Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, October 02, 1914, Image 8

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\ Buy Your Fall and Winter Goods a AT BOONE’S II This Will Help to Solve Your Trading Problems W E WANT your business. We will give you the full value of your money. If you don’t think so we will give it hack. Our prices are always as low as the lowest; compare and see. Over $30,000 stock now on hand. Our goods are clean and reliable; first quality; no seconds. WE ARE READY WITH THE GOODS U SE AND KEEP this sheet to make up your want list. Then visit the original busy store. Buy for cash and buy at Boone’s. Read this entire sheet; you will find money-saving inducements. Bargains In Small Items 1000 pins . „ 5c 144 agate buttons __ 5c 150 wire hair-pins 5c 6 good cedar pencils 5c 1 can talcum powder 5c 2 spools darning cotton 5c 2 spools embroidery cotton 5c 3-yard piece embroidery edging, 5c 2 dozen safety pins 5c Extra, good pearl buttons, do/.., 5c 3 pairs fast black sox or hose 25c 12 collar buttons 5c 6 line bone collar buttons 5c (iood arm bands _ 5c 25 good envelopes _. __ 5c (Iood hose supporters 10c Tango hair-pins 15c Extra good loolh brushes, 10c, 15c “Saw wood” combs 10c I-pound jar talcum powder . 10c 1-pound jar vaseline. ... 10c Best shoe polish 10c 3 calces toilet soap 10c Colgate’s fine soap, cake 5c 6 yards button-hole edging 10c barge barrettes 5c Fine box paper and envelopes, 10c and 15c Good nickel-plated scissors, 10c and 15c Children’s knit waists 10c and 15c Good pillow cases 15c; 2 for 25c “Arrowhead” guaranteed hose, 15c Children’s riding glov es 50c barge brass curtain rods, 10c, 15c 6-foot linen window shades. 25c Special twin lace curtains; one to window — 75c Good bleached Turkish towels, 10c and 15c barge buck towels . 10c binen-napkins dozen 75c 5000 post cards, choice lc Fine lace collars . 25c Nice new neckwear . . _ 25c Large bottle vaseline 5c 1 .adies' and men’s handkerchiefs 5c Ladies’ all-linen handkerchiefs, 5c Children's school handkerchiefs, lc 12 yards line lace .19c and 25c barge package shoe nails 5c Fine collar supporters _. 5c German silver thimbles 5c The new hook and eye snap fast ener 5c Snap tape fastener, yard . _ 15c 500 best carpet tacks 5c 1 lot 10c toilet articles, choice, 5c Fine beauty pins, set _ 10c Good bat and beauty pins, set 25c Good'hat-pins 10c Good cuff links 25c Coat hangers suit hangers. 5c. 10c Good key rings and holders 10c All-silk ribbons, wide 10c BABY CAPS A good selection in silk and knit baby caps. . 25c. 50c and SI Piece goods bargains that will appeal to all who are posted and interested. Our stocks were never more attractive and complete than now. Read of them here thfen see them at the store. DRESS GOODS 32-inch dress percales, values 84c, at. 6c \ll dress calicoes ..... 5c Good flannelette dress goods • 8c ■inc serge suiting.. 10c, 124c and 15c Fast-color yard-wide dress percale . _ 10c Fine dark dress ginghams 10c 75 styles best dark dress ginghams 124c Mercerized crepe and serge, dress, waist, and 15c 25c 25c nov- nevv 50c suiting, yard Fine printed crepes Plain and fancy ratines and poplins Silk poplins, figured, striped and fancy cities; beautiful assortment for the dresses, per yard Huttons, braids and furs to match. Fine solid color satins 50c Fine messaline silks, 36 inches, solids and stripes. ... $1 Half-wool dress goods, poplar cloth, and other good dress goods __ 25c 36-inch beautiful wool plaids. 50c Fine yard-wide all-wool serges, crepes and panamas , 50c 42-inch blue, brown and black shepherd check suiting ... 50c Beautiful kimona draperies, wool finished, at 12}c WOOL FLANNELS Excellent value blue and grey heavy twilled flannels. .. 