Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, September 25, 1914, Image 5

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The Herald and Advertiser ’The Herald and Advertiser" office if* upntairs r the Carpenter Building, 7*a Greenville street, phone 6. FARMER'S WIFE TOO I11T0 WORK A Weak, Nervous Sufferer Restored to Health by Ly dia E. Pinkham’s Veg etable Compound. Kasotn, 'Minn.— “I am glad to say viifat Lydia K. Pinkham’s Vegetable ^ Compound has done :! 'il move for me than "Hj anything else, and I || had the best physi- L cian here. 1 was so weak and nervous that I could not do my work and suf fered with pains low down in my right side for a year or more. I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound, and now 1 feel like a different person. I believe there is nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound for weak women and voung girls, and I would he glad if I ;ould influence anyone to try the medi cine, for I know it will do all and much more than it is claimed to do.’’ — Mrs. Clara. Franks, R. F. D. Mo. 1, Maple- rest Farm, Kasota, Minn. Women who suffer from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should e convinced of the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to re store their health by the many genuine :.nd truthful testimonials we are con stantly publishing in the newspapers. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia 13. Pinkham’s Vegeta ble Compound trill help you, write to Lydia K.PinkhaniMedieineCo. -confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad- v lee. Your letter tvill be opened, read and answered by a woman, -rul held in strict eoniidence. Professional Cards. W. L. WOODROOF, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON. Office II 1 '.* Greenville street. Residence 9 Perry rueet. Office ’phone 401: residence ’phone 451. D. A. HANEY, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON. Offers hia professional service to the people of Newnan, and will anawef" all calls town or eoun Office over First National Bank. THOS. J. JONES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office on E. Broad street, near public square, heeidence next door to Virginia House. Prizes Offered in 1915 to Encourage Better Beef, Cotton, Corn, Oats and Hay. Itt l»l?i tin* «%oiiti’lll of ticovviiu Vivllwny will ngnln jrlvo \\ pure l*v<ul Short- lioi n bull ns prlzo to tin* \\T»nn*r of tin* four-crop roulost. itt any of tlic* y countlt*s it servo* tu Gmvgia uvol Alulmma. whovo a club of twouty- li\<* or luoro laoiubors is orgnnlxiMl under tin* supervision of the state ufront in ehnrgv of boys’ olttb work, ’I'ln* purpose in giving tin so m\I tut bio bulls as prizes is to enoouruge the raising of bottor lie< f outlie. as wall us to luerettsi* tin* interest «»f tin* four* prop flubs. That it will liavr tin* desired flTpot lias already boon proven, for fanners who him* spi n tin* tblrtein bulls whleli will bo given as prizes this year, liavo iiurclmspil llfty-tivo head of purebred Shorthorns. 'This is only a beginning, bttt It just Hies the oiler of bulls ns prizes for t lit* lJUfi politest : ami by simiing tlio work of orfrauization earlier it is oxpootot! them will be elubs in nearly t vary eounty along tin* Central of (loorgiu railway. T’lic* entrios will close in 1 hu t tuber. ami early next year tin* necessary bulls will be bought ami loaneil in tlit* same way as tills year, to farmers located near the Out nil «»f Georgia railway, wbo are otpilppeil to take proper rare of the animal until ihe eontesl is deeidod in November. 1bl5, provided they have a suilieient number of breeding stock, will const mot a dipping vat and keep their cattle free of ticks, ami purchase one pure-bred Shorthorn heifer. of this section, and is lo come through a side line, although t pamphlet on better the Agricultural l)e- T. B. DAVIS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office—Snnitnrium buildinjr. Office ’phone 5—1 rail; residence 'phone 5—2 calls. W. A. TURNER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to surgery and diseases c' nomen. Office 19’i: Spring street. ’Phone 230 F. I. WELCH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office No. 9 Temple avenue, opporite public school building. ’Phone 2v'4. THOS. G. FARMER, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Rive careful Hnd prompt attention to all »ejra) busines entrusted to me. Money to loan Office in court-house. wwwvvww. Atlanta and West Point RAILROAD COMPANY ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS ATNEWNAN, GA. EFFECTIVE JAN. 19, 1914. % Subject to change and typographical errorfe. No. 85 .. 