The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, March 31, 1905, Image 7

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Furnish your home At this store, and you'll always be pleased. The most comforta ble and attractive stock of furni ture and house furnishings in New nan is here to select from; with quality and prices to fit all kinds of pocket books Come and see the stock. It does its own talking. You'll be convinced and buy after seeing the goods. DEPOT 8T. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, GA. DH T B DAVIS, Residence Phone t-t.hj wfpallp. OR W A. TURNTKR. K <»mtence Thon'e *>♦. Davis & Turner Sanatorium, Corner College and Hancock Sts., Newnan, Ga. High, central and quiet location. All surgical and medical cases taken, except contagious diseases. Trained nurse constantly in at- 1 tendance. Ratefc $5 per day, $25 per week. Private offices in building. ’Phone 5-two calls. Davis & Turner Sanatorium. Merck & Dent, After your Carriaee has been repaired at our shop it’s as good as new— not only looks so, but is to. You see we replace unsound parts of body, wheel, top or shaft and store the “style' by smart upre- holstering and careful repainting and revarnishing. If your vehicle looks "a bit seedy” come around here and get our estimate on ju dicious re-furbishing and real strengthening. BUGGY BUILDERS Newnan Marble Works, J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. -Manufacturer and Dealer in- All Kinds Marble and Granite Georgia Marble a Specialty. All work guaranteed to be First Class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work, and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR R. R. NEWNAN, GA. N WWIWP* N»I J UHUUJjJi WOOD I ftKBM; *svtvi ’WATER MELON SE grown in th* sunny south ufr/y." Gr««n rind, rod meat, full of Juleo and ae aw—t.” or"- « you want quality, sweetness, and the beet melon* that it L r possible to grow, plant'our aouthom-grown melon seed. Northern \ or western-grown melon seed doesn’t^begin to compare, when yo» R'eonsider the quality and product of the fruit produced. -v.\V ■* Wood'* Daacrtetiva Soed CaUfacue tell*about the best southern melons, TZ?,7> Ill “he"irm ahd GardSnW*. If* mailed free for tbe .skins. %■, We are headquarters for Caw Paaa. Sarfhums, Seed Corn, Enall , Cent, nillet, Se|a Beans, Velvet Bcaat, etc. bped* 1 ***** list of Farm Seeds mailed on request. LL W Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, Richmond, BURPEE’S SEEDS GROW AND WIN MORE PRIZES than the products of any other brand ! Besides several tiold Medals, they won a Grand Prize for vegetables at the St. Louis Exposition, gar If you intend to try Burpee's Seeds, we will mail free our Complete Catalogue of 178 pages, with beautiful colored plates and illustrations from photographs taken at our famous FokijIIOOIC Kakms, the largest Trial Grounds in America. Write TO-DAY i W. ATLEE BURPEE A CO., SEED mowers. PHILADELPHIA 1850 Fifty=Fifth Annual Statement. 1905 Aetna Life Insurance Company MMMiOfMMMm Hartford, Connecticut. MORGAN G. BULKELEY, President. The leading Insurance Company in New England, and the Larg est in the World Writing Hie, Accident, Mil and liability Insurance January 1st, 1905.- Receipts in 1904. Premiums . ' ...... (12 Interest, rents and trout other sources.8 Total Income in 1904 . .—... fib Disbursements in 1904. Death Claims .. $2, Matured Endowments ..J Death and Indemnity (Accident and Liabil ity 1 - Dividends to Policy Holders.:.. .... Surrendered Policies. , Commissions to agents Agency Expenses. Medical Examinations and Miscellaneous Expenditures.... Dividends on Capital Stock (Life). Dividends on Capital Stock (Accident) Taxes . . — .. Total expenses (Accident and Liability Business) 8tlS,1122 77 (KW.miH sm iKii.CfsVTk 899,580 01 528,085 (Ki 1,281,1)22 (12 724,023 1)2 MO,11811 71 1,097,478 20 050,879 311 200.000 00 50,000 00 854,1)88 0-1 1.410.452 4 7 Assets. Heal Estate acquired by foreclosure Office Bollding OOgh oil band and in banks StoqTks and.-Bonds Mot (gages seottrad by Heal Estate Loans on Collaterals Louns secured Policies of this Oonijiany Interest due and accrued Deo. 31, 1904 Premium* in course of collection and deferred Premiums (nut).. Market value of Securities over cost, less sets not. admitted (255,743 07) not Agents Balances and Bills receivable 173, 100, 070, ,400 ,080, ,051 891, 818 lilt 71 (MS) 00 023 30 ,1180 90 317 72 ,394 02 BO I OK ,732 05 As- 074,112 OS ,318, 55. 790 55 145 57 $78,090,178 Ml Total Disbursements in 1904 10,758,855 90 Excess of income over Disbursements iu 3)4 5,172.7(H) 8(1 Paid Policy Holders in 1904 3 6,971,793 55 Total Paid Policy Holders from Organization in 1850 to Janu ary 1,1905 $145,91 8,246 86 Life Insurance issued, revived and paid for iti: 1004 .. ... . #28,850,907 ,oo Life Insurance in force January 1. 1IM15 237,304,73!:,00 Accident Insurance in force Jan. I, 1905 217,230,104.00 Number of Policy Hold> rs Jan. 1, 1905 225,011 Total Assets, January 1, 1905 .. Liabi (ties. Losses and Claims awaiting further proof. and installment claims not yet. due ( Life) # 305,147 Losses and Claims awaiting further proof, and not yet duo ( Accident and Liability I 588,727 Surplus Reserve for special class of Policies and dividends to Policy holders not yet due 798,020 Premiums paid in advance and other Liabili ties.. . .. 01,092 Reserve on Life. Endowment and term policies, 4 per cent., standard on Old Business and 3 ',; per cent, on Policies issud since 1900, 01,858,783 Less value of Policies of He-insnr nitre, #40,909,00 .. .. 