The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, April 21, 1905, Image 3

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Lctful Advertisements, surviving partner of Dttuu, Ogletree <& ; To Cliff A Locke, Adtnr R D Locke, GEORGIA, Coweta'Cdnnfy. Clinrlette G. Du'un. Admrx. John N. i Co., Cliff A. Locke, Adtnr !censed. deceased: R D. Locke, de- You are hereby notified to appear at the justice court, of the 646th district, Dm.n, surviving partner of Dunn. ; gcieri fnoinR t0 revive judgment in case ! G. M„ of mid.county, to be held at the Ogletree & Co., 1 No. 381 in Justice Court G4tith District, established court house of said district, ‘ Cliff A. Locke, Adtnr. R. D. Locke, de ceased. Scieri facias to revive judgement in 1 O. M of snid County, o Cliff A Locke, Aduir R D Locke, deceased: Jfon,are,* hereby notified to appear at Piitit'f iif'.Min ease No 325 in JusticeCourr (548th Dis- CouriV the (5415th District, dnet, G. M. of said county. *, To Cliff A Locke, Adtnr R I) Locke, j deceased: You are hereby notified to appear at the Justice Court of’> thb 646tl( -District G. M., of said Oounty, to be held at the established court house of said District in Newiinu, Georgia, at 10o’clock A. M. on the 4th Monday in May. IStojijto show on use why said judgment should not b • revived. In default thereof the court ' will pnss an order reviving same. March 1st., 1005. A. H. Bohanan, N. P. & Ex. Officio J.P. G. M., of said County, to he held at the established court house of snid district, in Newnnn. Georgia,at 10 o'clock, a. m , on the 4th Monday in' May ,1005, fly allow eaftsij why sai l juclgllnVt sliouldjuit be revived. In default thereof the court will pnss an order reviving same. March 1st, 1005. A.H. Bohanan, N. P. & Ex. Officio J.P. GEORGIA, Coweta County. CharlettoG Dunn.Adtnrx. John N.Dunn, surviving partner of Dunn, Ogletree & Co,, vs. Cliff A. Locke, Adtnr. R. D. Locke, do oensed. S'ieri t'ncinR to revive judgment in case No.320 in Justice Court 040th Dis trict. G. M., of said County. To Cliff A Locke, Adtnr R D Locke, deceased: You are hereby notified to nppeur at the Justice Court of tho 646th District ' G. M., of said Oounty, to bo hold at the established court house of said District in Newnan, Georgia, at lOo’oloek, A. M. on the 4th Monday in May, 15K)5, to show se why said judgment should no> lie revived. In default thereof the coun will pass nn order reviving same. March 1st, 190). A.H. Bohanan, N. P. & Ex. Offloio J.P. in Newnan. Georgia, at 10 o'clock, n. m., on the 4th Mondny in May, 1905,’t6 show cause why said judgment should not be revived. In default thereof the court will pass an order reviving same. Mnrcli 1st, 11*05. A. H. Bohanan, N.P. Ex. Officio J.P GEORGIA. Oowotrt county!' Ohnflette G.Dntm.Adnlrx JobtiN.Dnun. surviving partner of Drum, Ogletree & Co., vs ' Cliff A. Locke, Adtnr. U. D. l.ooke, de ceased. t • .' 1 Soieri facias to revive judgment in case ' No. B38iu justiiHJcourt 1146th district, G. I M,, of said comity. 1 To Cliff A Locke, Adtnr RD Locke, j deceased': j You are hereby notified to appenrnt | the justice conrtiof the (54 0th district, G. 1850 Fifty-Fifth Annual Statement. 