The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, January 04, 1905, Image 5

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E. .III.'— 11 ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ Local News of Newnan v > Mr. S. A. North, a clover citizen liv ing near Senoia, was in town Wednes day. Rev. S. R. 0. Adams, of Forsyth, spent the latter part of last week with relatives in the city. ' In case of fire ring‘Phono 12S. * J. C. Anderson,Dentist, Salbide Bldg. Newnan. Ga * Boy’s bicycle for sale cheap this offi' <•. Dr. R. L Smith, <>f Shaiiwbuig. was j in the city Tuesday. Phone 2S when you want a nice fresh | pieoe ot Bet t Steak. High hack oak rocking chairs, t(8s. at Newnan Furniture Co. Mon. W. A. Post, of Grantville, i:i the city Tuesday. Mr. Hugh Johnson, of Palmetto.spent 1 Inst Saturday in town. Dr. J. T. Wester, ot Rome, spent Sun- I dny in the city. For Saie—Fine Jersey Cow with j yonng calf. Address Bos -Hi, city. Mr. T. W. Powel, Jr., of Alexander (My. Ala., spent lust week nt home. Mr. Howard Davis, of Washington. 1) t\, s',h'lit Christmas with his parents. Mr. Colquitt Cartov. of Atlanta, spent hist week in tin eitv. Mr. Henry Anderson, of Jacksonville, Fla., was the guest last week ot his sis ter, Mrs. J. F. Reynolds. Y. 0. Foster, a voang merchant of llrautville, was in town Tuesday. Mr. J P. Bradley, of New York City, speut Sunday in the city. Money to loan on real estate pt 7 per cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. D. T. Mauget & Co., wholesale grocers and jobbers, Newnan, Ga. * Use “Reception Flour” and you will have the highest grade. Bradley & Banks. For first-class meats, phone 73. Hchottens, Pare Roasted Coffee pleas-' es the most fastidious. Bradley & Banks. Wood Wanted.—500 cords of dry pine. Address or ’phone E. C. Good- wyu, Newnan, Ga. Mr. C.W. Farmer has returned home, after taking a course at the business college, Atlanta. Fatten your hogs on pure shorts. Bradley & Banks oan furnish them to you at the proper '-of. Mr. Habersham King, Jr., entertained several couples at a luncheon last Thurs day evening. Mr. Berryman Longiuo, of Fairburn, spent the latter ]»rt of last week in the city. Mr. Wade Dent left Monday for Tex as, after spending ten days with his family. M**. A. 13. Ham, of McDonough, wns j house in a town of Newnan’s size, tlio guest last week of his uncle, Rev j ourselves, are delighted, but not V. A. Ham. Bring me your hides. Highest prices paid. G. O. Carmichael. Mr Joe Wall, of Jackson, spent two or three days last week in the city. Ben D. Watkins, a well known life insurance man of Atlanta, was in the city Monday. Mr. Ralph PCndergrast has returned to Atlanta, after spending Christmas week with the home folks. For tin work, roofing, plumbing re pairing see T. M. Martin. Shop below A mail & Farmer. D. T. Manget&Co., wholesale grocers and jobbers. Large fresh stock. Prices right. We sell to merchants only. * 1000 gallons good second hand jug- ware to close out at once at 3];,'c. See E. E. Davis or call ’phone 122. Reception Flour makes beautiful Cakes, and the very finest Breads. Bradley & Banks. Personals and Society Notes The Salmagundi Club will meet on Thursday afternoons in future, instead Mr. Geo. W. Ramey and Mr. L. J. | of Friday. They will be entertained by ( Me’.son, of Atlanta, spent Sunday in the | Annie Powell on Thursday after Call at! city with their families. Fou Rent—Throe rooms with nice family close in. Suitable for light housekeeping. Address Y. C. X. city. Little Elizabeth Ramey, who unfor tunately fractured one of her limbs, is improving rapidly, much to the delight of her many friends. Library’ HorRs.