Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, October 16, 1914, Image 6

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r i i i MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED 8 I I J I [ I ii Mail Orders promptly filled for every item in this ad.; Saturday or Monday Saturday and Monday Stripling’s Great DOLLAR DAYS Dollar Specials on sale Satur day and Monday only Oct. 17th and 19th Millinery Section The busy section of this busy store. All the new conceits in the small, me dium or the latgc velvet, plush and silk hats. Our assortment is by far the larg est ever shown in this store. Style and price to suit fancy or purse. Price ranges from $1.50 up to $12.50. Come see them and try them on. S Children’s School Dresses %/ Z®» What One Dollar Will Buy You Mothers, we want you to sec this line of children’s dresses we arc selling at 50c. They are made of good quality galatea and iinenc, very prettily trimmed in solid colors; sizes 2 to 10 years, 50c. barge sizes, 12 and 14 years, 65c. See them, note the quality, and you’ll buy. Men! Here’s a real bargain for you. A heavy double-knit wool sweater, with high turn-up collar; grey and blue only; our price only $1.50. Men’s heavy-weight wool sweater coats; tan only; our price just $2. Notions at Money-Saving Prices 2 for 5c pencils lc Package wire hair pins lc 100 good steel pins lc I doz. pearl buttons lc Turkey red thread 2c Darning cotton 23c I dozen safety pins 2lc barge bottle machine oil. 5c Roll butter paper. 5c 12dozen rice buttons 5c 25 good envelopes 5c barge box wire hair pins 5c Tango pins, only _ 10c Children’s supporters 10c Fine tooth brushes, 10c 1-lb. can talcum _ 10c 1-lb. jar vaseline.. 10c Cood shoe brushes 10c 3 cakes good soap 10c Good shaving brush 10c I doz. collar buttons 5c 500 yards basting cot ton 5c 6 spools Coats thread 25c Large fancy tango hair pins with sets 25c 3-in-1 oil at 10c New Fall and Winter Dress Goods Motheis, if you want a prefly dress for yourself, or for that little daughter of yours, you can’t afford to miss seeing our mammoth assortment of new fall and winter dress goods we arc offering at 15c, 25c, 50c and $1 a yard. Fifty pieces 36-inch shirting madras in pretty stripes of black, blue and green, fast colors, choice 15c Gal.-.tcas in pretty assortment of stripes and checks, fast colors and only . . 123c Forty pieces mercerized cheviot for boys’ waists, rompers, etc., at 10c Another case of those Forest percales in a beautiful assortment of patterns, yard-wide, fast colors 10c Ladies’ and misses’ rubber rain hats 50c Hoys’ waists made of gingham, percale and cheviot, light and dark colors, sizes 2 to 14 years at 25c, 50c Boys’ blue chainbray shirts at 25c Men’s heavy wool shirts with military collar; come in tan, blue and grey, sell for $1 and $1.50 A complete line of new fall hats for men and boys, ranging in price from 50c up to $3.50 Robeland lleeee, a beautiful quality double-faced material for bath robes, baby cloaks, kimonas, etc. (lood assortment at, yard., 25c Fden Cloth; special value in short lengths;dandy material for gowns, pajamas, etc., 124c grade on sale at . . 10c A Good Counterpane ONE DOLLAR A large size honey-comb counterpane, beautiful patterns on sale at $1 75c Bed Sheets, 2 For ONE DOLLAR Dreamland sheets, 72x90 inches, seam less; on sale 2 for $1 Fine 40-inch Sea Island, 15 Yds. ONE DOLLAR A fine quality smooth woven 40-inch sea island; 2,000 yards to sell at 15 yards for $1 Cambric Bleaching, 18 Yards ONE DOLLAR A good quality yard-wide cambric bleaching, at 18 yards for $1 Amoskeag Ginghams, 20 Yards ONE DOLLAR 2,000 yards standard quality apron ginghams, worth 7c a yard; on sale at 20 yards for. $1 Outing Flannel, 22 Yards ONE DOLLAR A medium-weight outing, in light or dark colors, on sale at 22 yards $1 Table Damask, 2 1-2 Yards ONE DOLLAR A beautiful quality 72-inch satin table damask, w orth 50c yard, 23 yds. $1 Men’s Heavv Pants ONE DOLLAR A heavy corded pants; flaps over hip pockets, side buckles, belt straps, 2-inch cuff; worth $1.50, at $1 .36- and 42-inch Serge, 23 Yards ONE DOLLAR A fine quality wool serge in navy, red, brown, green, blue and black; sells for 50c yard; our price, 23 yards.. $1 36x60-inch Rug For ONE DOLLAR Over fifty to select from, beautiful patterns; your choice. $1 Large Cotton Blankets ONE DOLLAR A good weight large size cotton blan ket in white, grey and tan; pair. $1 Best Grade Outing Flannel 12 Yards ONE DOLLAR Over 100 pieces to select from; heavy weight, best 10c grade, solid colors and fa cies; 12 vards for Notions at Money-! Gilt L'.clge shoe polish 19c A good pair of scissors, assorted sizes . 