1905 Aetna Life Insurance Company •of* GEORGIA. Coweta County. Clinrlette G.Dunn, Admrx Jno. N.Dunn, surviving pnrtrter of Dunn, Ogletree & Co , vs. Cliff A. Locke, Adtnr. R. D. Locke, de ceased. Scieri fnoins to revive judgment in ofmc . M., of said county, to be held at tho artford, Connecticut. MORGAN G. BULKELEY, President. The leading Insurance Company in New England, and the Larg- estin the World Writing Life, Accident, Health and Liability insurance January 1 st, 1 905. GEORGIA, Coweta County. Clinrlette G.Dunn, Adtnrx. John N Dnnn, surviving partner of Dunn, Oglelre* & Co., vs. Cliff A. Loeke, Adtnr. R. D. Leek., de ceased. Scieri facias to revive judgment in c.» No. 327 in Justice Geart 840tli District, G.M., of said Cnnnty. To Cliff A Locke, Adinr R D Locke, deceased: Yon are hereby notiflod to appenr at tlie Justice Court of the 640th Distriot G. M., of said County, to be held at the established court house of said District, in Newnan, Georgia, at 10o'clock, A. M. on the 4th Monday in MaylSK>5, to show cause why said judgement should not be revived. In default thereof the court will pass an order reviving same. March 1st, 1905. ' A.H. Bohanan, N. P. A Ex. Offloio ,T P. No. 332 in Justice Court' (Ulltli district, J G. M., of snid county. To Cliff A Locke, Adnir R D Locke, j deceased: i You are hereby notified to apponr at | the justice conrc of the 646th distriot, G. M., of said county, to be held at the, established court house of snid distriot in Newnnn, Georgia,at 10 o’clock, a. in., oil the 4tli Mondny in May, 1905,to sliow oauso why said judgment should not be revived. In default thereof the court, will pass an order reviving same. Maroii 1st, 1903. A. H. Boliannn, N.P. A Ex. Offloio J.P. GEORGIA, Coweta county. Clinrlette G.Dunn,Adnirx.Jno N. Dunn, surviving portlier of Dunn, Ogletree & Co., vs. Cliff A. Locke, Admv. P, D. Lxsko, do- oeased. Soleri facias to revive jtidgm->n* in ease No. 833 in jnsttes court (HtJ'h district, G. M., of said oounty l'o Cliff A Loeke, Adinr R O Locke, d"C'*s><d: You are hereby notified to apjiear at the jnstloe ronrt of the 448th district, G. M., of said oounty, to be held at the established court house of said district, ill Nowuaii, Georgia,at 10 o’clock, a. ni., on the 4th Monday in Mar, 1905, to sliow canse why said judgment should not be revived. Ill default thereof the oourt will pais an order reviving same. March 1st, 1905. A.H. Hohauun, N. P. & Ex. Offloio J.P. established court house of said district, ill Newnan, Georgia, at )0o'clock,u. in., ! on the 4th Monday in May, 1905, to show , cause why said judgment,should not be ! revived. In default thereof the court will pass an order reviving same. March 1st, 1905. A.H.Bohanan, N. P. & Ex. Officio J. P. j GEORGIA, Oowota Comity. U. L. Barry, John A. Smith mid Jos-1 eph Kingsborry, surviving partners of the late firm of Mooro, Marsh A Co., VH. Cliff A Loeke, adnir. R. D Looke, de ceased. Soieri facias to amend and rovivc judgment in justioe oourt in and for the 848th district, G. M., of said county. To Cliff A. Looks, adinr. R. D. Looke, deceased: You are hereby notified to apiswr personally or by attorney, befooi the Justioe court in and for the (M6ti: dis trict. U. M., of said county, to be k»ld at 10 o’clock, a. m., ou the 4th Monday in May, 1900, at the established oonrt house of said distriot, in Newnan, Geor gia, then and there to show canse why said Judgment should not be amended and revived as prayed for ill ease stated above. In default thereof the oourt will proceed ns to justice shall apper tain. March 1st, 1905. A.H. Bohunau, N. P. A Ex. Offloio J.P. Receip s in 1904. Premiums $12,888 1*22 77 Interest, rents and from other sources. 11.083.15113 99 Total Income in 1904. $15,031.558 715 Disbursements in 1904. Death Claims $2,899,588 *51 Matured Endowments ... .... 1,528.085 00 Death and Indemnity (Accident and Liabil ity! 1,281,922 82 Dividends to Policy Holders - 724.023 1*2 Surrendered Policies . 548,989 71 Commissions to agents 1,097,478 3*5 Agenoy Exiienses, Medical Examinations and Miscellaneous Expenditures 656,379 315 Dividends on Capital Stock ( Life) 200,000 00 Dividends on Capital Stock (Accident).. 