—During the remain der of the winter, libraiy hours will be from l) to 12 a. in,, 2 to 6 p. m., 7 to 9 p. in on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Mrs. D. B. Woodroof, Librarian. Prof. Grautlaitd Mmrny returned to Tuskegoe, Ala , last Saturday, after s>MMiding two weeks at home He was accompanied by his sister, Miss Annie, who is attending school there. Hon. Walter Brooks, a capitalist and philanthropist of Rome, wns in the city this week in the interest of Shorter Col lege. Mr. Brooks lias made liberal con tributions to this institution, and is on deavoring to prevail upon the Baptists of Georgia to liberally endow this Col lege. Esquire D. R. Thurman, of Turin, was in town Wednesday. Esquire Thurman Ims served eight years as Justice in his district and lias just been commissioned for another term of lour years. A good payiug mercantile business, Resisting of a good stock of groceries and sundries. Location, oue of the best stands in Nownati. Will sell lor cash or good note, at a bargain. Address ”G” quiok, Newnan, Ga. Wo have spent much time in getting a good Flour that would pleaso every body for general use, and have found it in Coweta Patent. Bradley & Banks. The Ministers' Association of the city on Monday elected the following officers for this year: Rev. Dr. James Stacy, Chairman; Rev. W. J. Cotter, Vice- Chairman; Rev, J. S. Hardaway, Secretary. The regular monthly meeting of the Free Kindergarten Association will be held Thursday. Jail. 5, lt)05, at the home of Mrs. T. B. Davis. A full at tendance is desired. All interested ii the work are invited to attend. A VENERABLE PASTOR CURED BY PE-RU-NA. noon. Jan. 12th, nt 2:30 o'clock. ?!is« Estelle Cole, of Atlanta, was the guu.-t „i»t week of Miss Corille Harda way. Miss Louise Smith, of New York City, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. O. Smith. Miss Gertrude Eberhoart, of Colum bus, is tile guest this week of Miss Alma Arnold. Miss Cecil Sullivan, of Atlanta, is visiting relatives in the city. Mis* Louise Goarreld lias returned from n visit to relatives in Atlanta. Mrs. J. H. Hall lias returned from Tuskegoe, Ala., where she has been spending some time with relatives. Miss Ruth Hardaway gave a spend- the-dny party last Saturday, Miss Katie Artinll entertained several couples at a dining Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Askew return ed to Atlanta last Monday, after spend ing the holidays with relatives in the city. Miss Lily Nunnally, of Newnan, was the guest list week of Miss Oeoile Moore.—LnGrnnge Graphic Misses Lillian and Mayme Baker have returned to Atlanta, after a pleasant visit to Newnan. Mrs. Ben j. Wright mid Mrs. W. C. Wright and children have returned from a visit to relatives in South Geor gia. Mrs. Harry O. Hayward and little sou, of Savannah, who have been on a visit to her pareuts, have returned to ttieir homo. Miss Estelle Cole, of Atlanta, is the charming guest of friends in the oity. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barrett returned Friday from Washington, Ga., whero they went to attend the marriage of their siRtcr, Miss Maud Barrett, to Mr Wylie, of Sparta. Miss Barrett will bo pleasantly remembered by many in this place as having been one of the bright ost, most cultured and popular visitors ever here. Miss Emmie Terry Snead returned Monday to Athens, where she will re sume her studies at the StPto Normal School. Pe-ru-na is a Catarrhal Tonic Especially Adapted to the De clining Powers of Old Age. In old »g< the mucous membranes be come thickened and partly lose their fund ion. This leads to partial loss of hearing, smell and taste, as well as digestive dis turbances. Peruna corrects all this by its specific operation on all the mucous membranes of the body. One bottle will convince anyone. Once used and Peruna becomes a life-long ■taud-by w ith old and young. Dr. J. T. Wester will soon leave to make his homo in Rome. Ga., much to the regret ol' his numerous friends, lie will practico dentistry and his friends wisli him much success. Many visitors, somelroma distance, have expressed themselyes as surprised and delighted at seeing such a handsome library and such a magnificent court We, sur- (prised; for Newnan 1ms a reputation lor accomplishing what Mi*, undertakes. Burch & Gay, Depot street, High Class Restaurant for white people. Ser vice prompt, and tables supplied by best the market affords. Lunches 15c; din ners, 25c. * r !