The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, February 22, 1905, Image 4

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IKE NEWMAN NEWS. Irsjeci Every Wednesday. J T. PAIN, Editor and Publisher. Subscription rate. $1.00 fee, year. [■'FieiALtPAPER OF COWETA. CQUNTY._ ’Phone No. 20. NORTHEN ROASTS SOCIAL PLACING. i From Tlx- Atlanta Journal. i CARD 1 Sargent. farm- rs ar<» not. doing much in nee unt of th- had'.vcatli- - at 1 playjng. with n prize hung n]> for rli*. winners. is xondninm I by ex- Gov. \V. J. Northern. u a can! which he ha- writreu in support *.f tlie charge of Judge Martin to the grand jury of 0*FiCt UP STAIRS IM THE WILCOXON BLDG. Pulaski county lb .-n-ioi-s all that jurl^x had to say about, such nmus< - Tne Japanese |)->int with espe cial pri'le to their development of the surgical corps of the army. It must be admitted that the Japa nese have very deftly amputated a number of Russian pretensions. William J- Bryan is a Presby- lennn, ;.nd m vi-w .if lhat fact, tin following n-ntark recently matin by him is entitled to rank 11 h a witticism : “The doctrine of election has given ni« a good deal of trouble., religiously and other wise”.— Albany Herald. Tin irn mis of the late Mr. Sam Raver, of Newnan, are contem plating erecting a monument to Ins memory, and placing it over bin grave, \V<- hope this will be done, as Mr. Favor was such a noble follow and did so many acts ol kindness, benevolence and charity t>> s>> many people while he lived.—Fayetteville News. par.y given at and Mrs. G. L. ved v-tv much 3t at Mr. Saturday It should Vie a matter of local pi ide with merchants to gi v>* t heir local newspapers the lion's share of lh<-ir advertising expenditures. Good, prosperous looking newspa pers help wonderfully in promot ing tlie prosperity of uny com munity, and what helps t he com munity helps every one therein.— Advertising World. Th work er. The Valentn t h-- horn- if M Warren was • i by al! present. The G. L. A. D. Club m niciit. niirees with him thut it is gamh- Hami . Ms last lin^r atul thinks tlx* conditions should he j night. checked at once. ; We hav-* rec ived our books and Governor Northen's card follow-: {they are fine. W- will have the Editor Journal: ! have . ust r- ad |^jp >ra ,-y j n t,lje church at Sargent. Judas Martins charge to the grand * . jury ol l’ulu-Ui county, published in this day's issue of the Journal. You tliirtl Saturday night, did well to give this strong deliverance miss Susie Fenny spent several such prominent place in the paper. 1< ,] u ys with her cousin, Miss Etta is a most admirabledocument. It reads ■ well and it lias boeu given to the people ... , at. a most opportune time. If the judge’s R * v - MoL* id filled Ins regular grand jury will only measure up to his appointment, at N (, \v Lebanon fsat- demands, radiml and much-needed re- urday and Sunday, forms will he entered upon, for the bet- Mr . Keubin Marlow has been ferment of our industrial conditions and v j s jjj rt . m , rr ^ onr social systems an well. ,. . . , , , Whilst I heartily indorse every word; ^anilor- Hl « h ^ h ° o1 in the charge.! desire to give my strong-j several dollars lor the Orphans est approval to what Judge Martin says , Home recently, about gambling. His statements, if M j 9(: inn N! i-u’ . of Carrollton, true, ore worthy to be repeated, ao that i jg ,v w days with her some check, if not complete restraint, may be put upon what lie culls gam-: lil8tHr » nf?n ‘ ! ‘ urK ”' M • blingin our homes. He says: i Mr. hrank Mon is, of Carrollton, "1 charge you that society came over last Sunday, they male or female, who form social | Mrs. pj, ; |;,.tt, ol Riverside, lias clubs and meet from time t^tiine at tl.e | been v „ ry jjj with la grijipe. Mr. Millard Jackson nurne a homes of the members and play whist, j progressive euchre, flinch, trail, bunco or any other game with curds or like de vices for valuable prizes purchased with funds to which the players have con tributed, are as much guilty of violating the law against gambling as the veriest plchiuns who hover around a lightwood knot fire and play seven-up, or poker, or skin for the paltry pennies and liirK- els, and tlm person knowingly permit ting such playing ut his or her house is as guilty of the offense of keeping and maintaining a gambling house, as is the j proprietor of the den in some hack alley where gambling is practiced. Quit you Hying visit to Roscoe Sunday. Mrs. H. H. Warren has been on the sick list for several days. Mrs. Ida Sowell from Douglas, huH been visiting her son, Mr. Ben Sewell. Miss Mary Sewell, of Douglas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. LouisTarl- ton. J. 0. STEPHENSON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEPARTMENT STORE I carry everything" in Ladies and Gents* Furnishings, Dress goods and all small articles which are wanted by the people. Ladies shoes, hosiery, laces, rib bons, jewelry. Gents’ shoes; clothing, hats, caps, umbrellas. Groceries for table use of every description. Flour, meat, lard, hams, canned goods, sugar, col- fee, syrups, tobacco, corn, oats, hay, garden