The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, May 19, 1905, Image 5

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Better Telephone Order Service We hftve installed two extra telephones in our store, making three now in use. One phone in the office One phone in the store One telephone pay station This extra equipment means better service to our customers, it means prompter taking of orders and quicker delivery of goods. It effectually does away with tlm annoyance of stand ing at your phone awaiting in vain an answer to your call. At all hours of the day some clerk is within a few feet of one of these telephones. This means quick service,— instant service,—an improvement over the promptness we have always shown. Remember that our delivery service is at yoi k service. That these phones are intended to be used. That the mouk they are used the better we will like it. Whenever drugs or drug store goods are needed, use the telephone—our response and deliv ery will he prompt and satisfactory. HOLT & CATES NEWNAN, CA. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS ad verti sc- All for Hen Pearson, of Atlanta, was ming ling with Newnan and Coweta friends this week. copy ' “ v *»j When in need of a buggy give me a ments MUST be ill this office call. Will save you money. E. L. NOT LATER than Thursday j Waitom. noon to insure insertion m > the current issue. | Local News of Newnan I Cholern-lnfantum and Toothing Pow ders for teething children at Reese’s Drug Store. The city tax books closo .Tunc 1st. NOW is the ncoepted time to visit the City Clerk’s office. Fortin work, roofing, plumbing, re pairing, sec T. M. Martin. Shop below Pinson Hotel. ■■ 1 J 1 New Cutlery at Holt & Cates’. N. L. North spent Tuesday in Atlanta. 1 13.It. Barrett was in Atlanta lost Mon day. Co to the New York Bargain Store’s May sale. See Holt & Cates before buying a hammock. W. C. Wright, Esq., was iu Atlanta last Tuesday. .T. C. Anderson,Dentist, Salbide Bldg. Newnan, Ga. Frank Hughes is spending a few days m La Grange. H. H. North, Esq., is in Pensacola, Florida, this week. Insect powder in hulk and package at Reese’s Drug Store. Frank Johnson, of Atlanta, spent Sunday iu the city. Cotton seed meal and Hulls for sole. See V. E. Manget, Jr. tf M. L. Martin, of Chattanooga, spent Tuesday iu the oity. Warner Hill will spend Saturday and Sunday in Carrollton. Sticky fly paper and poison fly paper at Reese’s Drug Store. For Sale—Horse and mule. Apply to Major W. A. Turner, City. Mr. Luther Moore, of Texas, is visit ing relatives iu Newnan. Big lot of bulk and box paper just ar rived at Reese’s Drug Store. H. O. Ellis, of Union Springs, was a recent visitor to the city. Lewis Redwiuo, of Atlanta, is spend ing a few days at home. Heidt Pendergrast lias returned from n short visit to Luthersville. T. F. Rawls, Esq., spent a couple of days in Atlanta this week. Insist on having Climax coal. Good- wyn sells it for $5.25 per ton. tf Maurice Spoucler and’.Torn Farmer spent last Sunday in Carrollton. Money to loan on real estate ft 7 per cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. Big, genial BUI Hendricks, from near Franklin, was in town yesterday. Charlie Dent, of Atlanta, is spending two weeks with relatives in the city. Col. Howell, an attorney of La Grange, was in tlie city Wednesday. Mr. Otis Jones and little daughter, Dorothy, are in Macon for a few days. Mr. Marvin Banks, of New York City, is visiting his brother, Mr. Sam Banks. Bowman's Headache Tablets cure all kinds of headache. Price 10c box at Reese's Drug Store. Dr. R. C. Ilood lias returned to his home in Atlanta, after a pleasant visit to W. J. Murplioy. E. C. Gondwyn sells the genuine Mon- tevullo coal. There is no such eoul as "Climax Montevallo. ” tf Call and see our new line of station ery. We have some big bargains to of fer. Reese’s Drug Store. I have nil qualities of stove wood, in cluding the Montevallo and Italian Blue Gem. E. li. Davis, 'phone 122. J. J. Reese, a commercial traveler of Mrs. M. B. McWilliams and Miss Hess, of Rome, are the guests of Mrs. Jack Powell. Mrs. Ora Kno'ft, of Atlanta, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. N. B. Hudson. Mrs. Knott is pleasantly remembered in Newnan as Miss Ora Daniel. Cowetn Superior Court convenes in adjourned term next Mondny. Several | important eases will probably Vie tried and the session promises to he an inter esting one. The May sale of dry goods, clothing, shoes.J