Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, May 16, 1914, Image 6

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! i n I I I I l I mill: Ml MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED 111 =1 Hi ■=llll 1=11111=11111 Use May Manton Patterns. All patterns, 10c. Tempting Page of Money-Savers May Manton Sum mer Fashion Booh, Wo Big Savings Here on No lions and Toilet Articles Best two for 5c pencils, our price only lc 25c glass jar violet talcum, only 15c 25c bottle peroxide of hydro gen, only 10c One-pound can violet talcum only. 10c Extra large size bottle vase line, only _ __ 10c 25c stick Williams’ shaving soap 19c 25c bottle (lilt Edge shoe pol ish 19c Mennen’s boratcd talcum, only. 15c Children’s rubber grip hose supporters 10c Colgate’s 25c can talcum powder 19c Good hair net with rubber band ; 5c Waxed butter paper, 30 sheets for only 5c 25c-grade, ‘ample tooth brushes. 10c A box of fine linen stationery for . 10c Large 10c roll toilet paper for only. 10c New fancy barrettes, dark or amber 15c Large assortment of bar rettes at . 10c The greatest assortment of new summer dresses ever shown by this store, in cluding white dresses of voile, sheer crepe, crepe de chine, silk and taffeta. They range in price from $2.25 up to $12.50. Don’t buy till you’ve seen our dresses, and note the EXTREME LOW PRICES. ’Tis a pleasure to show you. Time for Cool Things—Dainty New Wash Goods Flaxons—Cool Sheer Cool Sheer Crepes A beautiful quality silk crepe in both plain and fancy, at yard 50c Figured crepes, very pretty for waist or dress, 27 inches wide 15c One lot fancy flowered crepes, 27 and 32 inches at 15c and 10c A beautiful quality white crepe, 27 inches wide, at 15c and 10c Crepe de Chine A beautiful quality crepe de chine, 36 inches wide, in pink and tan only, our price. 48c A beautiful quality in stripes, checks and plain, 34 inches wide 15c Lin-None—the perfect imitation of pure linen; don’t shrink or draw up 12ic, 15c, 25c Madras—A fine quality 32-inch French madras for dresses or shirts, a great value at.. 12Jc Pajama Checks—An extra good quality yard wide pajama checks at only 10c Linene—A smooth, pretty quality, yard-wide, at 15c and 10c 25c Dress Coods Ladies! We wish to call your special attention to our mam moth 25c dress goods depart ment, including everything that is new and up-to-date in crepes, voiles, ratines, reps, corduroys, silk poplins, rice cloth, mate- lisse, cordctt, faille and many other beautiful fabrics for your summer dress. Buster Brown’s guaranteed hosiery for men, women and children. I .adies’ fine lisle hose at 25c. Misses’lisle hose at 25c. Four pairs guaranteed four months. Miscellaneous dark Tango hair-pins, amber or 10c Large box wire hair-pins, 5c 1 package plain wire hair pins lc Fancy hair-pins, 2, 3 and 5 on card. 10c Shirt-waist or bcautv for 1. pins, 2 10c Our alarm clocks, brass fin ish, 98c Good safety pins 24c Large assortment plain and fancy picture frames, 14 sizes, at 10c and 15c Liberty scissors, assorted sizes good values 10c Darning cotton, in tan, white and black 24c Turkey red embroidery cot ton 2c Boy Proof Watches A watch at last that the boy can’t tear up. Stem wind and set, nickel plated; 98c Guaranteed two years. Boys’ Straw Hats Hats for the boys from two years old up. Large assort ment, new styles, at 25c. 50c, 75c and SI.00 Every-day Mexican sun-hats, at ... 10c and 15c New Skirts Just in by express, 15 of the newest style skirts out, no two alike, on sale while they they last .... $5.00 Two other big lots of fine wool skirts and cotton mixtures, ranging in price from $1.00 to $6.00 About 5 or 6 new spring coat suits in misses’ and ladies’ sizes, ranging in price from $10 to $15 Special Saturday and Monday 4 cakes fine grade toilet soap for 10c, or 12 cakes for 25c 14 yards of best quality yard wide bleached domestic, en tirely free from starch or dressing, soft finish, for $1.00 One lot of figured crepes, 36 inches wide, 25c quality.. 