The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, March 17, 1905, Image 5
r i The Right Tooth Brush Tlie primary requirement for proper cart' of the teeth is the p os- session of a pood ooth brush. Tooth brushes are subjected to harder wear than any other brushes and the results o f failure to meet the exacting usage is more annoy ing. A single loose bristle lodged in the throat makes the brush a nuisance, and the frequent occur rence of shedding is unbearable. Very few tooth brushes are made in this country. The most finish ed and prettiest brushes usually come from France, and of late from Japan. Euglish brushes wear better. Our stock contains hundreds of perfectly new, clean brushes, in many shapes, and from all of the above countries. Prices from 106 to 50c each. Maw’s English Wax Back Tooth Brush 35c We believe this to be the best of ail tooth brushes and heartily ree- commencl it as such. We go fur ther, and warrant every brush of this make satisfactory and will re place witli a new one any that proves bad or sheds within (10 days after purchase. Holt& Cates, Trade Mark Newnan, Ca. Local News of Newnan Dr. W. C. Gunn, of Atlanta, was in the city Sunday. Otis Jones, of Riverside, was in town Wednesday. ,T. C. Anderson,Den tint, Sulbide Bldg. Newnan, Ga. Dr. Mixon, of Palmetto, was in the | city several days tins week. Fresh Flower and Garden Seed, at Reese's Drug Store. J. B. Walker, Esq., a leading planter of Turin, was in town yesterday. Money to loan on real estate pt ? per cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. Mr. C. B. Glover was in Atlanta last Sunday. Bowman's Bed Bug Poison; guaran teed; at Reese's Drug Store. Philip Johnson spent Sunday in At lanta. Furniture Polish, 25o bottle, at Reese’s Drug Store. Mr. Paul Reese, of Atlanta, was in the city Sunday. Just arrived, a fresli lot of Powell s candy, at Reese's Drug Store. Mr. R. J. Lee, of Atlanta, spent Sun day in the city. Sweet singing always attracts. Hear tho Old Homestead Quartette. Mr. T. B. Mangum made a business trip to Greeneville this week. Mr. T. J. Wilkinson was in Atlanta last Wednesday. Rev. W. A. Dnvis. of Senoia, was a visitor to Newnan last Tuesday, Mr. W. H. Huffaker was in Katonton, on a business trip, the first of this week. WatkinR’ Celebrated Watermelon Seed sold at G. R. Bradley’s Drug Store CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Reveals That “Pe-ru-na is Calculated to Tone up the System, Restore the Func tions and Procure Health.” Personals and Society Notes Mrs. P. B. Murphey is visiting friends iu Atlanta. Mrs. J. S. Hardaway is sick with la grippe. Mrs. Callie Upshaw, of Luthersville, was in the city last week. Mrs. Spence Darden visited in La Grange several days, recently. Miss Emma Potts lias returned from a visit to relatives at College Park. Miss Fannie Butts is attending the mil linery openings in Atlanta this week. Miss Virginia Jones, of Oxford, Miss., is the guest of Miss Lucile Thompson. Miss Inn Kirby will be the hostess at n domino whist party tomorrow morn ing. Miss Julia May Hackney will enter tain the Domino Wlnst Club next Tues day afternoon. Mrs. T. S. Parrott will entertain the Halmagundi Club next Thursday afternoon. Miss Benetta Orr’s friends compli mented tier with a surprise party last Friday night. Miss Emmie Young Conyers came down from Palmetto to spend Saturday and Sunday at liome. Miss Elizabeth Quinn will spend Sat urday and Sunday witli friends in At lanta. Congressman and Mrs. Gordon Lee, of Chickamanga, are in the city for a few days. Miss Edna Frederick, of Marshalville, has returned home, after spending sev eral days with Mrs. S. P. Banks. Mies Frankie King, left last week for Atlanta, where she will resume the study of music. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fisher have re turned from a short stay with relatives at Montezuma. Mr6. I. C. McCrory, of College Park, is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. J. Good- rum. Miss Martha Wright, who lias been attending school at Milledgeville, re turned home Tuesday. Miss Connie Loftin was the entertain ing hostess at an "at home” last Friday evening. About twenty guests were present,and the occasion was thoroughly enjoyed by all. SO SAYS PROF. L. J. MILLER, CHEMIST. Mrs. John Callaway, of Washington, has returned home, after spending sev eral days with Mrs. H. C. Fisher. Mrs. J. S. Hardaway has returned to her home at Rocky Mount, after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. D. W. Boone. Miss Lynda Simril will return lionit tomorrow, after spending three weeks with friends in New Orleans. The Salmagundi Club was charming ly entertained by Mrs. E. G. Cole Thursday afternoon. Mrs. L. A. Perdue and Miss Ninn Per due were in Atlanta Wednesday to at tend the Melba concert. Miss Lizzie Belle Farmer, who is studying music at the Klindworth Con servatory, spent Sunday and Monday at home. Mrs. Millo Kellogg and Mr. and Mrs. C, J. Beam, of Atlanta, came down Wednesday afternoon to attend the Bo- hauau-Kolb wedding. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet next Monday afternoon at SI o’clock at the assembly room iu the Library. All members urged to be present. Miss May Handers, of Penfield-, who is well known in Newnan, will be mar ried in April to Mr. B. K. McClatchey, of Marietta. This marriage is of unusual interest on account of the prominence of the families of the young couple. Miss Nelle Nowell, of Monroe, arrived in the city today and is the guest of Mrs. J. B. Ramey and Mrs. J. T. Fain. Miss Nowell will be honored with a reception at the residence of Mrs. Ramey, tomor row afternoon from two until five o’clock. Miss Mary Parrott entertained several of her friends at Domino Tuesday even ing. Those present were, Misses Katie Avnall, Belle Vernon King, Julia May Hackney and Rowena Turner, and Mes srs. C. B. Glover, N. L. North, Robert Orr, Morton Murray, Alvin Freeman and Dr. Weems. Mrs. N. E. Powell entertained the Euchre Club last Wednesday afternoon, and it was one of the most enjoyable meetings of this club. Mrs. Wade Dent won the first prize, a wa*er-color; Miss Belle Vernon King won the consolation, a silver belt buckle, and Miss Ina Kirby was given the booby, which was also a silver belt buckle. The Salmagundi Club was beautifully entertained by Mrs. F. B. Cole last Fri day afternoon. The house was decor ated with ferns and other potted plants, and green was the prevailing color. Games were played and a delicious sal ad course was served. Tne first prize, a table cover, was won by Mrs. H. M. Fisher; Mrs. Otis Jones won the second, a gold hat pin, and Mrs. Douglas won the booby. Prof. L. J. Miller, late Professor of Chemistry and Botany of the High School Of "Ypsi 1 anti, Midi,, writes trorri .‘!.‘!27 N. Clark Street, Chicago, PI., as follows: “An several of my friends have spoki n to me of the favorable results obtained through Hie use of Peruna, especially in cases of catarrh, I examined It most thoroughly to learn its contents. ‘‘I found il composed of extracts of herbs and barks of most valuable medicinal qualities combined with other ingredients, delicately balanced, calculated to lone up the system, restore the functions and procure health. “/ consider Peruna one of the most skillfully and scientifically prepared medicines, which the public can use with safety and success.”—PROF. L. J. MIL/JER. "Bnllih up the System." 1 Hon. Joseph H. Ridgeway, Secretary of the American Anti-Treat Society, writes the following letter from tho Grand Central Hotel, St. Paul, Minn.: It is with great pleasure that 1 en dorse Peruna as an honest modi- ^ due, competent to do all it claims. 1 have used it several times and know of nothing that cures so com- ♦ pletely, and at ^ the same timet builds up the I system. j “ T have ree- * ' IW Oil!mended it to [ Joseph Ridgeway, a number of my * • ""* "*■’ ■*■•**■ friends and always fed that I do them a service for 1 know how satisfactory the results invariably are. 1 only wish every family had u bottle—it would save much sickness and doctor bills.”—Joseph H. Ridgeway. •• Feel lldler TIihii fur Five Tear*.” Mr. .lames U. Taylor, Roberts, Ind., writes; “I am at the present time entirely well. I can eat anything 1 ever could. I took live bottles of Peruna, ami feel better now than I have for five years. I have doctored with other doctors off aiidoii for fifteen years, so I can recom mend your medicine very highly for stomach troubles. 1 take great pleasure in thanking you for your free advlea and Peruna.”—James It. Taylor. “I Kujoy my Mrnlt a* I Futil to." Mr. J. W. Pritchard, Wolf Bake, Tnd^ writes: “I am pleased to say that! have been cured of catarrh of the stomach by Pe runa. I could hardly eat anything tiiat agreed with me. Before I would get half through my meal my stomach would fill with gas causing me much distress and unpleasant feelings for an hour or two after each meal. But, thunks to your Peruna, I am now com pletely cured, and can eat anything l want to without any of the distressing symptoms. I can now enjoy my iiicala us I used to do, and it Is all due to l>r. Hartman and Ids wonderful medicine, Peruna. “It bus lieen one year since t wau cured, und I am all <>. K. yet, so I know 1 am cured.”—J. W. Pritchard. Dyspepsia Is a very common phase of summer catarrh. A remedy that will cure catarrh of one location will cure it anywhere. Peruna cures catarrh wher ever located. That 11 is a prompt umi permanent cure for cutarrli of tho- stomach (he above letters testify. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at onee to Dr. Hartman, giving a fidl statement of your case und lie wlU be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Call ’phone No. (1(1 when you want fresh meats. That's Lundie’s market. See the handsome line of new ham mocks at Holt A Cutes’ before placing your order. Eastman Kodak and supplies. We are sole agents. G. R. Bradley'ti Drug Store. Dr. J. W. Taylor and Dr Brock, of Luthersville, were among the prominent visitors in the city yesterday. Balsam vine and Japanese morning glory, tiie best of porch climbers, at Holt & Cates’. 