50,000 00 Taxes. 354,938 04 Total expenses (Accident and Liability Business) 1,419,452 47 k 173HU74 460.000 00 7,076,623 80 24.490,986 1*0 39,688.817 72 1,051,894 63 3,891,604 08 818,782 66 GEORGIA, Coweta County. Charlette G.Dunn,Admrx. John N.Dntin, surviving partner of Dunn, Ogletree & Go., vs. Cliff A. Locke, Adtnr. tt. D. Locke, de ceased. Scieri facias to revive judgment in case No. 828 in Justice Court 048 District, G. M.< of saidc»unty. To Cliff A Locke., Adnir R D Locke, deceased: You are hereby notified to appear at- the Justice Court of the (546th Distriot, G. M.. of said County, to be held at the established court house of said distriot , iu Newnan, Georgia,at 10 o’clock A. M. on the 4th Monday iu May, 1905. to show cause why said judgment should not be revived. In default thereof the court will pass an order reviving same. March, 1st, 1905 ' A.H Bohaiiau, NVP. & Ex. Offloio J. P GEORGIA, Coweta eounry. Charlette G.Duun,Admrx.JohnN.Dunn, serving partner of Duuu, Ogletree & Co., vs. Cliff A. Locke, Adnir. R. D. Locke, de ceased. doieri facias to revive judgment In case No. 834 in justioo court 640th distriot, G. M., of said oounty. To Cliff A Locke, Admr R D Looke, deoensed: Yon are hereby notified to appear at the justice court of the 646th distriot, G. M.. of snid county, to be held at the established court house of said district, iu Newnnn, Georgia, at 10 o'clock, a. m., on tho 4th Mondny in May, 1903, to show cause why snid judgment should not he revived. In defuult thereof the court will pass an order reviving same. March 1st, 1905. A.H. Bohnnnn, N. P. A Ex. Officio J.P. GEORGIA, Cowetn county. Mosely & Moody vs. Cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Loeke, de- deceased. Scieri facias to revive judgment in justice oourt in and for the 646t,h dis triot, G. M , of said county. To Cliff A. Looke, Admr. R. D. Locke, deceased: You are hereby notified to appear personally, or by attorney, before the justioe court in and for the 640th dis trict, G. M., of said oounty, to be held at lOo'olook, a. m., on the 4th Mouday iu May, 1906, at tho established oourt ground of said district, iu the city of Newnnn, Georgia, then and tlioro to show cause why said judgment should not lie revived. In default thereof the court will proooud ns to justice shall appertain. March 1st, 1905. A.H. Bohanan, N. P. & Ex. Offloio J.P. Total Disbursements in 1904 ... 10,758 855 96 Excess of Income over Disbursements in '04 5,172,7(X) 80 Paid Policy Holders in 1904 $6,971,793 55 Total Paid Policy H olders from Organization in 1 350 to Janu ary 1,1905 $145,918,246 86 Life Insurance issued, tevlvod and paid for in 1904... *28.856,967,00 Life Insurance in force January 1, 1905 . 237,304,789,00 Accident Insurance iu force Jan. 1. 1905 217,236,164.66 Number of Policy Holders Jan. 1,1905 236,011 Assets. Real Estate acquired by foreclosure _ Office Building Gash on hand and ill hanks Stocks and Bonds . . Mortgages secured by Real Estate I,onus on Oollnterals . Leans secured Policies of this Company Interest due and accrued Deo. 31, 190-1 . Premiums in course of collection and deferred Premiums (not) 674,112 68 Market value of Securities over ooHt. Urns As sets not admitted ($55,748 0") net.. . 2,818,796 65 Agents Bahiuoes mid Bills receivable.