The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, January 18, 1905, Image 2

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THE NEWNM NEWS. iMued Every Wednesday. J. T. FAIN, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATE. $1.00 PER YEAR. OFFICIAL PAPER OF COWETA COUNTY 'Phone No. 20. OFFICE UP STAIRS IN THE WILCOXON BLOG. Wutdi Nmvnan grow some more (hiring 1005. Nnwium is n uily for 1 IK•*> hn-i- llt'SM llll lllnllg t Ilf* line. Tlio advertising ought to he worth nil it. i* costing Kill Oshorn. A “credit, man” is not necessa rily n credit to t he concern he rep resent s. An “idle jest'’ is idle no longer utter the newspaper humorists get, to working it. Let's see did Atlanta succeed in milking connection with the I ni I of Port A rt Intr? Perhaps Pill Oshorn's serihl -t.orv of frenzied politics is de signed merely iih a circulation Imilder for certain Georgia dailies. Tom Watson's brand ol politics failed to save the country and Tom now propose* t<> try printer's ink for t lie same purpose. SUU PRESS ON CHANCE IN NEWS' MAN AGEMENT. The New nan News cameout last week under the management of Kditor J. T. Fain, formerly of The Walton Tribune. He is a newspa per man of wide experience and we gladly welcome him to grand old Coweta. Horry to note that Mr. P. T. McOutchen retires from tie- newspaper business.— Senoia Knterprise-Gazette. Mr. J. T. Fain, formerly of Rockuiurt, has transferred his allegiance from the Walton Trib une to The Newnan News. Tie is a hustler and will succeed any where. -Cedartown Standard. Mr. J. T. Fain, once a citizen of this town and editor of the Slate, has assumed editorial and business management of The New* loan News. Mr. Fain is a versa tile newspaper man, and his Polk county friends w ish him great suc cess in his new journalistic field. He succeeds that well known and popular newspaper man, Mr. P. T. McCutchen.—Itockmart Cntir- | ier. The first issue of The Newnan News, under the management of Kditor Fain, is a bright, crisp sheet : and the people ol Newnan, from now on, need have no fear of receiving any other kind. -Walton Tribune. Wanted—Correspondents. The News wants a competent; hustling correspondent m every town, village and community in Coweta county. To 1 he right per il! trading , 011 j M each community The News w ill make a proposit ion guaranteed '■ to secure immediate attention. A lew weeks ago everybody was p^i-^uns interested should call on I howling for more rain, and now— or ur j t( . to The News at once for j but let, that pass. \\ e are willing further part iculars. to allow tlm Creator of the uni- <)ld correspondents of The News, verse to manage the weather with- w j lt) wish to continue to represent Read tie- advertisements in the News and do business with ;he News' advertisers. They are all hustlers and the News’ renders will make no mistal w ill) t hell). • nit our assistance ; and will nee the weather as it counts and g( wit hunt complaint. Many of Georgia’s newspaper men have climbed upon the hay, hog and hominy hand wagon. Many Georgia farmers should f< low t hem. Raise more liny, corn and hogs, t< 'P 1 tlie paper, should also communi- '' rt * cate with us; as they will thereby learn of something of great inter- lost. tf Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Ab solutely Harmless, The fad of giving children medicine ess cotton and containing iitjurinuH substances, i«some- times more disastcrous than the disease Ibis from which they nro suffering. Kvery course win bring prosperity to mother should know that, Chamberlain's 1 1 Cough Remedy is perfectly sate tor dill- Georgia farmers. dron to take. It contains nothing Imrm- | ful and for c oughs. colds and croup is unsurpassed. For sale by Holt it Oates. The Oshboru-Morris-Tapp con troversy lias annexed lion. K. II. (loorgo of I lie county of Morgan — but why mention tin* fact? Re- fore t his week's News reaches the •public a dozen other politicians will probably be mixing in the i rnCas. Tie- best time to advertise is, when business is most needed From the West Point News. Mrs. John Homely left yesterday for Newnan. to visit Mrs. O. G. ('ole. Mrs. Hugh Hill and son, after n pleas ant visit to Newnan, have returned home. Miss Kate Croft,of Newnan, and Miss Kittio Williams, of Atlanta, camcTucs- dm to visit Mrs. N. L. Barker. Dr. Z. Green and family will move to Business is most needed during Newnan early in March. They have “dull seasons.’’ This is the mid- many friends hero who regret very w inter “dull season”. Judicious much to give them up, but wish for advert ising done now will improve business. Mr. Business Man of New nan. consider this proposit ion. them much happiness nncl success in their now home. .1 mi Sni it h,of Oglet horpe county, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the Best Made. “In my opinion Clmmbei'lniu's Cough Remedy is the best made for colds,’ Georgia's largest land-holder and \ savs Mrs. Cora Walker, of Porterville, • si his intention to be a candidate cold so quickly No other is so sure a for Governor in P.HHi. Uncle Jim i Preventative of pneumonia No other is so pleasant and sate to take, lhese nro is rich enough to be able to run goftd reasons why it should be preferred fur Governor “iust far fun”- -uinl to any other. The fact is that few peo- loi Governor just loi tun anil . nl , e slU istierl with „ nv other after nmusement and splendid opportu- having once used this remedy. For sale nities for sjH'iiding his money, are l) - v * ( all the old man can hope to get » , . , „ * . 1 A young man s idea ot an at- Newnah and Some Of Its People. A8 8EEN BY REV. B. M. PACK, THE WELL KNOWN BAPTI8T MINISTER. Newnan U growing,and exhibits many evidences of material prosperity. She has recently completed one of the most beautiful and modern court-houses to lie found in the State. Every dollar of in debtedness lias been paid, and the peo ple nil look upon and speak of it with pleasure and pride. The brethren of the First Church are enjoying the services of Dr. G. A. Nun- nnlly, as pastor. They spoke of him as a great preacher, and expressed very warm affection for him. During the past year there were thirty-eight addi tions to the church by baptism, giving a total membership of 485. They built a Sunday school annex at a cost of about $2,»>00. The total amount raised during the year was something over $5,600. Brother Luther M Farmer is the i*>pu- lar Superintendent of the Sunday school, which lias a total membership of 250. I had the pleasure of spending only a short while in the company of Dr. Nun- nally. Judge Alvan D. Freeman ren dered me valuable service. It was with regret that I learned of the illness of his good wife. Brethren IkeOrrnnd Lutli er Farmer both gave me a warm, frater nal handshake. Bro. Orr is is u success ful inercliant, and Bro. Farmer is a suc cessful lawyer. The Central Church enjoys the able and consecrated services of Rev. Jno. S. Hardaway, ns pastor. He has just closed his first, year with them, dur ing which time they have had twenty- eight additions to the church. The to tal membership numbers 225. During the year they purchased a piistoriniu at a cost, with necessary improvements, of about $5,000, A missionary and a na tive worker were supported on the for eign Held. About $1,000 was contribut ed during the year for benevolence. The Sunday school has a membership of 175 Brother T.G. Farmer is the efficient and popular superintendent Boin u how or other, f had failed to form the ac quaintance of pastor Hardaway previous to this trip, but in company with Bro. M. Colo, who kindly offered to accom pany me, I soon found him seated in his study before a comfortable tire. He was less in stature tlinn I had contem plated, hut 1 found him to he a man of a large, warm heart; a man with a wife and seven children; a man of culture and refinement; a man of intellectuality and experience. Brother Cole said that, lie had always been fond of horses; that lie liked a good team with a good gait. He said lie thought his pastor and myself were pretty well matched in looks, hut he was not so certain about the gait. He intimated that brother Hardaway could preach,away yonder ahead of Ins looks. Well, we had a very delightful hour to gether He is encouraged with the pros pects of his work. His people all seem to love him and speak of him in the very highest terms ns n preacher and pastor. He has recently organized n "Baracca” class.with nineteen members, which he hopes soon to over-double its present number. He contemplates a great work through this channel. Brethren K. D. and M. Cole located in Newnan in 1840. They are now, respectively, eighty-four and eighty- two years of nge and are both ns regular attendants upon the church and Sunday school services ns any member of the church. They arc manufactupers of machinery and water tanks. Their business extends from Virginia to Texas. The mercantile firm of Arnall & Farmer has been dissolved, hut each will continue in the same kind of business. I spent a very pleasant little season with Dr, A. C. North, who is one of the lending phvsioinns of the city.