Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, October 02, 1914, Image 7

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Opening Sale Saturday, October 3, 1914 McCLURE’S NEW STORE ' SPECIAL 9 A. M. ENAMEL WARE Tea kettles, boilers, dish pans, stew- ers, bath tubs, 10-qt. pails and other large pieces. All 25c values at— 15c each 10:30 /I. M. 25c house brooms at 10c each ALL DA Y House full of Specials not mentioned Saturday morning at S o’clock the doors ot our large m O O new store will be thrown open to the public for business. Believing the people of Ncwnan, Coweta county and \ surrounding territory would appreciate a modern Ten- Cent Store, The McClure Co. haven't spared any expense towards fixing up these new quarters, making it a pleasure for you to shop, and at the same time give bigger and bit- \ ter bargains than ever. Trusting it will meet the approval oi the general pub lic, a cordial invitation is extended to all. Yours very truly, McCLURE TEN CENT COMPANY. SPECIAL 2:30 P. M. CHINA SALE 25c pieces German china. Big eol- lection. Best values ever offered. CHOICK 10c each 4 F. M. Rain capes with hood, for children. Best values ever offered. CHOICK $1 each RAIN CAPES 25c values, at 10c McClure Ten-Cent Company T. G. Farmer Old Corner NEW NAN, GEORGIA West Side Court Square fhe Herald and Advertiser KEWNAN, FIHDAY, OCT. 2. Unclaimed Letters. following list of unclaimed let- l-rs will be sent to the Division of Dead letters, if not called for within two reeks: l Miss Mary Jane Alexander, H Ar- iold, Mrs. W H Bailey, Mrs. Neely (ening, Jean Brock, Watch Catch, R . Cole, Amos Domineck, Solomon l.under, Miss Minnie Gibson, Miss R I Griffin, Miss Mary Hall, Miss Mamie Lgram, B P Johnson, Beatrice Leigh, lillie Ann McDode, Mrs. Charlie llitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morris, Leo. Neil, Henry Newell, Mrs. Lula 'forth, Miss Ada Philips, Miss Fannie itts, Miss Revells. Mrs. W L Rosser, | A Smith, Miss Janie Shaw, Robert jrgeon, Miss Ethel Thornton, J H peat, Lizzie Wood. ' To avoid delay in delivery have your liail addressed to street and number, I ox number, R. F. D. number or gen- Jral delivery. In calling for the above, please say dvertised.” Susie M. Atkinson, P. M. 1—Stock dealers say they will not ship hy mules to this section this season, nwson has always been one of the Iggest mule markets in the State, and le absence of the Kentucky “mocking |*ds’' will be a condition that never I fore existed.—Dawson News. lit has been estimated that the earth |.i maintain a population of 6,000,000,- lo, a total which will be reached about le year 2100 at the present rate of in- fease. lA novel feature of ships which are ling built for the National Steam kvigation Company, of Greece, is a ctle church which has been fitted up In board each vessel. NOTICE. Atlanta, Ga„ Sept. 1,1914. The regular annua) meeting of the stock holders of the Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company will be held at the office of the company, Room No. !». Atlanta Terminal Station, Atlanta. Ga., at 12 o’clock, noon, on Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1911. W. H. BRUCE. Secretary. A PROCLAMATION. [There is more religion in the sport at helps you lose your grudge than the most spiritual meeting that engthens it. t's s good thing for the man who ks at i^e corns on his hands to re- imber that on Easy street the corns e on the heart. -The increase in prices of farm pro mts has not kept pace with the in cised cost of living. By His Excellency, JOHN M. SLA TON, Governor: Submitting r proposed amendment to the Consti tution of Georgia, to be voted on at the general election to be held on Tuesday. Nov. 3. 1914, said amendment to amend Article 11, Section 3, Par agraph 1. of the Constitution of this State, au thorizing the Legislature to abolish the otlice of County Treasurer, in any county, and for other purposes. State ok Georgia, / Executive Department. Ami. 24. 1914.' WHEREAS, The General Assembly at its session in 1914, proposed an amendment to the Constitu tion of this State, as set forth in an Act approval Auk. 14, to-wit: An Act to amend Article 11, Setcion 3, Para graph 1, of the Constitution of this State, so as to authorize the General Assembly to abolish the of fice of County Treasurer in any county of this State, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem bly of Georttia, and it is hereby enacted bv author- ity of the same, that Article ] 1, Section 3, Para graph 1. of the Constitution of Georgia, he amend ed by adding at the end of said paragraph the words “arid may abolish the office of County Treasurer in any county,” so that said paragraph when so amended will read as follows, to-wit: “Paragraph 1. County officers to be uniform. Whatever tribunal or offices may hereafter be created by the General Assembly, for the transac tion of county matters, Bhall he uniform through out the State, and of the same name, jurisdiction and remedies, except that the General Assembly may provide for the appointment of Commission ers of Roads and Revenues in any county and holisli the office of County Treasurer in Bny county, or fix the compensation of County Treas urers. and such compensation may he fixed with out regard to uniformity of such compensation in the various eounties. Sec 2. Be it further enacted. That if this amend ment shall be agreed to hy two-thirds of the mem bers of the General Assembly of each House, the same shall he catered on their journals with the yeas and nuys taken thereon, and the Governor ehall cause the amendment to be published in one or more of the newspapers in each Congressional _ ^ ^ district for two months immediately preceding on their ticket “For ratification of Amendment to Paragraph 1. Section 13, Article ti, of the Con- With Hlmgelf In Mind. When you hear a man telling what the opinion of "thinking people erywhei-e" he has direct reference himself. A PROCLAMATION. By His Excellency, JOHN M. SLA TON, Governor, Submitting a proposed amendment to the Consti tution of the State of Georgia, t« be voted on at the general State election to be held on Tues day, Nov. 3, 191 -J. said amendment providing for salary of the Judge of the Superior Court of Bibb county. State of Georgia, ) Executive Department, . Aug. 3, 1914, S Whereas, The General Assembly at its session in 1913 proposed an amendment to the Constitu tion of this State, as set forth in an Act approved Aug. 16, 1913, to-wit: An Act to amend Paragraph 1. of Section 13, of Article ti of the Constitution of the State of Geor gia, regulating the salaries of the Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts by providing for the payment from the county treasury of Bibb county to the Judge of the Superior Court of the circuit of which the said counly is a part, of additional compensation. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem bly of the State of Georgia. That Paragraph 1, of Section 13, of Article 6, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, ns amended hy the Act of the General Assembly, approved Aug. 3,191b, and duly ratified by the people according to law, be and the same is hereby amended by inFerting th<! word "Bibb” in the proviso contained in said amend ment. between the words "the counties of ” and the word "Chatham.” so that said proviso so amended by this amendment shall read us follows*. "Provided, however, ’CTiat the counties of Bibb, Chatham, Fulton and Rlphnjond shall pay from their respective county treasuries to the Superior Court J udgea of the circuAt of which they are a part, and the county of Fulton to the Judge of the Stone Mountain circuit, or the Judge of such oth er circuit as may hereafter lie required to regular ly preside therein for additional services rendered in the Superior Court of Fulton county, such sums a.s will, with the salaries paid each Judge from the State Treasury, make a salary of 85,000 per annum to ench Judge; and said payments are declared to be part of the court expenses of such counties such payments to he made to the Judges now in office, as well as their sulicensors.” SkcI 2. Be it further enacted. That if this Con stitutional amendment shall be agreed to by two- thirds of the members of the General Assembly of each House, the same shall he entered on each journal, with the ayes and nayH taken thereon, and the Governor shall cause the amendment U> be published in one or more of the newspapers in each Congressflmal district for two months, im mediately preceding the next general election, and ti e voters thereat shall have written er print- Diplcmticy or Dishoneaty? •omniend a fool for hifi wit, or a ve for hie hoiitEty, and he will i©- © you into hie bo»om.—Fielding. igorating to the Pale and Sickly Old Standard genera! strengthening tonic. )VE S TASTELHSS chill TONIC, duves out iria.enriches the blood .and builds up the s/s- A true tonic. For adults and cbildreu. »>vc the next general election, and the same shall be submitted to the people at the next general elec tion. and the voters thereat shall have written or printed on their tickets: "For ratification of Arti cle 11, Section 3, Paragraph 1. of the Constitution of this State," er "Against ratification of Article 11, Section 3, Paragraph 1. of the Constitution of this State,” as they may choose: and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the General Assembiy, voting, shall vote in favor of ratification, then said amendment shall become a part of said Article 11. Section 3, Paragraph i. of the Constitution of this State, and the Governor shall make proclamation thereof. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That all law- and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Now. therefore. J, John M. Slaton, Governor of f-aid Stale, do issue this my proclamation hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution is submitted for ratification or rejection to the voters of the State qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly at the general election to i»e held on Tuesday. Nov. 3, 1914. JOHN M. .SLATON. Governor. By the Governor: PHILIP COOK. Secretary of State. Hlitution, (providing for additional compensation for the Superior Court Judge of Bibb Superior Court.) or "Against ratification of Amendment to Paragraph 1, Section 33, Article 6, of the Conati- Rtition,” (against, providing additional compensa tion* for the Superior Court Judge in Bibb Kujx*- rior Court.) as they may choose, and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the next General Assembly voting, shall vote in favor of ratification, then said amendment shall become a part of Article G. Section >3, Paragraph I. of fhe Constitution of this State, and the Governor shall make proclamation thereof. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws In conflict with this Act he and the same are hereby repealed. Now, therefore. I. John M. Slaton, Governor of said State, do issue this my proclamation, hereby declaring that the propose•* foregoing amendment to the Constitution is submitted for ratification or rejectionjto the voters of the Stake qualified to vote for member* of the General Assembly at the general election to be held on Tuesday, Nov. 1914. JOHN M. SLATON. Governor. Bv the Governor: I PHILIP COOK. Secretary of Slat?. We K now How NSWafe* •V ; £ mmm 'fr&u/l' rt. jmucJuJtei hit axA 'iufyjfy' jjhz 'msdtieimsu C. You need a druggist who KNOWS NOW just as much as you need a knowing doctor. €L We don’t keep you waiting all day when you bring your prescriptions to us; we fill them AT ONCE and use only high-grade, unadultcred compounds. This is why our drug business has grown. We ac commodate our customers and they KKLIEVE in us. THE BEST DRUG STORE We give you what you ask for. If You Cannot Get Us at the Store on Sundays Call ’Phone 268 J. F. Lee Drug Co. Prompt Delivery TWO ’PHONES Efficient Service