seed, and in fact everything in the grocery line. Remember we pay the highest price for country produce, but ter, chickens, eggs, and cured meats. OM-Eji IN HIGH grade fertilizers AND ACIDS JOHN C. STEPHENSON 164 PETERS STREET, STANDARD PHONE 376. ATLANTA. - GEORGIA. LEAGUE MEETING. The literary meeting of the Ep- | Mr. H. T. Daniel, of Palmetto, lias ■ J returued home from Drs. Davis and ! Turner’s Sanatorium, much improved in health. Mr. Dauiel is one of Pal met- 1 to’s foremost citizens and his friends nre I pleased to learn of the improvement in 1 ! his health. SOfUl (AKD PIAHSG. E1h< wh'*re in this issue of th Nows appears a reproduction, from th* Atlanta Journal, >>1 a latter written by Hon. W. J. North- on in support of the position taken by Judge Martin in refer* one,i to social card playing, in his recent sensational charge to the grand jury of l'ulaski county. .1 uag< Mart in’s chargt wan publish- nd m tin- daily papers, luitox-GoV. Nort lien's biter cjutoes enough of it to make tin .1 iidg-.’s position plain to thus-- readers ot the News who failed to r- ivd the report of hn remarks in th- daily papers. The N ws ib-sires t i call atten tion to on-* point in .1 n«1 u*■ Mar tin's ohnrg« which may I" over looked by many reatlers. ! 1 • * oharg-d the Pulaski grand jury that people who met to play any kind of social gaun lor ‘‘val uable prizes purchased with funds to which tie players have con tributed” are guilty of violating th.- laws against gambling, lie <1 nl not include and the law does not include (according to opinions of able lawyers and jurists) those cases where a so Lai club, or a number of people, meet and are entertained by a friend ami play for prizes paid for by the host or hostess. This is an important point in law; marking the bounds where innocent amusement ceases to be such and'becomes gambling, when each of the players is finan cially interested in the prize con tended for and thereby hazards something of intrinsic value in the game; or. in other words, makes a wager or bet on the result of the game. The News does not propose to inak. an indiscriminate charge of gambling against all persons who engage in social card playing or other games, playing lor prizes. In the eyes of the law they are not gamblers. The moral aspect ol' the matter and the question of in dulging in innocent amusement- to excess, however, are questions for discussion on a higher plane thaD that of ainenablcnees to the civil law. like be strong,’ and ^hen weiRl.ed ~ h L ; wj]1 oc ~, r next F rf. I R. S. Paris the barber, has sold his in tin* balance ol duty be found not, . ® ... | shop in the old opera house building to wanting. Strike at this evil in the high day night at the Methodist parson- ^ ^j r Bailey, from Louisiana. Mr. j places as well a- in low places, with all age. An interesting program will Pam ^<1 f aim i y W jn remove to Atlanta your might. It is not. less criminal to j ie rendered for the occasion. All I at an early date where he will begin the j play for a silver < .ml < use than for u 0 f t } le y 0ung people are cordially study of. stenography. Mr. Paris is a plain silver dollar as it conn s from the j nv ^ te( j to at tend the meeting. : Peasant gentleman and good citizen and mint.” 6 ‘ - Newnau regrets to lose him. Judge Martin seems to have come to ; the kingdom for u purpose, and 1 desire, | 1 jOCRiI in this public way. to give him my un qualified support iu the reforms he lias so vigorously begun Tlie J. C. Lewis’ Si Plunkard Co., which is billed for the Auditorium next | Saturday night, presents a talented D. T. Mangot A Co., wholesale grocers j company of actors and comedians in uu and jobbers. Newuan, Ga. * ! entirely new vetsiou of the well known ! comedy success, Si Plunkard. Re-writ- ten and re-constructed. All new fea- Hi>s- We offer for sale three Singer ma chines, used but little, woodwork slight ly ih baoed. for $2S; worth $90. Call at once at Singer Store. Newnan. Dr. Joseph Hume, of New Orlean tures, new novelties, everything new but the title. Marion Lewis, the dashing and ever pleasing soubrette ol‘ the J. C. Lewis Si Ln., who is well known in Newnan,was piunkar(] Co is n winsouie little lady, the guest of Mr. W. P. Pringl a couple of days last week. Col. W. G. Post and Mr. H. C. Glover j Miss Hatty were in Greeueville the first of this Petition for Charter. GEORGIA. Coweta County The petition ol tlie Grautvilf iery Mill- respectfully show-; 1. That it is n corporation duly incor porated under the laws ot said State by order of said Court at the September term IMMt thereof, with th*- right to in crease its capital -to k to an amount not exceeding One Hundred Thousand Dol lars. 2. That it is now and ever has been loiug business under its suid charter with it,- principal off -e nod place of bus iness at Omntville, said State and county t. At a meeting of its shareholders | Newnan. regularly held at its principal office in j Mr. John Orr has purchased the Paver Grantville on the the 27th day of Janu- - residence in this city, at present occupi- ary, 