The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, May 26, 1905, Image 6

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Gems In "Verse THE SCHOOLTEACHER. THL GERMAN WAY. w i -Inu I nil Dr i«* linIn III till* OjllTfl It. A (,< r I il II lil'lv wild ll«*HC»rI 1 M'» llPI’HOlf iih from provhuro«” wroti* to a friend : In iu lior lit the o|htii tin iii-i night nf l.«*(>neiivnllo'K | ••The linlimd "f llel'lln," nt which the ( lll|iernr Will- |I| r-e'tlt. When Ills IIIIIJen t v | N | ,|, - I i ill other perHoliM inilHt lie III evening die-I ■•) hud rend on the buck of my tick et,’* writ- the | >■-• • v I net il I, ■•Unit I liniKt Weiir I I I" necked dross. Ari'W'dlllgl.V I took my Mile Itreeli Milk, which Inis served me well Iii my loon I circle, mill l ilt out t I It tdi:i|ted |>l from the front, ml' nu 11H little ilk eonslHtl'Ilt of my MII'I' V instillin'. ’I lie lloorkeep er, hiking ;i fl int view tis I entered, allowed me to |hihh. I'rom Illy |dtlee In the I ill r<| net I \v il h surveying the sen of snowy -li midi iiml iirms mid ndmlr Inu H"' • '''I' il 't sparkled even from the topmost gallery rows when I felt myself gentl.i touched oil the shoulder. I turned find • v n liiilgnllheiil figure, whom I presently lenrned WIIH the tip per head nm-iiii of the opern doorket'p era lie requested me softly to lie so good its to follow him to the lolitiy, ns lie liiiil something of the utmost Itupor (mice to lonmimilcnte. Mystified, I did so "The upper liend muster of the opern doorl inlortued me (lint my dress wns not ndei|uiitnly low hehltid, til- thoUKh the front might narrowly es- enpe the severe limit llild down for decollete. "‘It emi soon he arranged in the clonkroom. gracious Indy,' sold he, mid to the clonkroom 1 went, where the nt- tcndnnt, who seemed fully eipilpped for such work, trimmed out the Imck of my dress. onlnrgeil the V shaped front, linsted up the frn/./.led edges mid thank ed me In n businesslike way for the mark I bestowed With some slinme and n throbbing self consciousness I made my way to my seat. No one seemed to notice me, mid I was soon enjoy Inu iik’iiln the wonderful costumes on Mini off the singe." Harper's Ita/.ar. I lint Hall ICatntca. It Is cotislderisl strange that In Kng land only one will dlsposliif! of ns much ns sinni.imiti had been Hied dtir Inu the 11 tin ml a I year cndlnu March ,‘ll. The ilVcraue ninnher of such w ills lifts been between live and six. Thus In I1NIII there were nine estates with a total of nearly $im.lMM),iKN); In l!MH eight estate. t"lnl value more tliiiu S.Ml.iniii.ooii; In I:mim live estates with the same total; In IIHK1 live estates val ued lit MU 0110,0110, and In I1HII three es tales valued nt $'J.*i,inIII,(MM). Of twell ty four of the richest testators only fine was under sixty years when he died, fourteen were over seventy and six more than elulity years. The nver- nuo aue was seventy four and a half years John Dawson, who left $,'1,500, (UNt, was ninety nine years old. The Karl of Strathmore, auisl seventy nine years, left $1,751,000. An Armful of Joy. Car' Is a f.athor and grief Is a bubble— Armful o’ Joy In a world full o' trouble! Iirlght us If skies Made ttie blue of tils eyes. With red lips Hint know not the meaning j of Highs Ife weeps not the future, he knows not the 1 past, I t tie knows there are loving urme bold- ins him fast; fils pillow of rest Is u mother s dear breast, And that's the sweet pillow he's loving the. best! Illne skies and balmiest blossoms above him. llos.-s for playmates and lilies to lovo him! Walk, little feet, In life's rosiest street Till with roses of heaven these earth roses no Atlanta Constitution. The 8tranyor on the Sill. Itetween broad h'ddii of wheat and corn Is the lowly home w le I was tsirn. Tin peach tree leans iNflnst the wall, And the woodbine Wanders over all; There Is the shaded doorway still, Hut a stranger s foot lias crossed the sill. There Is the barn, and as of yore I cun smell the hay from the open door And see I to* busy swallows throng And hear the pei-wc s mournful song, tint the stranger comes oil, painful proof! Ills sheaves lire idled to the heated roof. There Is the orchard, the very trees, Where my childhood knew long hours of And wnt"hed the shadowy moments ran Till my life Imbibed more shade than stin. The awing from the boughs still sweeps tlie air, Hut the strung'r’s children lire swinging there! There bubbles Hie shady spring below, With Its bulrush brook Where the hazels grow, ‘Twas there I found the calamus root Aral watched the iiiliinows poise and shoot And heard the robin lave tils wing— lint the stranger's bucket Ih at the spring. Oh, ye wtio dally cross the stll, Step lightly, for I love II still. And when you crowd the old barn eaves, 'lie'll think what countless harvest sheaves Have passed within that sn-nted door To gladden eyes that are no more. Deal kindly with these orchard trees, And when your children crowd their knees Their sweetest fruit they shall Impart, A.i If old memories stirred their heart; To youthful sport still leave lie swing, And Iii sweet reverence hold thu spring. 