—Rev. B. M. Pack in Christian Index. Spoiled Her Beauty. Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 24th St. New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: ••I Imd Salt Rheum or Eczema for yenrs and nothing would cure it. until I used Bueklen’s Arnica Salve." A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at .T. T. Reese Drug Store nnd Dr. Paul Peni-ron. out of tlm campaign. Sickening, Shivering Fits of Ague and Malaria, can he relieved and curi'd with Electric Bitters. This is a pure, tonic medicine: of esjiecial ts'iietit in Malaria, for it exerts a true curative intluouce on the disease, driv- tractive girl is one who doesn’t care for ice cream or oysters. Opera Festival at the Grand Opera House, Atlanta, Ca, I,„r it .iMiimlr mil „f tl,„ ,r,t„n, if For the above occasion The Wcst Point Road lllglttntmly out ot thesysttm. It l! - will-ell >po< ial round trig ti-ket- from im- niuch to bo preferred to l^unnue, having portant stations to Atlanta nnd return on the none of this drug's had after-effects. ! '"'h of January ;it special rate of one and one i,' < nf ll.mri.,tio T..v r...: ■ third fare irood to return dnv following. 1.. Is. M Ullrtay .Ot tienru t ta, 4» \., \\ ritr s . -ppi, opportunity i» exceptional auu will in •My brother was very low with mnluri- | elude the celebrated i.rand Opera- -Cohen al fever and jaundice, fill he took Elec- erin" "Truvatore" ••Carmen" and "Othello" tvu* which divert his lit'.• \t ,| ilu'ia*- t\\n u.vou ou tlu i>t! >t * <i;« > pa- I nnil Dr. Paul Peiuston; price < Apply to iwla-t ».• for littv anti wln-d- ,v • l’ihu untoed. I uK-s COTTON GROWERS' MASS MEETING ALL COTTON 6R0WER8 OF COUNTY ARE ASKED TO MEET IN NEW NAN JANUARY 218T. A mass meeting of farmers and business men of Coweta county is called to meet here on next Haf- urday, Jan. 2tst. The call is is sued by the Coweta County Cot ton Growers’ Association. All farmers and business men of the county are urged to attend this meeting. The Cotton Growers’ Associa tion held a meeting last Thursday and elected delegates to the Inter- State Cotton Growers’ Convention, which meets in New Orleans, Jan uary 24th to 2fith. The following named delegates were elected: Messrs. L. M. McGee, G. B. Hodnett, A. M. Young, B. L. Red- wine, H. A. Hall, K. H. Harda way, H. C. Fisher. A Grim Tragedy is daily enacted, in thousands of homes is Death claims, in each one, nnothr, victim ot” Consumption or Pncumona. But when Coughs nnd Gilds are proper ly treated, the tragedy is averted. F. (4. Huntley, of Ouklandon, Ind., writes: "My wife had the consumption, nnd three doctors gave her ’ | Finally she took Dr. King’s New Discovery tor Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, which cured her, and today she is well and strong.” It kills the germs ol' ul! dis- east's. One dose relieve*. Guaranteed at 50c and $! (0 by J. T. Reese and Dr. Paul Per.isio i. i’r:al bottle free. THE BEST MEDICINE t* WOMEN If you are nervous and tired out continually you could have no clearer warning of the approach of serious female trouble. Do not wait until you suffer un bearable pain before you seek treat ment. Y ou need Wine of Cardui now just as much as if the trouble were more developed and the tor turing pains of disordered men struation, bearing down pains, leucorrhoea, backache and nead- ache were driving you to the un failing relief that W ine of Cardui has brought hundreds of thousands of women and will bring you. Wine of Cardui will drive out all trace of weakness and banish nervous spells, headache and back- to check. Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. If your dealer does not keep it, send the money to the Ladies’ Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., and the medicine will be sent you. WINE ?f CARDVk PIMPLES "1 tri<' l »’l kinds of blood rnmcdieq which f.iilod to do me any good l»ut I linvo found th** rfulifc llilm* nr. Iiiwt. My f !»