10c Children’s knit waists, sizes 2 to 14__10c, 15c A good quality full-size pillow case, 2for 25c 6-4 Pepperel pillow cas ing, special, yard 15c Infants’ ribbed under shirts 15c A fine bristle, keep clean hair brush. . 25c Look Out alarm clock at 98c Splendid side-combs.10c Good back-combs.. 10c Look, Men! A bargain for you in a good pair of wool- filled, worsted Remnants. A big table of rem nants, of all kinds of goods; in lengths from 1 to 8 yards. The price is right. C. Here is the event that will prove the greatest saving to smart and alert shoppers who have the courage to brave the crowds. Below we are telling you of a host of wanted goods, and there are as many more to be seen when you come to-morrow. We have special arti cles on sale at One Dollar. We also have whole armsful of piece goods for One Dollar. We certainly are going to give you a dollar’s worth as big as this dollar figure. Be sure you read every item, every line of this advertisement, then be among the first to call Saturday or Monday morning. Such savings are far too rare to be lightly passed by. If you are seeking economy, come! Ii House Furnishing Goods 5 Ladies, we are offering a very large line of counter- || panes, table damask, doylies, towels, etc., at prices < j that will appeal to you. j j One lot of remnants of good quality bleached satin table damask, while they last, 23 yards, 63c; 3 yards, 5 at 75c ™ An extra good quality satin table damask, at 25c II Ten pieces beautiful quality, 72-inch linen finish table {j damask, at 48c | j A fine quality linen finish table damask, at 65c • A fine linen table damask, at 85c 2 Doylies to match damask, ready for use, at set, 35c, • 50c and 98c 11 A good quality honev-comb counterpane, full size; | j our price only 98c j j Large-size, heavy-weight princess quilt $1.50 «■ A beautiful quality heavy fringed quilt $1.98 2 A fine Marseilles quilt, large size, at ... _ $3 JJJ A good value in a nice cotton toweling 5c Good size huck and damask towels; some with red borders, others with white borders, at 10c An extra large size, bleached, linen-finish towels on sale at 173c Saving Prices Buttonhole braid, 6 yds. to bunch, fast color 10c Large assortment picture frames, glass face. 10c Large plate glass mir rors 10c Mermen's talcum pow der 15c Side-combs, back-combs and barrettes 15c Large size picture frame, 25c value .... 15c 1 set of 6 Wallace Bros.’ tea spoons for 10c I set of 6 Wallace Bros.’ table spoons for. 20c 1-lb. package fine linen paper 10c Buster Brown Guaranteed Hosiery Buster Brown guaranteed hosiery for men, women and children. Four pairs guaranteed to wear four months without darning in heel or toe. Light, fine- ribbed for girls, heavy ribbed for boys. They are priced. 25c pair; four pairs $1 Large assortment of wool shawls in white and colors, at _. ... 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 Knit hoods, catts and aviation caps,etc., for ladies and children, ranging in price 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1 Ladies’ house dresses, the famous “Electric Brand,” large assortment of pretty styles at. $1 and $1.50 A beautiful lot of new curtain nets in white and ecru, at 10c, 12ic, 15c and 25c Boys’ knickerbocker pants, all-wool filled; special values, at 50c Boys’ fine all-wool pants with the new governor fast ener, large assortment of pretty styles; $1 and $1.50 Boys’ heavy fleece-lined union suits; sizes 4 to 16 years, at 50c Boys’ Norfolk suits; greatest values ever shown at the prices $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $5 A large size cotton blanket in white, tan and grey, at per pair 98c A heavy-weight cotton blanket, worth $1.50, on sale at $1.25 A fine heavy wool blanket in white and large plaids, at $3.50 ft :iiin=^