01,817,814 Speoial Reserve, in addition to tbe Reserve above giVen, - 2,104,780 Unearned Premia ms on accident and Liabil ity insurance.. -- -- . -- 1,274,344 Special Reserve on Liability Insurance 100,000 Total Reinsurance and Special Reserve and all other Liabilities . .07,140,538 Guarantee Fund in Excess of requirements b.v Company's Standard . .. 0 555,040 Total Liabilities Jan. 1, 1905 73,090,179 Guarantee Fund in Excess of requirements bv Standard of Ooiineeticnt and other States 8.850,420 Great Gains in Business in 1904 Increase in Assets .. $5,028,310 10 Increase in Guarantee Fund over re quirements .. 883,881 111 increase in Premium Income 1,135,008 90 Increase in Total Income . . 1,372,082 20 Increase in New LJG Insurance issued and paid for .. $2,225,105 0(1 Increase in Life Insurance in Faroe 14,001,802 00 Increase in Accident Insurance in Force 8,018,920 00 Increase in number of Policy holders 11,018 F. M. BRYANT, District Manager, Newnan, Georgia. Champion Liniment for Rheuma- j tism. Chas. Drake, a mail carrier at, Chapin- j ville. Conn., suvs: ‘‘Chamberlain's Pnin j Balm is tbe champion of all liniments. The past year I was troubled a great' deal with rheumatism in my shoulder. After trying several cures the store keeper here recommended this remedy and it completely cured me.” There is no use of anyone suffering from that, painful ailment when this liniment can be obtained for a small sum. One ap plication gives prompt relief and its continued use for a short time will pro duce a permanent cure. For stile by Holt & Cates, Druggists, Newnan, Ga. Some men train their conscien ces to approve of evil, and then calmly insist they are doing right. Strikes Hidden Rodks. When your ship of health strikes the bidden rocks of consumption,pneumonia, etc., you are lost, if you don’t get help from Dr. King’s New Discovery for con sumption. J. W. McKinnon, of Tal ladega Springs, Ala., writes: “I had been very ill with pneumonia, under the the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King’s New Discovery. Tbe first dose gave relief, and one bottle cum) me.” Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. Guaranteed at, J. 'J’. Reese’s and Dr. Paul Peniston’s drug store. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. City Tax Notice. The city tax books will he open at the City Clerk's office on April i, 1905, for returns of all city lungs,” says Hon. John Sbeniek, 220 So. : properly, real and personal, sub- Peoria St., Chicago. “Two years ago I ject to taxation for the year 1905. A Chicago Alderman Owes His Elec tion to Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. "1 cun heartily and conscientiously recommend Glminlicrlain's Gough Rem edy for affections of the throat, and during a political campaign, 1 caught All real estate owners will be ex cold after being overheated, which ir-. . rifated my throat,andl was finally coin- peeled to give the width and depth polled to stop, as I could not sjienU of lots owned by them; also, name aloud. In my extremity a friend ad- j of street and number of same, vised me to use Chamberlain's Gough |- F0USK Remedy. I took two doses that after-1 1 4t The giving of a kind word often [accomplishes more than the gift of ! much gold. Burch & (Jay, Depot street, High Class Restaurant for white people. Ser vice prompt, and tables supplied by best the market affords. Lunches 15c; din ners, 25c. * True love is implicit trust. noon and could not believe my senses when 1 found the next morning the in flammation had largely subsided. I took several doses that day, kept right on talking through the campaign, and I thank thiH medicine that I won my seat iu the Council.” This remedy is for sale by Holt & Gates, Druggists, Now- nan, Ga. It is impossible to make a moun tain of dollars high enough to reach heaven. Startling Mortality. Statistics show startling mortality, from appendicitis hiuI peritonitis. To prevent and cure these awful diseases, there is just one reliable remedy, Dr. King’s New Life Pills. .M . Flannery, of 14 Custom House Place, Chicago, says: . . i< »- . Tho Colonel’s Waterloo. “They have no equal for constipation aud biliousness.” 25c atJ.T. Reese’s j Colonel John M i< idler, of Honey and Dr. Paul Peniston’s, druggists. drove, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo, 1 from liver and kidney trouble. In are- c . c . . , cent, letter, he says: “I was nearly dear!, Some of our greatest joys are ^ City Clerk. The happiest man is he who makes the best he can of the worst he gets. Incredible Brutality It, would have been incredible brutal ity if CIibh. F. Lemberger, of Syracuse N. Y., hud not done the best he could for his suffering son. “My hoy,” lift says, “cut, a fearful gush over his eye, so i applied Buck Ion’s Arnica Salve, which quickly healed it and saved his eye.” Good for burns and ulcers too. Only 25c at J. T. Reese’s and Dr. Paul Peniston’s drugs tore. Satan wastes no time scheming to get hold of a heart full of hate. recalling the sorrows we have out lived. Tbe News has tho best nibbing oiVars wiLlt all the lOudiiigmiewH- papers and magazine*, tf. Piety consists of doing, not of looking. these complaints, and, although 1 tried my family doctor, he did me no good ; so I got a 5J)c bottle of your great Electric Putters, which cured me. 1 con sider them the best medicine on earth, and thank God who gave yon the know ledge to (make them.” Sold and guar anteed to cure, dyspepsia, biliousness and kidney disease, by J. T. Reese anil Dr. Paul Pcniston, druggists, at 50c bottle.