notions, etc., at the New York , Bargain Store will last hut a few days longer. Hay while the opportunity to buy cheap is offered. Dr. G. A. Nuntmlly and Hon. A. D. Freeman will return front Kansas City and St. Louis this week. Dr. Nunnaly will occupy the pulpit of the Frrst Bap tist Church next Sunday as usual. Mr. Allors Hertel and family have re moved to the McBride resilience, on the East Side. The Greeneville Street resi- dedee formerly occupied by them, is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks. For the best buggy made and sold in Newnan see us. We can build you u buggy to your own taste, and guarantee every one for 12 months against inferior material. Call and see oar line before buying. -it Merck & Dent. W. L. Sexton has returned from a visit to relatives in Romo. While in Rome Mr. Sexton was in a trolley car wreck, and narrowly escaped serious in jury. He emerged from the debris of the wrecked ear with a badly mashed hand. The drugs and oliomieals used in tlm proscription depattmont of this store arc tlio best obtainable, the work of com pounding is carefully done and is in trusted to none hut eompetenr, hands. We solicit your particular prescription work. Holt & Catos. Unknown and Speckled Peas at Brad ley it Banks. Rev. J. S. Hardaway is conducting a series of interesting meetings at the Central Baptist Church, lie is deliver ing some impressive and profitable ser mons. The meetings are being well at tended. The services commenced last Sunday and may continue two weeks. The Lightning pea dropper will do the work. Bradley it Banks. The Dublin Conrier-Dispntch is of the opinion that Gov. Terrell lowered tlm dignity of the office wlmn lie opened a professional game of baseball by throwing the first hull over, or near, tlm plate. If that lind been tlm first, instance, in his administration wlmro he had lowered tlm dignity of the office, the governor would ho excused.—Wash ington Reporter. Big lot Lightning Pea Droppers just, arrived. Bradley & Banks. One of the most congenial parties tlmt lias visited Wynne’s pond this season was composed of tlm following gentle- QUEEN OF ACTRESSES PRAISES PE RU-NA. ioccocowtoooooooooocooococoo-oooooocoooooooooooooo- Mrs. D, W. Boone lias been ill for the past few days. Miss Lonretto Simms lias returned from Brenau College. Mrs. Lewis Hill will entertain "Tlm Twelve" this afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Milner is the guest cf relatives in Opelika, Ala. Miss Nelia Green, of Alabama, is visiting relatives in tlm city. Mrs. L. .1. Powell, of Oxford, Miss., is visiting Mrs. .1. S. Hardaway, Miss Jessie Stephens, of Maootl, is visiting Miss Lonretto Simms. Mrs. D. B. Woodroof will ' isit friends in College Park Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J. M. .luekson, of Carrollton, spent the (list part of the week iu the city. Miss Julia May Hackney has returned from a pleasant visit to friends at Al bany. Miss Lyiln Brown, who is tcncliing art in Griffin, is spending a week id home. Mrs. B. 1. O'Kelly, of Macon, was the guest of Mrs, lieu Kirby the first part i f the wet It. Mrs. Sam Banks will leave next week for Marslmllville, where she will spend tlm Hummer. Miss Edith Powell, who has been teaching school near Macon, is expected home next week. Mrs. J. P. Cook and little dnnghtor, of Hamilton, are visiting Hon. H. A. Hall and family. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Powell entertain- I oil a few of their friends at dominos last Saturday evening. Mrs. J. 1>. Moreland and Mrs. W. G. Sadler, of Grnntvillc, visited friends in the city this week. Mrs. Colquitt Carter, of Atlanta. iH expected the first of next week to visit ! relatives in’llie city. Miss Cliff' Hollilislmnd who has been in Atlanta for tlm past several weeks, is expected home tomorrow. Mrs. .1. T. Kirby will entertain llm Salmagundi Club on Thursday'after noon. May 25th, al I o'clock. Mrs. Waterman, of Boston, left for Atlanta lust Tuesday, after a pleasant visit to Miss Rosadelle Holmes. Mrs. .1. S. Hardaway will h ave Mon day for Wake Forest, N. (!., where she will attend tlm graduation of her son, John. MISS JULIA MARLOWE Heartily Approves of J’eruna For the Nerves■ >0-00-0-0000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-OOOOOOOOOOOOOO-OOOC I N a recent letter to The l’orunn Medi cine (To., Miss Julia Marlowe, of Now York City, writon the following: "/am ytud to write my endorse ment of the firent remedy, Peruna, as a nerve tonic. I do so most heartily."