19c Trunks and Suit Cases It will soon be vacation time. Do you need a new suit case or trunk? We have a large stock of suit cases, ranging in price from 98c to $7.50 Ladies’ gauze vests with the new shoulder straps 15c Ladies’ vests 74c and 10c Millinery Many new and charming sum mer hats now on display in our millinery department, See them. New Silks Our silk department is showing many new things in plain and fancy silks, ranging in prieff from 50c to $1. Galatea Iron-clad galatea in solid colors, stripes and checks;guaranteed fast colors. Price .„ 124c A large assortment of mercer ized cheviots for waists or dresses, at 10c Soldier Flose for men, women and children. The best 15c hose on the market. Ladies’ and misses’ lisle thread hose, also light-weight ribbed hose for boys or girls, 15c. Electric House Dresses Ladies, stop in and see our line of Electric house dresses. Over a dozen different styles, fast colors, and every one a perfect fit. They are priced at $1 and $1.50. Children’s Dresses More than one hundred to select from. New styles, well made, fast colors, sizes 2 to 16 years, at 25c to $1.50. Men’s Clothing MEN, if you want to pay $10, $12.50 or $15 for a suit of clothes don’t buy till you’ve seen our line. We can save you $2 to $4 on your suit. Ask to see “Stripling’s Special,” the best all-wool blue serge suit in Georgia for $12.50. Others in grey, brown and mixtures, rang ing in price from $10 to $18.50 Let us show you. Special values in men’s straw hats at $1, $1.50 and $2. Ladies’ and Children’s Oxfords Dorothy Dodd is the Best to be had in summer footwear. New style pumps in gun metal and patent leather at $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Also, button, lace and strap oxfords, rang ing in price from $2.50 to $3.75. Ladies’ white pumps, no strap, $1.50. Ladies’ white pumps, 1 strap, $1.50. LadiesJ white pumps, 1 strap, $1.25. Children’s white slippers, 1 strap, sizes 5 toll, at $1. 114 to 2, at $1.10. White tennis oxfords, 50c. One price to all. SPOT CASH THE PP/CE VS THE TH/A/G. w The store that saves you money W4 II With stocks at their very best we tempt you with their wonderful assortment and economy. Read every item on this page and note the saving to be had by trading at the Big Cash Store. We are showing a grand assortment of white goods and colored fabrics for wash dresses. ) Newnan’s Greatest Ready-to- Wear Department We Save You Money on Linens and Do mestics Dress or apron linens; natural brown 10c Good quality yard-wide brown linen, at 15c The finest quality brown lin en ever offered by this store, full yard wide, smooth woven; special 25c A beautiful quality 32-inch linen in blue, tan, lavender and pink, at yard 25c Special [value; a smooth woven, good quality 40- inch Sea Island, at 7c A good qyality yard-wide Sea Island at 5c 3000 yards good quality apron gingham, 7c value, only 5c Baby caps; large assortment, beautiful styles; they range in price from__15c to $1.00 A big lot of plain and fancy ribbons for sash or bows just received. All widths and colors at 5c to 35c New style middy blouses, all sizes, at 50c and $1.00 ii il li Fancy Parasols A splendid showing of fan cy parasols in the new palm, Hindoo and tub shapes. Some are in plain colors, some in floral designs. They are priced at 25c, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 and $2. Laces A big table of fine val, tor chon and linen laces, from the very narrow up to 3 inches wide. A bargain, 5c. Embroideries A bargain table of fine swiss, nainsook and cambric embroideries, worth up to 20c yard, at 10c. Special values in embroid ered crepe flouncing at 50c to $1.69. Ladies’ Shirt-waists Another shipment Of sam ple shirt-waists, beautiful styles, all sizes, on sale at $1 and $1.50. See them. Boys’ Caps Large stock of boys’ and men’s caps in bright spring patterns. The new full-shape cap in all colors, plain shades and fancy, 25c to $1. il l I I I NEWNAN’S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE