Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, May 22, 1914, Image 6

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— 44 QUAKER MAID” HOSIERY Bfu&ker Mai» ” Stockings ^ Beauty, Value and Durability. These stockings are made from fine,strong ly twisted yarns, and are constructed to give extraordinary service to the wearer. Heels and toes are made four threads to make them indestructible. Sold at all the popular prices. In presenting “Quaker Maid” hose to you we are not making an experiment, but offering you a hose that has been thoroughly tested. Hosiery of integrity, honestly knit, dyed and priced. No. 3015—Light-weight, full- fashioned, finest mercerized lisle, high spliced heels, double soles, and 4-inch garter-top—a beautiful hose. Black only. 50c No. 2043—Light-weight lisle, full-fashioned, high spliced heel and double sole. Black, white and tan. 25c pair. No. 2016—Medium-weight lisle, full-fashioned, Out size, reinforced heel and toe. Black only. 25c pair. No. 3040—Light-weight lisle, full shape, high spliced heel, double sole and linen toe. Black, white, tan. 35c, 3 pairs for $1. No. 2052—Medium-weight mercerized lisle, reinforced gar ter top, linen heel and toe. Black only. 35c, 3 pairs for $1. No. 2050 — Full-fashioned light-weight lisle, Out size, high spliced heel and double sole. We recommend this hose for stout ladies. Black only. 35c, 3 pr. 51. No. 25 2 3—Misses’ fine- ribbed, light-weight lisle, high spliced linen heel, double sole and linen toe. Black and col ors. 25c pair. No. 2040—Medium weight, made from two-thread mercer ized yarn, linen heel and toe. Black, white and tan. 25c pair. No. 460—Lisle top, with 14- inch boot of pure silk, double heel and toe. Black, white and colors. 50c pair. “Banner” School Stock ings—Fine-ribbed, light- weight, with indestructible heel and toe, reinforced with real Irish linen. Black. 15c pair. “Quaker Maid” Silk Hose No. 575—All silk, with rein forced lisle top, linen heel and toe. Black only. $1 pair. Vassar Hose—The heaviest silk hose that has ever been of fered the ladies of Newnan. Black and all colors. «1 pair. PARKS &, ARNOLD ’PHONE 109 'PHONE US YOUR WANTS PROMPT DELIVERY County News Items Interesting Facts Gathered During ttw Week by Our Regular Correspondents. TURIN. In company with Deacon Chappell, we went over to Pleasant Hill church (or the regular services on Saturday and Sunday. There was u good con gregation on Sunday, and the service was much enjoyed by both pastor and peo ple. During our stay in the community we were entertained in the homes of Messrs. Kelly, Mnrris, and Adcock. We were pleased to learn that Mrs. Pope Morris had recovered from her late illness, but sorry to hear of Mrs. John Quick’s sickness from an attack of rubeola— a disease that has been prevalent in that community for some time. Pleasant Hill church, in conference Saturday, designated Messrs. John Ad cock and O. Chappell as delegates to the general meeting at Ramah on the fifth Sunday and Saturday before in the the present month. On our rounds we have seen but few fields of wheat, but those few gave promise of a good yield. The oat crop ia abundant, and, although damaged to some extent by the drouth, will turn out very well. In the Farmdale community a drouth of several weeks’ duration has resulted in poor stands of cotton, and the far mers are rather blue over the outlook. The protracted meeting at the Pres byterian church closed Friday evening. The splendid preaching of Dr. Fickler will, we trust, result in lasting good to the community. The rain Sunday, nit hough light, helped to revive drooping vegetation, and was especially beneficial to gardens. A brother of Mr. .1. D. Johnson, who has been making his home in the West for many years, stopped over in Turin nn his return from the Confederate re union at Jacksonville and spent several davs. Elder's mill has been thoroughly overhauled and repaired, and is now ready to convert the wheat crop into good, wholesome flour. May 20th. GRIGSBY’S L1Y VER-LAX, that de licious liver syrup, has displaced calomel in every home. Good for grown-ups and children alike. Ask John R. Cates Drug Co. RAYMOND. Mrs. O. D. Adamson and children are on an extended visit to relatives at For est Park and Rex, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Harper, of Hills boro, Texas, visited the family of Mrs. Virginia Hailey this week. Dr. J. A. Hunnicutt, of Athens, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. E. J. Bailey. The many friends of Mrs. E. W. Haynie. who underwent an operation at the Newnan Sanatarium Saturday, will be glad to know that Bhe is rapidly recovering. Miss Fannie Sue Donegan has re turned from a pleasant visit to rela tives in Atlanta. Mesdames C. H. Gilbert and J. E. Gilbert spent Wednesday afternoon in Newnan shopping. Raymond wai well represented at the closing exercises of Moreland Academy Monday night. Marvin Donegan, who held a respon sible position with the Beck & Gregg Co., of Atlanta, during last summer, has returned to take the same position through the summer months. Joe McWaters is the champion fisher man of Raymond. He pulled to shore Saturday night a grinnel weighing 5j Ilia, and measuring 2 feet in length. A photo was made of the fish and sent to Mr. R. F. Shedden, in Atlanta. Mr. Irwin Winslett spent Monday in Atlanta. Little Marie Griffith, who has been with her aunt, Mrs. J. E. Gilbert, for a week, returned Monday to her home in Atlanta. Dr. Harley McDonald, of Hullochville, was shaking hands with friends here Tuesday. Mrs. J. S. Morton returned Friday from a pleasant visit to her parents at Griffin. May 21st. Quit CALOMEL! —it is dangerous. Try GRIGSBY’S LIV-VER LAX, that j delicious liver syrup guaranteed to pro duce even better results than calomel. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. Any child can take it with safety. Ask John R. Cates Drug Co. MT. CARMEL. Chopping cotton is the order of the day in these parts. There is general complaint of poor stands, on account of the continued dry weather. We are pleased to report Mrs. Willie Robison, who has been quite ill for sev eral days past, as slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Moore spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kidd, in Newnan. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Beavers were shopping in Newnan Saturday. Miss Alice Allen spent a few days with Moreland relatives last week. Messrs. Byrd Beavers and Z. T. Tur ner went up to Atlanta Monday—the former to consult a specialist. Mr. Beavers has been Buffering continually with risings for more than two years, and has been treated for his peculiar ailment by several specialists. He spent several weeks at Hot Springs, but it seems he can find no relief. His numerous friends sympathize with him in his affliction. Miss Maud Cavender and mother are apending some time with Mrs. J. M. Burks, near Newnan. Despite the unfavorable weather Sunday afternoon, a large crowd gath ered at the church and spent several hours singing. Quite a number of vis itors from adjoining communities came out and took part in the services. There is no better way to spend a Sab bath afternoon than in singing the sweet songs of Zion in the right spirit. Miss Newell Wiggins, of Midway, spent Wednesday with Mrs. J. M. Beavers and Miss Mary Wiggins. Mr. I. N. Payton and family, of Buckeve. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wood. Mrs. Georgia Payton and Mr. Loyd Payton, of Buckeye, were Sunday vis itors at Mr. Gene Payton’s. The many friends of Mrs. Carrie Wood, of Buckeye, will regret to learn of her serious illness, and wish for her a speedy recovery. Some of our younger people are an ticipating a great time at the picnic at Edgeworth’s ferry next Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wood attended services at Providence church Saturday, and paid Newnan a short visit in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Ben Bridges and chit dren spent Sunday at Mr. John Pay ton’s. May 20th. Keep Bowel Movements Regular. Dr. King s New Life Fills keep stom ach. liver and kidneys in healthy con dition. Rid the body of poisons and wastee. Improve your complexion by Hushing the liver and kidneys. 'T got more relief from one box of Dr. King's New Life Piils than any medicine I ever tried," says C E. Hatfield of Chicago, 111. 25c., at your druggist’s. LONE OAK. Last Friday evening’s entertainmant at the school-house here proved quite a success as to attendance, the amuse ment afforded, and the encouraging amount of proceeds netted for the bene fit of Prospect church. In the cast of characters composing “The Old School at Hick’ry Holler,” all did well, Mr. Elmer Nall, as "Prof. Toothaker,” teacher of the school, eliciting special applause as a personater of an "eld school” preceptor. The enjoyment of all present was enhanced by the beauti ful piano selections rendered by Misses Estelle Justiss and Louise Taylor, of Lutherville. Mesdames H. E. Latimer and Robert Spence spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives in LaGrange. Little Misses Emma Lizzie and Estelle Phillips, of Hogansville, were week-end guests of their cousins, Misses Annie Ruth and Laura Wise. Mrs. C. S. Culpepper, with her little daughters, Virginia and Evelyn, spent Sunday in Newmn with her sister, Mrs. Carl Hamrick. Miss Hilda Justiss, Messrs H. L. Culpepper, Sanford Prickett and How ard Turner attended,and greatly en joyed the entertainment at Moreland Academy last Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pike and children, of Heard county, motored to Lone Oak last Sunday in their car, Mrs. Pike her self at the wheel, and spent the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Burdett. Mr. B. E. Wise is enjoying the pos session of a handsome new five-pas senger Ford car. The continued drouth and high, cool winds are most discouraging to the prospects of our farmers, and no signs of relief are yet visible. May 20th. Unclaimed Letters. The following list of unclaimed let ters will be sent to the Division of Dead Letters, if not called for within two weeks: Miss Katie Alexander, Charlie Beas ley, Rev. W T Banks, Adeline, Rev. W