— 66.145 67 Total Assets, January 1, 11*65 *78,696,178 81 Liabilities. Losses nnd Claims awaiting further proof, and installment claims not yet due (Life) * 806,147 00 Losses and Claims awaiting further pro>f, nnd not yet doe (Aooident anti Liability 588,727 eft Surplus Reserve for speoial class of Policies and dividends to Policy holdurs not yet dna 708,646 ST Premiums paid In advance and otln r Liabili ties 01,002 85 Reserve on Life. Endowmt-nt and term jxV icl-w. 4 per cont. standard on Old Iliixtiiesa and 8% tier cont. on Poliotna Isao'* sines 1900 61,869,7! Loss value nf Policies of R-i-insur anoe, *-40,969,00 - - 61,817,914 Cl) Special Reserve, in addition to the Reserve above given, 9,194,786 00 Unearned Premiums ou accident and Liabil ity Insurance ..... J,974.844 1*8 Speoial Reserve on Liability Inanrahoo 100,00000 Total Heintmranon and Special Reserve and all other Liabilities. 67.140,588 16 Gnarautco Fund In Excess of requirements by Company’s Standard 6 55J.646 68 Total Liabilities Jan. I, 19)3 tl.lM.lW §1 Guarantee Fund iu Excess of requirements bv Standard of Connactiunt aud other States 8.860,496 6# 734 CO Great Gains in Business in 1904 Increase in Assets *5,628,810 16 Inoroaso in Guarantee Fund over re quirements 888,884 10 Increase In Premium Inootiio... 1,185,668 90 Increase ill Total Income 1,372,683 30 Inorease in New Life Insurance issued and paid for *9,315,105 06 Increase in Life Insurance iu Foroc.. . ... 14,001,86900 lucre tss In Accident Iinurnnoo in Faroe 8,618,9*6*6 Inorease in number of Polioy holders $ 11,64' F. M. BRYANT, District Manager, Newnan, Georgia. IU GEORGIA, Coweta County. CharletteG Dunn,Admrx.JohnN.Dnnn, surviving partner of Duuu, Ogletree & Co., vs. Cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D. Looke, de ceased. Scieri facias to revive judgment in ease No. 329 in Justioe Court 646th Distriot, G. M. of said oounty. To Cliff A Looke, Admr R D Loeke, deceased: ' You are hereby notified to appear at the Justice Court of the 646th Distriot, G. M., of said County, to be held at the established court house of said District, in Newnan, Georgia, at 10 o’clock, A. M. on the 4th Monday in May 1906, to show cause why said judgment should not be revived. In default thereof the court will pass an order reviving same. March 1st, 1905. A.H. Bohanan, N.P. A Ex. Officio J.P. GEORGIA, Coweta County. Charlette G. Duun, Admrx.TohuN. Dunn, surviving partner of Dunn, Ogletree APo-, .Wv . , , .. Cliff A. Locke, Admr. R. D-vl<ooke, de ceased. Scieri facias to revive judgment in case No. 330 in Justice Court 646th District, G. M.‘, of said Coanty. To Cliff A Looke, Admr R D Looke, deceased: You are hereby notified to appear at the Justice Court of the 646th District, G. M., of said County, to be held at the established court house of said District, in Newnan, Georgia, at 10o’clock A. M. Z .on the 4th Mouday in May, 1903, to show cause why said judgment should not be revived. In default thereof the eoart will pass an order reviving same, nk March 1st, 1905. C A.H. Bohanan, V. P. A Bx. Offloio J. P. d: GEORGIA, Coweta conuty. Charlette G. Duuu, Admrx. JohnN. Dunn, surviving partner of Dnnn, Ogletree A Co., vs. Cliff A. Looke, admr. U. D. Locke, de oensed. Scieri facias to revive judgment in case No. 835 in justice oourt 646th distriot-, G. M., of said oounty. To Cliff A Locke, Admr R D Locke, deceased: Yon are hereby notified to appear at the justioe court- of the 646th distriot, G. M., of said oonuty. tube held a* the established oourt house of said distriot, in Newuau, Georgia, at 10 o’olook. a. m , on the 4th Monday in May, 1905, to show oanse why said judgment should not be revived. In default thereof the oourt will pass an order reviving samo. March 1st, 1905. A. H. Bohanan. N.P. A Ex. Offloio J.P. GEORGIA, Coweta oounty. Charlette G.Dunn, Admrx. JohnN.Dunn, surviving partner of Dunn, Ogletree A Co., vs. Cliff A. Looke, Admr. R. D. Looke, de- oeased. Scieri facias to revive jndgmeutjin case No. 336 in justioe court 646th district. G. M., of said