Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, September 25, 1914, Image 6

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- T — 1 I I l 0 ii l I I mil: MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED The Big Store with the Little Prices Everybody’s Going to the Big Store WHERE THOUSANDS WILL BUY THEIR FALL AND WINTER SUPPLIES II The Big Cash Store Is now splendidly ready for the fall trade. We have in our store-rooms more than $40,000 invested in good, reliable merchandise. No matter what you want, we have it. The large, well-assorted stocks car ried make choosing an easy matter here. Read every item on this page and note the savings to be had by trading at the Big Cash Store. We’ve got the goods; our prices are lowest. Let us show you. LADIES, YOU CAN’T Crepe de Syria.—A beautiful fabric with small silk stripes of same shade; all colors; 25c Rick-Rack.—A new fabric, silk finish, crepe weave, very pret ty; comes in all colors, at 25c CrepedeEgypt.—A whitegoods with small silk colored stripe; very pretty for early fall waists, at yard 25c Corded Poplin.—Comesin white and all colors, at yard. 25c Shepherd Plaid Suiting.—44 inches wide, wool finish; 25c AFFORD TO MISS SEEING HERE WE MENTION JUST Silk Stripe Poplin.—Very pret ty shades of blue, green, red, tan and black, at 25c Crepe Poiret.—A fine imita tion of silk crepe. Solid colors with figures of contrasting shades. This, we think, is the prettiest goods being shown at 25c Brocaded Poplin. — Comes in solid colors, plain and figured. Al ways stylish, at yard. 25c THIS MAMMOTH ASSORTMENT OF NEW FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS. A FEW OF THE NEW FABRICS; MANY MORE YOU WILL SEE AT OUR BIG STORE. Crepe Ratine.—Very pretty for fall waists or. trimmings; white only 25c Mercerized Plaids.—A complete showing of new fall plaid suitings, at 25c Russian Cordctte.—Crepe ma terial with smallcorded stripe; all colors, 34 inches wide; 25c Gun Metal Suiting.—Looks like wool, feels like wool; very pretty for skirts or dresses; yard wide, at 25c Galatea Suiting.—In a beauti ful line of solid colors, stripes and plaids 12$c No matter what may be your want in silks, we can please you. Large assortment of silk poplins, messalines, taffetas, etc. All colors, yard wide; $1 Godman’s Shoes For Misses and Children W e believe this to be the best shoe made for school wear. Every pair guaranteed to be solid leather and to give satisfactory wear for the price paid. Children’s lotus calf, button, spring heel, sizes 5 to 8, at Si.35 1 lalf-heel, sizes 8.J to II, at .. . 1.75 Half-heel, sizes 11$ to I, at 2.00 Kid doth top, button, sizes 3 to 8_ .. .90 Kid cloth top, button, sizes 8$ to II, at. 1.00 Kid cloth top, button, sizes 11$ to 2, at 1.25 Kid button, spring heel, sizes 5 to 8 at 1.00 Kid button, spring heel, sizes 8$ to II, at 1.25 Kid button, spring heel, sizes 11$ to 2, at 1.50 Gun metal button, EE last, a dandy for school wear, sizes 8} to II, at .... 1.35 Same shoe, sizes 11$ to 2, at 1.50 Pine gun metal button, very dressy, sizes 8$ to 11 1.75 Same shoe, sizes 11$ to 2, at. 2.00 Red kid button, sizes 5$ to 8, at 1.50 Misses’ dressy patent button shoe 2.00 See these shoes before you buy. It will pay you. SPECIAL Saturday and Monday Only Twenty yards good quality bleached domestic for $1.00 Eighteen yards of fine quality .36-inch smooth woven sea islandfor ... . .. $1.00 500 ladies’ fancy embroidered handkerchiefs; 10c values on sale, at . 5c 50 pieces best grade, first qual ity standard table oilcloth, at yard 15c Eighteen yards of good quality, yard-wide cambric bleach ing for $1.00 Men’s blue chambray work shirts; sizes 14 to 17, at 25c Children s Hats, Baby Caps, Table Damask, Etc. Baby Caps—You will find us showing one of the larg est lines of new fall baby caps in Newnan. Caps of every color and kind, silk, fur, velvet, etc., at 25c, 35c, 50c and . _ SI Children’s Hats—Two lots children's sample hats, in red, green, black and white; special values, at 25c, 39c and . 50c Table Damask—Our linen department offers many good values in table damask. An extra good quality full bleached satin table damask, in a choice line of patterns, at. 25c An extra fine quality table damask, full 72 inches wide; on sale at only . 