The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, March 01, 1905, Image 5

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    Personals and Local News
.Society Notes of New nan
Miss Roeadelle Holmes is visiting: jlr. H. J. Leo. of Atlanta, spent <nn-
relatives in Atlanta. riav in tilts citv.
High back oak rooking 'hairs. 9S<-\ at
Newuan Furniture Co.
D. T. Man gat ik Co., wholesale grocers
and jobbers, Nowuau. Ga. *
Miss Grace Farmer visited friends at
Madras last week.
Mrs. M. B. Mooney is quite sick with
la grippe.
Miss Anna Boone, of Sargent, is > Mr: R. P. Ross, of Atlanta,
visiting Mrs. D. W. Boone. Monday night in the city.
Miss Belle Vernon King entertains | Money to loan on real estate pt 7 per
the Euchro Club this afternoon. i oeut. Apply to L. M. Farmer.
.Miss Coral Moses spent Saturday and | Hon. A. R. Burden visited Atlanta
Sunday at her home in Turin. | last Sunday.
Mrs. A. F. Sftnril has returned from j J. c. Anderson.Demist. Salbide Bldg.
The Grip Leaves Thousands in its Path
Weak, Nervous, Dyspeptic, Catarrh Wrecks.
Newuan, Ga.
For Sale—The John D. Favor
four years old. R. Hughes.
G. R. Bradley, F«q . was in Atlanta
Mr. Abner Camp' of Grautville, spent,
last Friday in the city.
' Hon, ,T. R. Terrell, of Greenevillo,
| was in the city Tuesday.
« short visit to relatives at Opelika.
Mrs. J. W. Hardaway, of Rocky
Mount, is visiting relatives in the city.
Miss Dollie Bailey is spending this
week with her sister, Mrs. Frank Flan- j yes terday.
€l ^ | Hon. Alvan D. Freeman was in At-
Mrs. A. M. Norris and little son, I la)ltft i Mt Monday.
Goodrum, are visiting 'relatives at Col
lege Hark.
Mrs. J. E. Dean, ql' Grautville, was
the guest last, Thursday ot Mrs. Kiln
,, ,, tvnn, I Miss Joo Swint is recovering from an
Mrs. Sam Conyers nas ret urned trom , .
. , ... illness ot two weeks duration,
an extended visit to relatives at carters-1
ville. i Col. Frank S. Loftin, of Frankliu,
Miss Rowena Turner will entertain j ^as in the city Wednesday,
the Domiuo Whist Club on Friday,
March JOth.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Colo entertained
a number of friends at tea Saturday
Mies Ruth Hardaway returned to
Shorter College Monday, after spending
a month at home.
Mrs. Howard Askew and little son, of
Atlanta, are visiting the family of Mr.
John Askew.
Misess Lynda Simril and Imogeue
Bimms leave today for New Orleans,
where they will spend a week.
Miss Frankie King entertained sev
eral of her friends at. a speud-the-day
party last, Thursday.
Miss Susie Barr, who has been visiting
relatives in New Orleans for some time,
is expected home next week.
Miss Emmie Young Conyers, who is
teaching sc/tool at Palmetto, spellt Sat
urday and Sunday at home.
Miss Mary Goodrum returned Sunday
from a short visit to her sister, Mrs. 1.
C. McCrory, at College Park.
Miss Annie Murray, who i- nrreiidillg
school u; Tu-keg."'. Alabama, i- spend
ing a lew days with the home folks.
Miss Mary Murray and Mr. Minor
Murray went to Atlanta last 1 hursday
to see “The .Sleeping Beauty and the
Fortin work, roofing, plumbing n
j airing sec T. M. Martin. Shop below
A mail & Farmer.
Mr. D. W. Boone leaves today for
New York, where he will spend a week
on business.
The famous Watkins watermelon seed
for sale l>y O. P. Stephens &. Co., New
uan, Ga. fit
Mr. James Bird, a good citizen of
Heard county, was in the fity last Sat
Reese’s Liver Regulator lor billions-
ness, Liver and Kidney troubles. 23e at
Reese’s Drug tore.