county. To Cliff A Locke, Admr K D Locke, ' deceased: You are hereby notified to appear at the justice court of the 646th district, G. M., of said county, to be held at the established court house of said district, inNewnau, Georgia, at o’clock, a m., on the 4th Monday in May, 1905, to show cause why said judgment should not be revived. In default thereof the oourt will pass an order reviving same. March 1st, 1905, A. H. Bohanan, N.P. A Ex. Officio J.P. Petition for Charter. thereto, rendered Deo. 8th, 1904, tn the notion of ,T. H. Pitnmn nnd .1. It. Wldener, oomplntn- tants, vs Annie F. Key, defendset. A cortsln tract- of Innd lying Inland lotas, In the 5th district of Coweta county, described ns follows: Beginning at the southwest nor. ner of snid lot 2H, run oeHt along the south line of snid lot to the land (tn 1992) owned by llnrdnvrsy ft Hunter, thence tn a northerly dlreetlon siring the foot of tho hill next to the branch, which branch ts the. line ofHnrdnwny ft Hunter, to t he lnnd bought- by Lavender W. liny from the ostein of Kli/.sln-th Little, thence south, 77 8-4 degrees enst to the Xrgo lot.thenee north, 15)>j degrees east to "Hollis lot, 1 ' thenon north, 71bj degrees west to southwest corner of Hollis lot, thence north, lfl!£ degrees oust to ed over to mo. This April 7, 1005. ■T L. BROWN, Sheriff. ORDINARY'S NOTICKS. OKOROIA—Oowota County. I, M. Farmer having applied to the Court of Ordinary of snid County (or Letters of Guar dianship or tlie property of Henry Kreemnn, minor, nil persons eoncerned lire riKpiired to show ouuse in sold Court by the first Mondny In Msy next, If liny they unit, why said applies- , . tlon should not he granted Tuts April Hrd 1005. « r " Rt 1,1 Konornl debility au.l Washington Htreet, thence west, along tin To *‘-o Honorable, the Secretary of State ol J smith side of Washington street to lot former- Georgia: Tho petit ion of J. F. Hanson nnd H. R. J* ques, of Bibb County, nnd Henry C. Cunning- j ly owned by P. K. Cuttino, tin nee south, to 1 lunds bought of Little estate, thence north, lit 8-4 degrees west to Melson street, thenoe hsin, T. M. Cunningham, Jr., T. 8. Molso, W. A. j south, to the end of snid streut, thenon west to Winburn, Alexander 11 Lawton, II. W. John- j the lot of Noah Scott, thence south to the son, J. T. Johnson, and Henry M. Steele, of ; south corner of tho Powell lot, thSlluu went to Chatham County, Georgia, showeth: I Line street, thence south along the west line of Fire!: That the names and residence* of I said lot hi to beginning point, coutslning 4tl petitioners are as above stated. Second: Petitioners desire to form a rail-I road corporation to tie known as Greenville A Newnnn Hallway Company, for the purpose of building a railway through the Counties of Moriwether aud Coweta, from Greenville, in Meriwether County, to Newnan, In Co* ett Coanty, tho length of esld railway, ae near a* can be estimated, to be abont thirty (90) mile*, and the general direction tn which It Is to run being from Greenville, a Uttls West of north, to Newnan. Third: They desire that eatd corporation shall continue for on* hundred and one (101) yeers; that it ehall hare a capitsl stock of ten thousand dollar* 1*10,000.00), consisting entire ly of common stock, with the privilege of in creasing the same from time to time ae pro vided by law, and that ita principal offR-w be ocated in Savannah, in Chatham County Georgia. Fourth: Petitioners do intend In good faith to go forward without delay to aecaro aab- Hcriptione to the capital stock, construct, equip, maintain, and operate said railway, and have given four (4) weeks notice of their in acres, and being same lands described