The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, April 21, 1905, Image 7

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Rationalists 1T7; Greek Orthodox 48; Lutherans 32; Friends 28; tidily-four other bodies 1!6; not uieutioucd 197. Again, of these representatives of the Ctmstiau faith there wen; 879 Sunday i School tencheiK, 179 superintendents, lb? pastors, 81 unssiuuanes and 780 not specified. In tiie couipuny weie also 1 elite,s, deacons, trustees uud stewurds ot churches; while among the avouutious i represented, bj far as user rtainable,were uieichunts, 08; tarineis, 28; manufac turers, 17; bunkers, 12; real estate, 9; insurance, 7; ; ublishers, 0; editors, 4; Y. M. U. A. secretaries, 4, and mutiy others. 2. '1 hi meeting placed tho conven tion: It assembler in uspecially erected predate It, value In treating the sick. i loU K **“’ 7ft ^‘.perlutpa) If you are sick, we offer you a way to divided lu ball by uu elevated pialtorui close up to one side With oowfortable oenches betuio and to right and left of • IX. i v V uioviucio, BUCI1 uo svvuiuiaiu, | , , . , , 1 Headache. Loss of Memory, Sleepless- j “»« »P^kers’ Maud, and p.lched cu a ness, Spasms, Backache, St. Vitus' ! level piece of ground slightly to the Dance, Epilepsy or Fits, Nervous Pros- , uonli ot Gordon's Culvury, uud not far trutlon, etc. Cy toning up the nerves, Dr. Miles’ Hestoratlvo Nervine will also cure those We Risk It Druggists Who Sell Dr. Miles* Nervine Agree, If It Fails. To Refund Cost. Of course we reimburse the druggist \ You know him, and trust him. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is medicine for your j nerves. It cures diseases of the Internal or- rcrr.a, by giving tone to tho nerves which make these organs work. .. j It Is a novel theory—not of anatomy, but of treatment; first discovered by | Dr. Miles, and since made ubb of by 1 many wide-awake physicians, who ap- 1 be mnde well—Dr, Miles’ Nervine. This mediclna Is a scientific cure for nerve disorders, such as Neuralgia, b in since, us passing from one band to The most notable welcome, however, another; the legal teaching and diseip > oiime from the Samarium High Priest, line of tho children of Israel, aud their I Jacob sou of Aaron. He wus from an - shortcoming us manifest in the liaish I cieut Shechem, now Nub.ous, the home types of Plmriseeisin and Saddueeeism; j of the Munuriiun people, now less than The Mosaic Flooring of the Desert. The- northern portion of the Colorado desert is paved with the most wonder ful pebbles In the world. In many parts so exquisitely laid as to defy success- 200, at the toot of iUt. Gcrizim.iu winch 1 fill Imitation by the most skilled worker These pebbles are made of porphyry, agates. cHruellau. quarts, crystals, garnets, chrysolite and other such beautiful materials. ; They are packed together so that the Jesus’ love for and praise by tho eliil dreu; the humbling recollection that I mountain lie and Ins loiefathers ha\o [ lu mosaic flooring, while the greater part of our- children ] worshipped for long ages, still yearly are in the Sunday schools, yet the great- ; observing the p.iselml Last on its sum er | art of our people seem to be Christ's I mu ; and was with us by spcoiul mvita in name only; the importunes of holding turn. We were glad to bear of tho bet- j mtr f' acp composed of them Is like i. tho youug people in the Sunday school | tered relations between the Jews and 1 jj oori an q look as If pressed Into when they have passed tliuci mmou day-; the Samaritans over what they were in 1 n w ri, „ r 0 iu>r. As n rule, they arc sohool age; tile need of the best men and I Jesus’ time, when "the Jews had no , of nearly uniform size, and each one Is women to tend', the teachings of the j dealings with the Saniantaus;” and we polished brilliantly, as If oiled and rub- lied. Most of them are perfect spheres, and the retleetion from them of the suu's rays Is gorgeous beyond descrip tion. Kuril convex surface gives hack , , a ray of light, mid the ground for character; the child-nature being the I honor us a