Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, May 22, 1914, Image 3

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The Herald and Advertiser NEWNAN, FRIDAY, MAY 22. Newnan Public Schools. Friday, May 22, is Patrons’ Day at tile Newnan public schools. All in terested in public education are cor dially invited to visit the different grades from 9 to 12 o'clock on that day. The commencement sermon will be preached Sunday morning. May 24, at il o'clock, at the First Baptist church, by Rev. J. G. Herndon. On Thursday evening. May 28, at 8:30 o'clock, the graduating exercises will take place at the auditorium. Follow ing is the programme- invocation. Welcome song—The class. Address of welcome—Howell Passolt. Essay—Margaret Atkinson. Violin solo—Mary K. Parks. Giftorian—Excell Foster. Introduction of speaker—Hon. Hew- lette A. Hall. Address—Dr. R. E. Park. Song, “Night in June”—The clasB. Presentation of diplomas by Hon. T. E, Atkinson, president Board of Educa tion. Benediction. Change in League Schedule. Messrs. T. G. Farmer, jr., and Thos. J. Fisher attended a meeting of the di rectors of the Georgia-Alabama League at Gadsden on Tuesday last. The meet ing was called by President Boykin to consider certain changes in the sched ule adopted at the opening of the sea son, three or four clubs in the league joining in a request for such action. Several changes were agreed to, to re main in effect three weeks from Tues day last, after which time a permanent schedule for the remainder of the sea son will be arranged. According to the temporary schedule now in effect the various clubs will play at the places and upon the dates named below, to-wit: May 18, 19, 20—Newnan at Rome; Talladega at Gadsden; LaGrange at Opelika; Anniston at Selma. May 21, 22, 23—Newnan at Cadsden; Talladega at Rome; Anniston at Opeli ka; LaGrange at Selma. May 25, 26, 27—Opelika at Selma; An niston at Talladega; LaGrange at New nan; Gadsden at Rome. May 28, 29, 30 -Rome at Opelika; Gadsden at Talladega; Selma at Annis ton; Newnan at LaGrange. June 1, 2, 3—Rome at LaGrange; Sel ma at Gad.-den; Talladega at Anniston; Opelika at Newnan. Recital. The pupils of Mrs. Merrill’s music class at Sharpsburg gave an interesting recital Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. E. Wood. The programme was as follows: Trio, Valse, (Streabbog)—Mary Brid ges, Christine Wood, Dora Merrill. “Morning Prayer,” (Streabbog) — Annie Smith. Duet, “The First Party,” (Hans Harthan) — Katharine Royeton, (pri- mo.) (a) “Airy Fairies;” (6) “May Pole Dance;” (c) “Curly Locks” — Mary Bridges. “Lullaby,” (Krogmann op. 22) — -Christine Wood. "Good Night Song,” (Brown) —Mar tha Smith. Song, “Bonnie Sweet Bessie”—Jen nie Sue North. “Flower Song”—Arlina Williams. 2d Valse, (Godard)—Helen Wood. Song, “ 'Scuse Me Today”—Mary Bridges and Rebecca Ingram. “Thine Own,” (Lange)—Jennie Sue North. “Distant Sounds,” (Beaumont) —Et- talie Moses. “Pleasure Bound,” (Englemann) — Inez North. Waltz, (Chopin No. 6)—Dorothy In gram. Song, “Since Birdie Commenced Her Delsarte”—Rebecca Ingram. Songs, (a) “The Two Robins;” (b) “Buttercups and Daisies;” (c) “The Bigitty Bumble Bee”—Sung by class. Turin, Ga., May 19th. Music For Commencement Sunday. Sermon—Rev. J. G. Herndon, La Grange. Doxology. Benediction. Organ postlude. Choir—Sopranos: Mesdames E. R. Barrett, Mike Powell, T. M. Goodrum, Bvrd Tompkins. Altos: Mrs. Frank Wilkinson, Misses Annie Lizzie Widener and Neila Lou Walton. Tenors: Messrs. R. Benton, R. L. Monerief and J. R. Holt. Basses: Messrs. D. S. Cuttino, T. M. Goodrum and B. H. Hale. Chorus — Margaret Atkinson, May Arnold, Tommie Broadwater, Mildred Darden, Mildred Merck, Bessie Owens, Ruth Widener, Hubert Barge, Theo Brews ter, Tom Cole, Excell Foster, Ben Kir by, Joe Hudson, Howell Passolt, Doro thy Jones, Jennie Fowler, Martha As- tin, Wm. Askew, Julian Carpenter, Arthur Murphey. Mrs. W. M. Askew, organist. Resolutions by Men's Prayer-Meet ing. Your committee appointed to prepare resolutions touching the life of Bro. W. S. Copeland make this report— Bro. W. S. Copeland, one of our members, departed this life and entered into rest on the 27th of April, 1914. This sad event reminds us of the brevi ty and uncertainty of life, and solemn ly warns us to prepare for our approach ing end. We shall miss him from our social and religious gatherings. We weep over his departure, but sorrow not as those who have no hope, for, during many years, by word and act, he bore fruits of righteousness, and left the witness of his passing from death unto life. The badge of discipleship is love, for our Savior said, “By this shall men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one for another.” For many years our brother most conspicuously wore this badge. In his home he was provident and kind, gentle and tenderly affectionate. As a neighbor he was a peacemaker and a friend indeed. As a church member he was a brother be loved, and always ready to promote her every interest. He was worthy of, and received, open love and confidence. Therefore, be it resolved — That we tender to his family our sympathy; that we shall cherish his memory and imitate his virtues; that we request the city papers to publish this action, and that a copy be furnished his children. W. A. Herring, J. W. Bowers, C. D. Crane, Alvan D. Freeman, Committee. Coughed for Three Years “I am a lover of your godsend to humanity and science. Your medicine, IJr. King’s New Discovery, cured my cough of three years’ standing,” says Jennie Flemming of New Dover, Ohio. Have you an annoying congh? Is it stubborn and won’t yield to treatment? Get a 50c bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery to-day. What it did for Jennie Flemming it will do for you, no matter how stubborn or chronic a cough may be. It stops a cough a'd stop* throat and lu g trouble. Relief or money back. 50c. and $1.00, at your druggist’s. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for pimples. The patient bearing and overcoming of little trials, day by day, is more he roic and causes more growth of charac ter than some great deed that the world admires. When the average man gets sick he lays it to everything except whiskey or tobacco. “THE GREATEST KIDNEY REMEDY ON EARTH.” SAYS A GREAT- FUL WOMAN. I want to tell you how much good your Swamp-Root did me. About four years ago I suffered from what the doctors called fistula, and for two years of that time I endured what no tongue can tell. 1 also had inflammation of the bladder and I tried doctors’ medicines without receiving any help. Someone told me about Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp- Root. After giving it a thorough trial, I re ceived relief, so kept on using it ami to day lama strong and well woman. If I ever feel badly or out of sorts I take Swamp-Root and it always straightens me out. I honestly believe that this medicine would cure all troubles you recommend it for, and it is a pleasure for me to send my testimony and photo graph to you. I think Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is one of the greatest medicines on earth. Respectfully yours, MRS. JOHN BAILY, West Main St. Rortland, Ind. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th dHy of July, 1909. C. A. BENNET. Notary Public. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton. N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing be sure to mention The Herald and Advertiser. Regular fifty-cent and one-riollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. LEE’S CHAPEL. Rev. Mr. Speer filled his appointment at Lee’s Chapel on Sunday last, preach ing to a large congregation. We have a fine Sunday-school at Lee’B Chapel. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore, of Fay ette county, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Winkles. Mrs. Ella Harris and little daughter, of Canroll county, spent the week-end with Mrs. R. N. Winkles. Mr. R. L. Edge visited his father near Gold Hill, Ala., a few days ago. Mr. W. H. Yarbrough and family, of Fayette county, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rooks on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Yarbrough, of Campbell county, visited relatives here Saturday. Jesse and Paul Winkles visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rooks, near Roscoe, Sunday. Our farmers have been busy chopping cotton the past week or so. Mrs. Frances Doran, who has been on the sick list for several days, is no better. Mr. J. J. Creel and his mother, Mrs. Matt Creel, from near Tyrone, visited friends in our community Sunday. May 20th. Lady (in small Irish hotel) —“Waiter, take away that bottle and put some clean water in it.” Waiter—“Faith, mum, the water’s all right; ’tis the bottle that’s dirty.” There’s no use in claiming that you bought an umbrella, for nobody will be lieve it. SicJt 'ffiym&n yflacU %tM Reliable evidence is abundant that women are constantly being restored to health by Cates’ Drug Bulletin Items ol Interest and Seasonable OHerings From John R. Cates Drug Co. Vol. 1 NEWNAN, GA., MAY 22, 1914 No. 7 Wa*h Rags Free This Week Rexall Diarrhoea Compound With each box of Rexnll Toilet Soap, three cakes for 25c. All kinds of good toilet soap at Cates’ Drug Store. Every well known laundry and cleaning soap always in stock at Cates’. Anyone can own a pretty bath room at little expense. Enamel ed woodwork, tinted walls, varnish ed floor, give a sanitary and beau tiful effect. Then if you wish to add handsome nickel-plated fittings we have them in cast brass, heavily nickeled. We can supply every thing you will need, advise just how to do the work, and the cost will be small. If you wish to save expense you can do the work your self. Bath Brushes, Bath Sprays, Bath Towels, Bath Mats, Wash Rags. Rubber and Natural Sponges, Bath Salts—in short, everything for the bath at Cates’ Drugstore. A prompt and effect ual rem edy, which relieves pain and diarrhoea . A tested remedy of decided merit. We recomme n d it with confidence, and will show your doctor the formula on request. Opeka tea is a delightful blend of the choicest leaves, direct from the estate to the 5,000 Rexall stores, which have the exclu sive sale privi lege. Use Opeka for ice tea at our risk. If you don’t like it send hack the balance of the package and we will refund the price. Trial package, 10c; half-pound, 30c; pound, 59c. We have just received a new lot of the popular Harmony Glycerine Soap. This is an extra large cake of finely scented soap, weight 6 1-2 ounces, and at the special price is a wonderful value. 10c cake. Wc arc closing out Armour’s Glycerine Soap. Large 6-ounce cakes, regularly priced at 10c cake. Special price, while they last, four for 25e. Watch Our Windows. Phone 151. Come to See Us. V To get your Spring Suit at a big discount, and early in the season. ) We have on hand a few suits of our STRONG LINE OE $15 CLOTHES which we want to clean up. Wc do not want to carry over a sin gle suit, and here’s the price to move them— $11.98 In the lot are some blue serges, and a few fan cies. They are all good. Come early and get your choice. On sale at reduced prices, Beginning Monday W. M. ASKEW FIND THE WAY The order of exercises at the First Baptist church on Sunday morning next, where the commencement sermon will be preached, is given below— Organ prelude. Anthem, “Children of the Heavenly King,” (Bartlett)—Choir and chorus. Invocation. Hymn, “Come, Thou Almighty King.” Anthem, “Praise the Lord.” Scripture lesson. Prayer. Anthem, "Fear Not Ye, O Israel.” Hymn, “AU Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name. ” Joyful Anticipation of Motherhood There Is apt to be a latent apprehension of distress to mar the complete Joy of expectation. But this is quite overcome oy the advice of so many women to uso 'Mother s Friend.’' This is an external application desigmed to so lubricate the muscles and to thus so relieve the pres sure reacting on. the nerves, that the natural strain upon the cords and liga ments is not accompanied by those severe pains said to cause nausea, morning sick- h°ss and many local distresses. This splendid embrocation is known to a multi tude of mothers. Many people believe that those remedies which have stoodflthe test of time, that have been putftofevery trial under the varying conditions of age. weight, general health, etc., may be safely relied upon. And judging by the fact that "Mother’s Friend” has Yjeen in continual use since our grandmother's earlier years and is known throughout the United States it may be easily inferred that it is some- thing that women talk about and gladly recommend to prospective mothers. "Mother’s Friend" is prepared only In. our own laboratory and is sold by drug- rists everywhere. Ask for a bottle to-day and write for a special book for expectant r*othr-r«j. Address Bradfield Regulator Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound The many testimonial letters that we are continually pub lishing in the newspapers—hundreds of them—are all genu ine, true and unsolicited expressions of heartfelt gratitude for the freedom from suffering that has come to these women solely through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Money could not buy nor any kind of influence obtain such recommendations; you may depend upon it that any testimonial we publish is honest and true—if you have any doubt of this write to the women whose true names and addresses are always given, and learn for yourself. Read this one from Mrs. Waters: Camden, N.J.—“I was sick for two years with nervous spells,and my kidneys were affected. I had a doctor all the time and used a galvanic battery, but nothing did me any good. I was not able to go to bed, but spent my time on a couch or in a sleeping-chair, and soon became almost a skeleton. Finally my doctor went away for his health, and my husband heard of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and got me some. In two months I got relief and now I am like a new woman and am at my usual weight. I recommend your medicine to every one and so does my husband.”— Mrs. Tijclus Waters, 1136 Knight St., Camden, N.J. And this one from Mrs. Haddock: Utica, Okla.—“I was weak and nervous, not able to do my work and scarcely able to be on my feet. I had backache, headache, palpi tation of the heart, trouble with my bowels, and inflammation. Since taking the Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound I am better than I have been for twenty years. J think it is a wonderful medi cine and I have recommended it to others'.”—.Mrs. Mary Ann Had dock, Utica, Oklahoma. Now answer this question if you can. Why should a woman continue to suffer without first giving Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that it has saved many others—why should it fail in your case? For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. No one sick with woman’s ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it iias restored so many sufferingwomen to health. Write to LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice. m r letter will be opened, read and answered .. woman and held in strict confidence. I” I I f List of Desirable Farm Lands and That Can be Bought at a Bargain, on Easy —l City Property I irgain, on Easy Terms $ FARM LANDS 10 acres just outside city limits, on LaGrange St. 20 acres just outside city limitB, with good dwell ing, on LaGrange street. 33 acres original woods on LaGrange street, close in. 75 acres on LaGrange road, close in. 26 acres on Welcome road, close in. 50 acres on Welcome road. 25 acres on Roscoe road, close in. 50 acreB on Roscoe road. 33 acres, with four dwellings, part in city limits. 50 acres on upper Fayetteville road, with 6-room dwelling. 200 acrea on upper Fayetteville road. 250 acrea on upper Fayetteville road. 100 acrea near Raymond. 35 acres near Raymond. 100 acres near Sharpsburg. 200 acres 4 miles east of Newnan. CITY PROPERTY House and lot on LaGrange street. Four-room house on Spence avenue. Houae and lot on Robinson street. Four large, beautiful, shaded lota on LaGrange St. Nice lot on Salbide avenue, close in. I I I For Further Information See G. E. Parks Insurance & Realty Co. L We w, •m write all lines of insurance. ii 1-2 Greenville St. Phone 325 j READ THIS Do You Need Glasses? GIrhhoh Hold on Honor. Fitted to your naliHfactioiL Wear and compare them be fore you pay: Get our pricra and methodh of fit - ting. You will never regrvt it. Send name nnd address to the GUARANTEE OPTICAL CO., Box 5< 8. Athens, Ga. The World's Wonder In a remedy for all pain* and aches in the limb* or body. It in especially effective for the relief of suppressed menstruation and other female ail ments. Perfectly harmless. Can be had at Cates’ Drug Store, or at my residence. 169 Temple ave nue, Newnan, Ga. DK. A. CAGLE. Petition to Remove Disabilities. Mattie Hill f Libel for Divorce. Coweta Kuperi- vh, or Court. Verdict for total divorce. Henry Hill. ) Petition to remove disabilities. Notice Is hereby given to all concerned that on the 7th day of March.,1914, I filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court Qf Bald county my petition, addressed to rut id Court, returnable to the next term thereof, to be held on the first. Monday in September, 1914. for the removal of disabilitien resting upon me under the verdict in the chkd of Henry HiLl against the petitioner, which applica tion will be heard at tha said September term, 1914, of said Court. MATTIE HILL. All kinds of job work done with neatness and dispatch at this office. Sheriff's Sale for June. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Will be sold before the Court-house door in New nan, Coweta county, Gu., on the first Tuesday in June next, between the legal hours of Hale, to the highest and best bidder, the following de scribed property, to-wit: One house and lot situate on Dewey street, Irx tiie city of Newnan, said county, and bounded aa follows: On the south by Dewey street GO feet, on the east by lot of Joaie Strong 96 feet, on the north by Brown lot GO feet, und on the weit by lot No. 2G2, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Sallie Parrott, 96 feet, Levied on as the property of Garfield Ow ens to satisfy a ft. fa. IhsuikI from the Justice Court of the G46th district, G M , in favor of J. h. Wkl- ner vs. the said Garfield Owens. Tenant in pos session notified in terms of the law. Levy made by J. T. Alsabrook, L. C., and turned over to me. ThiH May 6, 1914. Prs. fee. ».Gfc. J. D. BltEWSTEILSf.erifL.