Farm For Rent—A good farm two
miles oast of Newuan. Good buildings.
Apply to A. B. Cato
Mr. David Cuttino wascalh-d to South
Carolina this week by the serious illntss
of his mother.
Bowman’s Headache Tablets cure
neuralgia and all kinds ot headache.
10c at Reese's Drug Store.
D. T. Manget& Co., wholesale grocers
and jobbers. Large fresh stock. Prices
right. Wo sell to merchants only. *
Mr. T. 1C. Atkinse :. of N'-witan, was
in the city dn Wednesday and Thurs
day of last week.—La Grange Graphic.
Reese’s Vegetable Liver Pills—every
bottle guaranteed. vAo at Reese's Drug
conntry, leaving behind scores rtf
physical wrecks.
Victims of catarrh of the head, catarrh
of the throat, catarrh of the lungs,
catarrh of the Btqinach, catarrh .of the
kidneys, catarrh of the pelvic organs
disease out of iny system ill a few (lays
utul did not hiuder me from pursuing
my dally work.
“ f should like to see our Hoard of
Health give it oflirial recognition and
have it used generally among our poor
sicl: peoplt iu (.treater New York.”—
are to be counted by hundreds of thou- j .loseph Ad Fit nil.
sands. Grip is epidemic, catarrh, and
bows the seed of chronic catarrh within
the system.
This is so true that f» w grip sufferers
are aide to make a oomph te reeov ry
until they have used Perum..
Never in the history of mtoiciue l as
a remedy received meh unqualified and
universal eulogies as Pyrtina.
A New York Aldermans Experience.
Hon, Joseph A. Fllnu, uh'.i-rnlon J ifth
Diatrict, writes from Hit <
Street, New York city, as follows:
“When a pt-iib.i.e ovcrinkot; our
psople wo take jireeuullon «- a ift:t > i. l• •
I .cserve (he citizens agailt-l lie ill* utl
The Free Kindergarten Association The Board o! County Commissioners
will meet at Carnegie Library oil Tlmrs- j Wils j n x'egnlar monthly s ssiou in the
day afternoon at 3 o'clock. All mem-1 house today.
bers and friends invited to be present, i , . .
j Bowman s <Jnrbol
Mrs. D. P. Wood root, Mrs, H. M. Ar- j 01 . Hums, Cuts; ui
riold, Mrs. H. C. Fisher’and Mr. and I Reese’s Drug Store.
Mrs, H. M. Fisher attended the funeral j
•• l.ii grippe has entered thousands of
our homes this tall, and I noticed that
the people who used l’eruiiu were quick- i
ly restored, while those who dept inle.l j
on doctor’s- prescriptions spent weeks |
In recovering, leaving i,. < * n i w ak and!
•• 1 hud tt slight ullte.'k of 1., grippe and :
at *)!iee took l’enina, which drove the]
D. L. Wallace, a charter member of the
Internattonul llarljer’s Union, writes
front 17> Western avenue, Mlnueapolis,
“Following a severe attack of la grippe
1 seemed,to tie affected badly all over. I
suffered with a severe bacliucbc, indi
gestion and numerous ills, so I could
neither etit nor sleep, and 1 thought. 1
would give up my work, which 1 could
not afford to do.
“One of my customers who was greatly
helped by Peruna advised me to try it,
amt 1 procured a tiottlc the same day. 1
used it faithfully and felt u marked im-
pi . v cmciit. During the next two months
I took five bottles, and then felt sj len-
i. . . Now my head is clear, iriy nerves
i sit adj, i enjoy food, and rest well. 1’e-
ruiiii ho- been worth a dollar a dose to
me.”—1). L. Wallace. ,
j Mr. • ). 11. Perry, Aleliison, Kansas,
i writes:
} “Again, after repented trials of your
i medicines, Peruna uuil .Maimlin, I give
ihi- a- my ' xpressdon of tlio wonderful
in its effects til my case after rppeateU
“First, H cured me of chronic bron
chitis of fifteen years’ standing by using:
two tint ties of Peruna in January, ISM,
and no return of 11.
