The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, March 24, 1905, Image 1

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Official Newspaper Coweta County. . i Official "NeWspflper Coweta County. VOL. V. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY. MARCH 24. 1905. NO. 50. FAVER MONUMENT A880CIAT10N Friends of the late Hon. S. L. Faver have organized the “Faver Monument Association" to take charge of and expend the money now being contributed to erect a monument in memory of the de ceased. W. L. Stallings has been named as Secretary of the Asso. ciation and H. H. and N. L. North and T. M* Goodrum as Treasurers. The following gentlemen have been selected, in the various dis tricts of the county, to receive contributions: ist, J A Sasser, J A Z Shell; 2nd, L W Bowers, H W Camp; 3rd, J P Camp, J T Brooks; 4th,W B Martin; 5th, N L North, H H North, T M Goodrum, 6th, WEE Martin, W J Wood,7th, R F Eber- hart; Cedar Creek, EC Palmer; Panther Creek, J C Sewtli, C P Sanders; Haralson, W O Herndon; Turin, Fred Hunter, J B Shell,Sr; Grantville, Charles M Walker, C P Clower; Hurricane, B H Dial. To the above have been added m. H. Couch in the ist District, E. m Yeager in Cedar Creek and Paul Smith in the 7th District. All contributions will be turned over to treasurers of the Associa tion by those appointed to receive them. In this connection, The News reproduces a letter received this week, accorhpanied by £5 f° r the monument fund: “From the News, I learn with delight that citizens of our coun ty wish to erect a monument to the memory of our beloved friend, Samuel L. Faver. I congratulate the man who gave the movement birth and am sure the work will be an easy task; for if everyone who has felt the warhith of his out stretched hand, in good deeds, kind words and generous charity, will bring a contribution [however small] a fitting shaft will soon mark his resting placQ." IN MEMORIAM Died, in great peace, Feb. .13, Mrs. Mary Leigh, beloved wife of Capt. Thos. Leigh. She was the sixth child of a family of twelve born to Mr. and Mrs. James Brew ster, and nobly did she repay all parental care. For sixty-seven years she bless ed her family and friends, for which we thank the Giver of all good gifts. She was a woman ot deep convictions, inflexible in her ideas of justice, and loyal to duty in the highest sense, In early life, she united with the Methodist church, and truly did she walk in white, clothed upon with chastity of soul. To sick and distressed, she was truly an angel of mercy—no hour being too un- propitious for her ministrations to ihe suffering. We loved her when we sported together in the care-free days of Whitesburg Rev. J. W. McLeod preached at the Baptist church last Sunday to a large audience. He will preach here regularly on the Third Sun days during the remainder of the year. Rev. W. A. Parks, who has been visiting relatives in South Georgia for the past two months, returned home last week. His friends are glad to see him back. Mr. J. P. Jones and family, of Riverside, Coweta, attended serv ices at the Baptist church here Sunday. Mrs. VV. T. Herring, of Banning, visited friends at this place last week. Mr. T. H. Watkins, one of oyr enterprising farmers, made a busi ness trip to Newnan last week. Mr. Charlie Bailey, of Newnan, visited his family here last Sunday. Ordinary, J. S. Barron, of Car- business trip to 6RI8T FROM SUPERIOR COURT MILL DEATH OF MI88 8WE0IE MCC0MB8. Miss Swedie McCombs, a well childhood. Together, we drank | rol * ton * made a life’s ruby wine from the full I Whitesburg Monday goblet ot happy young maidenhood. | , 1 Within the same year, we pledged P reac hed at New Hope <_ urch, our nuptial vows, and together near Sharpsburg, last Sunday, welcomed th* duties, cares and Mr. J. W.Gaines, ot Chtckamau- privileges of wifehood and mother- Ga " is the newly appointed hood. Together, we rejoiced in de P ot a B ent “ »«cceed the late P. the cloudless days of prosperity, A. Boykin, at this place, and together mourned and con,.; M '»- v - L. Brantley, who has each other in the gloom of j be<; n quite til for the past month, Her many friends re- of her continued ill- Rev, L. Davenport, of Clem, DR. TUCKER CLEAR* t OF CRIMINAL CHARGE Hogansville, Ga., March 19.