The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, March 24, 1905, Image 4

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HOW. H. W. CAMP CANED BY HIS CHILDREN The children of Hon. and Mrs. il. W. Camp assembled at their ionic at Moreland on March 19th, n the 62nu anniversary of Mr. lamp’s birth,and pave this worthy jonple a surprise party. There vcre present J. i’. Camp and fam- ly> J VV. Camp and family, L. m ..amp anti lami’y, Henry Camp, K. Jm Brannon and family and L. vi Farmer and family, all of Cow- :ta county. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Camp, of Grantville, were unable 10 be present, on account of sick ness. An enjoyable feature of this de lightful occasion was the elegant linner served to the guests by Mrs. Camp and a further pleasant incident of the occasion was the presentation to Mr. Campof a very handsome gold headed cane, a birthday gilt from his children. Hon. L. m. Farmer made a bnauti- Iul little speech in tendering the cane, and Mr. Camp responded in fitting and feeling terms. Mr. Farmer’s presentation speech was as follows: “Today we are the unbidden geests of a noble host »ui<l hadcsa: but while unbidden. we have nbnr.dnnt evidence that we ore welcome. The children of (lie host und his faithful and devoted wife dal not wait to he hidden, because they always have the assurance of a de voted father's and a loving mother’s welcome at home. What is true of lhew children is also true of the hus bands, wives and children of these chil dren. We have been drawn here today by the filial love and resjiect we hi ur for thin noble lather and mother of the family On the tl2ud birthday anni versary of the head of this family we tire assembled for the purposed honor ing him ami offering a token of our love mid affection. Among the teeming mil lions of earth it is not the privilege of SWELL CLOTHES Iht kind we srt Oaliicg let tuMoours.every day. Wt bring the metro politan Uthicna lb you »ml ai a very low COM. notwithstanding the r«. cepitonally ),,gb p,»j t wotkoianal.ip »bteh «( fun into Maa. MADE TO MEASURE God showers his blessings from above; Ami angels watching o’er it cry, Lo! lint- is like our home on high!'’ Let the brothers and ‘•isters, their huslitniils and wives of this household, resolve to keen iheir homes pure and tree from petty jealionsies and profligate Imlm-that frequently show themselves in large lamilier like this, remeinhering to | ire hr others to yourselves and that the gj -»t li st iif charucli 1 and manhood is tie- obedient and loving service we rendei to 0111 h IJow man. •To the mother, who moves as 11 if - 'tin < n of tins honsehohl. your virtnes an too numerous to rehearse before your children, who know them well; hut will say that when Henry W. Ixmg- fellow jieuned the following words lie must have had our mother tu mind: “As ntlto the how the cord is, So unto man is woman; Though she fiends him. she obeys him: Though she draws him.yetislie follows; i’unless each without the other.'' • To our fattier, under whose roof we me, it is tlietignd birthday anniversary, und tins is the cause of our coining to-1 gether. We arc thankful that yon have 1 lieen spared to live to this good hour | and are grateful that our lives liuve been ! spared to meet you bore today. Wo congratulate ourselves that you arc with 1 us and that your counsel and advice though not always taken, many tunes to our regret, have been words of wis dom. We shall iiiivni forget your life of puri*y, ,,f frugally and godliness. Though you have been successful far l>e- youd the ordinary man in creating worldly treasures, we are satisfied that' it has not been attained with any de crease of domestic purity, frugality and the fear of God; that you have taken , the law of t he lord as your counsel and | guide; that God's word was ttie light of j youi household and our desire is toduv j to follow you as you follow the Lord. J “We are thankful for all the kind-i nesses nud courtesies you have shown 1 . . . us. for they have been many And as a I ment * Poaching a fine sermon, token of the esteem, respect, love and i Mrs. Lizzie Chandler, of New- affectiou we bear you, we beg to present I nan, is visiting her brother, Mr. you this onue. Aud we hope the Lord | Hamrick, niuy lie merciful aud gracious to us all aud lie mny spate you and us to enjoy MADE TO Dont’think you are econ- ^ Jjk ! | TT ORDER i\ In i tbopely maniw, graetful and pleating it) omizing when you are try- A- \ i*Wl 1J tht cy«, wiihopl it tlf fexli in «ny p.rtxuUrolliBi is ing to make that last sum- ^ , ij Com* to »n<t let n« •how you our Uttit l.uitnm ami drrsa •tiiia Th* MatnuU «»W be • irvtloUoil K> jra*. mer’s suit do over time— wer'nt built right for such a long run. Fash ion has wisely decreed the short coat an out-law and baggy breeches are an abomination—Long coats well padded shoulders full roomy and comfortable. The well dressed realize the three requirements— right clothes, cutters and tailors. We have all three and ask a look on March 28, 29, 30. 