Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, October 30, 1914, Image 6

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The Herald and Advertiser; KKWNAN, FIRDAY, OCT. 30. LOCALS BROUGHT FORWARD. The Junior Rewiin« Circle had 'U last ■)<-etmE with Mim Florence Dent, at her new home on College street. The programme was as follows: Current events. "Hallowe'en,” (its origin) — Miss Kv- elyn Wright. Paper on the life of Father Ryan— UiKH Fannie Hill Hetring Father Ryan's Poems -''Their Story Runneth Tnua;” "Presentiment '— Ice ah by Miss Willie Herring. Chnitmao Froetntn for the Child rev of hnrup*..—To those who wish to send Christmas presents to the children of Europe, the management of the South ern Express Co. wishes to announce they will handle these shipments free id hexes weighing not over 1U0 pounds. The Government Dost carrying tneae articles will sail from Brooklyn, N. Y.. Nov. 10, and it is very desirable for shipment* to reach that port at least 4h hours before date of sailing. Boxes or packages should be marked "For the (Inlhren of Europe. " For further in formation inquire of the local agent. H. D. Walker, Agent. No tux to Corn Club Roys. — In a re cent letter to you through the papers your pteaident, Mr. T. N. McWhorter, ■Dade the statement that the corn con test would be held in Newnan on Nov. 21; but Mr. Cown, who has charge of Corn Clubs in North Georgia, cannot be here on that day. The date has there fore been changed to Nov. 10 and 11, to suit his convenience. All members of the club are asked to have their com gathered, their reports properly made out, and an exhibit of ten ears in New- nwo by Nov. 10. Other announcements concerning the meeting will appear later. U. G. Wiley, Farm Demonstration Agent. The general demoralization brought about by the low price of cotton and comoqurnt huaineas depression should not eauae us to lose sight of the elec tion next Tuesday. Every Democrat should go to the polls arid vote for the party's nominees. The Bull Moose party has a ticket in the field, with C. W. McClure as its candidate for U. S. Senator against Hoke Smith, and with O Bute Hutchens as ns candidate for 11. B. Seoator against Thomas W. tmruwicit. there m hardly a chance that the Bull Moose ticket will prevail in a single county of the Stale; but Oiwela has always presented a solid Democratic front when the party nomi necH had opposition, and she should stand by her reco d. About 2,300 of our more than 2,400 subscribers appear to have declared a morotarium; - that is, something near the number first mention'd have failed thus tar to settle their subscription dues to The Herald and Advertiser. The small sum due in each instance may seem a trifling matter to most of our friends, hut in the aggregate these amounts make up a total that would go lar towards relieving our present distress if they were paid. Only by helping each other can the people of the South hope to weather the crisis now upon us, mid uje nnit help! We treat this will reach the eye ot every subscriber who may be in urrears, and that each one will make prompt re sponse to our appeal. Programme for Week of Prayer. The Indies of thu First Methodist church will observe tfie Week of Prayer, beginning Nov. 2, at 3 p. ro. Every lady member of the church is cordially invited to attend these meetings. The programme for the week is as follows; Monday At Mrs. R. W. FrperriHn’s, on Greenville street. Topic; "The King dom Come.” Study: "Ijitin American Fields." Deader, Mrs. T. K. Rawls. Tuesdsy At Mrs. 1(. A. Field's, on College sireet. Topic; "l’ray ye the I.ord of the Harvest, that He will send Forth Laborers into His Harvest.” Ktudv: "Immigration.” laurler, Mrs. R. W. Freeman. Wednesday At the parsonage Top ic; "Our Workers." Study: "t)ur Op portunity, Our Obligation, at Vashli, Thomasville, Ga.” Leader, Mrs. W. S. Askew. Thursday — At Mrs. Frank Colo's, on E. Broad street. Topic: “My laird and I." Home study: "Whut Your Money Does; Let Me See It.” Leader, Mrs. Geo. Martin. Friday At Mioses Arnolds’, ( Willcox- on place.) Topic: "The Church at Home." Study: queries, "Work and Workers." Leader, Mrs. T. E. Atkin- Cotton Thief Killed. A wotk or so ago Monk Gates, a ne gro tenant on Mr. "Jack” Camp's place near Moreland, hired Tom Carmica), another negro, and the latter's chil dren to pick cotton for him. For two or three days (.’armies! and his crowd would turn in WKI or 900 lbs. after each day's work. Then the quantity brought in ut night began to uwindle, until it reached not over .'Uni lbs. Cutes begun to suspect that Carmical was hiding "Ut some of the