Newspaper Page Text
NO. 48.
The organization of a baseball
assciation is beirg perfected in
Beginning with the issue of next
week, the News will hereafter be
Newnan, and the coming season I issued on Friday instead of Wed-
Sheri/P* o fl)cfl
will see some gr<
pulled off here.
At a recent meeting of baseball
enthusiasts, plans for the Associa
tion were outlined and discussed
and the active work of organiza
tion is now going on. Joe Steph
ens will be made Manager of the
Association and Robert Orr Secre
tary and Treasurer. At next
meeting of stockholders a Presi
dent of the Association will be
It is proposed to sell 80 shares
of stock in the Association at $10
per share, and the money thus
raised will be used in putting the
ball park and team in first class
condition. Stock is going rapidly,
and the Association will soon be
ready to proceed with the organi
zation of a winning ball team.
All the people of Newnan should
encourage the promoters of the
nesday. The change will be made
fate work in the News of
tice tin J for the benefit of patrons,
and the News trusts its readers
will be pleased with the change.
We believe it will be a step in the
direction of better service for bur
readers and advertisers, as it is a
step in line with the improvements
which are now being made in the
News’ office and plant.
Baseball Association and see that i g. Allen.
Mr. G. E. Warren returned home
Sunday from Alabama where he
visited his cousin, Tom Warren,
who was seriously ill,
Mr. W. F. Holman has been on
the sick list the past week.
Mr. Ed Boone returned home
the other day, after spending some
time in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sewell
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Coweta Countv Court House.
the entire amount of stock is
taken at once. If this is done,
Newnan will see this season some
of the fastest amateur ball playing
in the South.
Miss Anna Boone left
for Whitesburg to spend several
The G. L. A. D. Club has start
ed a library.
We are sorry to say the Sargent
-church is left without a preacher.
The News is improving rapidly
and we hope it will continue to do
Rev. J, R. King will begin a
dav I series of revival meetings at the
tor Alabama to visit his sister.
Miss Mary Sewell is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Louisa Tarleton.
Mr. Willard Jackson made a
The friends of the late Hon. S.
L. Faver are rallying to the sup
port of the movement to raise
funds to erect a monument in his
memory over the last resting place
of the mortal remains of that wor
thy man.
All friends of this movement
are urged to make contributions
at once. No names of contribu
tors or amounts will be made pub
lic; thus allowing the widest 1 iber- j jp Roscoe Sunday,
to for contributions of any size. j
Friends of this movement have
also decided to select two or three I
good men in each district in the 1
county to solicit and receive these
funds. Names of these persons:
will be published next week. In j
the meantime, contributions may i
be placed in the hands of any
newspaper editor or official of the
When sufficient funds to com
plete this work have been collect
ed, it is proposed to have at the
court house in this city a memo
rial service in honor of Coweta
County's deceased Superior Court
Clerk. This service will probably
be held on the first Saturday in
May. At that time it is expected
that all funds for monument will
have been collected.
Methodist church on the third
Sunday in March. On that day,
at morning and evening service,
in preparation for the meetings to
follow, Mr. King will deliver two
special sermons, dealing with the
fundamental principles of the
Christian religion. On the fol
lowing Monday, Dr. S. R. Belk, of
The entertainment given by j st. James Church, Augusta, conies
Prof. Elbert Paine was very much ; to assist in the meetings, pr.
enjoyed. j Belk is one of the strong men of
Mr. C. T. Sewell left Saturday! Georgia Methodism and will be
heard with interest and profit
the people of Newnan.
Carrollton, March 4.—Taylor
Craven and Miss Bettie Sellers
were married Tuesday over the
long distance telephone. They
were at Dot, Ga., 17 miles away
from the magistrate who married
Marriages of this nature have
been reported at various times
from points at the north, but so
far as known here, this is the first
instance where such a ceremony
was ever performed in this State.
Clerk Coweta Courts.
Mitchem preached
Rev. Mitchem preached to a
large and attentive audience at
Jones Chapel Sunday.
Abe Foster, of Newnan, spent 1
Standing Rock
Mrs. Rosa Young, who has been
sick with pneumonia for several
days, is improving.
Mrs. S. A. Entrekin is very
Rev. B. P\ Hodnett will preach
here next fourtoi Sunday. Every
body invited.
T. W. Cook, of Senoia, attended
the singing here last Sunday.
L. G. Morgan, of Newnan, spent
Tancred Commandery, No. 11,
IC.T., will be officially inspected Sunday with homefolks. I Sunday at the bedside of his
next Friday night, by Eminent The many friends of Willis West | mother, Mrs. S. A. Entrekin, who pj^^ n
Sir John R. Dickey, Grand Cap- and son, Parks, will be glad to i s ver y s j c |<.
tain-General of the Grand Com-j learn that they are improving. Mrs. J. B. Hunter is on an ex-
mandery of Georgia. The corn- Little Jennie Belle Brown is tended trip to Dawson, at the bed-
mandery will meet at their asylum ;quite sick,
at 5 p. m. to confer the order of | J. R. Atkinson spent last week
the Red Cross, after which the j in Atlanta,
royal banquet will be spread. Im
mediately thereafter the command-
ery will be opened in long form
for the purpose of inspection and
conferring the order of the Tem
ple. All Sir Knights and visiting
fraters are invited. Let the mem
bers of Tancred Commandery
take due notice and meet promptly, j sor is hard
as considerable business is to be Mrs. Fannie Hyde attended
transacted. A number of applica- j church at Liberty Saturday and
J. R. Thurman was in town Sun
John B. Cox spent Sunday in
Will Futrell visited home folks
Superior court is here again.