20c and 25c White union wool flannel. 15c and 20c Yerv line white wool flannel. . 25c and 35c WHITE GOODS 36-inch white linene ... 10c Very fine yard-wide white linene. 12|c, 15c Special Tiger Brand embroidery cloth. 12Jc Yard-wide all-linen waisting 25c Genuine Indian Head embroidery cloth 15c Pride of the West India linnons;. none bet ter, at. 10c, 124c and 15c STAPLE DOMESTIC GOODS Good yard-wide sheeting Heavy yard-wide sheeting Best AAA standard sheeting Riverside cheviot and Defiance cheviot Best Pacific hickory stripes. .. Best AAA drills. Eztra fine Canton flannel Extra heavy 15c Canton flannel Good mattress ticking A C A feather ticking 1 — Best Amoskeag A C A ticking Riverside cotton checks Very fine apron ginghams Fast-color lamb’sdown outing, all colors Extra heavy solid color skirt outing — Fine mercerized cheviots for waists, rompers and dresses; fast colors 10c 81-inch Pepperell seamless sheeting; un bleached, 25c. Bleached. 274c Yaid-wide bleached embroidery cloth._ 10c 6c 64 c 74c 10c 124c 10c 10c 124c 10c 15c 174c 7c 5c 10c 10c CURTAIN MATERIAL Good assortment drapery prints. 6c Fine 36-inch silkaline drapery prints, value 124c, at . .. 8c Ecru and white curtain nets . 10c Fine white and ecru curtain nets, many pretty designs 124c, 15c and 25c A pretty selection printed curtain scrim 10c TABLE DAMASK Special red damask; many neat designs. 25c Bates’ colored damask, dyed in oil colors as fast as made 50c Mercerized white damask, special 25c Wide, very fine mercerized damask 50c Bleached and grass bleached all linen damask, wide, special 75c and SI Specials For Saturday and Monday Fine quality yard-wide bleached domestic, regular price 10c yard; 14 yards $1 Good quality yard-wide bleached domestic, special, 18 yards - SI All fancy table oil cloth, per yard 15c Eighteen yards of yard-wide good sea island sheeting ... 51 Underwear Comfortable Fitting The correct weights and a great variety to choose from. See pur line before you buy. Infants’ knit wrappers, 15c and 25c Children’s drawers and shirts, fine quality ribbed, bleached, each 25c Children’s union suits 25c Misses’ and boys’ fine well-made union suits, saddle seams 50c E 7j union suits with buttons for attaching blouse or pants 50c Ladies’ ribbed shirts and drawers, unbleached, each 25c Ladies’ fine bleached vests and pants, ribbed or fleeced, each 50c Ladies’ unbleached union suits. 50c Ladies’ fine form-fitting bleached ribbed union suits $1 Boys’ shirts and drawers, ribbed or fleeced, each 25c MEN’S UNDERWEAR We are proud of our assortment this season. It is a pleasure to show it. Special 75c ribbed shirts and drawers correct weight, garment 50c Fine fleece-lined shirts and drawers, correct weight, shirts finished bot toms, each _ 50c Standard weight ribbed shirts and drawers, medium and heavy, gar ment $1 MEN’S UNION SUITS They are growing in popularity each season. Wear them once and you will continue to do so. We have the right kind that fit. Good weight ribbed suits $1 Wright’s medium-weight ribbed un ion suits .... 81.50 Set snug heavy ribbed union suits, special, garment 81.50 Fine bleached drilling drawers, cor rect-fitting drawers, elastic seam, per pair 50c GLOVES This stock was never so complete as now. Sec ours before you buy. Men’s, boys’, girls’ and ladies’ dress and work gloves 25c All-wool heavy knit, silk and leath er gloves, ladies’ and men’s._ 50c Cowboy children’s gloves. 50c Ladie<’ fine kid gloves, usually sold at $1.00; clean, new goods, choice per pair 75c Special fine quality kid gloves, ev ery pair guaranteed, choice.. 81 Long kid gloves, regular price $2.50, special price 81.50 “Tuff Nut,” the famous work gloves at , 50c, 75c, 81 and SL50