7:25 a. m. No. 19 7 :50 a. m. No lb .. 9:45 a. in. No :« .. 10:40 a. m. No. 39 .. 3:17 p. in. No iff! t»:35 p. m . No 34 . . r, :37 p. m. No 42 .. . f :43 a. in No as.... .. IG :40 a. in No 40 . 1 :0(i p. ui. No. 17 .. . 5 :12 p. m. No. 41.... 7 :20 i>. m. No. 37. F.:23 p. in. No. 30 .. 10:23 }». ill. All trains southbound; bound. daily. Odtl numbers, even numbers, north- VVWVVW.WA Court Calendar. COWETA CIRCUIT. H IV. Freeman, Judge ; J. Render Terrell, So- ,ni Jtor-General. Meriwether—Third Mondays in February and I AUffUKt. I ( ^»weta—First Mondays in March andHeptem- Beard—Tliirfl Mondays in March ami Septem II #*r J arroli—Firsl Mondays in April and October I roup—First Mondays in Femuary and Aug CITY COURT OF NE1VNAN. A. Post, Judge; W. L. Stallings.Solic- t/uarterly term meets third Mondays in Jana kr ”- April, July ana October. For Shoe and Har ness Repairing and NEW HARNESS go tO A. J. BILLINGS t SPRING ST. Omv high-class materials used in my work. . CHIC liny in rollon, one four crops on ■■ . . . V . . 'There iievt r >vns u i»eiter lime lo engage In b«*ef production thitn now. j lie high | Tice of men I will eeituiuly continue for muny years* T'he war has caused the saerllfeo of breeding herds in many l-'nropean eountries, ami for years lo come all of IJurope will hnve to depend upon the United Stales for it larger proportion of their meat than ever before. So soon as Hit* cattle tick is exterminated wo can raise as Hue beef cattle as any xvhoro in the world, and within a very few years beef production is to become a very Importtiiil and prolitable industry for our section. It was decided lo give bulls of the Shorthorn (Ibirliann breed, on the advice of experts, who consider it the best for the average farmer, for while the shorthorn is primarily a beef type, cows sired by these bulls will in most cases give more 1 milk Hum the average milch cows our principal development of ilu* stock-raising industry each farmer raising a f< w head of high-grade cattle as tin* large stock farm will also prove prolitable. 'The Central of Georgia has for free distribution a beef, a copy of which cun be obtained by addressing parrment. Savannah. (la. The i*our-Crop Contest.* Tin* four-crop boys will cultivate three acres each In corn and one in winter oats followed by cow-pea three acres. Any buy between the age’s of ten and twenty-mu who lives in a county of Alabama nr (Ieorgia which is traversed by the Central of Georgia railway, may enter fur the conhst in ids county, if lo* can get three acres of ground to cultivate in the four crops specified. If three acres in a body arc not available, three st pa rale acres may be used. 'Twenty-live or more contestants in each eounty are minimi to form a four-crop club. 'The Central of Genr- ia prizes are for lour-erop contents only, hut tin* acre in corn may also be entered for any local eounty or stale corn club contest. The prizes will la* awarded for the best total yield of all four crops at the great! si net prolit. and a written account vf how the crops were made required. Names of hoys wishing to enter the contest should he forwarded through the local school toucher, the county school commissioner, or the ountv demonstration agent, to cither Mr. J. Mill Campbell, state agent, care State College of Agriculture. Athens. (Ieorgia: or to Mr. L. S. iJttuean, special agent, care Alabama experiment Station. Auburn, Alabama. It is very necessary lu encourage the best methods of growing cotton in view of the steady advance of the boll weevil toward this section, for niton cannot he successfully grown in the presence of the weevil unless the very best farming met Inals are used. The four-crop contests will also demonstrate e move nearly complete crop system, and lay the foundation for it good demonstration of a three-year