The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, March 17, 1905, Image 4
THE NEWNAN NEWS. Issued Every Wednesday J.T. FAIN, Editor and Publish*-** SUBSCRIPTION BATE. $-.30 PER YEAR. lirriCiAL PAPER OF COWETA COUNTY. 'Phone No. 20. OF*ICE UPSTAIRS IK THE WILCOXON ELDG NEWNAN SHOI.LD GET THIS ROAD. Another railroad fur Coweta . County is practically assured. The particulars in regard to the pro posed road, us fur as they have developed uji to tiff-* tinv, will be found in thn week's NeWs in an article reprinted from the Atlanta , Constimtion and in t he jvtition Read tlie a<iv**rtiv* 'c n' - in 1 he NeWi and, wl U I 11 V I : On t !l<* News' jidve'-t i- t« . 1 1 hem yon read their advertisements in 11ns paper. Jump on the News’ subscript ion bandwagon. Hundreds of eta’s best citizens already < seats there and others are joining this throng. for incorporation oi the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Rail road Co. The new road will bean exten sion of the Atlantic and Birming ham, from Montezuma, Ga., to Birmingham, Ala.; with a line Cow- 1 connecting Atlanta with the new •cupy daily The News is not the kind of newspaper that follows where* somebody else leads and brings up the rear of the procession. The road and running from that city to Wedowee, Ala. This Atlanta branch of the road will pass through Coweta County at some point; probably through the ex treme northwestern part of the county, if the owners of the road are allowed to follow their pres- News proposes to stay in the front lent inclinations in locating their rank and lead the parade. This line; but, this road should pass fact is worthy of consideration by through Newnan, and the News all citizens of Coweta who want a believes it will come this way if live county newspaper. |oiir people make a concerted effort to bring it in this direction. Newnan is the largest and most The News has a large corps of county correspondents nod they j important town this proposed line are sending in newsy, interesting letters. More correspondents are wanted,in towns and communities could puss through, in running from Atlantu to Wedowee, Ala., The road should come here in a where the News now has no rep-idirect line from Atlantu and then | resentatives. Prospective corres-lgo through Franklin mid on to pendents will lie interested in the great correspondent s’ contest , an nounced on another page of this week’s News. Bead it ; and call on or write to the editor if you wish to join tin* News’ increasing force of county reporters. (INI THI NEWS APPRECIATES. We gladly welcome to our < x- cliange table tlie Newnan Weekly News, edited by Mr. ,1. T. Fain, who had charge of the Tribune for several years. We like Fain, and like to rend anyi paper he edits. Jle is u splendid j follow, and a bold, fearless and independent writer.—Hon. John N. Holder in The Jackson Herald. Hit lARMtRS VNELI WIN. If Southern farmers stick to gether, hold the cotton now in their hands for Id cents and re duce acreage and fertilizers L’n per cent, this season, they will win 1 ho greatest light in the history of Southern agriculture. The News believes thu farmers are going to st ick and w in t his light. Away back in Januaiy, before the New Orleans convention was hold and tin* Southern Cotton As sociation Was organized, the News gave its unqualified endorsement to the holding and reduction Wedowee. This mute would be almost an air line from Atlanta to Wedowee and it would place the largest town between those points (Newnan) on the line of the new road, as well us tlrj most important town now without a railroad [Franklin] that could he reached by the proposed road. The Atlanta, Birmingham and Atluntic ought to run through Newnan ; and, if our citizens make Walton the proper efforts to get it headed this way, the News believes it will he built through this city. Nt* SCH001 BUILDING NEEDED. Tin* question of enlarging New- nan’s public school buildings, or erecting another building, is now l being discussed by citizens of the city. The present school build- j iugs arc greatly crowded and it is j evident that an early solution of this problem is imperative. Tin j difficulty may he met in one of two ways: By enlarging the pres ent school buildings or b\y erect ing a new building. The last named plan is favored by Super intendent Pickett and manyciti-j zens and they think a new build- ! ing ought to he erected in the I southern section ot the city—on or j near Greeneville Street. Summed up, the conditions con- movement and also emphatically fronting the city are these: Rooms j endorsed the Coweta County Cot- j and teachers must be provided for ton Growers’ Association, which the city’s increasing school popu-j was organized before the New Or-; lation, which is already overflow ing the present school buildings, and the question is shall it be loans Convention assembled. In view of these facts, the News con siders itself a pioneer in t his I done by enlarging the old or erect movement; and, consequently, greatly rejoices with the farmers ing a new building. A new build ing in south Newnan is favored ol'Coweta County and the entire j by those who point out the fact Bouth because of the fact that i that the distance from that sec- t his movement has grown to such j tion to the present school build- magnificent proportions and en-j ings is very great, and it is claim- joys such great promise of success ; ed that some children no not at- for the future. In this connection the j tend school on that account. It News ie said that a school in that part directs the