Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, August 21, 1914, Image 6

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The Herald and Advertiser NEWNAN, FRIDAY, AUG. 21. RAYMOND. Miss Annie Arnold has returned to her home in South Georgia, after a vis it of several days to Miss Hertha Stamps. Miss Irene Rutenschon, of Alabama, iB the charming guest of Miss Tommie Ix>u McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Brittain have re turned from a visit to relatives near Roopville. Mr. irwin Winslette spent Sunday in Atlanta. A protracted meeting at Raymond BaptiHt church will begin next Sunday. Mr. D. A. Carmical, of Union City, Hpent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. S. E. Gable. Mrs. T. W. McDonald, who has been quite sick for several days, is now much improved. Miss I.ucile Graves has as her charm ing guests Misses Elsie and Lizzie But ler, of Barnesville. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brittain are spending several days with relatives in Union City and Atlanta. Mrs. L. B. Donegan, of Atlanta, is visiting relatives here. Aug. liith. LONE OAK. Fine weather for the election! Mrs. Anna Jeter, of Grantville, is here visiting her Hister, Mrs. Forrest Rosser. Mias Lucy Clyatt returned Wednes day from a visit of some length to relatives in Atlanta. MiBB Hilda Justiss returned Monday from a week's visit to the family of her uncle, Mr. Taylor Challin, in Mon roe. She was accompanied home by her aunt, Mrs. Ella Lumpkin, of Good- water, Ala., who is now spending some days in the home of Mr. J. L. Frickett. MrB. Williams, of Greenville, was the guest of Mrs. 11. E. Latimer for several days of last week. Miss Marguerite Sewell spent last week in Grantville, the guest of Mrs. Glenn Arnold. Mrs. Richard Maxwell and younger children, after a visit of two weeks to Mr. and Mrs. W. 1’. Sewell, returned Thursday to their home in Talbot coun ty. Miss Louise Maxwell returned on Monday last. MiBses Addie Sewell and Louise Max well spent Sunday with Lutherville relatives. Mrs. W. R. Sewell Hpent yesterday with the family of Mr. S. F. Culpepper, in Greenville. Messrs. Walter C. Lee, H. S. Cul pepper and J. T. Turner are on jury duty in the Superior Court at Green ville this week. Mr. John Parhain, of OdeBsadale, was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Culpepper Monday night. Miss Grace Lee is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Ed Walthall, near Smyrna. Her muny friends regret greatly to learn of the illness of Mrs. R. B. Clyatt. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. At- ticus Sewell, who has been quite sick, iB better. We are informed that the fall term of Lone Oak High School will begin Sept. 10. Prof. W. O. McConnell, of Monroe, has been elected to the posi tion of principal, while Miss Lillian Barnes, of Royslon, will huve charge of the primary and preparatory de partment. Prof. McConnell is u gradu ate of the Statu Normal, and has had several years' experience as a teacher. Miss Barnes iH a recent graduate of the G. N. & 1. College, and comes with high testimonials as to character and qualifications. Prof. McConnell and family will occupy the cottage home of Mrs. ,1. F. Nall, on Greenville street. Aug. 19lh. Infection and Insect Bites Dangerous Mosquitoes, (lies and other insects, which breed quickly in garbage pails, ponds of stagnant water, barns, musty places, etc., are carriers of disease. Every time they bite you, they inject poison into your system from which some dread disease may result. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment. It is anti septic and a few drops will neutralize the infection caused by insect bites or rusty nails. Sloan's Liniment disinfects cuts, bruises and sores. You cannot alTord to he without it in vour home. Money back if not satisfied. Only 2. r >e nt your druggist’s. “Did you tell the Lord about it ami ask his forgiveness?” inquired the mother as she opened the closet door at last. "No,” responded the child. “I was so bad 1 didn’t think you wantnd it known outside the family.” WAKES UP THE LIVER Liv-Ver-Lax puts the liver in tone to perform its proper functions, giving new life, new vigor and strength to the entire system. Read what a prominent Texas farmer writes of Liv-Ver-Lax: April 7, 1914. ”1 take pleasure in saying for publi cation that by the use of Liv-Ver-Lax 1 have been cured of a disease which is correctly described by the recognized symptoms of biliousness, stomach and liver troubles, constipation and result ing complications, and commend its use to all like sufferers. J. H. Brewer.” A. H. Cain, witness. A harmless vegetable compound, guaranteed to relieve all liver troubles : wonderful, quick and happy in results, having no nauseating, weakening ef fect like calomel. Sold in 50c and $1 bottles. Buy from druggists or from Lebanon Co-Operative Medicine Com pany, Lebanon, Tenn. The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette Thousands of America’s most famous men say Tuxedo affords them complete relaxation, soothing comfort and health ful enjoyment—and that it does not bite the tongue. 