crop rotation. For three years the Central of (Ieorgia gnvy prizes lo corn club boys, in 11)1 1. a tpo mule as state prize in both Alabama and (Ieorgia, and 1*75 In cash, for each county traversed, in lot it 1PVJ and V.UB tin* state prizes were Hen-heron mares, with .Vl!n Berkshire bouts as eounty prizes. The management of the Central of (Ieorgia feels that the hoys accom plished wonders in the way of making large and prolitable crops • • f corn, but that the time is now ripe to enlarge the work ami give the hoys a chance to show they can grow other crops as well as corn. Similar methods to those that proved so successful on their acres of corn, will make large yields •f cotton, outs mill cow-pea buy. TO KILL THE CORN WEEVIL USE CARBON BISULPHIDE The This Ordinary Atlanta. Ga—Georgia farmers, and especially those who have devoted more acreage to corn this year, will learn with interest that the State Hoard of Entomology has a simple and effective process for destroying the corn weevil, a pest which lias done a good deal of damage to corn crops in this section. Tlie corn or rice weevil, State Ento mologist E. Lee Worsham points out, has been one of the great drawbacks to growing corn in Georgia, times they eat up the corn Drug Will Do The Work, Says Department Of Entomology State Some- iu tlie crib before the mules, hogs and chickens j fields tlie get a chance at it. The corn weevil j nearby cribs and multiplies very rapidly if given tlie op portunity. Tlie effective remedy, declares tlie State Board, is the simple process of fumigation with carbon bisulphide, a volatile littuld obtainable at any drug store. The time to do this fumigating Is Immediately after the corn is gathered, it is best to have a corn crib with bottom and sides airtight or nearly so. placed on top of the corn. Tlie liquid evaporates very rapidly, and Hie gas which is heavy and penetrating I sinks and spreads through the corn crib. It is a good plan to cover the top of tlie corn with old sacks or bur lap and leave it covered from 24 to 48 hours while fumigation is in process. It may he necessary to repeat this fumigation in three or four weeks. There is a double reason for kill ing tlie weevils in tlie corn cribs. They not only feed on tlie grain in the cribs in the winter and early spring, but just before the corn matures in the udult weevils leave Ho tly to the cornfields • here their eggs are deposited on the ripening corn. Tints frequently when tlie corn is gathered, a large number of Die larvae tlie weevil in its early stage - are already in it. Varieties of corn that are hard and flinty, and lhat have Die shuck extend ing beyond tlie ear and closing tightlv over it, have a tendency to resist tlie weevil. In planting corn farmers should always have this in view and pans containing liquid should But Good Thing to Romcmbor. It’s hard to realize that your troubles seem as unimportant to an other mull as bit seem to you.—Eli change. CARL CANTVOORT leading role in "Robin Hood" "I ohvaysfill mu pipe wilhTtuxedo. ‘Cuxcdo and l urc firm friends." Great Singers Must be “Tobacco Wise" Tuxedo istheTobacco Chosen by Opera Stars M EN who depend upon their voices come to know tobacco as the ordi nary smoker never knows it. A sen sitive throat or mouth feels the slightest sting, bite or scorch of tobacco. Tuxedo is the one tobacco which singers, actors, public speakers—all men who guard their throats zealously — can smoke with pleasure and safety. Tuxedo tobacco cannot sting, bite or irri tate the delicate membranes of the mouth or throat. JACK HENDERSON of the* "Pink Liuly" Company “Loud cheers for c ?Tuxedo. My favorite—always. I put nen< zest into my singing after a pipeful of ¥> uxedo. I Jind c Uuxedo a real Voice help. ” *4% DONALD BRIAN starring in "The Marriage Market" “/ have found that the use of c "Cuxedo does not interfere with my singing. On the contrary. I’ve never indulged in a more, satisfying, more really beneficial smoke." The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cigarette Tuxedo tobacco has made thousands of men converts to the pipe, because it has made pipe- smoking possible for them. Under the famous “Tuxedo Process” the mild, tender leaves of the highest grade Burley tobacco are so skillfully treated that Tuxedo burns slowly and affords a cool, mild, thoroughly enjoyable pipe smoke. Leading men in all walks of life—well-known doctors, lawyers, min isters, lecturers, etc.