in deeds recorded in book '/. page did, deed record, Cowetu county. Levied on as Hie property of Aunle F: Buy, and all Interests therein, to be sold ns by tbe terms of said mentioned decrcea ae In said decrees fully explained. Maid land will be sold in parcels. Tenant iu poeseueton notified in tonne of the law. This April Uth, l*o6. J - L. BROWN. fiber) If. poirrpoHHu HHisirr'e walb. OKOROIA, Coweta Goantv. Will be sold before tlie court house door tn the city of Nt-wnau, said county, within tbe legal hour* of sale, to the the highest and beet bidder, for cash, ou the first Tuesday ill May, next, the following proporty, towit: DO, number iOU pew ends, made of quartered oak, number 110 panul. Stall supports; 8 wall end*; 442 feet number 1 pew body, rotary oak back, elm *uat;l pulpit, number 40, made of quartered oak; 8 chairs, number green-wood, mode of quartered oak, upholstered with dark red leather: i table, no. #4. All church furni- Cha■ ted Death. Kidtioy trouble often ends fatally, bat by i.hooviitiK tho right nioiliolue, E. II. Wolf, of Benr Ornvo, Iowa, cheat**! dentil. Ho M»yn: "Two year* ago I had Kidney Tronhlo which unused me grout 1*1 iu, Hiiffering nml anxiety, but I took Eleorio Bitters, which effected a com plete onru. I linvo also fouud thorn of I,. A. I’KUDUE, Ordinary. nerve trnublo, nnd keep them constant ly on hand, elnoe. im I find they liave no equal." J. T, House nnd Dr. Paul !Vu- iston, druggists, guarantees them at 50a OKOROIAi Unwutn County. Thu return of th« MpprnixrrH Hotting npart twtflvn monthw’ nupport to tho fninlly of W. H. Kurnuy, ducunMftd, hftvlng b»*Lii fllnd In my of* Moo, all pernoiiM oonuurm-d wro nltod to nhow onuH« by tho l*t Mondny of Mny, M#>*», why wild nppliontlon for fcivolvu moultin' support whould step toward moral regeneration. not be granted. This April 8th. 1905. L. A. l'KHDUK. Ordinary A satisfied stomach is the first GEORGIA—Cowetn Oounty. L, M. Farmer having applied to the Court of Ordluary of said county for Latter*of Ouer- dlanshtpnf the property of Chester, Bunioc, Blfis and Cleo Hlme, minor children of Philip Hlms, Jr., dec need, all persons concerned are re quired to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in May, next, If any thsy can, why said application should not be granted. This April 9rd, 19(15. L. A. PKHDOB, Ordinary. NOTICK TO HKIRfi AT LAW. OKOROIA—Coweta O mnty. To the heirs at law of J. F. A mall, dvsmaeed. In Re. W. Ji Harper vs. J. T. and L. U. Arnall, et. al. Petition to compel titlee to lnnd. Take notice that at tbe next term of the Court of Ordinary of aald County, to be hoMen on May let, 1905, at 10 o'!(s:k. a. m., 1 will pose upon the application of W. J. Harper to com pel the admlnlstrator’a of J.F. Arnall, deceased to make titles to land on a bond for title*. Hold application having beon filed In due form. This April 3rd, 1906. L. A. PKRDUK, Ordinary. tare first class. Number of pew ends, right ten tlon to apply for this charter by the publl- i hand 4B; number pew ends, left band 43; num- cation of this petition In the nowepa- I ber wall ends, right hand 4; left hand 4 Be pers in which sheriff's advertisement* are pub- , lng tb* furniture with which tbe M. B. church, lished in the Counties ol Meriwether and Cow ota, onoe a week for four |4'w.-oks before the filing of ibis petition. Wherefore, petitioner* pray that they may be Inuorporated under the law* of this state as a railway corporation as aforesaid. J. F. Hanson, «• R- Jsques, Henry C. Cunningham, T.M.Cnnningham^r, T. 8. MoUe, W. A. Wtnbnrn, GEORGIA, Caw ate Ceeatjr. Charlette G.Deee.AAaurx. Joa.lT.DmB. GEORGIA, Cowotacouaty. Charlette G.Dnnn,Admrx.JohnN.Dnnn, sarviviog partner of Dnnn, Ogletree A Co., vs. Cliff A. Looke, Admr. R. D. Leeks, de- oeased. Beierl fmeiaa t* reviv# jadgmoet la eats* Ne. «n in jastiee oonrt 444th distriot, O. M., of said eooaty. Alexander R. Lawton, J. T. Johnson, H. W. Johnson, Henry M. Hteelo. 