Christian Jew to hold out the | ,„|| e8 S eotnis as If literally paved with type of ail true conveils to God, j bund of tcUowslnp to the Sumuiluin gems. Thus the whole surface of the Suggest ion: The speaker would linve j High Priest, uud i gladly liaii.lUlu his j plain Is a combination of myriads of shown a truer uppreoint.ou of the Sab- j words, The message of me High PiichI j reflectors, each pebble being so highly from me gl'iat Damascus gateway. Anil the uutlionties ot the Tuikish goveiu- Olscascs of tho Internal organs due to i menl mainlested caution ami care and ! courtesy in euny isirtioular during the I entire course of me Convention. The Superintendent of Public Inst ructions 'and Picks Censor lor Palestine, Ismail Lord Jesus Christ, uud that in a dis criminating way, no teaching bii:g Were pi'epuicil to believe it when, on the close of the High Priest’s address in his , greater tliiiti that of the Word of God to j own language, u uoble-loosing man sit- rescue the ptrishiug and perfect the ting near by arose, saying: "1 have the bath school as nil institution bad lie not j was as tollows; laid such characteristically stress upon it as a polished that It Is like n mirror, and It Is believed that the lakes of the desert mirage are pr3,1 need liy this means. The pebbles are polished by the loose you liow It saved iny life a few yeurn ago, when 1 hml nervous trouble. I j reach Its merits to everyono."—REV. M. D. MYEK3, Correctlonvllle, Iowa, _ W77te us-aml we will mull XvJhlli you a Free Trial Package of Dr. Miles’ Antl-Paln Pills, the New, Bdentlfle Remedy for Pain. Also Symp tom Blank for our Specialist to diagnose your case and tell you what Ih wrong and how to right ft. Absolutely Free. Address: DR. MILKS MEDICAL CU, LABORATORIES, ELKHART, 1ND. Land of Promise (TO /Nl) FROM) a dlsojdered nervous system. Some of these are: Indigestion, Bil ious Keadnche, Kidney Trouble, Chronic Constipation, Dropsy, Catarrh, Rheuma tism, etc. "My brother had nervous prostration, i ,, ... ,, . , „ „„ • and was not expected to live. 1 pro- Bey, LI Houscllii, was ill atti lldulice on vulled upon film to try Dr. Miles' F, vcry meeting, and expressed liiniself ns P.estorntlvo Nervine, and now he has ' 4 " fully recovered. You remember 1 wroto greatly pleased with whut lie saw aud 1 I mul'd. I At ilia initial meeting a body of Mos- | him soldiery wss cnnimissioned to pie- i serve order, ns ilieir presence more Mian i once bel'ni'e laid been riquisiti 1 in quell- iug the clashes between tlie Humanists j and Greeks and Kopts aud Armenians null others in their scramble over the holy places in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron,etc. But when the Hold ers suw i lie loving spirit, jiraisetul devotion and orderly work of tlm Convention, aud noted the uplifting and helpfully sug gestive truths set forth, they seemed to feel that their presence was not at all necessury, and they quietly withdrew to ! the outside. | English was tlm speech of tlm Coii- j volition amid all that diversity of hr- {tlons and tongues mid everybody seemed ! to be able to understand and talk in it | either personally or through ready in terpietors. Never was there a more no \ table gathering from tho four quarters j of the earth; never was them more in terest and ex|M)ctunoy manifest on every face in an audience: never was there English' "From Get iziiu, the mountain of oi- mere children or | vino blessing, the emiuenue whose young people’s affair, bat viewed it as it mighty shoulder over-shu.iows and bus sau( i\vhlch Is blown hither uud thither, is, tlm Bible school of tlm whole church, I given its name to tl o ancient city ot | not meiely for tlm little ones und the j Bheuhem, where wo aw ell, wo coino In i youth hut for all ages and classes, lor order to extend a welcome to the dele- ; old as well us young, for patents as well | gates Who luivegatlnrod Iruni many ivun as children, for llm married us well as tlm uiiuiuvncd, in a word, for all who need to be made wise unto salvation, ll has a mission to those who know much as well as