cotton, or disposing of it otherwise, and imparted his suspi cions to Mr. Camp. Parties there- tipon instituted a search for the missing cotton, and in scouring a piece of woods near the field where Carmical had been working they found several gunny sucks Idled with cotton, all the sacks being covered over with leaves. Tuesday night Gene Combs, Drake and John King, three young men of the .."renjoi'"v, set n WHtch to catch the thief. They had not been in their place ot concealment long before Carmical came into view. He went at once to the pile of cotton and, seizing a couple of sacks, threw them over his shoulder slid started off. The young men called to him to hall. He paid nu heed to the wurning, and, throwing off the sacks, begun to run. Combs ran after him, bolding u pistol in his hand and shout mg to the negro to stop. Combs stum bled. he says, and Ins pistol, already rooked, was accidentally discharged. At the same instant the nt gro was scon to fall, and uj>on examination it was found that the wayward missile had passed th'ough his body, killing him instantly. Coroner Cook held an inquest Wednes day, and ufier hearing all the testimony the jury r« ndered a verdict ot accidental killing. MT. CARMEL. Everybody too busy out this way to ; go visiting or to entertain visitors; j hence news items are scarce. We are pleased to report a decided improvement in the condition of Mrs. Byrd Beaver*, and trust she may soon | be fully restored to health. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Moore and little daughter spent Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wortham, at Handy. Little Nellie Kate Houston, of Cor ner Branch, is spending some time with 1 her aunt, Mrs. C- F. Wood. Mr. John Pearson and family, of Car- 1 roll county, spent Sunday night with | M>*s Frances Pearson. Missess Cora Maie and Olive Rigsby spent a few days last week with New- nan relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Beavers spent Sunday afternoon with relatives at Handy. Mr. Lewis Houston, of Corner Branch, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wood on Fr'day night last. We regret to report Mrs. Ben Bridges quite ill with pneumonia at this writ ing. Messrs. Warner Hutchens and Elbert Wood and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wood at tended the entertainraet given at the home of Mrs. Penelope Houston on Sat urday evening last, and furnished some excellent music, which was greatly en joyed by the large company of young people present. Mr. J. T. Jones, of Madras, was in our community Monday on business. The Death Angel has again visited our community and bore away to its eternal home the sweet spirit of the in fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Cavender. Only a few short weeks ago the little twin brother was taken, and now the twin spirits of these dear little one3 are again reunited, never to be separated. May God’s richest blessings rest on the grief-Btricken parents. May they find consolation in the beautiful words of the poet, who Baid— "Beautiful hand* of vox little one*. Baby voices calling. O mother. for thee! Koa)*cb«kHl darlings, the light of our home. Taken ho early, are beckoning. *Corn«-.’ *' Oct 2*th. Your Fall Cold Needs Attention. No use to fuss and try to wear it out. It will wear you out instead. Take Dr. King's New Discovery; relief fol low quickly. It checks your cold and sea the.s your cough away. Pleasant, antiseptic and healing. Children like it. Get a 60c. bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and keep it in the house. "Our lamily Cough and Cold Doctor,” writes Lewis Chamberlain, Manchester, Ohio. Money back if not satisfied, hut it nearly always helps. Seven Thousand Window Displays. John Ii. Cates Drug Co., in connec tions with nearly seven thousand large retail druggists all over the United States, will join in making a big display of Ymol during next week, which indi cates the fraternal conditions which ex ist Hmong the retail druggists who are Vmol agents all over the United States; in fact, they are organized into what is called the Vinol Club throughout the country, from coast to coast. Twice a year they make simultaneous window displays of this valuable preparation, for which they have enjoyed the ex clusive sale for many years. Traveling salesmen and tourists often remark and wonder how it is that they see sucb fine displays of Vinol in every town where they go during Vinol week, spring and fall, and ask what it means. The attractive window displays that these enterprising druggists make are a feature of their store, and they are to be congratulated upon their con nection with Vinol and their enterprise in this respect. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for the many courtesies shown us during the illness and upon the death of our hushand and son. May God’s richest blessings rest upon each and every one is our prjyer. Mrs. VV. £. Ferrell, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Ferrell, ACKNOWLEDGED IT. Newnan Has to Bow to the Inevit able-Scores of Citizens Prove It. After reading the public statement of this repreecntative citizen of New -I nan given below, you must come to i this conclusion: A remedy which prov ed so beneficial years ago with the kid-1 neys, can naturally be expected to per- ^: form the same work in similar cases. Read thin: Mrs. H. W. Jennir.g?. "1 Murray St., Newnan, Ga.. says; 1 testified as to the merit of Doan’s Kidney Pills j some years ago in a public statement, j and to-day I am pleased to say that my j faith in tnis remedy is stronger than j ever. I did not have a personal ex perience with this remedy when I gave j my former testimonial, out others of. my family had hc-en helped by them, j To-day, however, I can praise Doan’s I Kidney Pills, procured at the Lee i Drug Co., from personal use. They j have been prompt in curing rne of pains across my back and weakness! through my hips and loins, together with other annoying symptoms of kidney complaint.” Price 50c. at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan’s Kidney Pills —the same that Mrs. Jen nings had. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffa lo, N. Y. Cotton Assured Freedom of the Seas. Washington, Oct. 2C.—Senators and Representatives from the South were gratified to-day by the action of Great Britain in announcing that it would not interfere with American cotton as ‘•contraband of war.” Assurances to that effect were made to Ambas sador Page at London by Sir Ed ward Grey, British minister for for eign affairs, who confirmed his govern ment's action in a cablegram to the British embassy here. Ambassador Page in advising the State Department also reported that the British ship “Camperdown, ” laden with American cotton and products, detained at Storna way, Scotland, was not held because of her manifest, but on account of a dis agreement between her owners and the charter party. Southern Senators had requested the State Department to ask the Delligerent countries to give assurance that ship ments of American cotton to neutral or belligerent nations would not be seized or detained. Only One "BROMO QUININE” To get the genuine, eel! tor (oil name. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE. Look lor aigMtnre ot E. W. GROVE. Cnrea • Cold in One Day. Stop, conch and headache, and work! oil cold. 24c. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses shown us during the illness and upon the death of our uear husband and father. May God bless eacn and every one is our heartfelt prayer. Mrs. M. A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. R. E Jines. Cates’ Drug Bulletin Items ol Interest and Seasonable Offerings From John R. Cates Drug Co. Yol. 1 NEWNAN. GA., OCTOBER 30 1914 No. 26 Suffered Twenty-One Years— finally Found Relief Having autl'ered twenty-one years with a pain in my side, 1 finally have found relief in Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. Injections of morphine were my only relief for short periods of time. 1 became so sick that I had to undergo a surgical operation in New Orleans, which benefited me for two years. When the same pain came back one day I was so s’ck that I gave up hopes of living. A friend advised me to try vour Swamp-Root and 1 at once commenced using it. The first bottle did me bo much good that 1 purchased two more bottles. I am now on my second bottle and am feeling like a new woman. 1 passed a gravel stone as large as a big red bean and sev< ral small ones. I have not had the least feeling of pain since taking your Swamp-Hoot and I feel it my duty to recommend it to al! suffering humanity. Gra'efullv yours, MRS. JOSEPH CONSTANCE, Rapides Par. Echo, La. Personally appeared before me, this 15th day of July, 1911, Mrs. Joseph Con stance, who subscribed the aliove state ment and made oath that the same i* true in substance and in fact. WM. MORROW, Notary Public. Boy or Gift? Great Question! This brings to many minds an old and tried family remedy—nn external ap plication known oh “Mother's Friend.’