<•«• wan full of pi tuples him! black- heads. After taking CaxrnrnU they nil |».ft I nut continuing the imo of them and ri*cninni«ndit a thorn to my frionds. I fool fine when 1 rise n the jnnrnlntr. Ilopo to havo a chance to rccotumentl Cad carets. ’’ fc’rwl C. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N. J. Best For ■ The Bowels CANDY CATHARTIC PleaRTnt. Palatable. I'otcnt. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10c. *«’.»<•, .»0<:. Never sold in hulk. The genuine tahlot stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money hack. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 595 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES Walking delegates usually ride at the expense of others. Cured his Mother of Rheumatism. "My mother lias been a sufferer for many years from Rheumatism."says W. H. Howard, of Husband, Peunsylvana. “At times she was unable to moveat all while at all times walking was painful I presented her with a bottle of Cham berlain's Pain Balm aud after a few ap plications she decided it was the most wondenful pain reliever she had ever j tried, in fac-t. slit- is never without it I now and is at all times able to walk. An ' occasional application of Pain Balm 1 keeps away the pain she was formerly : troubled with." For sale by Holt & ' Oates. It should he horn-' i:i mind that every cold weakens th • lungs, low ers the vitality and prepares the system for the more serious dis eases, among which are the two greatest destroyers of human life, pneumonia and consumption. Chambsrlain’s Cough Remedy has won its great popularity hy its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It aids expectoration, re lieves the lungs and opens the secretions, effecting a speedy and permanent cure. It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. Price 25c, Large Size 50c. WIRE SETTEES FOR YARDS k CEMETERIES, STRONG AMO OUftAStE. W!tL NOT ROT AND FALL DOWN UHE THOSE MAOE OF WOO: WIRE AND IRON TREE BOXES EASILY ADJUSTED AND A SURE PROTECTION FOR YOUNG TREE3. FLOWER POT STANDS. STR9N0 Ad# real CONSTRUCT?#. MOUNTED ON CASTORS. HANDSOMELY FINISHED IN GREEN ANO GOLD BRONZE. WEATHER VANES FOR CHURCHES ANO SCHOOLS — ANO PRIVATE RESIDENCE. A COMPLETE LINE ON HAND ALSO, WIRE AND IRON FENCES AND POULTRY NETTING. DOW WIRE WORKS CO. Louisville, Ky* S. C. CARTER & CO., OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON., GLEANING, DYEING ANO PRESSING. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Why throw awny your old clothes, when just ulittle work and :i very -mall expenditure will m;'ke them the eoual of new suits. Cabbage Plants & Sea Island Cotton Seed Cabbage Plants for sale, and now ready for delivery. “Early Jersey Wakefield” and "Charleston Large Type WaKefield". two earliest sharphend varieties and head in rotation as named. "Succession.” "August a Trucher" and" Short Stem Flat Dutch" the A best- flat-head varieties and head in rotation a: named. Prices: Hinkle thousand, *1 50 - 5 000 and over 41.25 per 1000; 10,000 and over. $1 per 1000. Terms: Cash with order; or plants sent C O. D., purchaser paying return charges on money. Our plant beds occupy S3 Hcres on South Car olina Sen Coast, and we understand growing them in the open nir; tough and hardv- they will stand severe cold without injury. Plants crated for shipment weigh 20 lbs. per lOoO a’nd we have special low rates for prompt transportation hy Southern Express Co. I know of other plants you can buy cheaper than mine. I sell good plants. No cheap “cut rate" plants shipped from my (arm I guarantee those that I ship to be true to type and name, and grown from nigh grade seedC pur chased from tw o of the most reliable seed houses ih the United States. I will refund purchase price to any dissatisfied customer at end of season. Our Cotton Seed, hint of our Long Staple variety of Sea Island Cotton sold last vear in ( harleston on Dee. 2. at i!2c per pound. See-1 41.23 per bu. lots of M hu. and over >1 per' hu My specialty Prompt Shipment. True Varieties, and Satisfied Customer- I have h ■ in the p'.a t iisiuess for thirty-five years. f flFRATY “T he Cabbage Plant Man’ id. Ci tllln I I} p 0sr u U d Telegraph t iffice Youngs Island, S, t. -