to those who know' little or nothing about tlm teachings of Clod's Woid. It is the failure to recognise this truth that, in so many places is do- ptivmg the Church of.tlm flower ol -un.cli trail hood and womanhood. Then ns wo rang wo felt it true that "JobUh shall reign where’er the sun Does Ins successive journeys run I” (2) At 4 p. in., iis arranged by tlm leaders of tho Convention, was held a Union Sacramental Service, over which Dr. John Potts, Canada, presided; Dr. J. Muiiro Gibson, London, delivering By Rev. C. O’N. Martindvi.k. ARTICLE XXXVI TURKEY' [Continued] illslaiit hunts in oritur to liuiu tins sun- day school Convention. "As representatives of one of tlm most nuuicut, though im.oui at present the smallest ot the four uiuiiutlicintiu tonus of religion, wo priests and lay Him ol the Samaritans, bid you a hearty wel come to tlm I,mid of Promise. "In ibis representative assembly we monument recognise a lulflllineut of the divine precept, 'Rejoice, (J ye nations, with His people,’ tDeut. 82:48), and wo seise Mils opportunity, in ordor to record our kuowiedgu aud appreciation ol tin; fact that the Founder of Christianity and all sincere disciples of llis have ulwuyn eviimid a deep sympathy with our pou- pie, a revoioiieo lor our sacied books, (2t). PALESTINE: The World's Fourth Sunday School Con vention at Jerusalem. It may be worth while to begin our , „ u „ . . . , ... i snob a gathering of Protestants of every survey of this great Protestant body by , " sn.ti ig tlmt. tlm first step toward holding the World’s Fourth Sunday .School Con vention at 'Im Holy City was taken when tlm matter of u place for this Con- 0111ion oiliue up beture liiciukeis of the | the heui t to heart address; and about j uud tin interest in our history. May the thirty ministers of tlm various deiiom.- God of Israel bless you in your coming nations represented in tlm afternoon in and in your going out, I rum Mils time uumpiny of Hboul 8JU souls serving the ! lorth uud lorever. Aiueii." bread uud wine in eoiunmuioration of , The High Priest wus uecomputiied to tlm covonuut of tlm Lord with llis lieu- tlm Convention by the priest isuac, son pie, j ef Annum, and lay-deputies ftheluhy, lu Dr. Potts’ words: “Even Christ. I sou of Jacob, anil ShufeuK, son of the said to His disciples of old, ‘With desire j High Piiest himself, have I dis red to eut this passover with Then welcome responses begun to you befoie 1 suffer,' so now, not merely I pour m from other ouuutiies in three- the suffering, but the reigning, CliriHt | minute Bpeuolms. After Dr. John Potts, shall he m our minds today I” All who I Canada, Dr. J. Mutiro Gibson, Eiigluud, along with other things said, "I should Wonderful Erosion, A curious effect of the wear aud tear to which the earth's crust Is ever being subjected is exhibited In the sin gularly cupped pinnacles existing on Smith river, In the Wasatch tnoun , talus, In rtuli. There arc hundreds of these slender pillars, ranging In height from 40 to 4(Mi feet, most of them crowned h.v large enps of si men. They are not works of human art. us might ho Imagined, lint are the memorial f the hill from which they have been cut by the act Ion of air and water. Those pinnacles alone re main of many square mile' of solid reeks, which have boon wtuhod away to a depth of some 4<>:> feet. The greater iiartlness of the surface Im caused It to resist corrosion more than the underlying rock. thus leaving litlgi (.■ups of stone perched high In air on the points of their column*. One dou ble column, capped by a single stone forms n natural bridge bjtli unique und picturesque. wished wer* invited to join in this ser denomination under heaven ill ivoy I sort of Occidental costume touching el- hows with Greeks and Romanists, >lo- ! Iminiiieiliiim sntl Armenians, Arabs an ; Kopts, Syrians und SHiiiaritiinH, Cliri • City in the lust days mid hours befoie | whole win Id to prayer!" Almost si mu I vice so near where Christ was cruollled | like to appoint Dr. Polls, with tlmt for our sins. Dr. Gibson's address dealt i stentorian voice of bis, to go up into the littinglv and forcefully with the foot- highest uilmnet of thin city, uud sound steps of Jesus in mid about the Ho y from that height a muezzin call to tho volition came up before ineml e.s ot the \ ‘ . ' . . . 