1 Tuxedo is made from the very best selected Burley tobacco grown in Kentucky—carefully ripened, cured and aged until it is perfectly mild and mellow. Then treated by the famous “Tuxedo Process” that removes the last trace of “bite” and bitterness, and develops the wonderful fragrance and flavor of the Burley leaf. l ake advantage of the free offer to try Tuxedo — pure, mild, delightful and absolutely non-biting. S* a *'3 r up**J This Free Solid Bronze Watch Fob is offered by the enterprising m merchants whose names appear below. Their supply of Watch ■a $ ^ Fobs is limited and they cannot obtain more — so call on the nearest of these up-to-date dealers right away. Get 10c worth of 1 UXLDO and ask for the Solid Bronze Watch Fob, FREE. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY You Can Buy Tuxedo Everywhere Convenient pouch, Famous green tin, with innerlinedwith mois- CC gold lettering, curved 1 AC •ure-proof paper - - to lit pocket - - - - JL V In Tin Humidors, 40c and 80c In Glass Humidors, SOc and 90c WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS A Solid Bronze Watch Fob The Great Seal of U.S.A. FREE to Every Purchaser of l Oc Worth of TUXEDO Tobacco <v &a£jyjjl Medallion of solid bronze or silver finish, and car ries the Great Seal of the United States in bas-relief. Strap is fine, smooth, black leather with nobby, enameled metal buckle; strong and serviceable. Every well-dressed man will take pride in wearing this fashionable Watch Fob. (Only one to a customer.) John R. Cates Drug Co., J. F. Lee Drug Co.. Murray Drug and Book Co., R. F. Mote Grocery Co., Newnan Grocery Co. Odom Drug Co., R. C. Wood Grocery Co. Plant Fall Crops. Knoxville Sentinel. Let every farmer in the South plant all the ground he can make ready in the winter crops. Cotton will be held over to next year. The acreage in 1915 ought to be and probably will be reduced. Farmers who cut down their cotton acreage will make money. Foodstuffs will be high during the war, and after. No matter what, plant some food and forage crops this fail, and do not put it off. Begin preparations now. Get the ground ready. Put in turnips for win ter use. Put in clover, oats, wheat, rye or anything else that will make progress before spring and mature in time to be followed by a corn crop or spring oats or wheat. Cut all the hay possible this summer. Save calves and supply yourself with pigs. The money in farming during the next twelve months will be in food stuffs and not in textiles. - - -— -♦• - Summer Doughs are Dangerous. Summer colds are dangerous. They indicate low vitality mid often lead to serious throat and lung troubles, in cluding consumption. Dr. King's New Discovery will relieve the cough or cold promptly and prevent complications. It is soothing and antiseptic and makes you feel better at once. To delay is dangerous —get a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery at once. Money hack if not satisfied. 50c. and SI bottles at your druggist’s. Fortune seldom knocks at the door of a loafer. Unclaimed Letters. The following list of unclaimed let ters will be sent to the Division of Dead Letters, if not called for within two weeks: John S Arnold, J M Arnold, Brooks & Brooks, Beatrice Bullard, Miss Re becca Caldwell, Mrs. Mary Curtis W II Dingier, Miss Mary Dennis. John Davis, Miss Kathrine Guriy, Miss Lou Gradan, Fred Hunter, Mrs. Tommie Hollins, John Pope Hampton, Miss Jackson, Miss Mattie and Lilllian Wise Jarrell, Miss Fannie Jones, W C Jones, Mrs James Lascar, Clarence Mitchell, W P. Moss, Gleanard Maxv, J W Mc- Larin, Preacher Nelson, Jessie Nim- mons, Bennie Patterson A B Patton, Bood Pope, L A Sams Texas Smith, Mrs. Nora Smith, Mrs. Ella Smith, Harrv Smith, Mrs. W N Tomley, Ed die Thomson, W A Wynn. In calling for the above, please say "advertised.” Susie M. Atkinson, P. M. A country newspaper editor once no ticed in an exchange the proud an nouncement that “Gradyville has a girl who kneads bread with her gloves on.” “That’s nothing.” commented the editor. “We need bread with our gloves on and our gloves off. In fact, if some of our subscribers don't pay up pretty soon we'll need bread without a blamed thing on!” Cum Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cnri The V orsi cases, no mailer of how Ions standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relievo I wu; aud llcals at the same time. 25c, 60c, }LOO. Constipation Causes Sickness. Don’t permit yourself to become con stipated, as your system immediately begins to absorb poison from the back ed up waste matter. Use Dr. King’s New Life Pills and keep well. There is no better safeguard against illness. Just take one dose to-night. 25c at your druggist’s. READ THIS Do You Need Glasses? Glasses sold on Honor. Fitted to your satistaction. Wear and compare them be fore you pay. Get our prices and methods of fit ting. You will never regret it. Send name and address to the GUARANTEE OPTICAL CO., Box 5(8. Athens, Ga. If you owe for this paper pay up. Special Sale of the Famous LISK ENAMEL WARE Combinets, Baby Baths, Dish Pans, Milk Kettles, Mixing Bowls, Boilers, etc. THEY WON’T WEAR OUT SEE OUR GLASSWARE AND CROCKERY Darden-Camp Hardware Co. Greenville Street, Opposite Postollice Laundry Lists for sale here. | Pay your Subscription.