50c A fine quality linen finish damask 65c Special—One lot remnants table damask; 2$ yards, 63c 3 yards . 75c Counterpanes—We offer you a good selection of nice counterpanes at only 98c Another full-size honeycomb counterpane $1.25 Twenty full-size, heavy-weight counterpanes, beautiful designs; on sale at $1.50 A genuine Marseilles counterpane, fullsize 3.00 Brown Linen—A complete stock, ranging in price, 10c, 19c and 25c Children’s Dresses Our dress goods department is full and running over with the prettiest styles ever brought out in fall dresses. Can fit the girls from 2 to II in a nice little dress, at . 50c Sizes 12 to 14 years, at 65c New Ribbons Here you will find a glorious collection of new ribbons. Solid colors, stripes and moires; no matter what you want in ribbons, we have them :5c to 40c ()nc lot of nice corset covers, trim med in lace and embroidery, at 25c Another lot of those misses’ and ladies' underskirts on sale. 50c Laces.-—A big table containing 3000 yards of nice val., linen, and torchon lace, on sale at 5c Don’t Overlook These Fifty pieces new curtain scrim, net and ntadras; beautiful patterns, at 10c, 12$c, 15c and .. 19c Five thousand yards best quality outing, in light pink and blue checks, and stripes; also dark colors in dress patterns. 10c Two thousand yards light and dark out ing on sale at 5c Best quality AAA sheeting 7$c Fifty pieces fine mercerized chambray, in pretty checks and stripes for boys’ waists; guaranteed fast colors 10c A good quality yard-wide sheeting 5c Amoskeag A C A feather ticking; guaran teed best made . 17$c 100 pieces best calico, in light or dark col ors; your choice 5c 4000 yards standard apron gingham, fast colors; only — 5c Fifty pieces new flannelette for waists or dresses, at 10c Best grade table oilcloth, colored 20c Miscellaneous Items Rompers for the little tots, at 25c. 50c 200 pairs children’s cambric drawers. 10c Sanital antiseptic diaper cloth, 24 inches wide, 10-yard bolt ... 75c A good sheet, full double size 50c An extra heavy seamless sheet 75c A good quality linen window shade, 3x7 feet; green only; our price 25c A good assortment of shades in various colors, 3x7 feet, at . 50c Buttons of all kinds for dress trimmings, etc.; dozen 10c, 15c, 25c A fine quality' English longcloth, 10 yards to bolt; on sale at $1 Hall Curtains.—New tapestry portierre curtains in all colors, at $3.50 to $6 Blankets. -— Large-size cotton blankets, good weight; white, grey, brown. . $1 Heavy cotton blankets, full 11-4 size, in white and grey, at . $1.25 An extra heavy-weight grey cotton blank et; large size $1.75 A medium-weight wool blanket, “Golden Rule,” at _ _ $3.50 New Matting Rugs and Art Squares The largest and most complete stock to be found in Newnan. A grand assortment of small rugs, at 50c to $3.00 Matting art squares 2.50 Smith’s Brussels and velvet art squares, at $10 to $25 It’s a pleasure to show you these rugs. See them. New Leather Bags A sample lot of ladies’ leather hand-bags worth up to $4. They are priced at 50c, 75c. $1, $L50 and $2.50 Ask to see them. Men’s Shirts Men, we are selling the best shirt in America, for the price. It is extra full cut, beautiful line of patterns, fast colors, only.. 50c Our Big 4 work shirt . 50c LOOK HERE, MEN! Have you seen our new green bottom kro- mclk shoes for hard every day wear? Some of our customers have worn them 10 to 14 months, rhe price. $3. The store that saves you money T/fF /=>/?/CF /S THF r/Y/A/G. One price to all- SPOT CASH LOOK HERE, BOYS! The new “Governor’ fastener for boys’ knick- erbocker trousers. No straps to tear, no buckles or buttons to fall off. See them on our boys knee pants: $1 and $1.50 :i!|||=ll||l II I The new Roman stripes for trim ming at .. $1.25 Woolen Dress Goods The greatest bargains in our store are shown in this de partment. All the new colors and fabrics of the season in a splendid variety. Our line of all-tvool crepes and serges for suits or dresses we believe to be the strongest ever shown at the price; yard . 50c Also a good selection of woolens, at . 75c and $1