61-4t Bouth, at Hanoi* is now furnished and equip ped. Levied on to satiety a tt fa issaed from Coweta Huperlor Court In favor of the K. H. Stafford company vs ladies of fienoi* M. K. Last Hope Vsnlehod When loading physioinn* Mid that W. M. Hmithurt, fit Fokin, la., had incura ble onimnmption, his last hope Vanieheri; hnt Dr. King's NowDisoovrry for Con sumption, Coughs anil Colds, ksipt him out of hie grave. He says: "This great specific completely cured me, and atved my life. Hinoo then 1 have need it for over 10 years, and consider it a marvel- vine throat and lung eure." Htrlotly Holnntiilc euro for Coughs, Bora Throats or Colds; sura preventative of Pssssio- nin. Guaranteed, 70c and *1.00 Letfalutt At J. T. Iteese's and Dr. Paul Feisistnu'a A man may be content with hfs lot without being satisfied with hi# condition. About Rheumatism. There arc few disease* that infllot more torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of remedies have Mrs. F. L. Watte, MS Trustees of said church. Tenants In poesuseiun notified In terms of thu law. This Feb. 7th, 1900. J. I,. BROWN. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALES FOB MAT. GBORGIA, Cowet* County, Will be aold before the eoart hoaaa door la the city nf Newaaa, said oounty, withtf,' the legal of sale, to the highest and boat bid der, on tha Irat Tuaedav in Muy, uaxt, the following property or *o usuek thereof as may ba nssi—ry to pay o* mid decree and exaea Moa. By vlxtma of an aaeautiaa laeuad froas a dasraa la sqaity raodared by tha Oupaster Oourt of Fultaa sOnuty. <*»•. bay lHh, 1*M, aid a sappVaeaeatasry aad omsuhstery Amro# ehurch, Missue Nan L. Him*, Alice Wilson, boon suggested. To say thet it can be cured is, therefore, a bold statement to make, but Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, which enjoys an extensive sale, has met —— with great suocuss in the treatment of OKOROIA, Coweta County. disease. One application of Pain Will be Hold Wor« the ooart boon* df/ir in Hftlm will th« pfuu.tuid liouorocln the city of Newnan. raid county, within the of sufferers have testified to permanent legal hours of sale, to the highest and beet bid- cure* by its nae. Why suffer when Finn der, for each, on the first Tuesday In May. Balm affords such quick relief anf) costs 1006, th«i following describedproprrlj, towit; . bat A trifi«? TOt bjf Holt « Oni* hoiuiffl aud lol in lb« oily of N«wn*n,*aid N6WiiW» (K. county; lot bounded m follows: On mat by (Coldsf ex .L..U « 1 1- , ■ . Pinson Htruet, south by lot bslonging to A, Pope, west by Andy Jonrn, South by an alley. Levied on to satisfy a 1 fa. Isaued from J native Coart of 44SU Diatrlrt.O. M., Coweta ooanty, la favor of Oaorga Karpea. transferee, vs. B»- me Kelly, Kalla Hold and J. K. Maid. Tenants I la pem—tou nettflod la taros* of tho law. The crosses that we make for ourselves are not the ones that win u» crowns. Tbe New and keep It should be home in mlad that every cold weakens the lungs, low er* the vitality and prepares tha system for the more serious dis eases, among which are tha two greatest destroyers of human tils, pneumonia and consumption. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has woa it* great popularity hy ita prompt cures of tala mast msmms ailment. It aids exnsctsrotten, Va liev cs tbe lungs rad opens 1 secretions, effecting a apaedy permanent cure. It any tendency toward ffflM >54, Uf*4 SlM 9*1.