIN plays the part of the quaint little heuoine, "Jane Eyre,” in Charlotte Bronte’s emo tional novel of that name. Who has not read this touching story, and wept over it? Victor “THE MAN WHO SLEPT” Drama Powers “AN ACADEMY ROMANCE” Comedy A freshman, a pretty girl—and city boys are stung. Friday Gold Seal “THE BRIDE OF MYSTERY” Drama This 3-reel drama is the finest and most absorbing play that, has yet been released under the Gold Seal brand. A society drama, featured by GRACE CUNARD and FRANCIS FORD. Crystal “GETTING REUBEN BACK” Comedy Saturday Eclair “THE GOOD IN THE WORST OF US” Drama This 2-reel feature is enacted by BELLE ADAIR, ALEC FRANCIS and FRED TRUESDELL, and shows a striking contrast between good and bad people. Toker “UNIVERSAL IKE GETS A GOAT”— „ Comedy Nestor “THE GREAT DEVOTION” Drama Don't Forget to Visit The Haicyon nr. Dtiven From Home ■ ■H) by tire's fierce ravages, what a comfort for a family to know their fire insurance policy will provide them with another. Have us is sue you one to-day, so you will be protected in case such a disaster happens to you. It's worth the cost just to know you are protect ed. Fire insurance saves you from worry as well as ruin. >: I I I G. E. Parks Insurance & Realty Co. We write all lines of insurance. n i-J Greenville St. Phone jzs. The Herald and Advertiser has a well-equipped job office. Give us a tria 1 and let us show you what good printing we can do.