The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, February 22, 1905, Image 7

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You can get it at REESE’S for If it is Furniture or Furnish ings tor any room in the house, you can have your wants sup plied at the store of E. O Ret*se. In this big stock the qualities and prices are so varied, there is such a wide range of prices, that any prospective customer is almost certain to make pur chases after seeing the goods. Remember that Reese’s is the store where you buy tuiy kind of musical instrument and save money by doing so. DEPOT 8T. E. O. REESE, NEWMAN, BA. DR. T. B. DAVIS, Residence ’Phone 5-three'calls. DR. W. A. TURNRB, Residence 'Phone 84. Davis & Turner Sanatorium, Corner College and Hancock Sts., Newnan, Ga. • “ High, central and quiet location All surgical and medical cases taken, except contagious diseases Trained nurse constantly in at- endance Rates $5 per day, $25 per week. Private offices in building. ’Phone 5-two calls. Davis & Turner Sanatorium. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. Iu Effect May, 1004. West Bound. No. 9 PM No. 1 AM No. 3 PM No. 10 AM 5 :us 10 00 I.v Gridin Ar 8 85 8 30 ft r>« 10 18 "Vnuiihuu 8 11 8 01 s 10 SO " HimioIii " l 40 7 !18 7 02 11 11 '* Ni-wnin " 2 UK 8 tfi 7 27 11 30 "... Whltenburg 1 44 8 20 7 65 12 06 "...-Carrollton.. " 1 16 A Ofi j or "..... 11.•*!mon " 11 4H ...... ^ 10 "....Coil nrtown... M | 11 27 3 *S8 ..Home ”, 10 41 8 48 •• Holland ", 10 02 B M* " byorlv 0 50 4 05 “ Raccoon - (A 40 4 lil Summerville — "! fl 82 - ... 4 *28 .-Trlon 9 i>2 4 48 La Payette...." 8 55 f> 10 "..ChlckamauKa.." 8 23 5 55 Ar..Chittuuoogu.. Lv 7 4ft P M AM ‘ELI LAYERS r,*—AASSiFTAS Jfiiffy down Kor Inform,tlon as to Rutes, etc., address* <5 W. CHEAR8, Y. J. R0HIN80N. Plv. Prkh Agent As,t. G. P. A., CbatUuooga, Tunn. Savannah, Ga. i>. A. NOLAN, J.r. HAILE. Agent, Gtnl. Fans Agent, Newnan. Ga. Savannah, Ga R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet i« enough for usual occasions The family bottle (60 centa) contains a supply for a year.Ail druggists sell them. Royal Elastic Felt Mattress. Is the concentrated downy effect of six layers of felted cotton of selected quality. In the concen tration there is no hardness. They are soft at first, and remain , so through years of constant use. Write for free booklet, •♦The Royal Way to Comfort?” '•,] If your dealer basn'tft, write us... PRICE We prepay PRICE •15.00*° 815.00 OKI MONTH’S TRIAL FRII. are preferred by teach ers on account of won derful tone quality, and remarkable durability. WE HAVE AN ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION TO MAKE YOU If you intend to purchase* a piano at any time in the near future. It will cost you nothing to learn what we have to offer. TMC HARVARD PIANO CO., Manufacturers, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Life I nsurance and High Finance. Relatively it is a small matter whether one man shall control a great insurance company by means of a majority of the stock or through the agency of the proxies of the uolicy-holders. But the manipulation and control of the immense assets of these corpora tions for purposes of promotion and speculation is a matter of the greatest public importance. However extravagantly the life insurance companies may be man aged, it is generally admitted thfkt complete protection is afforded’fo the policy-holders, but the policy holders are not the only persons interested. The insurance companies have now become the great agencies in high finance and trust exploitation. By means of the premiums paid by policy-holders they provide the money for’ these colossal schemes of financial centralization. The savings of the people in the form of insurance premiums are turned over to the captains of industry and used to control gas companies, electric-light companies, telephone companies, street-car companies, railway companies and various other forms of corporation activity. Wherever there is a consolidation of great public-service corporations to stifle competition and squeeze the public it will generally bo found that the money of a great life insurance company is behind it. Without the policy-holders’ money would be hard pressed for funds in its gigantic schemes of flotation. The insur ance purpose in life insurance has now become almost incidental to the speculative purpose. The differences in the Equitable Company, which were temporarily settled yesterday by a compro mise, have finally fastened public attention upon this extraordinary aspect of the life insurance busi ness. Real light has at last been thrown upon President RobSe* velt’s recommendation thaf'fhe powers of the Federal Bureau of Corporations be extended over the interstate business of the life in surance companies. In time the public may learn something about the most important part of modern life insurance—its relations with Wall street and the endless-chain means by which a few men arc able to control practically all the public utilities of the country at the expense of its 80,000,000 peo. pie.—New Yotk World. The Kind Tow Have Always Bought, and which has boon in use . for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-on-good” are but; Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Inftmts and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorta is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops, and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains' neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It ussimiiates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Merck & Dent, After your Carriage has been repaired at our shop it’s as good as new— not only looks so, but is so. You see we replace unsound parts of body, wheel, top or shaft andie- stcre the "style” by smart upre- holstering and careful repainting and revarnishing. If your vehicle looks “a bit seedy” come around here and get our estimate on ju dicious re-furbishing and real strengthening. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TV MURRAY •TAECT, NEW VOHfl CITY. BUGGY BUILDERS Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the Mother’s Favorite. Tiie soothipg and healing properties of this remedy, it# pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cares have made it a favorite with people evhryvthere. It is especially prized by mothers of small ^children, for colds, oroap and whooping congh, as it always affords quick relief, and as it contains no ppiam or other harmful drug, it may be given as confidently to a baby as to adult. For sale by Holt & Oates Druggists,Newnan, Ga. There is no honor among thieves. Agoniging Burns are instantly relieved and perfectly heal ed, by Bucklen’s-Arnica Salve. O. Riv- enbark, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., writes: “I bnrnt my knee so dreadfully that it blis- terd all over. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve stopped bbe pain, and healed it without a scar.” Also heals ail wounds and sores. 25c at J T. Reese’s aud Dr. Paul Peuiston's. The News’ and - a first ’ Alisa monthly agricultural ’ journal— The American Fatmet^both ope year for $1. Regular' price' of* Ole two Is $1,60.' A woman considers she is large minded when she judges a railroad president’s abilities by the necktie he wears. Cabbage Plants & Sea Island Cotton Seed Cabbage Plants for sail*, unci now ready fur(h'llvnry. “Early Jersey Wakefield” i\ml “Charleston Largo T y pe W a Kef le Id”, two earlirnt HlnnjditJiid varieties unci head in rotation tieninnWl. "Succession,” "Augusta Trucker" nnd" Short Stem Flat Dutch” the 8 best Hiit lieed vnrietleH and bond In rotation ut* mimed. Prleee: Mingle thutiHimd. fi. 00*) and Over 81126 per 100«); 10,000 nnd over, $1 per loon Terms: Cnsli with order: or plants sent C, (). U.. imrehiiHer pnylng return ehnrges on money. Onr pin id. beds oeeiipy Sift mires on South tlar- ollnn neaUniiHt. nnd we understand iirowing them ill the open tdr; tough end hardy ; they will stand severe cold without Injury. Plant* erated for shipment weigh ’JO lb*, per 10*10 ami we have Kpnetal low rate* fer prompt truMsportiitlon by Hnlitliern Bxpre** Co. I know of other plants you ean buy oheuner than mine. I .sell good pin tits. Nu cheap "cut rate" pi an ta shinned from my farm. I auarantoe thorn* that I ship to lie true to type and mime, and itrnwn from high grade seeds pur chased frein two of the moat reliable need houses in the United States. 1 will refund puronami priee to any dissutisflxl customer at cud of season. Our Cotton Rood. Lint Of our Long Staple variety of Sea Island Cotton sold last year In t'harleston on Disi. 2, at Ittf per pound. Heed 81.2ft per hit.; lots of 10 hu. and ovur |1 per bu. My specialty : Prompt Shipment, True Varieties, and Satisfied Customers. I have been in the plant iiuaincMs for thirty-five yearn. The Cabbage Plant Man” - Wm.C. CERATY, Pnetand Telegraph Office Youngs Island, S. C. - WOOS'! AMI SOT SEEK WATER MELON GROWN IN THK RUNNY SOUTH ‘Or—it rind, rad mast, full of Julea and ooswmI 'if you want quality, sweetness, and the best melons that it ’possible to grow, plant onr southam-grown melon sssd. North* or we«tern-grown melon seed doesn’t begin to compare, when y >consider the quality and product of the fruit produced. tfrtsttve SseO CataMuue tell* about tha beet matbsrs melm b0(Ferm sad OsideoMedt. It's mailed free for tbe asMst. ft. We are headfaarter, for Caw Mss. Sertkams, Seed Ctru. I Corn. IllKf. Sefs Ueaas, Velvet Beans, etc. Spools! | ll«t of Farm Beads mailed on request. **\W AT FACTORY PRICE. This roomy desk la constructed of solid oak, with quartered oak front, writing bed and top, rubbed and polished. Note the heavy con- • atruction of this dusk and compart it with the flimsy, light built kind. Everything is high- grade ; work and materials. 50 inches long, 4# inches hjgh, 30 Inches deep, three filing cases, enclosed by a short Voller curtain, and double drawer partitioned for books irt right pedestal.- 12 linen pigeon hole boxes included. Weight 210 lbs. Send for our apecial price. We will make an extra inducement to the one buying the first desk in each town. -» Kvery desk guaranteed. Money back if not just as represented. Send for circular which gives fuller particulars. INDIANA DESK C0. v Franklin, Ind. BURPEE’S 10 SEEDS-GROW AND? win more Prizes than the products of any other brand! Reside* several Gold Medals, they won a Grand Prize for vegetables at the St. Louis Exposition. MF* If you intend to try Burpee’s Seeds, we will mail free our Complete Catalogue of 178 pages, with. beautiful colored plates and illustrations from photographs taken at our famous Fokdhook Farms, the largest Trial Grounds in America. Write TO-DAY I JH. AT LEE BURPEE > CO., 5gossgt " 5 > PHILADELPHIA. The more children a woman raised the less het grandchildren think she knew about it. •, RW, very. easyJ^or a boy to get up « go to School when that igfhi* $layf of'playing hookey. : Having a cold is an awful nice thing lor yjour^wife to be able to experiment on : you with a lot of new remedies she read about. A girl’s waist is very elastic to fit any length of arm so snugly. A woman is at peace with her self when she is at war with a neighbor. A man always remembers his enemies, but he some times for gets his friends. It is not good for to be alone; that is why woman refuses to let him alone. A happy marriage is the usual result when love is adulterated with a little common sense. 7