* During the period of expectancy It is apphod to tho abdominal muselea and la designed to Boothe the Intricate network of nerves Involved. In this manner It has such a splendid influence as to justify its uae in all cases of coming mother hood. It has been generally recom mended for years and years and thoso who have used It steak in highest praise of the immense relief it affords. Partic ularly do these knowing mothers spoak of the absence of morning; sickness, absence of strain on the ligaments and freedom from those many oth* r dis- treeseB which are usually looked forward to with »o much concern. There 1b no question hut what “Mother’H Friend" bar. a marked tendency to relieve tho mind and this of Itself in addition to the physical relief ha* given it a very wide popularity among women. It is absolutely to use*, renders the akin pliable, is pcnetrntln.T in its nature and is com posed of thoso embro cations best suited to thoroughly lubri cate the? nerve*, muscles, ‘tendons and llpiment'* Involved. Yon can obtain "Mother’s Friend*' at almost any drug store. It is prepared on’y by Bradfleld Reg ulator Co., 401 Lft-.aar lildg., Atlanta, Go. City Tax Notice Please call and pay vour tax for the year 1914, due Oct. 1. Books now open; will close Dec. 1, 1914. Pay early and avoid the rush. J. P. SHACKELFORD, Clerk. If You Want to Know How to Beautify Your Complexion, To rid yourself of wrinkles, To eradicate skin blemishes, To bring the glow of health to you cheeks, Don't fail to talk with Miss ID. Morrison Boston’s Noted Beauty Specialist Miss Morrison will give free personal advice and a few facial massages in your own home. This is your opportunity—take advantage of it. Telephone us. Bear in mind, Miss Morrison will be at our store a whole week, Nov. 2, 3. 4, 5, 6 and 7. Don’t fail to hear her FREE DAILY BEAUTY LECTURES To foHow her advice means a better complexion for you. We are sole distributors of Harmony Toilet Requisites. Watch Our Windows Phone 151 The dCC Store Come to See Us Phone I 51 Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA-Coweta Couxty: By virtue ef an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county. granted at the October term. 1914. of said court, I will sell at public outcry before the court-house door in the city of Newnan. in said State and onunty. on the firs* Tuesday in No vember, 1914. between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for carh. the following prop erty belonging to the estate of Mr*. M. E. Tram mell, late of said county, d^ceapcd. to-wit: Tnirteen (13) shares of the capital stock of the Luthersville Banking Company, of Lathersvi,i-». Ga.. of Meriwether county, said State, of the par value of one hundred dollars each. This Oct. 7, 1914. Pm. fee. 14.23. J. W. TRAMMELL. Administrator on estate of Mrs. M. E. Trammel), d e^aa^ed. Adminiatrator’s Sale. GEORGIA—Coweta County: By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary. Fran led at the April term. 1914. of e&id Court, I will i-ell before the court-house door in Newnan. Gl, on the first Tuesday in November, 1911. be- tw^en the legal houreof Rale, to the highest and best bidder, the following real estate, lying and being in the city of Newnan. Ga.. and belonging to the estate of Mrs. L. M. 3peannan, deceased, to-wit: One house and lot in the city of Newnan. Ga. said county, known and described in the plan or aaid city as the north half of lot No. 818, as platted and purveyed bv Orlando McClendon and M. B. Pinaon for the New nun Land Company—said lot fronting sixty (60) feet on Fir?tavenue, and run ning back west 192 fr-et to an alley; bounded on the north by lot of R. T, Thompson, on the soath by land of I. N. Orr, on the east by First avenue, and on the west by an alley— being the lot where on the said Mrs. L. M. Spearman resided at the time of her death. Sold for the payment of debts ami for distribu tion amongst the hrirs-at-law, T^rm® of sale— CASK. This Oct. 8. 1914. Pra. fee, $7 23. L N. ORR. Administrator of estate of Mrs. L. M. Spearman, deceased. Commissioners’ Sale. GEORGIA—Coweta County: Under and by virtue of the authority and direc tion given the undereitrned Commisaionera by R. W. Freeman. Judge of the Superior Court of said county, in an order signed on Sept. 7. 1914, in the matter of J. H. Fuller, jr.. et al.. vs. Dan Brown et bL. application for partition of lands, pending in said court, the undersigned Commieaionera n&zr.od in said order will sell on the first Tuesday in November. 