> n ! v ) \ y Call on .1. T. Holmes, real estate agent, if you desire to rent, buy or sell a home, vacant lot or farm. Office at J. W. Stripling & Son’s, * We have just made up a large line of car spring steel plows', the best plow made for farmers. .Merck & Dent. Mr. Jack L. Woodruff returned to V -son, S. C\, after spending the lioli- da. iti Newnan and vicinity. The county officials are engaged this week in removing their offices into the court house and within a short time will he permanently and oomfortably domiciled there. ■ 2,000' pounds old pajsirs in good condi tion. Make good wrapping paper. Big bundles 5c. Special price in large quan tities. Call at Tin: News office. Mr. F. M. Bryant, who was witli H. C. Glover and Bro. for several years, and who wns an esteemed and valued employe of that company, has volun tarily retired from his position to ac cept it lucrative appointment as repre sentative of the Aetna Life Insurance Co. Mr, Bryant is a popular citizen and will prove a valuable acquisition to B0H the forces of the Aetna. Master Lecky Maddox, of WestTocai, Fla., is on a visit to his grandmother, Mrs. E. J. Orr. Mr. I. N. Orr entertained hie Sunday school class at an elegant dinner on last Sunday. Mr. Jonathan Orr made a business trip to Atlanta last Monday. Messrs. A. H. Freeman, C. B. Glover, Jeff Barfield H. G. Hackney, Ben J. Orr, Robert Orr, E. G. Cole, J. T. Wester, Jack Powell, E. H. Bowman, Will/ As kew and W T . A. Turner, Jr., attended a delightful six o’clock dinner at the beau tiful home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ar- nall, two miles west of Newnan, oil Jnn- unry 3rd. Cates Coni Company, at the Railroad Junction. 'Phone 1!7. • It Mrs. Wirt Johnson, ft!' this place, is visiting relatives in Social Circle. Cnpt. D. P. Woodroof. one of New- imn's oldest and most widely known citizens, has nccepted a position in Mr. J. B. Hutchens’store. Mrs. M. B. E. Brewster was the hap py hostess at a dinner, on New Year’s day, to her children and thoir families. Those present wore Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pringle and little daughter Olive, Mr. and Mrs. Joel B. Ramey and little daughter Mary, Col. W.C. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Arnold, Mr. Will Ar nold, Misses Lizzie and Lucile Arnold and Mr. A. E. Brewster. Mr. nnd Mrs. Heard Dent and chil dren, of Atlanta, who Imve been spend ing the holidays with relatives, returned their home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A mail enter tained a few friends last Thursday night in a most elegant manner at a card party. All social functions at their homo arc of the most enjoyable kind, and this one only added to Mrs. Arnnll's reputation as hostess. Mrs. Arthur Arnold and little daugh ter, of Franklin, are visiting Mrs. Ella Brown. Stronf and Vigorous at the Age of eighty-right. Rev.,?. N. Pajker, lltlca, N. Y., writes: *‘ln June, 1(101 1 1 lost lay sense of hear- 'ng entirely. My hearing had been •omewhut impaired for several years, hut not so much effected lull that I could hoitl converse with my friends; hut ill June, llKll, my sense of hearing left me bo that J could hear no sound whatever. I was alio troubled with rheumatic pains in my linilis. 1 commenced taking l‘e- runa and now my hearing is restored id good ns it was prior to June. 1001. My rheumatic pains are nil gem . l < auiiol Bpcut. too highly of I'Cl.i:!. Mill HOC when KS years old can say it has iiivglor- uted my whole system. I cannot lnit think, dear Doctor, that you must feel very thankful to the all loving Father that you have been permitted to live, and by your skill he such a blessing s* you have been to suffering humanity." —Rev. J. N. Parker. A nirtiop's Letter. ’I’. H. Lomax, I). 1 >.. Illshop ibid Plst. A. M. E., of Cliurlotte, N. wrltos: “ I recommend your Peruna to all who want a strengthening tonic and a very i effective remedy for all catarrhal com plaints.”—T. II. Lomax. ! If you do not derive prompt and satis* * factory results from the uue of Peruna, | write at onee to Dr. Hartman, giving % ; full statement of your case, and he will lie pleased t‘> give you his valuable .id- vice gratis. Addretx Dr. ItsMuian, President -if 'liic llrtmuu (Sanitarium, Columbia, Ohio. Miss Amelia Smith, of Atlanta, is visiting the family of Mr. 13. T. Tliomp- Miss Edith Powel entertained a few couples at dominoe one evening last week. M r. mid M i s. ; vilh*. Tonnes*,- j their aunt, Mr.