0 . , , 0 , 0 . , ,, ; titttiizod Jews, Spanish and Polish and International Sunday School Executive , ... Aleppo Jews, in Oriental costumes of Cutiiiuitteo assembled in tlio Auditorium 11 . . , , . , , Hotel of Chicago emly in the year 1902, and its Chairman, Mr. W. N. Hartshorn of Boston, in his-quiet yet ready way responded to the inquiry with the words: • Easter morning, H'04, lit the Saviour’s tomb, Jerusalem!" The suggestion seemed startling and staggering ut first mention to the world, hut it was of the Lord. The idea took strong hold ot the most varied description, bluok robe s, black painted cowls, brown robes and skull caps to nmtoli, with loosely tied rope coil at waist, und sandals on foot, the fez und the turban, the tourist cap, white helmet, broad hat. all were in evidence. Who tlmt saw the sight will ever forget! Yet there was no pushing and shoving ami overcrowding; everyone seemed to liios* present, one ot whose nuuibei had i j,y a jjjge the unity of the nations in tie but recently returned from a tup lo ilie , 0 j history, us they gathered nl iioi.v Land, uud who wus Inter to ba i lnost ull( i or t |,„ shadow of CHlvary nigh beuiil lioui. This came us tho second | step six months later at the luteina- Sunday School Convention held in Deuxer, when Mr. E. K. Warren, be ing usaed to speak on the subject, "Is Jerusalem the place for the World’s Foul tb Convention'?" began Ins reply by nkkiiig two questions: "Will uil of you who nave at any time drtauied that it would be u tieiighitul Hung to visit to the Place of a Skull. Everytlii' g was done ill u spirit and manner befit ting the disciples of the Christ, thank God! As President Warren said on the morning of the seoond (lay's session: "The Commission ot the Lord Jesus Christ had, in His earthly lifetime been laid upon His disciples to carry His me - sage unto the uttermost parts of the earth. In the nineteen centuries that Jerusalem not thinking it would ; | IBVe passed, the message'lias, in a mens- ,bie to do so, but just wishing in ure, been so preached. Now, for the He made tlm great sacrifice to take away | taueounly the Convention burst forth tho sin of the world on tho very Mount with "All Hull tho Power of Jesus’ near which our tent of meeting stood, j Name.” And who will not think with tearful Tho losponses continued, now from yet gladsome eyes ns he recall* the mein- Kov. Win. Frizzell, Canada, und then hers of tlmt greet Convention ut u givuu 1 from Mr. W. N, Hartshorn, United signal, us by previous understanding, | Suites. Hev. Kiulmrd Burges, India, Tlie First Friction Mu trite*. | The first really practicable friction j matches were made by an English , apothecary named Walker In 1827. lie i touted splints of cardboard with sul i pliur and tipped them with a mixture of sulphate of unt'.iiiouy, chlorate of potash and gum. Each box, bolding eighty-four matches aud sold for a shilling, contained also a folded piece \ of glass paper, which was to lie pressed together while the mutch was drawn through It. Three yours Inter ii not her i Ingenious person named Jones lu Lon (lou patented the Idea of making a small roll of paper, soaked with elilo- | rate of potusli uud sugar at one end. with u thin glass globule filled with strong sulphuric tield nltuclied at the same point. When the sulphuric uetd was liberated by pinching the globule It acted upon (lie chlorate of potusli uud Hugar so as to produce fire. SEXTON, the Plumber, ^ does expert sanitary plttmli-1 Q iiifi; and repair work ; furnish J t*s estimates on stpnm and 0 hot water heating; supplies^) hydraulic rams, pumps, ra* J 3 diatom, ranges, boilers, valves and all kinds ol wm-} $ er fixtures, Work always guaranteed^ to Im satisl'actory and prices S Hxetl as reasonable .ns. first f class work can ho done. Shop on Depot Street, next door to Dr. Jones' Huilding;. W. L