--Julia Marlowe. -*-#-« >>!*>♦»■ I l l I Nervousness Is very common among women. This condition Is due to anomic nerve centers. The nerve centers are the reservoirs of nervous vitality. These centers become bloodless for want of proper nutrition. This is especially true ill tlm spring {toastill. Every spring a host of Invalids tird produced as tlm ill reel result of weak nerves. This can ho easily obviated by using Fortum. I’eruna strikes al I lie root of the difficulty by correcting the digestion. Digestion furnishes nutrition for tlm nerve centers. Properly digested food furnishes these reservoirs of life with vitality which leads to strong, steady nerves, and thus nourishes life. Poruna Is In great favor among women,especially thosewho have voca tions that are trying to tlm nerves. I’eruna furnishes the lasting vigor for the nerves Unit such people need. Thousands of testimonials from women iu all parts of the United Hlutes are being received every year. Much unsolicited evidence surely proves that I’eruna Is without an equal as u nerve tonic and a vital luvicorator. Huy a bottle of Per turn to-day. If you do not receive all the bene fits from Peruna that you expected, write to l)r. S. II. Hartman, Colum bus, Ohio. Miss Marrilu Peavy will spend nex week in Atlanta, where she will assist in tlm concerts given at tlm Klindworth Conservatory. Tlm Carnegie Library is indebted to Macon who is well known here, wus . w'. O. Harjier, I. N. Ragsdale and j the following ladies for the most, beau- greeting friends in the oity yesterday. j Clifford Ragsdale. Ben Hudson and Dr. tif nl *’o«es , ' 1 ’ the season : Mesdames For mending china, glassware, crock- j R- O. Hood, of Atlanta, L. A. Perdue, ery or anything in iron or wood, use | J- O. Feotherstone, Charlie Smith, W. "Iron Glue.” At Reese's Drug Store. I J. Mnrphey. Arthur Hutcheson Mnrpli- ey, Duke Colo, R. E. Platt and M. G. Rev. F. G. Hughes, of this city, will preach in the Methodist ehurch at More land next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Pure, wholesome and altogether de lightful Ice Cream at Holt & Cates’. Quantity orders supplied on short no tice. Willis Davis has returned from At lanta and is with Holt & Cates. His friends ure pleased to see him in New- iiau again. A second story is being added to -Mrs. S. L. Favor’s residence on Spring Street, which greatly improves it in appearance and desirability. "Uncle Jasper” Dickson,of tlm Fourth District, who has been seriously ill has recovered, and was able to come to tlm city last Saturday. Call on .1. T. Holmes, real estate agent,- if you desire to rent, buy or sell a home, vacant lot or farm. Office at J. W. Stripling & Son’s. * Mrs. R. F. Brannon, ot'Morelnnd, and Mrs. B. J. Fry, of near Moreland, who have been dangerously sick for some time, are improving. Messrs. W. O. Harper, I. N. Ragsdale and son, Clifford, of Atlanta, spent sev eral days in the city this week, as tlm guests of M. G. Keith. Special prices on all lines of goods, nt the New York Bargain Store, during the great Muy sale. Some special values in summer clothing and shoes. Messrs. R. O. Jones, T. M. Goodrum and T. S. Parrott have returned from Macon where they attended the Grand Convention of Knights of Pythias. We have just made up a lot of har rows. Any one needing a good harrow should get one we make. 4t Merck & Dent. Caldwell, Campbell, J. P. Bohannon and E. R. Barrett. Mrs. E. M. Ingles, after a most de lightful visit among relatives and Keith. This party I ins returned from I friends in Newnan and Coweta, left for tlm pond. Call on us for peaH and pea droppors. Bradley & Banks. I One of the features of tlm closing ex- j ercisesoftlm public schools will he a concert given by the pupils of Mrs. i Peavy, who is in charge of the music department Mrs. Heavy's pupils will be assisted by other talent, and the con cert promises to he highly enjoyable. Miss Hotmail Spiro, a pupil of Klind worth Conservatory, Atlanta, a pianist •who is only fifteen years of age and who is a musical prodigy, will appear in this concert. It will occur the evening of June 1st. Program will he published in next week’s News. Virginia May 15th. Sim will stop over tin route, at Fairburn, College Park. At lanta and Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Zahars,of Palmet to are enjoying an extended trip to Kan sas City, Mo., St. Louis, and other points