'VERY MAN «rho UVn pride io bii personal^ Appetraece, will appreciate the ^graceful, symmetric*) qut liner of The Desbecker*Block Clothrt Thay art Mak«-T*-0r4#r nod ini to fit and aundard tlit world ovtr. Our •ftnl will ukt ySur intuurc vtry cartfully-raltcr von hove made your aelection from bun- ilreda ol different pauerni, and w« will Snake your garntnl in » way that will bt aaliafaetory lo yon. Deabecker-Bloek tlotbta an worn la r (yen c Sy and town from ihe Atlantic to the Pacine—without a disaaliafied cuatoiner. Suita to order from »ia.fO itpwarda. Trouaara I* urttt. »}-75 spwavda mt DtSOtCKtOMLOCH JAMMING (COMPANY^ OMH lt,N,K Jrr S Powell Sargent. Rev. J. B. S. Davis was called to preach for New Lebanon church last Saturday and filled hisappjint- Mr. J. T. Jackson, of Carrollton, , ■ j visited relatives at this place last many more occuhiouk like this; aud as u iwautsa F oomiuim unit and witli nil to enjoy such a beautiful and hountl- , .. .. . , ... steady and fixed purpose ol esohewing fu home, si t unit'd us tliih one in and . . .... 1 ! ... a uniform'! Sunday. Several of- Welcome’s young peo- surronnded by benuftful groves and I tl,e 1 ’ vi1h of life and assimilating the f p l e attended Church at this place late of meadow land, provided with a ! «°° d ’ n ’ av w '’ f “ dowM lie K Sunday. . .. , ,., , fast ehbmg river pluck the flowers that _V- gnice its sides aud thank the gracious giver.” liotint it'ul supply o! temporal wealth and presided over by the patents whom we delight to honor. To show them that- wo appreciate these blessings and realize 1 lie source from which all blessings come, lot our hearts, full of love and gratitude, well up in praise aim thanksgiving to God for his bountiful supply ol tent)or al blessings; and, especially lor giving oh a lather and mother willing und OUliuhle ol taking advantage ol the op portunities given them. “It is said that “duty” is the sub limes! word 111 the English language, t Imt “mother" is the sweetest and that “home” is the most comprehensive. 'The happy home comprehends all that is worth living for 111 tins world and all that can bo desired in the next. A la ther and mother, dutiful and affeetion- TWO TALENTED YOUNG M6N. The G. L. A. D. Club met at the home of Mr. R. W. Hamrick iast Saturday night. All reporta jolly time, as an old time spelling match was on the program. Miss Lois Flemming, of Man ning, was the popular guest of Miss Messrs Dupree Pope, of tlie Appren tice Glass, and Berryman Lungino. of the Junior GIiish. Technological School, are sending the week in Newnan. . This is term examination week at the Mildred Arnall Saturday night Technological school; hut these young men are not taking the examinations, because they made the high grade of scholarship in their daily recitations I which exempts them from all examina tions for the term just closed. The News congratulates them upon ! their splendid record at an institution where system of grading, as well as where rules generally, are rigorous to an —STATEMENT— of the CONDITION OF Bank of Grantville Located at Grantville, Ga., at the Close of Business March 14, 1016 ate sons and daughters aud a temporal extreme. Ho ninny boys nowadays are resting place; an eternal, merciful Fa- j "flunking," so many more are looking tlier, an interceding Christ, in the world upon mere athletic recreations us the to coiuc. “The home, the family, the house hold is the fountain-head of society. Both the Htate and the church grow out of the larnilv—and 1 might say the real : supreme tiling in life, that it is gratify ing to know that we have some bright j exceptions. The news conies from Prof. Pickett ttint one of these young gentlemen Miss Nora Dyer left Saturday for Carrollton where she will enter the public school. We have a good Sunday School at this place, but if everybody at- STArl • Before me tended we think it would be much better. RESOURCES. Gians and discounts % 02,954 -13 Demand loans .... ... 