The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, February 01, 1905, Image 5

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Personals and Society Notes Miss Kate Suead is visiting relatives in LaGrange. Little Marjorie Snead is quite sick witli la grippe. Mrs. Annie Simril is out again, after an illness of two weeks. Mrs. E. S. Deut is suffering from a painful attack of la grippe. Mrs. Paschal, of Marietta, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. B. Edge. Miss Stella Btadfleld, of La Grange is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Gray. Miss Louise Peddy spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Julia Harris at Paris. Miss Alma Arnold is visiting her brother. Mr. John Arnold, at College Park. Miss Martha# Orr was the guest last week of her sister. Mrs. T. P. Zellars, in Palmetto. Mr. and Mrs. George Ware, of Atlau- tn, spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Walker. Mrs. E. D. Fouse returned last week from Memphis. Teun., where she had been visiting relatives. Miss Mary Orr has returned to New- nan, where she will in the future reside. — Griffin News and Sun. Local News of Newnan Great bargains in s tationery at Reese's Drug Store. tf Call and see our bargains in station ery. Reese's Drug Store. tf CAUGHT BY THE GRIP. RELEASED BY PE-RU-NA. zxxzxxxxxxxxxxxxzxjLXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^j *hat it u, saving on public J. C. Anderson,Dentist Newnan. Ga. Salbide Bldg., quite sick Miss Corrie Cole, of Haralson, was the guest of. Miss Pauline Cole, in this city, several days reoontly. Miss Carrilu Gibson expects to leave next Saturday for Jacksonville, Fla., where she will spend a month. Mrs. Guy Cole will entertain the Salmagundi Club on Thursday after noon, Feb. fltli, at 2:80 o’clock. Miss Elizabeth Jemison, of La Fay- •tto, Ala., is expected next week to be the guest of the Misses Burpee. Miss Lillie. Bradley, daughter of Mr.; and Mrs. G. R. Bradley, is among the ■offerers with 1ft grippe this week. Mrs. N. E. Powel’s numerous friends will be glad to learn that she is recover ing from her recent attack of la grippe. Miss Blanche Hnen, of Atlanta, ac companied by her little niece, Pollie Bridges, is visiting relatives in the city Mrs. W. W. Draper, of Atlanta, is spending some time in the city, the guest of her daughter. Mrs. H. H.North. Mrs. Mattie Thomas left Wednesday morning for her home in Union Springs, Ala., after a very pleasant visit to Mrs. W. B. Orr. The many friends of Mis. T. L. Camp will learn with regret of her extreme illness, She is suffering with tousilitis and la grippe. Mrs. Sanders Gibson, Mrs. Alton Arnall and Miss Martha Orr left this week for Jacksonville, Fla., where they will visit Mrs. P. L. Sutherland. Miss Bettie Quinn, the guest of Misses Rose and Louise Dibble, leaves Monday fur Newnan, Ga.. to visit her sister, Mrs. Herndon Murray.—Tuesday's At lanta Constitution. Mrs. S. C. Hill, of Newnan, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Colquitt Carter. Mrs. Carter expects as her guest next week her sister, Mrs, Cal houn Hill, of Newnan.—Atlanta Jour nal. Mr. R. H. Hardaway with la grippe. Visit Boone's continued clearance an clean-sweep sale. Mr. Vedder Steed, of Palmetto, was in the city last Mondoy. Many money saving opportunities await your buying at Boone's. D. T. Mauget & Co.. wholesale grocers and jobbers, Newunn. Ga. * High back oak rocking chairs, HSc. at Newnan Furniture Co. Greatest money saving opportunities in clothing at Boone's. Mr. Robert Bower. o1 Dixie, sp- nt a few days last week with relatives in the city. Mr. Birch Hardaway,of Rocky Mount, spent Tuesday in the oily. Money to loan on real estate Pt 7 per oent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. Just, received, two car-loads of coal at 95 per ton. Cates Coal Co. Just rcoeived, two car-loads of coal at 95 per ton. Cates Coal Co. Col. Sidney Holderness, of Carrollton, was a visitor to Newnan last Saturday. Mr. D. S. Cnttino, who has been quite sick for several days, is out again. Mr. Cleveland Orr, who has been quite sick with la grippe, is able to te ont. Chamois vests and chest protectors for men and women at Reese’s Drug Store. For cold and la grippe take Bowman’s ‘‘Cold Care.” Fore sale at Reese’s Drug Store. Mr. P. L. Sutherland, of Jacksonville Fla., was the guest of Mr.W.B. Orr and family, recently. Mr. W.J. Hardaway, of Atlanta,spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. D. W. Boone. Mr. Burwell Pope is convalescing af ter an illness of ten days —Atlanta Sun day Journal. ' The famous Watkins watermelon seed for sale by