Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, May 29, 1914, Image 8

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Grand Auction Sale CHOICE SMALL FARMS ===== TALLAPOOSA, GA. irt—_ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1Q;30 A, M. The W. A. Miller 350-acre sub-division, very choice land, in 10 to 30-acre tracts, located just at the city limits, east of depot, and the H. A. Jackson land, located three-fourth miles south of depot, will be sold in small farm tracts to the highest bidder. Both properties until recently belonged to es tates and were not available for sale. Located, a his property is, so close to the live, hustling, growing town of Tallapoosa, with its many school a church advantages, makes it very attractive for homes or investments. VALUABLE SOUVENIRS FREE! MUSIC BY BRASS BAND! Facts About Tallapoosa: According to the last census the value of farm lands and products in Haralson County increased 137 per cent, in ten years—from 1900 to 1910, and the increase in the next ten years will be even greater, as the next census will show, Four hundred new farms opened in county in last four years. Population of Tallapoosa increased 900 in past four years. Present population 3000, In vestment in Tallapoosa business property almost doubled in past year. School attendance in creased 30 percent in five years. Bank deposits doubled in past four years. Postoffice receipts 25 percent in past two years. Altitude 1200 feet; no healthier climate in the United States. Well drained; no mosquitoes. Mild winters; pleasant summers. Pure Freestone water. Electric lights and power. Waterworks. Local and long distance telephone service. Public Library. High school; 524 pupils; 12 teachers. Good churches; all leading fraternal orders. Large hotels. Splendid county roads. Rural free delivery. Cultured, hospitable people. A white man’s country, very few negroes. On main line of great Southern Railroad, 65 miles west of Atlanta. Fourteen passenger trains daily. Has ice factory, bottling works, glass bottle factory, steam laundry, charcoal iron furnace, saw and planing mills, foundry and machine shops, large printing plant with power presses, $250,000 cotton mill— one of the best in the South. Ten new business houses just completed; four more in course of erection. Can you think of a better place to Invest your Money or Make your Home. TAUAPOOSA WANTS MORE GOOD CITIZENS. Ami will be glad to welcome you. This sale offers you an opportun ity for a safe investment that will bring - you big profits. You cannot make a wiser or safer investmest than to buy property at this sale, it is an opportunity that seldom comes. You will probably never see it again. It will pay you to attend this sale. Come out and make a gala day of it and buy this property at your own price. Remember We Sell to the Highest Bidder. A Fine Brass Band will be with us Valuable Souvenirs Free. After Jackson and Miller farm sale the following prop erty will be sold: 1—Cement Store Building. Cement store building, almost new, on Head avenue, 34x70 feet on lot 34x100, now renting at $30 per month; on terms of $60 cash and $60 per month. 2. —Frame Store Building. Frame store building, 16x80, on lot 16x100 feet, located on Head avenue; now rented for $15 per month; on terms of $30 cash and $30 per month. 3. —Frame Store Building. Frame store building 24x80 feet, on Head aveuue, tot 24x100, now rented at $15 per month; on terms of $30 cash and $30 per month. 4.—Three Dwelling Houses. Three four-room dwelling houses and lots located in second block west of Talla poosa hotel, now rented at at $14,per month, on terms of $25 cash and $25 per month. 5. —Dwelling and Sixteen Lots One new 5-room dwelling with 16 city lots, beautiful location, on terms of $10 cash and $10 per month. 6. —Business'jTot and Build ing Wall. Lot 40 feet front on Alabama street by 100 feet to Ann street, with frame building now renting at $10 per month, and half in terest in a brick wall now being erected, next block to post office; on terms one-fourth cash, balance one, two and three years. 7. —Fifty-six Acres Farm Land 56 acres about one mile south of Talla poosa, on terms of $250 cash and $250 per year. Will produce 30 bales cotton present condition. 8.—Seventy City Lots. About 70 city lots in different sections of Tallapoosa, said lots now listed in The Talla poosa Journal. REMEMBER THE DATE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3. ' AND THE TIME 1 0:30 A. M. Liberal Terms, One-fourth Cash, Balance One, Two and Three Years. SOUTHERN REALTY & AUCTION COMPANY, E. M. ANDREWS, Manager, TALLAPOOSA, GA. GREENSBORO, N. C. For Further Information Write or Call on Our Representatives, C. E. Dillon or R. H. Foard, Tallapoosa Hotel, Tallapoosa, Ga. Concert Brass Band. Valuable Seuvenlrs Free. Ii *