— smoke Tuxedo and testify to its soothing influence on the throat. YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO EVERYWHERE Famoui green tin with gold iet- 1ft tering, curved to fit the pocket 1 llC Convenient pouch, inntr-lined |“, with inoi.ture-proof paper . . DC In Glass Humidors SOc and 90c THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY The liquid carbon disulphide should ba I make an effort to plant those varieties placed in large, shallow pan?, and which are n-dslajit. Any further in from 16 to 20 pounds of tlie liquid formation desired on any of these sub- should be used for each 1,000 cubic jects. will be gladly furnished upon feet of space in the corn crib. The j application to the Slate Department of Kntomology, State C apitol, Atlanta, Ga. Alt the Convenience*, j Auto Agent—"This car complete j with every modern Improvement and a copy of the diti tM and bankruptcy ilawa of every stain IV.000." Unclaimed Letters. The following list of unclaimed let ters will be sent to the Division of Dead Letters, if not called for within two weeks: L J ’ Arnall, Chavlie Attaway, K D Brown, Henry Bailey, Whales Brown, William Brown, Ctiss. E. Banks, Zeb Oothern, Robin Cook, Geo. Callie, Abe Dennis, Ben Ebhart, H I-l Farmer, Almetia, Sormey Gasel, George Henry, .Janie Ingram. Miller Jackson, Robert Jackson, T W Johnson, Bennie. Kidd, H T Kilpatrick, John King, Mattie Kirklun, Ella, Minnie Lc-ug. Char lie Mitchell, Mack North. J E I’inaon, B B Smith, Birl Stueward Jane Short, West Tolbert, Fannie Tinch, S I. Winkles, Sarali Willison. HTo avoid delay in delivery have your mail addressed to street and number, box number, K. F. D. number or gen eral delivery. In calling for the above, please say “advertised," SuBie M. Atkinson, P. M. Ask the Central of Ceorgia Ticket Agent, Following special occasions will lie held at the points named on the dates specified: Dallas, Texas, Sept. ‘J2-24.—American Institute of Banking. Atlanta, Ga,, Oct. 7-14 -General Con vention Churches of Christ. Atlanta, Ga., Get. 14-18, — Brotherhood of St. Andrews. Ft. Worth Texas, Oct. 14-17. —Annual Meeting Farmers’ National Congress, Richmond, Va., Oct. 12-ltJ.—American Bankers’ Association. New Orleans, La., Oct. 20-28. Inter national Associotion Fire Engineers. For information as to fares and sched ules consult any ticket agent or rep resentative of CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY “The Right Way’’ The night watchman of a large hotel saw an apparition in white moving along the hall at 2 a. m. He hastened his steps, and tapped on the shoulder of what proved to be a man. “Here, what are you doing out here?” asked the watchman. The man opened his eyes and seemed to come out of a trance. “J beg your pardon,” he said, “I am a somnambulist. ” “Well,” said the watchman, "you can’t walk around these halls in the mid-ile of the night in your nightshirt, no matter what your religion is.” 'Ihe need of the rural cornmuhities to-day is intelligent and consecrated leadership. The farm is the nursery of civiliza tion and the parsonage of alt religiouH denominations. Happiness is mostly a matter of im agination. A man is unknown he can keep out of. to the company Your umbrella will las: I don’t roll it or lend it. longer if you Filled VacsRi Seat T HE Boulgers were about to start on an automobile ride, when a friend who was to have gone telephoned that she was too ill to make the trip. Who would have the vacant seat? A telephone call to another friend found her ready and eager to accept the short notice invitation. When it is necessary to change plans, the Telephone is invaluable in making last-moment arrangements. When you telephone—smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY $ BUGGIES! BUGGIES! (n ^ A full line of the best makes, best value foi the money. Light running, and built to stand the wear. At Jack Powell’s old stand. t J. T. CARPENTER Old newspapers for sale at this office at 25c. per hundred. Give us a trial order on job printing. Laundry Lists for sale here