100.5, of which due notice was given j e d by Dr. and Mrs. Lum Smith. Dr. 1 home - and left that place last Monday to the stockholders, and at which meet- , Smith and wile will probably remove to ing nil the stock was represented, the j Atlanta, following resolution was unanimously passed: "Resolved that, the charter of said corporation he so amended as to authorize an increase ol its capital stock toon amount not exceeding Three Hun- J.C. LEWIS In the new SI PLUNKARD A SCENIC PRODUCTION OF RURAL LIFE EVERYTHING NEW BUT THE TITLE The Funniest Street Parade Ever Seen week. attending Meriwether Superior Court. Will sell a few good, cheap machines, of other manufacturers, worth <22, for $12, during nest 30 days. Finger Store. a very clover artist and an elegant vo calist. She was formerly known ns | Dailey, and the past four r-* , seasons has played the Soubrette Role | I FIG l IflGSL of Dora Page, with the Si Plunkard Co' See Marion Lewis at Auditorium next tfcl Ofl Saturday night, Feb. 25th. Mr. J. H Cotter, formerly of Wash ington City, was in the city a few days last week, the guest of his father, Rev. J. W Cotter, and other relatives. From here lie went to LaGrange, his former Orches* the Road At Newnan Auditorium SATURDAY NIGHT FEB. 25 Admission 25, 50 and 75 cents dred Thousand Dollars”. 4. ln pursuance of said resolution, your petitioner prays an order of said court amending its said charter so as to authorize an increase of its capital stock closes. Remember, 1-3 ofl on all men e from time to time to an amount not I clothing and overcoats. Winter weight exceeding Three Hundred Thousand Dol- ; shoe- at factory prices, lars. Dr. G. A. Nunnally went up to Mad- 5. Petitioner .-how- that Fifty-two rag to j a y t0 deliver an address to the Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars of said capital stock has actually been paid in. for New Orleans, from which city he ; sails today for Panama, where tie will - hold a position in the United States J Call at Singer Store, in Newnau, and j j-overnment service. j. examine our new machine, just put on ] the market. It has ball bearings, is j noiseless and light running. Something | ^ m qwa Q I Jk entirely new. j I f» I j H. C. Glover & Co’s, great bargain i For Infants and Children, giving Mill End Sale will close Satur-; YOU WiU AlWajfS BlHI|ht day. See them for bargains before sale j • ® Bears the Reserved seats now on sale at BRADLEY'S DRUG STORE i Signature Startling but True. People the world over were horrified on learning of the burning of a Chicago theatre in which nearly six hundred people lost their lives, yet more than 5 times this number or over 3,000 people Wanted—Correspondents. The News wants a competent, j died from pneumonia in Chicago during t>. Your petitioner further prays that when so amended, it have the same right-, powers and privileges as granted to it uuder its said origmaJ charter as amended. This the 2lst day of February, 1905. W A. Post, Petitioners' Attorney. Filed in office thi6 Feruary 21et, 1906. L. Turner, C. C. S. C. GEORGLA, Coweta County. I, L. Turner, Clerk of the Superior Court in and for said county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original petition for amendment of it* charter, of The Grantvil'e Hosiery Mils ! as ap ; pupils and patrons of Madras High School, on the occasion of the celebra-, . . tiou of Washington’s birthday anni-1 hustling correspondent in every | the same year, with scarcely a passing versarv. j town, village and community ill i Every one of these cases Dr. D. H. Erown. of Sharpsburg. is at i Coweta county. To the i ight per- the Davis and Turner Sanatorium. Dr. son in each community The News Brown has been ill for several weeks, j w jjj ina ^e a proposition guaranteed aud his friends hope he will be greatly: 1 1 ° improved by his sojourn at the Sana-, to secure immediate attention. torium. Persons interested should call on Beware!—We understand that a party j or write to The News at once for is in Newuan for the pmyose of selling . f , tmrtieulare a lot of out-of-date, inferior serving | iurtner particulars. machines. Do not be deceived. j Old correspondents of The News, Singer Store, Newnan, . wish to continue to represent the paper, should also communi cate with us ; as they will thereby learn of something of great inter- tf pears of file and record in this office. Witnesss my hand and the seal of said Court, this 21st day of Feb.. 1906. L. Turker. C. C. S.C. | est. resulted from a cold and could have been prevented by the timely use of Dr. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. A great many who had every reason to fear pneumonia have warded it off by the prompt use of this remedy. The follow ing is an instance of this sort: "Too much cannot be said in favor of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy, and especially for colds and influenza. -I know that it cured my daughter, Laura, of a gevero cold, and I believe 6aved her life when she was threatened with pneumonia.” W. D. Wilcox, Logan, New York. Sold by Holt & Cates, Druggists, Newnan, Ga