T Carmichael, Rev. T W Calhoun, W <' Ferrell, Miss Ethel Grimes, Harvey Hitten, Mrs. Minnie Harden, Will Howard, Rev. James Hendrick, Thomas Neely, Mrs. Amanda Luvless, Mrs. Lucile Long, Wash Medaris, Rev. J D North, L J Nolan, Miss Pansy Prater, Bmnie Patterson, Rev. C H Reese, Miss Almaster Smith, Parrie Lee Smith, Mss Jewel Thomas, Miss Mary & Andrew Wood, Beulah Ware. In calling for the above, please say "advertised.” To avoid delay in delivery have your mail addressed to street and number, box number, R. F. D. number or gen eral delivery. Susie M. Atkinson, P. M. Indigestion? Can't Eat? No Appetite A treatment of Electric Bitters in creases your appetite; stops indiges tion ; you can eat everything. A real spring tonic for liver, kindey and stom ach troubles. Cleanses your whole sys tem and you feel fine. Electric Bitteis did more for Mr. T. D. Peeble’s stom ach troubles than any medicine he ever tried. Get a bottle to-day. 50c. and $1.00. at your druggist’s. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for eczema. The fig tree was blasted, not for bearing fruit. If we would give to the good that is in us, we must make that good manifest in our lives. It is said that the two best things the Creator allowed to escape from heaven to gladden and beautify the earth were women and flowers. YOUR HAIR NEEDS PARISIAN SAGE It Quickly Removes Dandruff Just because your hair is full of dan druff, thin, streaky, dull and never will do up to look pretty, do not despair. Beautiful hpir, thick, fluffy, lustrous and absolutely free from dandruff, is only a matter of care. Parisian Sage frequently applied wilt work wonders. Just one application stops itching head, removes dandruff and all excessive oil. It goes right to the hair roots and furnishes the nour ishment needed—the hair becomes soft, fluffy, abundant and radiant with life, Parisian Sage not only saves the hair but stimulates it to grow long and heavy. Get a 50 cent bottle from John R. Cates Drug Co. at once. There is no other “Just-as-good.” The way for a widow to get over be ing one is to be rich. Child Cross? Feverish? Sick? A cross, peevish, listless child, w th coated tongue, pale, doesn’t tl ep ; eats sometimes very little, then again raven- onsly: stomach sour; breath fetid; pains in stomach, with diarrhoea; grinds teeth when asleep, and starts up with terror—all suggests Worm Killer—some thing that expels worms, and almost every child has them. Kickapoo Worm Killer is needed. Get a box to-day. Start at once. You won’t have to coax, as Kickapoo Worm Killer is a candy confection. Expels the worms, the cause of your child’s trouble. 25c., at your druggist’s. Govern your thoughts when alone, and your tongue when in company. STANDING ROCK. Miss Ethel Rogers, of Grantville, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ed Drake. Mr. Dennis Penington and sister, Blanche, of Alvaton, were among friends here Sunday. Mr. Jasper Entrekin and sister, of Alps, visited Mr. J. W. L. Caldwell and family Sunday. Mr. Harvie Cook visited friends at Stovall and LaGrange Sunday. Rev. J. G. Davis filled his regular ap pointment here Sunday. There will be a singing at Standing Rock next Sunday afternoon. Every body invited. Mr. Paul Cameron and sister, Myrtle, visited relatives at Brooks Sunday. May 20th. OLD FOLKS FIND NEW REMEDY RELIEVES ALL KIDNEY AND BLADDER MISERIES Drives Rheumatic Pains Away, Relieves Backache and Blad der Disorders After A Few Doses Are Taken Sleep disturbing bladder weak nesses, backache, rheumatism, and the many other kindred ailments which so commonly come with declin ing years, need no longer be a source of dread and misery to those who are past the middle age of life. The new discovery, Croxone, over comes all such disorders because it re moves the very cause of the trouble. It soaks right into the kidneys, through the walls and linings; cleans out the little filtering glands and cells, and gives the kidneys new strength to do their work properly. It neutralizes and dissolves the poisonous uric acid substances that lodge in the joints and muscles, causing rheumatism; and makes the kidneys filter and sift out all the poisonous waste jnatter from the blood and drive it out of the system. It matters not how old you are or how long you have suffered, Croxone is so prepared that it is practically impossible to take it into the human system without results. You will find it different from all other remedies. There is nothing else on earth like it. It starts to work immediately and more than a few doses are sel dom required to relieve even the most chronic, obstinate cases. It is the most wonderful remedy ever made for restoring the lifeless organs to health and strength and ridding the system of every particle of uric acid, and you can take it with the utmost confidence that nothing on earth will so quickly cure such, conditions. You can obtain an original pack age of Croxone at trifling cost from any first-class druggist. All druggists are authorized to personally return the purchase price if Croxone should fail in a single csss, ..