13,103 TO Overdrafts 8.07044 Banking House 2,650 (Hi Furniture and Fixtures 750 00 Due from Banks and Bankers in the State 7,856 15 Due from Banks and Bankers in other Status.... 4,106 M Currency . 1.84(100 Gold, 30 00 silver, Nickels and Pennies : 184 (II Cheeks and Cush Items 44 0’> .1 ntereat Paid . ‘JOB 87 Totaj * 100,056 18 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in. 6 35.000 (to Surplus Fund l,000(Kl Undivided profits, less Current Ex penses and Taxes Paid .... 0. OKI 13 Individual deposits subject toeheok . 47,504 00 Cashier's Checks 131 oo Notes and Bills Rediscounted, Bills Paya ble, Including Time Certificates repre senting Borrowed Money 3(1.000 Torn. $100,950 is The ftnallty That I'oaad. The great prizes of life do uot fall to the moat brilliant, to the cleverest, to the ahrewdeat, to the moat long headed or to the heat educated, hut to the moat level beaded men, to the men of aound- est judgment. When a man is wanted for a responsible position hla shrewd ness Is uot considered so Important as his sound judgment. Itcliabllity Is what is wanted. Gan a man stand without being tripped, and, if l.c is thrown, can be luud upon his feet? Gun he lie depended upon, relied upon under all circumstances, to do the right tiling, the sensible thing? tins the man a level head? Has he good horse sense? Is he lfnlile to fly off on a tiiugenf or to "go off half cocked?” Is he “faddy?” Hus lie “wheels In his. head?” Does lie lose his temper easily or cau he control himself? If tie can keep a level head under nil circum stances. if he cannot be thrown off Ills balance and is honest, he is the man wanted.—Success. HiiMKinn Army OddlllfH. Many, indeed, arc the curious cus toms connected with the Russian army, says a writer 111 a London jour nal. For Instance, none hut giants are allowed in the Preohrashenski body guard regiment. To the Isnmllowskl regiment none hut fair men are nuv miffed, while a turned up nose is the qualifying adornment of the Pnwlow guards. The Guards chasseurs, on the kUEOKOilA—County of Coweta: arm-Chan. M Walker. Cashier ol I Bank of Grantville, who, lx big -duly sworn says that the above and foregoing statement is | other baud, are composed exclusively Mice T u’, rron c ;„i, ! atru< condition Of said Blink, as Shown by the, 0 f dark haired men. Then. too. the M iss Lucile VV arren is very sick , books of tile in said Bank. UHAS. M. WALKER, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 2-nd day of March 11*05. O. P. CLOWER, N. P. & Ex. officio,!. P. at this writing. M rs. J. M. Boone is spending some time with her sonin Atlnata. nbont 120, while the other ranked 4th in a class of about f>0. sootl corn from whence our republic milked for the term 2nd in a class of sprang was Gliristiau households, the taproot ol our Gliristiau churches. The government which presides at capitols amounts to hut little in comiiarisou with the government winch rules our homes. Nothing cau seriously harm us if our liome life Madras Farmers are busily engaged in Welcome Rev. W. H. Meacham preached at Mt. Carmel last Sunday after noon. Messrs. Nath Strong, Will Amis and Tom McKLoy worshipped at Sargent Sunday. Rev. J. B. S. Davis preached. He has accepted the pastorate ol that church for A small store street, near the A. house on Savannah i distinction between ofllcers of the guards and those serving in line regi ments is most marked, n guard lieu* j tenant until recently taking precedence I over a captain of the line. Further more the pay of infantry officers In line regiments is ludicrously small. What; the Infantry private’s lot is can better & W. P. & Central 1 he imagined than described. is pure and godly. Nothing j P re P ar ‘ n 6 u for an °^ e _ r ?_ r0 P- The * j this year. Prof. Johnson has begun making crossing, belonging to J. H. Pittman, was burned" last' Monday morning h~- tvveen 2 and 3 o'clock. The entire stock and building was destroyed. Loss amounted to probably |r>00; with in surance of $100 on the building. The loss falls heavily on Mr. Pittman, who is a comparatively poor man. nau bring us pleasure aud contentment ; seem have determined to cut If our home* become the abode of ignor- \ down the cotton acreage attoe, the nest of petty jealousies aud j the ueating place o! profligacy The! divine law should lie the roie of the home; aud in every home the Bible should lie the household god. Wealth, fortune, education, splendor uud