C. P. Stephens <X, Co., New nan, Ga. dt Our “Syrup White Pine with Tar” will cure that cough and cold. Por sale at Reese’s Drug Store. Prof. J. C. Woodward, of College Park, was greeting friends in the city last Monday. Bring me your hidt s. Highest prices paid. boards » >s lVruna ttxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr L - spares no class or nationally. The cultured and the ignorant, the aristocrat and the pauper, the masses and the classes are alike subject to In grippe. None are exempt— all are liable. Have you I be grip? Or, rather, lias the grip got you? Grip is well named. The original French term, la grippe, has been shortened by the busy Ameri can to read “grip.” Without intending to do so a new word has been coined that exactly describes t-lio case. As if some hideous giunl with awful (ini l* had clutched us in itr. fatal clasp. Men, women, children, whole (owns mid cities are caught in the baneful grip of a ter rible monster. The fo/-owiug letters speak for them selves as to the efficacy of Peruna tn cases of la grippe or its after effects. After Effects of La Grippe Eradicated by Pe-ru-iM. Mrs. Fred Weinberger, Westcrlo, Albany County, N. Y., writes: “Heveral yeaiH ago 1 had an uttuck of la grippe which left iny nerves in a prostrated condition. Then i hud un- other attack of la grippe Which left me worse. I hud tried three good physicians but all in vain. I gave Peruna atrial. In u short time 1 was feeling better and now 1 am as well as anyone.”— Mrs. i Fred Weinberger. Hon. James K. Guilt of Omaha. lion. James R. Uuill is one of the oldest and most esteemed men of Omaha, Neb. lie bus dune much to make it number of times, lie etulort in Hie following words: ‘•1 am IIS years old, am hale and hearty, and Peruna has helped mo attain it. Two years ago I had In grippe—my life was despaired of. Perune. saved mo.”— .1.11. Ouill. I A Relative of Abraham Lincoln. • Mr. Silas S. Lincoln, who Resides at !d:t I. Street, X. W., Washington, 1). the honor of being third cousin to Abraham Lincoln, lie writes: “ l had la grippe five times before using your medicine. Four years ago i begun the use of Peruna, since which time 1 have not hern troubled with thaw disease. 1 can now do as much work at my desk as l ever could in my life. L have gained more than ten pounds j.» weight.”—S. S. Lincoln. Pe-ru-na Not Only Cured La Grippe but Benefited the Whole System. Miss Alice M. Dressier, lltlllX. Itryatil Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., writes: “Last spring I suffered from la grippe and was partially cured hut the bad after effects remained through the sum mer and somehow* 1 did not get strong as 1 was before. One of my collega friends who was visiting mu asked nu» to try Peruna nml l did so and found il ail and more tlypn I bad expected. Ik not only cured me of tlie catarrh hut restored me to perfect health, built up the entire system nnd brought a happy* feeling of buoyancy which I had not known for years.”—Alice M. Dressier. , An Actrcu’ Testimonial. 1 1 Miss Jean Oowgltl, Griswold Opera Mouse, Troy, X. Y., is the leading lady with the Aubrey Block Oo. She write* the following: During the past winter of 11*01, l suffered for several weeks from a severe attack of grippe, which left a serious catarrhal condition of the throat and head. “Some oue suggested Peruna. As a last resort, after wasting much time and money on physicians,. I tried the remedy faithfully, and in a few weeks was as well uh ever.”—Jean (,’owglll. A Southern Judge Cured. 4 Judge Horatio .1. Goss, Hartwell, Ga., writes: “Some live or six years ago 1 had a very severe spell of grippe, which left me with systemic catarrh. A friend advised me to try your Peruna which I did, and was immediately benefited and cured. The third bottle completed the cure.”—11. J. Goss. J f > mi do not derive prompt and satis* factory results from the use of Peruna, write atone,) to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you Ida valuable ad* v ice g rat Is. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Hunlturiiim, Columbus, O. G. O. CARMICHAEL. For Stile—Nice rubber tire buggy :1ms been used but a short time. G. P Wil kinson, Newnan. Ga. ; lt A. C. Robinson is in Troup and Heard counties on a business trip and will be away from Newnan about three weeks. The New York Bargain House,Greene- ville St. That’s all. Go there and learn The New York Bargain House is liv ing up to its name and reputation during its great special sale. Fortin work, roofing, plumbing re- j airing see T. M. Martin. Shop below Arnall & Farmer. Wood Wanted,—500 cords of dry pine. Addresser 'phone E. C. Good- wyn, Newnan, Ga. Go to the New York Bargain House and wee tiie rare bargains they are offer ing the people. If yon buy it at the New* York Bargain House during that special clearance sale, you'll get it cheat). Gates Coal Co,, at ’Phono 117. railroad junction. Hpecial attention to till mail orders. Boone’s. The Popular Grocers. We are now in our new quarters at Far mer Bros., stand, and better prepared than ever to serve our customers. —Call on us for— Miss Elizabeth Gray entertained at Dominos last Friday evening in honor of her guest, Miss Stella Bradlield. The' prize, a pretty lace handkerchief, was ■won by Miss Mary Goodrum. Oysters were served. Mrs. Wade Dent was hostess to the Euchre Club last week. The prizes were a beautiful water color and a pin cushion, won by Miss Lizzie Arnold and Miss Julia May Hackney. Hot chocolate and wafers were served Friday afternoon Mrs. W. C. Wright entertained a number of her friends in honor of her guest, Mi&6 Gertrude Eber- hart, of Columbus. A pleasant after noon was spent playing Domino Whist, and after an exciting game it was found that Miss Bessie Powell and Mrs. P. B. Murphy were the fortunate winners of the pretty prizes. At the conclusion of the game a turkey course was served. Mrs. Wright is always a gracious hos tess, and her party Friday afternoon, like all her previous entertainments,was a decided success. On last Thursday afternoon at the hospitable home of Mrs. W.C. McBride, Miss Corille Hardaway entertained the Salmagundi Club in a most delightful manner. Domino Whist was the game enjoyed during the afternoon; Miss Gertrude Eberhart being the winner of the first prize and Mrs. N. B. Hudson the consolation. At the close of the contest a delicious salad course was “Sunshine,” Monday night, should attract a large audience at the Audi torium. Mr. Tom Dent’s friends are glad to see him in Newnan again, after a long absence. served. Those present on this happy occasion wore, Mesdames W. C. Mc Bride, R. D. Cole, Jr., M. F. Cole, Lewis Hill, Mike Powell. Otis Jones, Joel Ramey, W. B. Pringle, W. C. Wright, Calhoun Mill, N. B. Hudson, Thos. Cole, J. T. Fain; Misses Corille Hardaway, Lucile Thompson, Elizabeth Gray, Frankie King, Nelle Potts, Annie Powell, Louise Smith, Willie Hughey, Gertrude Eberhart, Neiia Lou Walton, Lizzie Arnold and Emma Potts. The next meeting will be with Mrs. E. G. Cole. Dr. G. A. Nunnally is in Monroe, where he was called by the death of his brother-in-law; Mr. G. O. Lunceford. who passed away last Tuesday. The deceased was 75 years of age and was one of the oldest and best known citizens of Walton county. Mrs. T. M. Goodrum was the lovely hostess at a dinner Sunday, given in honor of Miss Bradlield, of La Grange. Those present were: Misses Mary Good- rum, Lucile Thompson, Annie Will Redwine, Elizabeth Gray and Stella Bradlield and Mr. N. L. North. For Sale—A second-hand writing desk or secretary, in good condition, at low price. K. H. Bowman. Life is not as bright as it should he without Dr. Willits’ “Sunshine.” Don’t miss it; Monday, Feb. tith. We have just made up a large line of car spring steel plows, the best plow made for farmers. Merck & Dent. D. T. Manget& Co., wholesale grocers and jobbers. Large fresh stock. Prices right. We sell to merchants only. * Col. W. L. Stallings has removed his law office to the court house and will be found in the office of the County Com missioners. Our stock is one of the largest, clean est and most varied ever shown in New nan. Yon can put your dollars on extra duty by visiting our store. Boone’s. Did you ever hear “Sunshine?” You will have an opportunity of delightfully enjoying it, as dispensed by Dr. Willits, Monday, Feb. 6th, at the Auditorium. Messrs. Young Scroggins and John Morris went to Turin last Sunday to at tend the marriage of Mr. James Askew and Miss Marilee Bailey. Call on J. T. Holmes, real estate agent, if you desire to rent, buy or sell a home, vacant lot or farm. Office at J. W. Stripling & Son's. * Fancy and Family Groceries, Fine Cigars and Tobacco. Our stock is by far the completes! we have, ever had, and we can easily and cheaply and tjuiekly supply your eating wants. Call to see us, or 'Phone Your Wants. C. P. Stephens St Co. Merck & Dent. After your Carriage has been repaired at our shop it’s as good as new— not only looks so, but is so. You see we replace unsound parts of body, wheel, top or shaft and re store the “style” by smart re-up holstering and careful repainting and revarnishing. If your vehicle looks “a bit seedy” come around here and get our estimate on ju dicious re furbishing and real strengthening. BUGGY BUILDERS