West. A photo card of the beautiful Kansas City Public Library reminds one forcibly of our own handsome structure. Low prices are the great feature of j Buggies for young men. buggies for the New York Rargain Store's May, 0 ld men, top buggies, runabouts, any sale. I style you want. See rne and 1 will save , . .... : you money on buggies. E. L. Waitom. Don’t wait until the last day to visit J c The Ways f of a Watch The ways of ft watch nro past finding out. Don’t try. If your watch is la/.y and won’t run, let our repairer spur it up— he’ll make it oil time to a dot. Ten to one you've neglected it—let it get dirty ; or rusly from lack of oil; maybe given it to the baby to play with. Wiiatever’s the reason, don’t delay; delay costs money and spoils the watch. We give thor ough examination free— anything more costs as little as satisfactory work can be done for. the city tax receiver. NOW. See Capt. Fouse For expert tailoring and first class cleaning and pressing of clothing, seeO. , _ , ,, , T W. Bradley, over Pope’s hardware store. Wanted—Tax returns of ail Newnan J 1 ,« PW „ Apply to E. D. Fee, City “S 10r W T" B Clerk. DELIGHTFUL RECEPTION Tlm reception given by Mrs. Irving Walker, last Friday afternoon, was a lovely affair. About forty guests were present and enjoyed a very lively game of dominos. Tlm house was beautifully decorated with pink roses. After the games delightful refresh ments were served; pink being the color motif; which was beautifully carried out in every detail. Mrs. Walker was assisted in receiving her guests by Mrs. Henry Arnold and Misses Katie Arnold and Bessie Powell. Tlm refreshments were served by Misses Nancy Freeman, Ysahel Balbide and Florino Walker. The out of town guests were Mrs. Charles Walker and .Miss Emma Belle /(•liars, of Grantville, and Mrs. P. L Sutherland, of Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. Walker was lovely in a white wasli chiffon and lace, and wus a very charming hostess, h MODEL 8BQGES1Y STORE \V<’ lll’l* tTVi 11<r Id romluct II inodl’l, modem grocery store; ,iikI our patrons say we hif moefing with some success. Tlie cssoiitinIs ol i lie success ol our enter prise (;is we sei’ them), lire completeness mid (.[Utility of stock, reiisomible prices mid excellent service. You find nil of these essentials in our business. The stock includes everything yon expect your grocers to sell. It is of the highest quality, composed of nice, clean, fresh goods of standard brands and grades. You can order anything from us with the certainty of getting it and of getting satisfaction in quality as well. As to prices—they speak for themselves. The same is true of service. Goods bought in our store are bought, at right prices; and there’s the added certainty iii of reliable and prompt delivery. All of these points are vital considerations in the mat ter of selecting grocers who can and will retain your patronage. If you’re not our customer, give a trial order. We are sure that we can you. I G. P. STEPHENS & GO. I NEWMAN’S LIVE GROCERS. I SCREEN DOORS- 2 10 x 0 10 Screen doors, x 7 Screen doors, - - Fancy Screen Front Doors, Door Springs, Spring Hinges Door J land les at Lowest Prices. 7no, to $ | .75 $1.25 to $1.75 - - $2 00 and Screen lax Notice. Newnan Hardware Co. BRADLEY-' M £STER'S OLD DRUG STORE. PHONE 148-2 Timm and i,aht itor.m H. S. B A N T A, ===== Jeweler -■ - Newnan, - Georgia Newnan, May 20 and 27. Wynn’s Store, Tuesday May 2 a m, 10 to 12 o’clock. , , ,,, , i\/r, ,, 'register, lor those who have posted Donegan s Store, Tuesday May j i b . _ ' 1 2H, p in. Coweta, Wednesday May 24, a rn. Itoseoe, Thursday May 25, p in. EXCURSION DATE CHANGED Sargent, I'riday May 20, a in. On account of nearness to commence- Welcome, Friday May 2(i, p in. meat and other prudential reasons, tho I will have oil last round a land I their lands to register same. E Gary Summers, T It. Methodist Sunday School excursion to I’oncc (le Loon Spring, Atlanta, has boon postponed from Saturday, May 27th, to Friday, June 9th. This will make bet tor suited date for all concerned, and with children out of school, all can have a jolly and profitable holiday. This , ,,, , , I,,. o/t . i Newnan Chanter, No. B4, Iioyal Madras, Wednesday May-4, p ; ^ Ma D,, lmv(t a Good date has been finally agreed upon, tram secured and all arrangements perfected. Cedar Creek, Thursday May 25, ^maritan meeting next Tuesday evening,May 2drd,ut eight o clock. Subscribe for the News.