10c. pkt. Bring me your hides. Highest prices paid. G. O. Carmichael. Read V. E. Manget’s advertisement in the News. He is offering the people something of value for almost nothing. Fortin work, roofing, plumbing re- fAiring see T. M. Martin. Shop below A mail & Farmer. Landreth’s Celebrated garden seed in bulk ;also genuine Eastern seed potatoes. G. R. Bradley’s Drug Store. Mr. Hal Fisher, of Newnan, spent Thursday in the city.—La Grange Graphic. We carry the largest assortment, of paints, oils and painters’ supplies of any firm in the city. G. R. Bradley’s Drug Store. Creme Elcaya, the most delightful of toilet and massage creams, 50c per jar at Holt & Cates’ (only). The best of everything in the drug line. Your visits will he greatly ap preciated. G. R. Bradley’s Drug Store- Dr. Z. Green, expert and experienced dentist, Newnan, Ga. Offices on second floor of Black Bros. Co. building. The celebrated Old Homestead Quar tette is the attraction at the Auditorium on the 25th. Bradley’s Family Medicines are sold on positive gnarantee. Ask for them and run no risk. G, R. Bradley’s Drug Store. Call on J. T. Holmes, real estate agent, if you desire to rent, buy or sell a home, vacant lot or farm. Office lit J. W. Stripling A Son’s. * V. E. Manget, Jr., is closing out a valu able stock of merchandise at prices never equalled before in Newnan. Don’t fail to examine tlje goods. 2t If it is a bilious attack take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For sale by Holt & Cates, Druggists, Newnan, Ga. Charles T. Bailey, the barber, is the proud'father of a 14 pound son. The young man arrived Tuesday at Whites- hurg,where Mrs. Bailey is with relatives. V. K. Manget, Jr., is closing outfK,QM0 worth of Crockery, China and Cut Glass at the lowest prices ever made in New- nun. Take a look at this stock and be convinced. 2t Are you going to ride? If one of seventy-three sets of harness, ranging in price from 17.50 to tf!15, would likely in terest you, ours is the place. Orr & Powell. Be sure of your garden seed. Are they fresh? The way to be sure is to buy of a firm that sells no old seed, who never intentionally misrepresent. Hueh a firm is Holt & Cates. The City Council is considering u plan for resurveying the city of Newnan und having a new city map made. The outlay required for this purpose would he a wise expenditure of some of the city’s funds. Bradley’s Bile Bullets, Rheumatic Liniment and Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla are line medicines. Hold on their merits. Money refunded if not satisfactory. G.R.Bradley’s Drug Store. The prospects are fine*for a liberal patronage of the Presbyterian Church Benefit on April 1st at, the Auditorium The Kling-Pace Recital Co. is the re-! fined musical attraction on that occasion. We have just, made np a large line of car spring steel plows, the best plow mad*- for farmers. Merck & Dent. Mr. I). W. Boone is back from a busi ness and pleasure trip to Baltimore and Washington. In Washington ho wit nessed the inaugural of President Roose velt and in Baltimore purchased a stock of goods for his store. John A. Stewart, of Atlanta, Cashier of the Atlanta office of the Aetna Life Insurance Company, who is one of the most successful young insurance men in the State, is spending this week iu Now- nun. Dr. and Mrs. Z. Green, of West Point, are recent and welcome additions to' Newnau’s population. Dr. Green is an exnerienoed dentist and will open au office at once on the second floor of the Black Bros. Co. building. The Georgia Mutual, of Athens, Ga., offers life iiisnrance at reasonable cost. Get in the Troup division, officered by some of Troup and Cowefa counties’ best business and professional men. For particulars see W. B. Cotter, agent, now in Newnan. Mr. J, H. Cotter reached Panama sev eral days ago, has settled down to busi ness in his new home and is much pleased with Ids surroundings. Letters received here by his father, Rev. J. W. Cotter, conveyed this information. P. T. McCutchen, Esq., has accepted the position of Manager of Coweta Branch of the Southern Mutual Life In surance Association. For the present he will have liis office in the Willcoxou Building and will he found there when in the city. Buy only the best sowing machine oil—Singer Sewing Machine Oil. You can get, Singer Oil at the following stores in Newnan, in addition to the Singer Store: O. P. Stephens & Co’s., i Welch &, Co’s., T. L Camp’s, J. T. Swint’s, J, H. Widener’s, H. C. Glover & Co’s., Stewart & Bailey’s and Orr & Powell’s. Genuine selected Bnist’s Snowflake and Golden Dent, Corn at Holt & Cates See the fine samples in window.