attention of its readers of the city would relieve the con ♦o the able and patriotic address i gestion at the present school and of President W. A. Brannon, of the County Association, to the [distance for farmers of Coweta County. This I children, address will be found on another place a school within easy walking a large number oi The News is informed that the page of the News : and this paper : City Council and School Board urges its farmer friends to read are considering this problem and and consider Mr. Brannon’s arti cle; and then 1< t every farmer and it will doubtless be settled at an early date. The News wants to landowner in the county rally tolsee it settled in the interest of the support of this great and vital progress in the city schools and movement to improve agricultural conditions in the South. will contribute its efforts to effect such a settlement. ON MARCH 28,29,30, Our repre- The Man Who ^ sentative will Thinks •bout what he buy* te tin man who, when he if thinking about fanntnU Wears Desbecker- Block Made-to-Order Clothes. Tfctr arc an* tr eric* u. hMl from »,lr Iron, Uk be* ofcriri* Ulrica by Uoftsi Trim. Orr S Powell display over five hundred Woolens in every con- c e i v able weave. Drop in and be Tailorized. 1850 Fifty-Fifth Annual Statement. 1905 Aetna Life Insurance Company of™"""™™ Hartford, Connecticut. MORGAN G. BULKELEY, President. The leading Insurance Company in New England, and the Larg est in the World Writing lilt, Accident, Health and liability Insurance January 1 st, 1 905. Receipts in I 904. Premiums f 12.6<>S,i)2if 7? interest, rents ami from other son roes. 3.062,(538 99 Total Jucome iti 1904. . (16,981,666 76 Disbursements in 190*4. IJenlti Claims - $2,800,586 61 Matured Endowments ... 1,528,085 00 Death and Indemnity (Accident and Liabil ity) 1,281,022 62 Dividends to Policy Holders.— .. 724,028 08 Surrendered Policies - 546,989 71 Commissions to ageuts. — .... 1,007,478 26 Agency Expenses, Medical Examinations and Miscellaneous Expenditures 656,870 88 Dividends on Capital Stock (Life) — 2(H),000 00 Dividends on Capital Stock (Accident ) . 50.000 00 Taxes — - 354,088 04 Total expenses (Accident and Liability Business) . 1,410.452 47 Assets. Real Estate acquired by foreclosure $ 178,164 74 Office Building . 460,000 00 Cash on hand and in banks . 7,076,028 80 Stocks and Bonds . ... 24,490,886 00 Mortgages securad by Real Estate .. 32,686,817 72 Loans on Collaterals 1,051,394 62 Loans secufbd Policies of this Company 8,801,504 08 Interest due and accrued Dec. 81, 1904.. 818,732 65 Premiums m course of collection and deferred Premiums (net).. .. . ,674,112 68 Market value of Securities over cost, less As sets not admitted ($55,743 07) net. 2,318,796 55 Agents Balances and Bills receivable . 55,145 57 Total Disbursements in 1004 Excess of Income over Disbursements in 10,758,856 06 '04 6,172,700 80 Paid Policy Holders in 1904 9 6,971,793 55 Total Paid Policy Holders from Organization in 1850 to Janu ary 1,1905 $145,918,246 86 Life Insurance issued, revived and paid for in 1904. $28,866,967,00 Life Insurance in force January l, 1906 237,304,780,00 Accident Insurance in foroe Jan. 1, 3906 237,236,164,66 Number of Policy Holders Jan. 1,1005 226,011 Total Assets, January 1. 1006 $73,600,178 81 Liabilities. Losses and Claims awaiting farther proof, and installment claims not yet due (Life) $ 305,147 00 Losses and Claims awaiting further proof, and not yet due (Accident and Liability) 588,727 66 Surplus Reserve for special class of Policies and dividends to Policy holders not yet due 708,626 37 Premiums paid in advance and other Liabili- _ffe« 61,002 85 Reserve on Life. Endowment and term policies. 4 per cent, standard on Old Business and 3)„ per cent, on Policies issud since 1900,. 61,858,783 00 Less value of Policies of Re-insnr auce, $40,969,00 .. ... .61,817,814 00 Special Reserve, in addition to the Reserve above given,. 2,194,786 00 Unearned Premiums on accident and Liabil- ity insurance 1,274,344 28 Special Reserve on Liability Insurance 100,000 00 Total Reinsurance and Special Reserve " and all other Liabilities 67,140 588 16 Guarantee Fund in Excess of requirements by _ Company’s Standard _ 6 555,640 63 Total Liabilities Jan. 1, 1905 7T696 _ lT98T Guarantee Fund in Exoees of requirements ’ ’ by Standard of Connecticut and other Statee - 8.850,426 65 Great lucreaee in Assets. Increase in Guarantee Fund over re quirements lncrea**<ein Premium Income.. .. . Increase in Total Income Gains in Business in 1904 $5,628,336 16 Iucrease in New Life Insurance is6ned and P* 1 * 1 for ......... $2,225,105 00 883,884 10 Increase in Life Insurance in Force.. . 14 001 862 00 1,135,(568 90 Increase in Accident Insurance in Force 8,618 926 66 .. . 1,372,682 20 Increase in number of Policy holders.. *11,648 F. M. BRYANT, District Manager, Newnan, Georgia. B. A. J. Smith, Esq., of Palmetto. ex-Tax Collector of Coweta County, was mingling with friends here last Tuesday. Insecticides. Poisons, etc., fer house hold use. such as solution corrosive sublimate, quicksilver, etc at Holt & l Cates', The sixth and last Lyceum Course at- i Judge F. M. Longley and Col E T traction is the Old Homestead Quartette Moon went np to Newnan Tuesday and Company, which appears at the Audi- Wednesday of last week, both appearing tonnm on March 2otb. , . ^ ^ as counsel in the case of G. A. and A. W. E. Cotter, Esq., of La Grange, H ' vs the Southern Female representing the Southern Mutual Life College, though on opposing sides.—l a Insurance Co., is in the city this week. Grange Graphic.