1914, at public outcry, before the court-house door in the city of Newnan, said coun ty, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, the following described landr, to-wit: A certain tra n t of land lying and being in the Third land district, and being in the Grantville district, of said county, described as follows: Fif ty (50) acres, more or leas, being the west half of the east half of lot of land No. 246. except that part deeded to the railroad company, and known ns the Harriet Fuller place. This Oct. 1, 1914. Prs. fee, <6.03. T. F. RAWLS. J. S. ANDERSON. J. W. BOWERS. Com m ianionera. Letter to Dr. Kilmer d, i o. Binghamton, N. ^ . Prove What Swamp-Hoot Will Do For You Send ten cents tu Dr. Kilmer A* Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle, it will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing be sure to mention The Herald and Advertiser, Regular ftfty-cent and one-dullar size bottled for sale at all drug stores. City Registration Notice Notice is hereby given that the registration books will be opened at the Council Cham ber, in Newnan, on the 26th day of October, 1914, for the registration of citizens quali- ued to vote in the election to be held on the hist Saturday in December, 1914. Said regis tration books will remain open until November 25, 1914. This October 21, 1914. J. P. SHACKELFORD, CitypVerk. Executrix’s Sale. GEORGIA—Coweta County': By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Raid county, granted at the October terra, 1914, of Raid Court, 1 will soil at public outcry, before tho court*hou«e door in the city of Newnan. in said Stats* and county, on the find Tuesday in No vember, 1914. between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands belonging to the estate of Hill Moore, late of Buid county, to-wit: The west half of lot of land number one hundred and five, (105.) In the Second district of said Cow eta county, containing one hundred one and one- fourth (101 Vi) acres, more or less; also, the west half of lot of land number eighty-eight, (88.) in Raid district, containing one hundred one and one- quarter (101 V») acres, more or less, except twelve (12/ acres, more or less, out of the northwest cor ner or part of said lot number eighty-eight. (K$,) pold otf by d«*ceased to B. J. Fry. The Raid two tracts above described adjoin r.nd form one body, which Is bounded or follows: North by Mrs. Sue C. Hill, east by said Mrs. Sue C. F1U1 and Mra. Ella Camp, south by Mra. Thurso Matthews, and west by I. J. Jackson estate and E. E. Fry. Thi3 Oct, 6, 1914. Prs. fee. ST 93. MRS. JULIA O. BRASWELL. Executrix of the last will ar.d testament of Hill Moore, ib•closed. Executor’s Sale. GEORGIA-Coweta County: By virtue of and in accordance with the author ity contained in the last will and U^tument of John Chandler, lute of said county, deceased. 1 will Bell at public outcry, before tho court-house door in the city of Newnan, Gf»., on the first Tues day In November. 1914 between the legal hours of sal*’, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following doscrilxd lands belonging to the estate of said de ceased. to-wit: Forty .%cref». more or lesa, out of the southeast corner of lot of land No. 1H. in the original Second land district of said Coweta county. Ga . said for ty a«T*-s being In the shape of a square, each side oi* which is eighty rods long. Also, eighty-eight anti ono-half acres of land, more or less, the same consisting of fifty acres more or leas, out of the northwest corner of lot of land No. 7. in the Third district of said ounty. and thirty-eight and one half acres, more or less, out of the northeast cor ner of said lot No. 7. Said fifty acres, more or less, and thirty-eight and one-half acr* s. more or leas, adjoin and form one body, which Ls bounded on the north by lands of Mrs. (Jeorgin Rigsby and lunds of the estate of said John Chandler, de ceased. on the oast by lands known as the Mark Johnson lands and of 1. \V. Brooks, on the wu.h by land of I. W. Brooks, and on the west by lands of C. E. Chandler. Sail! forty-acre tract above described and said eighty-eight ami one-half acres, more or Use. w ill be sold separately. Possession ©f said kinds will ho given Jan. 1. 