Verrily the way of
side of Mas. W. N. McCullough,
who is not expected to live.
tions for membership are to be re
ceived for first reading.
P. T. McCutchen, E. C.
The News and Semi-Weekly Journal
The ladies of the Carnegie Li
brary Book Committee request the
Librarian to call attention.through .
the city press, to the unusual McMichael, restored.
abuse of Library books; such as
penciling on the margins, turning
down leaves, and much defacement
the transgres-1 by soiling. We would be gratified,
also, if books returned by children
and servants be well wrapped,
especially in bad weather.
Mrs. D. B. VVoodroof, Librarian.
The March term of Coweta Su
perior Court convened Monday
morning with Judge R. W. Free-
man presiding, and Solicitor Gen
eral J. Render Terrell on hand to
look after the interests ot the
State. The grand jury perfected
organization by electing S. W.
Murray, foreman, and II. H.
North, clerk. The charge of
Judge Freeman to the grand jury 1 ouncecl~ 1 iter*
was an able and forceful one,
clearly defining the law in refer
ence to gambling, the carrying of
concealed weapons and the sale
of liquor.
On Monday and Tuesday the
following business was disposed of
1 by the court:
J. L. Eidson vs Beula Eidson;
divorce; first verdict.
Etta O. Bingham vs Jake R.
Bingham; divorce; first verdict.
E. W. Satterwhite ,vs J. H.
Montgomery; appeal; judgment
against deft, for $75, principal, in
terest and costs.
Samuel Caldwell vs A. & W. P.
Ry.; trespass; settled; judgment
against deft, for costs.
A. B. O’Neal vs Minnie O’Neal;
divorce; total divorce granted,with
liberty to marry again given A. B.
O’Neal and denied Minnie O’Neal.
Ruth and Alfred O’Neal, children
of the cauple, given into custody
of their father.
The court granted petition for
incorporation of Newnan Hard
ware Co.
W, S. Withan; vs W T Arnall,
T. C.; continued and case set for
hearing on March 16th.
Henry Bailey vs S L Hill; ap
peal; verdict for plaintiff of $35.54,
principal, $3 35, interest,and costs.
PTrst verdicts were rendered in
the divorce cases of Florence F.
vs Luscombe Simpson,
Pauline Johnson vs Henry John
son, Albert McCoy vs P^mma Mc
Coy and Annie M. Davis vs W. B.
Bertha McKenzie vs Glenn Mc
Kenzie; divorce; total divorce
granted, with liberty to marry
again granted to both parties, and
plaintiff’s former name, Bertha
President Dudley M. Hughes,
of the Georgia State Agricultural
Society, addressed an audience of
some size at the court house on
Tuesday at 12 o’clock in behalf of
the Southern Cotton Growers*
Association and the Society of
which he is the official head. Mr,
Hughes was presented to the audi
ence by Col. H. A. Hall. Presi
dent W. A. Brannon, of the Cow
eta County Cotton Growers’ As
sociation, presided over the meet
Mr. Hughes made an eloquent
appeal to Coweta farmers to rally
in support of the Cotton Associa
tion arid also presented the claims
of the State Agricultural Society,
urging that Coweta County be
represented at the approaching
State Fair in Atlanta and also
pressing the imuortance of organ
izing a county fair. His entire
address was logical and was re
ceived with enthusiasm by his au
After the speaking President
Brannon announced that a meet
ing of the County Association will
bo held at the court house on the
first Tuesday in April. At that
time it is expected a rousing meet
ing will occur. Some well known
Georgian will he secured to deliver
an address Name will be an-
High back oak rocking chairs, 93/. at
Newnau Furniture Co.
Following bailiffs are serving
the court this week: J. T. Alsa-
brook, A. J. Smith, Louis McCul
lough, W. P. Dukes, R. P. Car
michael, M. D. Millians, J. H.
Bailey, W. J. Tarleton, H. J. Pit
man, R. P. Tapley.
Grand Jury: T E Atkinson, W
G Sadler Geo P Hodnett, E M
Yeager, M D Thurman, N W Col-
Judge Coweta Circuit.
linsworth, J C Hunter, J R Cole,
C F Sasser,! N Orr, Jr, J I Scrog
gins. M* J Stewart, II H North,
Clerk; F M Scott, L A Hunter,
S W Murray, Foreman; A E
Brewster, G O Scroggins, J V
McDonald, L W Bowers, J T Ar
nall, II H Harrison,W W Spence.
Traverse Jury: VV M Phillips, J
R Hodges, R N Cole, J J Davis,
J H Reynolds, W F Stewart, S J
Cavender, J B Ramey, W L Car-
mical, jet M Austin, W C Elmore,
J N Nixon, J C Hardy, J W Banks,
Jeff Cotton, A M Norris, F I
Welch, John W Hodnett, C B Nix
on, W T Dyer, Mack S Morgan,
R L Pitts, S M Woods, Simeon
Traverse Jurors drawn for 2nd
week of court: W C Grace, B P
Cook, L P Brandenburg, C PI
Chandler, J C Ragland,P'red Hun
ter, H A Camp, L D Ragland, E
M Grimes, li S Bohanan, A B Mc
Coy, S S Cochran, R L. Hardy,
H B North, L M Wiggins, M S
Thurman, L T Moses, W R Bohan
an, J H Summers, J H Hyde, J W
Stripling, J S Benton, J G Nixon,
W B Post J C Arnold, m R Strong,
E C Goodwyn, J R Thurmon, W
m Odom. T B North, L P Bryant,
Vindex Hand, B J P'ry, Oscar
Gabel, W B Lambert, W J Wood.