SEXTON, Newnan, Ga. © ...At... Peniston’s Drug Store Clinic s H|ii’ing Mcdioinc. Crane’s Kidney and lUidkuo'io Cure, Crane's Cough Cure. Crane's Headache Helief. Orunc's Cholera and Diarrhoea M ixluve. Crnne’s F'linily IJniiuent. Crane’s Eczema Onto. Clinic’s Liver Powders, Crane's Pile Halve. Cianc’s Liver Pillu Crime's Female Helief. These Are Standard Prepara tions and are Solti and Herein- mended at Peniston’s Drug Stcre. youiTieuit tlmt you might will you , j, rH( . B j„ co tlmt comiuiHsion raise ) oui hand?' and i.iuiosi every one the uttermost jiurts of (tie earth o; loose piiBciit did. tiom that nuie j | 1(tve uomt! to Jerusalem, to meet ill the into the beginning ot the gieut eo1 ** . fullowHliip of His name, to ci U’er with summation on Muich 8, lUu-,, c.ontiaiy ! eaoli other about His work, and to re- lu much advice, the plan was untolded i ce j ve (l , )( , w cotUunssiou for the farther peifeOted by the grace ot God and , f u ifln meu t u f jjj H purposi;..’’—We shall the strong la.ili and bard work of ! I10t forget this fact. II. It being admittedly not allowable for lack'd' time to give an account of the cruise to and from Jerusulein, we are now ready to ooimider uu tally and properly as the space will udinir the proceedings of the World's Sunday School Convention itself. 1. The Introductory or Opening Ser vices were held outlie morning, uf nr noon and night of the Lord’s day, April 17, 1904. (1) lu the morning fully a half hoar servants. With ibis introductory we may pro- CfcGd I I. The World’s Fourth Sunday Hcliool Convention r> polled a total of 8i/u,9ub Protestant bunbalh Sciiools, <,414.,67 teachers, and 28,442,998 schol ar- m Europe, AHiu, Alr:ca, Nuitb and South America, and the isles of the dcu; tne United Stales leading with 139,817 Sunday behoois. 1,4,9.8j? n uclier., aud 11,493,691 enrol ed tcmlus; Engiaad and Wales coming le.t wiui a total j bef onj the iqxiiiiiig the singing begun membership of a little more than hull j , qj, Galileel Blue Galilee!” At last after the song, "Love divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven, toeurth come down!” the Chairman of tire International Exe cutive Committee, Mr. W. N. Harts- i,i.s iiuumei. with leleienoj to the Convention it self we obsirve: I. As to the number and nature of tin* delegates enrolled: There were 701 from | the United States, 877 from Jerusalem, froln England, 72 from Palestrae; born, of Boston, stepped forward and 206 (ootside of Jeiusalemi. 63 from Cucala, 81 from Scotland, 19 from 'lurkiyin ^,sia, )1 from Ireland, 6 Irom Japan, 6 each from Wales, Lidia and Mexico, 8 each from Bulgaria, Egypt, Switzer appropriately opened the Convention with the verdiot of ail preseut: "By the good providence of our Heaveuly Father we have reached the goal of our cruiae!" Then followed prayer, the reading of 1 md and Turkey in Europe. 2 each from God’s Word, auother hymn and a ser- I e . mark, Australia and the West L.- ^n by the X enerable Archdeacon of f o:u 1. use la, Austria, ! Loudon aud Canon cf St. Fau. s. Wm. in., South Africa, New j M - Sinclair, on what fie termed "The . Oli till vran Oi 11 Q r f n f ** ( U 141 f 9.1 • I fx IfD witli right hands lifting together the bivitd to their lips, uud later by similar preconcerted action all raising the wine and purtukiug thereof in memory of Jesus the Lord till He come. Those from the west uud east and north und south met together there at the meroy seat as brotlu-is and sistirs in Christ Jesus. No wonder nil aged Armenian saint ut the close of the service excluimcd: "This is heaven: now 1 am ready to die, I want to die!" (cf Lk. 2:25-32.) Never was there a communion on earth so like to that in the upper room at Pente cost; when will there ever be such an other on earth us this one on holy ground pressed by the blessed feel of Jesus cen turies ago? Quieu sabe! Wlmt thing more niitnrul than that many of u> should leuve the tent only to visit Cal vary with its garden uua vacant lomb, ere we returned to camp for lea'? (8) The words of Jonus, "Unto Me!" indicating our