— Dr. J. Mi' Tucker, formerly an At- lantian, who recently opened sanitarium at Dublin, and was some two weeks ago arrested in Dublin on a warrant sworn out in Hogansville, charging the doctor with malpractice, was Saturday placed on trial in Hogansville be fore R. A. Utting, justice of the peace. The prosecutor did not appear in the case to substantiate the charges, and the doctor was turned loose. Dr. Tucker is prominently con nected with some of the best fam ilies of Troup county, and has a ereat many friends in his old home town. J. W. Hill, who swore out the warrant against the doctor, made an unsuccessful attempt at suicide a few days before the preliminary trial. PICNIC APRIL 29TH. The Methodist Sunday School is arranging its annual picnic ex cursion to Atlanta. If train can be secured they expect to run Sat urday, April 29th. Due announce ment will be made later. Messrs. W. G. Camp and P. T. McCutch- en will have the superintendency ot the excursion, which guarantees its usual success.. Mr. J. T. Stephens was called to Moreland Tuesday by the death of his nephew,and while awaiting the arrival of his train, he was handed a telegram announcing the expect ed death of his brother in the west. —Carrollton Free Press. forted each other in the gloom of. affliction and death. The tendrils 1 ot our affection were lastingly en-; twined. In her shining foot prints, we will continue to walk, till we clasp hands, some sweet day, on Beuiah’s sinless shore. Her purity, steadfastness and uniform benevolence are cherished memories of this mother in Israel. Whenever duty whispered “Thou Must," her courageous heart re plied “I can;" her faith was made whole with deed. To give was her delight, and j hundreds will gladly testify of her bounteous hospitality. She honor ed her husband, cherished her children and was loyalty itself to a large circle of friends. She was a tower of strength to her husband and a foudtain of loving sympathy to her children, grandchildren and friends. Three beloved daughters pre ceded her to the Saint’s Rest, and she is survived by three children —Mrs. Thos. Sanders, Mr. Walter Leigh and Mr. James Leigh. May the virtues she instilled into their hearts bear fruit to her praise and to their salvation. May the loved little grand-daughter, be queathed by a dying mother, fill nobly the gracious sphere of the deceased. The tenderest words of our language are meet tribute to this lamented wife, mother, neighbor and friend. Gifted with a comely personality, she was blessed also with a well- cultured mind, a hopeful, cheery disposition, and the genuine man’s love for her husband, chil dren, home, church and friends. Could each charitable, neighborly deed have been converted into a flower, she would have slept be neath a wondrously beautiful mound of nature’s sweetest blooms. Such spirits cannot die; they but pass into larger spheres of usefulness, and bequeath for our comfort David’s deathless strain of Christian triumph—“She | cannot come to me, b>:t I can go to is no better, gret to hear ness. Major M. D. Watkins visited Newnan first of the week. Mrs. D. F. Brewster, of Newnan, is spending a few days with her parents in the city. Prof. E. H. S. Bell, the teacher of vocal music in Hutchison Col lege, spent last week with his pa rents in Paulding county. > The attendance at Hutchison College this spring has been the largest in several years. A public debate will be given by the young men of the Demosthenean Society at an early date. A definite an nouncement will be made later. City Marshal Tucker Booth i had a force of hands at work on I the streets the past week, who did j some good work. Our farmers seem to be the i busiest folks in the country just • now. They are fast getting ready ! for the new crop. Labor is very I scarce in this community. The cotton acreage will be materially decreased in this section. Whitesburg being so favorably b e ‘ | situated on the nearest and best route for the new Atlanta and Birrningham railroad, we are all confidently expecting the road to come directly through our town. Coweta Superior Court adjourn-! ed last Friday afternoon, after a, busy term of two weeks. A sum-1 mary of the business transacted [not previously reported by the News] is as follows: State vs Charlie Long, breaking and entering railroad car; 12 months in chaingang. State vs Joe Williams, assault with intent to murder; guilty of stabbing; $35 fine and costs or 6 months in chaingang. State vs George Vaughn, simple larceny; plea of guilty; 8 months in chaingang. State vs George Vaughn, burg lary; 4 months in chaingang. State vs Isaiah Dews, larceny from house; plea of guilty; £50 and costs or 6 months in chaingang. State vs J C Connerly, larceny after trust; not guilty. State vs Gene Graham, assault with intent to murder; 12 months in chaingang. State vs Nathan Brown, murder; guilty with recommendation to mercy; life sentence in peniten tiary. Application for charter for News Printing Company was granted. J. M. Terrell, Governor vh An drew Stephens, principal and W. H. North, surety, bond forfeiture in sum ot $100. Scire facias dered to issue. known lady of this county, died at her home in the Third District last Satuday night, at the age of 38 years. The funeral occurred Sun day afternoon in the family cemete ry and was irt charge ot Dr. G. A. Nunnally, assisted by Judge A. D. Freeman. The deceased is sur vived by one brother, Mr. Will Mc Combs, who has the sympathy of all of his friends in his bereave ment. OALLED BACK TO OLD CHARGE. A number of years ago Rev. 1 J. B. S. Davis gave up the care ot New Lebanon Baptist church in this county to accept a call for every Sabbath to Baptist church at Madison, Ga. On last Saturday Mr.