The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, February 01, 1905, Image 4

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Local News Tin ^tRl)t*<'ii-moBthR'Ol(l child of Mr. mill Mi- VV A Pott* tliiH morn- injr ut tlivir homo tlin *; miles soutli ol tlin city Tin' liral tijplione syntein is being greatly mproved. (’allies are being HlrniiK lill'l most of the wires will be plm-ei] 111 them Kareli i‘. fifty. D'j«.r strut. High t Ins- Restaurant for whit* p« oi-1* . b*tr- . vim |iromjit, ami tables supplied ' y ln-st tbo market afford.- Lunches 15c; ilin- linre, 25c. Lost or Strayed—About Dec. 2Hrd, a 1 white i.n*i red spotted ling, weight about l«M) pounds. Will )>ay for return to D. ! A. K rimer, Cndar Creek Madras, Route j No. J. '■it j Htrayud or Stolen—From niv place , nbnnt two we* ks ngo, a Jersey heifer! Tietween two and three years old. Suita I Lie reward will be paid for return. W. C. Wright. Newiian, (la. Dr Wiilit+y “the Apostle of Sun shine, will appear nt the Auditorium Monday evening, Feb. flth, as tins tilth attraction of the Alkahest Lyceum Oonrse. Mr. J S. Powel, the well known and popular cotton buyer for tho Howell (lotton Ho., has lieen transferred from Nownnn t<i Httlma, Ala. His friends here regret his departure from the city. The New York Bnrgain House is hav ing u great clearance sale to mmn room for apnng and summer stock. Prices have been cut on everything. This is a rare chance to buy desirable, staple goods at reduced prices. Dr A. C. Pease, one of the oldest cit- i/ons of the city, suffered a Htroke of pa ralysis several days ago and is at pres ent at the Davis & Turner Sanatorium, llo is improving and will reoover. Dr. Pease has numerous friends and all re gret his illness. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. The Kind You Nm Always Bought Bears the Uicutttve of (.jlmfTjr ToUeJfa/. CAR OF SYRUP AND SUGAR AT NEW ORLEANS PRICES Orr 6 Powell DON’T RECOGNIZE DEFEAT. I'r*.**- timV SlHithiMiil liy Ilnttlin. on Hrsirl) Slier Hrvrrart, After 111,000 of Napoleon's soldiers liiul Is t u tiverwheluietl by the advance 7fi(SHi Mistrian trtsips lie addressed them thus "I am displeased with you. You have evinced neither tlisclpllne nor valoi You Save allowed yourselves to Lt- driven fron posllions wLert ■ hand fid of resolute incu might have arrest- isi an army. You are no lunger French soldiers. Chief' of stuff, muse it to he .written on their standards, 'They are no longer of the army of Italy.’" In ttars the battered veterans re plied "\V< liavt been misrepresented. The soldiers of the enemy were throe to (iii Try us ome more. Place us In tla i-osi of danger and see if we dp nut belong to the army of Italy." In tht lit 11 ha11It they were placed in the Van. and they inutlt good their pledge liv rolling Imelc the great Austrian ar my. lit is a pretty poor sort of man who loses courage and fears to face the World inst because be has made a mis take or a slip somewhere, because Ids •business has failed, because bis prop erty has been swept away by some gen eral disaster or beoiiusc of other trou tile mi] mssiMe for him to avert. This Is the test of your manhood, How much is there left in you after you have lost everything outside of yourself! If you lie down now, throw tip your hands and acknowledge your- ttclf worsted there is not much In you. But If with heart undaunted and face •turned forwurd you refuse to give up or to lose faith In yourself, if you scorn to l*eat n retreat, you will show that the man left lu you is bigger than your lees, greater thun your cross and larger tin. ti any defeat ‘‘1 know no such unquestionable liatlge utid ensign of a sovereign mind," Miid Emerson, "as that tenacity of pur *fMSt which, through alt ehuugtte of -companions or parties or fortunes, changes never, bates no jot of heart or Jwpt. but wearies out opposition and arrives ut its port." It is meu like Ulysses S. Grant, who. whether in the conflict of opposlug ar- Hut* on the battlefield or in the wear and tear of civic strife, fighting against *everses battling for a competence for his loved oues. even while the hand of 4*eath lay chill upon him. "bates uo jot •f heart or hope." that wring victory font the most forbidding cireiiro- ataaces lt is men like Napoleon, who aefuse to recognise defeat, who declare 4hat "lutposslble" is not in iheir rocab- wlaries that accomplish things.—Sue- A Fitting Opportunity For every good dresser in Newnan TO get perfect Satisfaction ■ as to Fabric, Fit and Fashion, at no greater cost than that of ordinary kind, will be offered on the 10th and 11th of February at our Grand Opening of Spring «»<< Summer Textures W E will show you the LARGEST array of smart fabrics for Gentlemn's Apparel ever displayed here, constituting over 500 styles from the great Tailoring House of Schloss Bros. & Co. Baltimore whose expert cutter and fitter will he here to take your measure, and tell you about the latest things in Gentlemen’s Styles, and what particular cut and cloth will best suit your "style of beauty.” If you are interested in ECONOMY and at the same time STYLISH A1TAREL you don’t want to miss this opportunity Barnett, St. John Cs Co. Newnan, - - Ga. DEATH OF DR. WELLBORN. Relatives in this city were noti fied this morning of the death of Dr. A. W. Wellborn, who passed away in Columbus. He was for merly a resident of this place and has a number of relatives and many friends here. Mrs. W. B. Orr, of Newnan, and Mrs. Matti^ Thomas, of Union Springs, Ala,, are nieces of the deceased, who was also related to the well known Calhoun and Hill families. The funeral of Dr.Wellborn will occur in Newnan tomorrow [Thursday! morning. Miss Sadie May Powel is visiting friends at Jackson, Ga. Mrs. Sam Conyers is visiting relatives at Cartersville, Ga. Dr. A. C. North is ill at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. Frank Cole. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Walker entertain ed several friends at Dominos Monday evening. Miss Elizabeth Qainn, of Washing ton. Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Herndon Murray. Contract for remodeling and repairing the Presbyterian church has been given to W. S. .Askew & Co. The improve ments contemplated will probably cost A 1,800. Tlse Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has beOn in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of — and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. /■CcccAaki Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “.Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of lal'anta and Children—Experience against Experiment, What is CASTOR IA Cavtoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Childreu’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. s TMC CtNTAUR COMPANY, Tt MURRAY STRICT, NtW YORR CITY. For Artistic Job Printing Measured by Modern Standards TRY THE NEWS JOB OFFICE Satisfactory Work and Prompt Dlivery Guaranteed Let us do Your “W A S H I N G” The Coweta Steam Laundry “ wants to do your washing.” The best equip ped laundry plant, in a city of New- nan’s size, in the South, is at your service for this purpose. It is in charge of an expert and under new management, and is being conduct ed strictly as a business enterprise on business principles. Patrons are expressing entire satisfaction with the quality of work turned out and our business is increasing rap idly; but the capacity of our plant is not yet taxed to the limit, and we want to do laundry work for more people. We are giving 20 per cent, discount on family washing. This in cludes everything except shirts, shirt-waists, collars and cuffs. Let us have your “washing.” Our work will please you. COWETA STEAM LAUNDRY Newnan, Georgia.