“After 1 was cured of bronchitis f had
lu grippe every winter for aeveral win
ters. Hut, through the use of Peruna,
It got gradually weaker tu tts severity,
until it dwindled down to a mere stupor
for two or three .days. Now the stupor
dons not trouble me Hiiy more."—O. U.
A Congressman'* Experience.
House of Itnprnsentiitlves,
Washington, 1). C\
Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio,
Gentlemen—" 1 am more than satisfied
with Peruna, and find li to he au exoel-
b ut remedy fur the grip and catarrh. I
have used it in my family and they all
join me in recommending it ns an excel
lent remedy."
Y i r\ res pec'fully,
i ieorge 11. White.
I f you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from (he use of l’eruiiu,
write at onco to Dr. Hurttimii, giving i*
full statement of your case uml Ini will
lie pleased to give you Ills valuable ud-
vice gratis.
Address Dr, Mart man, President of
Tim Hartman (Sanitarium, Columbus,
■-nits of your very valuable medicine j Chiu.
.Judge A. J. Driver, ot' I-a Fayette, | The News hopes its reudith will over-
Ala.. who is tlm popular and efficient | look its short-comings during the next.
-d Family Salv
Bruises, "fie
Judge of the Probate < ’ourt of Chambers
county, Ala., was in r11*- city Wednes
Dr. D. H. Brown ha-
his home at Sharp-burg.
of Mrs. P.
11. Brewster at College Park
Nights, commencing Mon
day, March
Payton Sisters
25,35 AND 50 CTS.
Monday night Lem B. Parker's great; nia de for fanners,
rural comedy
The directors of the Bordan-Wheeler
' Springs Hotel Company held a business
meeting in this city Wednesday.
Will sell a few good, cheap machines,
] of other manufacturers, worth $22. for
$12, during next 30 days. Singer Store.
T. J. Barfield, a popular salesman in
; the Reese Drugstore, has been painfully
j sick during the pa-.t week He is im
The Daughters of the Confederacy
have arranged to present ‘The Oxford
i Affair” on Friday night, March 17th,
so that the school children may attend.
' Call on J. T. Holmes, reai estate agent,
if you desire to rent, buy or sell a home,
vacant lot or farm. Office at J. W.
Stripling & Son’s. *
“The Oxford Affair, " under the au
spices of the Daughters of the Confed-
j eracy, is hooked for the 17th. See il and
enjoy two hours of solid tun.
We have just made up a large line, of
car spring steel plow-, the best
been taken to
from the Davis
al i Turner Sanatorium. Hi- condition
has not improved—much to the regret
ot friends.
two or three weeks,as its offices are now
being fitted up and its new plant in
stalled. This work necessarily inter
feres with affair.- in the News' compos
ing room,and will make it impossible to
keep the paper up to its asm) standard
until after this work is completed. With
new offices, u new plant and an enlarged
pajier, however, the News promises to
atone for these deficiencies in the future.
miss Coral Moses came down
from Newuan Friday afternoon to
spend until Monday with home
Mrs. Will Ingram, Mrs. Pendle
ton Shell and Mrs. Hr. Morrell went
up to Newuan last week.
Special Notice.
As many of The Newsr readers
will be in the city during the ses
sion of the superior court next
week and the week after, 1 kinkly
Guir- a number of Newuan Sliriners I as ) < lhal t | lose w ho have not settled
| will go up to Atlanta tomorrow ro at ] bVieir subscriptions and other ac-
rend the ceremonial session and banquet j counts w j t h the paper prior and up
of \aural) Temple A. A. •). N. M. S. | to January J, 1905, cal! and do so.