grand eur alone, cannot make a happy home. Wilkes West is improving slowly. Parks West was buried at Mt. Gileardlast week. The family has our sympathy in this time of be reavement. Mrs. J. R. Atchison visited her preparations for a concert to be given at this place about the mid dle of April. Joe Stephens and sister, Miss j great power Emma, of Franklin, visited Miss Bessie Crain last Sunday. The revival meeting now in progress at the Methodist church is one of great interest aud large crowds are attending all the services. Rev S. R. Belk, of Au gusta, is proving himself a preacher of It matters not whether home is clothed I brother| L. S. Alsabrook, and in gold and purple, if it is oulv hrimfnll of smiles, sunshine aud gladness. “The povt describes in the following tinea the happy home: “Where is the happiest home on earth? Tie not mid scenes of noisy mirth; But where God's favor, sought aright. Fills every breast with joy aud light. “The richest home? It is uot found Where wealth aud splendor most abound. But wheresoe'er, ill hall or cot. Men live contented with their lot. «‘Thefairest home: It is is not placed The scenes with outward beauty graced, But w here kind words and smiles uu}>art ] A constant- sunshine to the heart On such a home ol pence audlpve. The play,“The Oxford Affair,” as pre- ,, , „ . ... , isented bv several of Newnan's young Mrs. J. B. Strong is visiting her | ladjee atthe Anditorinm< . lMt Friday family, in Newnan last week. Mrs. Lizze Witham was guest of her sister, Mrs. J Atcison, last Saturday. the R. night, was greatly enjoyed. A large audience was present and the net pro- sister. Mrs. A. B. Brown, at H gansville. W. i>. Summers and wife are re- j eeeds amounted to about $80, joicing over a new baby girl. Ben Scroggins, an old negro of Tar and Frnthrra In 11NB. In England the penalty of tar and feathers was Introduced in 1180, when Richard 1., before setting out for the Holy Laud, ordained, in order to pre serve the discipline of his fleet, that, whosoever should he convicted of theft should first have hi* head shaved; that boiling pitch should then he poured upon It, and n cushion of feathers (de la plume (roreiller) shaken over It. He was afterward to be put on shore at the first place the ship touched at, though, after a baptism of boiling pitch, the poor wretch would have lit tie life left in him. In modern time* the practice has found favor with the populace as a means of readily exe cuting justice on an offender whom the law perhaps shows no anxiety to reach.—Ixmdon Mail. Hard to Pleaae. “The only perfectly beautiful wo man,” said a well known sc-ulptor, “must have been a goddess. 1 never saw a perfectly beautiful woman in Mrc A H , - ^1. OHUSB.U., F. M. Ailums, the convicted, Mrs. Annie Hydeand son, Lver- community died last Mondav w ^ e murderer, has quieted down i ll,e ’ uor even b< “ a ''d of the exist- t,were the guests of Rich Moore's ! community, died last londay. ‘ enceof one. As for Cleopatra, a learned ... _ Rev. V, A Ham visited Alt. i consiQcrsDiy since ne nss oeen re-1 p.mriiRhnifln h»a (BaDnvnptwi in anmo on ett family last Sunday. A. Ham visited Mt. I considerably turned to the Willie Terrell exited home folks Ca ' mel ach , 0 ° 1 >Vednesei a y. c un j av i Rev. G. W. Colquitt, of Palmet Mice v «-* . C 1 * 0 . visited his daughter, Miss,other prisoners Miss Ruth Poster is the guest of M * - , aQt 6 - Tower. he insisted on preaching to the ! relatives in Carroll county. Mrs. Essie Martin is the guest ; of Mrs. B. C. Terrell. Little Jennie Belie Brown is re covering from a severe illness. Farmers are using less guano this season than iast year. Maude, last week. While here he ; ou t to them the Englishman has discovered In some an- Formerly j.cient gossip written on papyrus that she bad the foxy red hair nud the , . . . freckled skin of all the Ptolemy family ano in pointing and was obliged to resort to hair dyes and cosmetics to keep up her reputa- error of their mingled with many old friends, \ wa .. s He is now quiet and seems ,i0, i for looks. But perhaps the sever of whom he, had married y , ' , . . . A .a-—- *« *~ > **— - to be resigned to his late.—At- ; some fifteen or twenty years ago. The man who gets the most out of life is the man who puts the most into it. anta Journal. est shock to the feelings is to learn that Mary, queen of Scots, actually squint- i ed, and that Mme. Du Barry wore a set of false teeth.” The News aud Semi-Weekly Journal I $1-1