service is to be all for Christ, furnished the presiding officer ot the night sessiou, Mr. F. F. Bt-lsey, ot Euglund, with a fine thought to urrest our attention. Down the middle line of the tent were hung large oil ItimpH w Inch furnished qmte a sufficiency of light to those whose hearts were all aglow with thought, ot Hun who was not only the light of their lives, but'‘The Light, ol theWorlu!" Uutsine. (ho slurs shone through the iuky (lurklies, and reminded us of "the Htur of Bethlehem” that lighted wise men of old to Jesus, Ail, it men have hut the Spiiit of the Ixnd they cuu see Ills footprint* in creation uud iu redemption on every side, isn’t it so'? This meeting wus a 4 A'elcome Her- vice” throughout. We had a welcome from the Rt. Hev. G. F. P. Biytlic, D. D., Bishop of Jerusalem, for the Church of Eugland, wiio rejoiced in the im portune*- und *promiueiice of the Huuday school movement as giving opportunity lor u common mt-eliug-gronud of all (lvuoiuiualions, gladly greeted his Chris- tiau bretbieu ol all olher branches ol the faith, earnestly hoped Mint the Con vention might leave a memorial of its stay iu the support of some form of re ligiuuswork in Palestine, (which wus alter wind* doue in the organization ot the Palestine Sunday Suhuoi Associa tion, aud a contribution of $105 towards described the grout banyan tree, a cen tury old, at Lulcutiu, likening unto it. growth the wonderful u'lvuucu of the Sunday school work ill Iudiu since first established by Carey. Marsliumu aud Wurd ii hundred yours ago. Dr. Ohnunoey Murcli, Luxor, Egypt., gladdened us by saying tlmt in Egypt about 14,000 children are being educated, and thu interest in the Hiiuduy school is such that the ChiisttHii workers make their common schools .Sunday schools every duy iu tho week. Then Trinidad wus heard from through Dr. W. H. Whittier's plea for the dusky natives: Mexico through Hev. J. G. Dale; Japan through Mis* Fiance. Phelps; Reisiu through Mrs. Margaret W. Dean; Nova Huoliu tlnough Hev Jacob Layton. Hev. Dr. Jolm Bttimroft Devins, editor of The New York Observer mid on ii tour around the world, told how iu Korea they otill the Buuday school "tin Bible Hour” as every member of thl* cliuicb remains to it. Hev. W. B. Brooks, negro, made a good talk fur tin- work among tho negroes hi the United States; and the Hev. A. L. Riggs. Ne braska, well represented the work umoug the Iiidiun* in America Then Dr. Rlurcellus Brown, of the Bible House iu Constantinople, sjsjke of the good work the teaching* of tlm Bible were accomplishing in that part of the world, and hi* hope tbut u future Worlu’* Sunday Hcliool Convention would meet there eie long. Finally, Rev. J. F. Claik, Bamokoy, repiescuted Bulgaria, exhibiting forty miasion point* of the American Board on a map, standing for 56 Huudny schools and 2700 or morn scholar.-; I lie work iu Muoedon a alone during the last v ear doubling the number of Huucbiy soliools. These will sufficiently indicate the variety of the foixl furnished for our thought on thateveutful Sabbath night. Willi the pronouncement of the bene diction by the Bishop of Jerusalem w< returned to oar camp iu an olive grove close by, while others sought re.t in their hotels in the city of the Guat King, Jerusalem. (To be continued.) dies, and 1 (ach Germany, Madeira Zealand and Newfoundland; making a grand total of 1,526 men and women representing 26 conutrie, deuomi- ‘ ete mnl natuie relieving us of ull anxiety ! ft Jerusa.cui! ’ We bad word* uf worm 1 ' ~ as to exact ipits uud d pu'ed sites auiid welcome trom the American Consul, f which 104 the molds a id relic* of Christian piety Hou. He<ali Merrill, lu person, and froui * t - lor. o., i ui .Urri. among the uatious, the vast difference tlm Br.tish Consul, Hou. John Dicksou, biirSJ.TLtiSi: «»•*.•“ «i **«._»*«. ►»«-«**« ►*.««- GET THE BEST The Clmilii Fnble. Several species of Insects have ap paratus for producing sounds similar to that of the grasshopper or modifica tions of It. Of a different type Is that with which the cicada* are endowed, Only the mules of this family urc sing ers. for which the Greek poets culled them happy because their females were dumb. With the undents a cicada sit ting oil it hurp was the symbol of mu sk*. A pretty fable tells of the eon- teat between two clthurn players, In which tho curious event happened that when one of the contestants broke a string u sluglug cicada sprang on his harp and helped him out so tlmt he gained the prize. The W.rld of Trade. "Yesterday I IgRight,” writes a com* spondeut, "some black jet buttons, uud when I got tignie I found oil the card. ■Best AuHtrulluu Make.’ 1 took u pen cil to write lu my uccount hook. I found It hud *U. H. A.’ upon It. I sharpened the point, aud on the sharp ener wus 'New York.' 1 got out ii match to light the lump, and on the box was ‘Made In Sweden.’ 1 lit the lamp uud found on it, ‘Made In Bava ria. ’ uud so uu uud so oil.”- lAiudou Telegraph. The 4 GRAND PRIZE Highest Award given at the WORLD'S FAIR St.Louls. The Ideal Haddl. Ilor.e. The Ideal saddle horse Is from fif teen to sixteen hands high, short buck ed and well coupled. It has thin, high withers, n long, well arched neck and a long, keeu ear well set on the lieud. The tull should be set high on the rump, uud the rump Itself should be somewhat sloping. The horse should huve beside* fiat, sinewy hones In its leg* anil ii medium sized foot.—Coun try Life lu America. Th« N«w and Enlarged Edition Contains 25.000 New Words Now Oasottoor of tha World with more than »,0()0 tlUaa, baaed ou tlio latMt ceusus return*. Now Blographloal Dictionary containing Uiojuuned of over 10,000 uotod person#. over l of birth, death, ate. 2380 Quarto Pagaa Mow PUUn. MW lUuotrnUasfls mUt Bladiafg. Needed InEvctyHome >»yHo ■ LHCtlon.r v Duel 7xiuj AUo W.b.Ur'. Dklkmary with iiitPsgcs, 1400IUuUrmnoiu, Sixes jxiuui t la. A 8p*cUI Thin Kditton D. Lux. la prinU4 froua VSa aaina JMata. M Mular toltiuu. tk haa lliop o..ran and maivltunwaa. HS»ikjS»kH«l)4 la. FREK, " In PromiMlnUoa," lustrura Uv. and entertaining. Also Illustrated pamphlets. O. d C. MLRRIAM CO.. Publisher*, IprlstflsU. Maas. ...White Barber Shop... C. T. BAILEY, Proprietor. Under.loud III. UualneM, Fashionable Tullor—Go front at oaee. Two young clerks there after suit*. New Mun (vvhlspcrlngi—I'm waiting on a millionaire. "Leave him and attend i to the clerks. These millionaires don’t ! buy new clothes once lu five years. . . . i, A clerk 1* good for a fresh suit evwry | IIIICI HOTVICC glVOn AM custom- Only first-class white bar- ! bers ernployed. Prompt, re liable, courteous attention three months.”—New York Weekly. Tk* DUBculli*. Mr. Rooke— 1 hope you didn't lielieve j llflVC the Ollly eloctl'ic what they suld about me. Miss Budd— , I make It a point never to believe more j SHgC DlHclline it) than hulf 1 bear. Mr. Hooke—But the ; trouble Is you women generally believe j Give it 11 tl'illl ; the wrong half. Frightful Suffering Relieved Suffering frightfully from the vira- ts support in the work,) and concluded j lent poisons of (indigestible food, O G. natioiiB were represented thus: Church of Engl mil 231 ( were Ketliodis Children’s Charter.” (Matt. 21:15, 16). Iu this he emphusized the divine supre macy of Jesus Christ; His sovereign and • by entree ting u* to "Pray for the peuce I Grayson, of Lula,Mis*., took Dr. King’ ’ New Life Pills, "with the result," he ■ writes, "that I was cured.” AIL stom ach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 25c at J. T. Reese's and Dr. Paul Peuuistou’s drag store, guaranteed. . 212; i aptist bodies 168; Coug**- Jerusa-' . Plarnalra. Mother—Tommy, I don't like to buvt' you pluy with hoys who nre had. Tom my—But the good b(Ty* are no good, uiu/nmu.—Chicago News. ers, at the usual pricen. We rnns- thc city, it tioes tlio work perfectly. R-I-P-A N-S Tttbules Doctors find A trood prescription For mankind CbroDle Cai.r. “Has your wife complained very long?" naked the doctor. "Ever since we were married.” re- i T ,lt iscaoush for nsncl oiled Meeklv aadlv ' r, '* ! rMU,ily boMl ‘* ((IU ««»*»»«« " -uppty puea Meekly suaiy. rur B J BUr A1 , JrUk , K | HtH tl ^ IK