|Davis was again unanimously elected pastor of New Lebanon church and on the following day entered upon his pastoral duties there. FLORIDA 8 GREAT DAILY. The News has received a copy of thri special 32-page edition of the Daily Sun, ot Jacksonville, Florida, issued last Saturday to cel ebrate the installation of a new perfecting press. The Sun isgen- or-1 erally regarded as Florida’s best : and most interesting newspaper. State vs Alger Hall, assault with intent to murder; guilty ot shooting at another;¥ioo and costs or 12 months in chaingang. State vs John Wood and John Williams, burglary; severance de manded; John Wood found guilty and sentenced to pay fine of $75 and costs or serve 12 months in chaingang. John Williams found not guilty. State vs Garfield Clay, assault with intent to murder; not guilty. , J M Terrell, Governor, vs Al- furnish power for the press, which bert Favers, principal, andj. H. Mr. P. L. Sutherland, formerly a well known citizen of Newnan, is President of the corporation which owns the Daily Sun and he is its chief financial backer. THE NEW8 NEW PRE88. The News’ new Potter press has arrived and is now being installed. It is the best press ever owned by a Newnan newspaper. A three horse power gasoline engine will Hudson and J B Huckleby, sure ties; bond forfeiture in sum of $100. Scire facias ordered to is sue. W S Travis appointed guardian, ad litem, for person of Sidney Travis, his son. W,S Witham vs W T Arnall, T C, et al,, injunction; hearing con tinued until May 10, 1905, at La Grange, Ga. State vs John Demmons, alias John Drummonds, assault with in tent to murder; guilty of shooting at another; $100 and costs or 12 months in chaingang. State vs 1 Gus McElwany and Jack Chappell, assault with intent to murder; not guilty. State vs Will Dorsey, assault with intent to murder; not guilty. Leila Jones vs E M Jones, di vorce; defendant will probably be used for the first time in issuing next week’s News. loved, so sorely mourned. May the inspiration of her noble character reconcile us to our great loss. Time’s grandest work is gethering such precious treasures into the Heavenly Garner. The I plaintiff for maintenance of herself wo- hand of God alone can perfect that! and minor child. the adjourned term of court Cause of continuance was the ab sence of two important witnesses for the defense. Jurors drawn for adjourned term of court, to convene on 4th Mon day in May, are as follows: Traverse Jury for May adjourned term, 1905. W L Brakefield, R Hughes, F 1' Mcaoham, H A Martin, WEE Martin, E H Norris, J P Jones, Frank Wilkinson, W W Carrnical, E L Freeman, G Wynn Smith, W A Herring, T M Todd, J W Tay lor, J C Sewell, R E Simms, J T Holmes, T B Jones, R F Eberhart, T A Andrews, J R Gable, W J L Herndon, C J Haynie, T F Brooks, J C Harris, T T Entrekin, J E ordered to pay I Ogletree, W B Orr, Jr., C H New- attorney’s fees and costs of suit, ton, C C McNight, Harry Linch, and $20 per month alimony to J A Hyde, W F Baggerly, E P Harrison, A P Bowers, Judson Harris. beautiful character that comes from a sense of duty,well perform ed, of effort made and sacrifice undergone. Farewell, dear friend, loyal from childhood to old age. Sweetened by adversity and chastened by af fliction, Heaven is thy well-earned recompense. May Faith and Hope clasp hands over thy beloved dust, and thy honored tomb be strewn with the forget-me-nots of Love. D. B. W. her.” As long as memory survives, I her name will make sun.mer-time! Miss Ruth Whatley, the art in our hearts, and her life will be a teacher, has been quite ill for the cherished inspiration. Sweet be : past several days.—Carrollton Free her aleep beside the children, so j Press. j State vs Sam Holland, murder;| Talles Jurors for May adjourned defendant admitted to bail in sum , term, 1905. 0 f *S00- I A B Copeland, J R McCollum,, State vs Henry Johnson, mur-jj "I Thurman, P M Lee, C I der; defendant admitted to bail in j Stamps. T H Carrnical, J A Kemp- sum ot $300. j son, J E Atkinson, J M Glass, T Jim Brown vs City of Newnan, | H Grimes, Jr., J R Herring, Smith certiorari; certiorari dismissed. 1 Brown, T B Banks, F J Flannery, Wm. Krueger vs City of New- j W R Evans, Sr., Jas. P. Camp, A nan, certiorarqcertiorari dismissed, j B Cates, W A Brannon, J D Car- E J Turner, executrix of J T j mical, J L Morris, F. M. Campbell, Reese, vs W A Turner, mortgage j W H Mashburn, W E Murphy, J foreclosure; foreclosure ordered. ' H Attaway, J D Johnson^ G E Tohn Dunbar vs Isaac Carring-1 Croft, C A Gentry, ton, mortgage foreclosure; fore-! Mrs Beulah Murphy, of Bordon- closure ordered. j Springs, Ala., is on a visit to her The case of Luke Hall, charged [sister, Mrs. M. M. Hallutn.—Car- with murder, was continued until I rollton P'ree Press.,