1914, but the terms of sale are cash. This GcL 5, 1914. Prs. f«e. *9.81. OTIS CHANDLER. Executor of the last will and teatament of John Chandler, deceased. In Our New Quarters We are now established in our new quarters on the corner of Jefferson and Madison streets, and extend a cordial invitation to our friends to drop in and see us. We are beginning now to replenish our stocks in preparation for the fall trade, and shall be “ready with the goods” to supply ev erything in our line that may be needed. We advise our friends to keep cool and not ger demoralized on account of the war in Eu rope. Ours is a great Government, and will provide means to take care of the South's cotton crop. Be of good cheer. Everything will turn out right in the end. I. G. 8 Sheriff’s Sales for November. G EORGl A -Coweta County: Will boboUI before the Court-house door in New- ran. Coweta county. Go., on the first Tue-*iay in November next, between the legal bourn of sale, to the higheet and bent bidder, lbe following de scribed property, to-wit: A certain lot in the town of GnmtvUJe, Coweta county, Ga., located on tbe north Bide of Cem**- tery street, and bounded as follows: On the north I bv*P * rnoUJ. on the ea*t by Sarah Hawkins, ‘ * Cemetery street, and on the went i on the uc-iith by v by A. J. Cor.nally. Levied on as the property of Eddie Dix to eatisfy a fi. fa. issued from the City Court of Newnan in favor of Grantville Oil Mills vs. the said Eddie Dix. Defendant in ft. fa. noti fied in terms of the low. Thin Sept. 2S, 1914. Prs. fee. $4.41. Also, nt the «nme time and place, one house and lot in the town of Grantville, Coweta county. Ga., being all that parrel of land lying nox-th of lot owned on Oct. 12. 1S31. by Press Post, from each corner of said lot running back to the railroad right-of-way the same width as her lot contain ing one-half an acre, more or lesR, being part of lot No. 216. in Grantville district of said county, th«* same being deeded by W. C. Smith to Alfred. Elizabeth and Eliza Jones. Levied on br the prop erty of Eliza Jones to satify a fi. fa. issued from Coweta Superior Court in favor of H. A. Hall, sh surviving partn.-rof Atkinson & Hall. vm. the Raid Eliza Jon* a. Defendant In fi. fa. notified in terms of the law. This Oct. 7. 1914. Prs. fee. $4.50. Also. Jit the same time and place, two vacant lota on Sutherland drive, in Sutherland Park, fifty (50) f v?t fr *nt. and running Back one hundred and twenty-live (125) feet, more nr lesa. eaid lots be ing known as Nos. 1 and 2. Good rum drive, block E. in the plan of -aid Sutherland Park Iota, said park and lots being located in the city of Newnan, Coweta county. Ga. Levied on a« the property of T. B. Johnson to ^atiBry a fi. fa. issued from Cow- ►ta Superior Court in favor of W. A. Potta va. the •jard T. B. Johnson. Defendant in fi. fa. notified in terms of the law. Thia Oct. 7. 1914. Prs. fee. $3.6*. J. L>. BREWSTER, Sheritf. Executor’s Sale of City Property. I GEORGIA—Coweta County : [ By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina ry of »aid county, granied at the March Urm, 1914. of said court. I will f*ell at public outcry, before the court-hoone door in tbe city of Newnan, said coun ty, on tbe xirst Tue&luy in November. 191-4, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to- wit: A certain house and lot in the city of Newnan. Coweta county. Ga.. fronting on Temple avenue, and being lot No. 104 in the plan of paid city, and being 68 feet and 8 inches, more or less, on Temple avenue, and the west line of same being 142 f«* and 10 inches, more or less, to Fair street, and •- feet, more or less, on said Fair street, and the ea.«t line being 121 feet and h in hes, more or less. Also, a vacant lot lying immediately west of tn« foregoing lot. fronting 45 feet and 6 inches, more or less, on Temple avenue, and being lot No. l"" in the plan of said eity, the east line of which W the west line of the foregoing lot, and being D- feet and 10 inches, more or less, to said Fair ■ur-et. end 52 feet, more or loss, on Raid Fair ptrect k™ the west line frnrn Fair street to Temple avenue being 157 f<*ct and 7 inches, more or less. In the south* est corner of the lot is a bam. Also, a certain city lot lying west of the named vacant In. and being lot No. 10$ > n , plan of said city, and fronting 58 feet and inches, more or Iosh. on Temple avenue, and run ning back to Fair street, and being 56 feet, mor^ or less, on said Fair street, and the east hne o. whi$h is 157 feet and 7 inches, more or lew, anu the west line is 175 feet, moiv or less. On thic lot is a *mall dwelling-house. . yklso. a certain city lot. fronting on said Temp* 1 afenue 160 feet, more or leap, and running *°titn along the a tract between the lot herein describe* and the old Fair Grounds 190 feet, more or thence east 130 feet, more or lees; thence north l'-* f^et, more or less, to Temple avenue, and being •» part of land lot No. 39. On this lot are located two negro cabins. . Also, a certain brick store-house and lot in uu western part of said city, on Temple avenue. Be ing 140 feet Bqu&re. and known as the Saxon ,>r ^£ N store lot. and being in the northeast corner nt try old Fair Grounds, This Oct. 6, 1914, Pi*- **• *15.21. J. C. JACKxfON. Executor H. F. Saxon, dec care-