In order to wind up the old busi
ness of the paper, it is necessary
Tickets will soon be on sale at Brad
ley’s Drug Store for “The Oxford At-
fail'” which is to take place March lie
)7tli in tlie Auditorium. Reserved 1
35 eons; general admission 25 cents
Dr. G. li. Weems, a young physician I The sands will he heated like unto
of McDonough, is a recent addition to I Saliaru, while the purest cnmiTs milk
Newnan’s citizenry. Dr Weems lias j and the sweetest .beverages of Zeiirzem's
opened an office in the new Berry Build-I sacred well will quench the thirst of
ing, over Bradley’s drug store. j the host of pilgrims who are to join the
beleaguered caravan to the fateful east.
that I collect
at once these a
1’. T. McCutchkn.
Mrs. Brewer Lane, of Hogunsville,
\^ho has been dangerously ill for some
time, is believed to be improving. This
news is received wi* h pleasure by Mrs.
Lane’s relatives and friends in Newuan
and Coweta.
R. C. Moore's insurance office is now
located in the opera house building in
the room formerly occupied by R. H.
Bni-nes. Mr. Barnes’ shop has been
moved to the building occupied by W.
L. Sexton’s shop.
The supreme potentate will also bo pres-!
ent. to share in the gorgeous amenities 1
of the session. Newnan lias some
thirty-five Hhriners, mid severul others
of the city’s Templars are to do homage
in the role of "fresh meat.”
'l kkck & Dent .
Singing, dancing Novelty and Comedy
Specialties between all the acts.
Bargain Matinee Wednesday.
Mrs. F. B. Cole will entertain the
Salmagundi Club Thursday afternonn,
March ‘Jth, at 3 o’clock. The club mem
bers will notice the change in the hour,
■ from 2:30 to 8 o’clock.
The Salmagundi Club was beautifully
[ entertained by Mrs. Mamie Johnson
last. Thursday afternoon. Domino
Whist was played and a salad course
was served. The first prize, ail opera
hag. was won by Miss Lizzie Arnold,
the consolation, a silver cal! bell, was
won by Mrs. H. M. Fisher, and -Miss
Etlna Frederick wm ihe booby, a white
| silk belt.
Kred Hunter’s guano house is
being erected rapidly.
Mr. Norris, of Hampton, who is
to be president of the Turin Bank,
spent last Wednesday and Thurs
day here.
Bob McCollom, of Coweta, at-
quarterly meeting last
Mrs. Dolly Keith and daughters,
_ . , i Mildred and Mrs. Dolly Fratt, of
Lieut. Cleveland Willeoxon, a former 1 . , J
resident of Newnan who is now an of-! Newnan, visited Mrs. bred Hunter
ticer in the United States army, is dan- 1 h riday.
gerously ill in Atlanta. He bus been j A large crowd came out to
sick for several weeks and bis recovery ] quarterly meeting last Friday and
is not expected. Lieur. Willeoxon l>e-
to one of (,’oweta < ’ounty’s leading
B. Abercrombie, Esq.,of Tusbegee,
plow j Ala , Judge of the Probate Court of
j Macon county, Ala., was in the eir.y to
day. Judge Abercrombie will soon
build for Macon county a new court ^ cnc ] e( j
bouse, and stopped over to see our new
Temple of Justice, and expressed him
self as greatly pleased with it.
families and his relatives and friends
here sincerely regret to know of hi- pre
carious condition.
the nice barbecue dinner was en
joyed by all, as well as the fine
sermon Presiding Elder Allen
gave us.
United States Health and
Accident Co.
Saginaw, Mich.
John R. Thornton, State A&eiit, At
lanta, Gu.
R, W. Milner, Resident Agent, Nesv-
nau, Ga.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb 24111,1905,
Mr. J. li. Thornton,
Atlanta, Ga.,
Dear Sir: —
Allow me to thank you and
your CompTiiy for tlie prompt set
tlement of my olaim for recent ill
ness and the manner in which you
both treated me. f found no red
tape about it. G11 20th i submitted
my claim and on 27th received check
from the < ’ompany in full settle
ment.. 1 nliall be glad to recommend
your yom)«uiy fo any one wanting
the best protection from both Niok-
; ness and iwgyleil.t. With best
wishes, Very truly yours.
Dr. K. L. Bilker.