-. .1 ohn ixigiiii. nl Knox- i Satardiiy with P- w- I. Miss Ruth Hardaway will return to Shorter College this week, after spend ing Christmas at home. Miss Llewellyn King lias returned from a visit friends in Atlanta. Misses Annie and Carrie Anderson, of West Point, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Eugene Askew. Miss Gertrude Washburn, of Savan nah, was the guest last week of Miss Rae Lowe Sponcler. Mrs. Henry Arnall, Jr., entertained a few couples at tea last Thursday even ing. Miss Rae Lowe Spoucler returned to Atlanta Saturday, after spending tin• Christinas holidays at home. .Miss Martha Wright was the lovely hostess las* Friday at a dinner. Those invited were Misses Ruth Hardaway, Sarah Buchanan, Kv-dyn and Susio Martin, l.ydu Brown, Jennie Hardaway nnd Mnrrilu Peuvv. After ii visit of a week with Mr. nml Mrs. Sponoler, Mrs. II. P. WoodroolT, accompanied by Miss Emily Woodruff' and Miss Gertrude Wachhnrn, of L. I., left for her home in Savannah Jan. !ll. Miss ltuhy Meriwether, of Hillsboro, Texas, who Ims been the gin st of Onpt. W. I). Meriwether and family, is at present in Macon and Inter will go to j Tampa, Florida. She will return to j Newnan before going to lu*r home in ] Texas. Mrs. Geo. T. Harrison and son, of Opelika, after a visit to her father’s l family, Dr. (LA. Nunnally, returned ' to < Ipcliiiii yesterday. Mrs. I. N. Orr was hostess at an de- Mr. and Mrs. Handers Gibson enter tained n few friends at a six o'clock din ner last Wednesday evening. Those present were Misses Martha Orr, Belle Vernon King, Carrilu Gibson nnd Mes srs. N. L. North, (.'. H. Glover and George Wynn. Misses Lizzie Belle and Grace Farmer spent last. Thursday nt Hhnrpsburg. Miss Christine Cole v ill leave this week for Lucy Cobh, where she will en ter school. Mrs. Henry (h.olsliy entertained j about fifty of the younger set Inst Fri day evening, in honor of her guest, Miss Ruby Simril, of LaGrange. Miss Lutie Powell entertained quito a > Kant rtillIier> on , RHt Tuesday, compll- number of her friends at a reception j m) . Iltary to a milll , M . r of fri , last Friday afternoon. The house was beautifully decorated with holly and! Miss Tula Johnson, who had been the mistletoe l’or the occasion. Games were : « ueBt of Miss Mary Murray, for some played, and a delicious luncheon wns I l |,,s returned to her homo in At- -L-n Mrs. Maggie Wiley i* spendi dev* ii- llic gm-.-t of Mr-, dann ii few Stiic v, served. Miss Marion Bryant, entertained her friends delightfully at a .Salmagundi party during the holidays. MissesCorinno Simril, .Marion Bryant and Imogene Simril spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Miss Ruhie Simril, of LaGrange, is spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Goolsby. Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Sewell and little son spent last week with the latter’s parents at Molena, Ga. Miss Sarah Buchanan, who has been spending the holidays a' home, will re turn to Hollins, Va., today, where she is attending school. Miss Ruth Whatley, who has been spending Christmas at home, will re turn this week to Carrollton, where she is teaching art. Mrs. D. T. Manget and Miss Ethel Robinson spent two or three days last week in Atlanta. .Miss Marrilu Peavy entertained a few cotfples one evening last week. A salad course was served, and progressive games were played. Mis- Lynda Simril was complimented | with a surprise party lust Saturday i night. Sevenl couples were present, j and the .•'. eri,..._ ,, enjovahh luiltll. Miss Nuntialine King Ims returned to Wesleyan College, after spending the holidays at home. Mrs. S. G. Orr and little daughter, Mary Clinton, have gone to their new home, Fortress Monroe, Va., after spending several months with relatives. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Virginia Freeman. Mr, and Mrs. P. B. Murphy enter tained a small but delightful luucheou party, Saturday night after the opening exercises of the handsome new court house. They watched the old year pns* out and were nmong the first to wish their friends a “Happy New Year.” Mrs. Harvy North and children arc exacted home today, after speuding the holidays witli her parents in Atluuta. Mrs. i. C. McCrory, after a pleasant visit to her mother, has returned to her home in College Park. Miss Male Campbell Ims gone to At lanta for several weeks, to he the gue-i of Miss Bagiev. Mrs. W.7. Stallings and Mrs. N. K. Powel went to AtInnrn this morning to attend the matinee of "Mother Goose.” Mr. L. ,J. Melson and turned to their home in s|H-nd mg i he bolide} - v D ear. family have l'o- Atlnnin. after nth Mrs. K. S.