'I'lo barn, Hie lues, tie- brook, the birds, The meadows with their lowing herds, Tlei Hie cottage wall My le ai l Mill ling' rs with lie in all. Ye sir.lagers on lay native III, Htep lightly, for I love II still -Thomas Hie leiimn Head. Ilnit n Young Mnn Fresh From Col- lege Makes Ills Start, A young mnn fresh from college who decides to become a school teacher bus many things to consider. The profes sion. If it enn lie called a profession. Is still unorganized. No standard of ex cellenee, no diploma certifying ability, Is required. Methods of teaching lu public schools In New York state are very different from those in Colorado, nml those in Utica are different from those in ItufTnlo. There tire private schools of nil kinds. There nro almost ns many methods of teaching arithme tic ns there are of teaching vocal mu sic. To obtain Ills llrst post loti he or dinarily Joins nil agency. He takes to the agency his record nt college, supple tneiited by ns ninny pleasant recom mendations from Ills professors as pos sible, pays Ills yearly fee and promises the agency a certain percentage r> per cent usually of Ills llrst year’s salary. Occasionally his college will And a place for him In one of the schools that prepare directly for It. At any rate, he will And without great difficulty n posi tion that will support him. Perhaps It will lie In n little denominational boarding school, where he will tench thirteen different subjects during his (list year, iis one man I know did. If lie survives Ids llrst year successfully ii ml with some measure of content in the work lie Is likely to he u teacher for thu rest of Ids life. Leslie’s Monthly. A TrnaMfnn ftorlrtjr. The Trousseau society was founded In Purls live years ago by Mine. lie glim In Iter school, Hue Itlldctte. Its ob ject Is tu provide thu daughters of poor parents with a liberal trousseau, llrst. rate In <|unllty and execution, nt the time of marriage. A subscription of U cents a month paid for nine years provides a girl on her marriage with a complete trousseau of seventy-three pieces. The glrlH themselves and lie nevolent Indies Interested In school ed ucatlon work at the trousseau. The work Is a part of prnctlcnl education, and It lias the further advantage of bringing nil clns*cs of the community together Mine I.oubet, wife of the president. Is patroness of this admi rable Institution. Mine. Hcguln'a Idea Is making way nil over Franca. What la aa Week! The question seems simple enough to answer In two seconds, ynt It has occu pied the supreme court of Victoria for two days. The factories net provides that no girl shall t*> employed for more than forty eight hours “In any one w«H>k.” A manufacturer wns summon ed for violating this provision, but lie contended that the week should lie reckoned not by the calendar, but from pay day to pay day thnt Is, from Fri day to Thursday Inclusive. The tnagls trate decided that It wns the correct In terpretation, and the supreme court lias Indorsed their view. Iguidon Vi lobe. Uninteresting People. They live In a quiet sort of a way In u iiutei sort ef a street Tin \ don't meet a great many people nor linpt'c IH the people tin y meet. The newspapers never mention their names. The world doesn't cure what they do, The> never go Iii for anything much, And llielr Intimate friends are few. He never lias tin it a favorite club, ’ Though somebody snlil lie might. For a lint little nose on the window pane Awaits him every night, And eight little lingers and two llttlo thumbs Undo all the work of the comb Ah lie nits In the quietest sort of a way In hlH quietest mirt of a home Hhe doesn't belong to n woman's chib, Htii’ hasn't a single fail. She spends her tlmo with a blue eyed lass And a mlsehlnvous little lad; She never unraveled the problem of life, She doesn't know lots of thlngH; She plays with the "kids and works all day. And most of the time she slags. He Isn't tike most other hushnnds at nil; She Isn't like most other wives, And they never attempt to make a change In the course of their quiet lives, Hut once In awhile they dress the "kids" \ And go to spend the day In a nice little quiet country spot In a nice little quiet way - Maurice Brown Klrhy In Collier's Week ly Friendship. A ruddy drop of manly blood The surging sea outweighs, The world uncertain comes and goes. The lover rooted stays. I fancied he was tied— And, after many a year, (Mowed unexhausted kindliness, Idke dally sunrise there. My careful heart was free again. Oh, friend, my bosom said. Through thee alone the sky ts arched. Through thee the rose ts red. All things through thee take nobler form And look beyond the earth; The^ mill round of our fate appears A sun path In thy worth. Me, too, thy nobleness has taught To master my despair. The fountains of my hidden life Are through thy friendship fair. —Emerson. CHARMING DOLLY MADISON. Tbe flrrsleit of All Hie Mistresses of the White House, To (leflno the clmrm of a charming woman la always ilittteult. Dolly Mud- Ison'a features were not regular, nor wns her tlguro perfect. Hhe wus not witty, nor was aim tvian, and she par ticipated little If nt all lu her Inis- bn lid's Intellectual life. Nevertheless she stands out as the greatest of all mistresses of the White House, and hur popularity wns unbounded. She ruled over her world in Washington with genial good nature und Instinc tive tact. Her nature was warm, af fectionate and Impressionable. Sho loved life and people, and her world loved her. Her brilliant coloring, unl imited face and well rounded figure Went with a cordial manner and n sym pathy for those about her amounting to genius, und she was always ready to bubble into laughter. Who could resist such a woman, the wife of a president? She was the cen ter of observation at the Inaiigtirnl bull, lail she would have been tin- cen ter of observation at any ball even if she bail not been the president's wife. She hud, in fuel, ruled ns Indisputably o\er the little hoarding house in I’hila- delpblu kept by her mother when sho wus the Widow Todd ns she did over the White House ns Mrs. Madisou.— Halliard Hunt in t'entury. To the Pacific Coast—to California, Oregon, Washington— round-trip, long transit and return limits, liberal stop-over privileges. The rate is practically on the basis of one fare for the round trip. Of course, if you wish to visit both California and Oregon or Washington, the cost is slightly more. These reduced rates are in effect on certain dates in months of May to October, inclusive. They apply from all Eastern points ia Chicago, St Louis or Memphis gateways. The Rock Island System will take you up in either Chicago or St. Louis, or at hundreds of other Middle West points and carry you to the Coast in through Standard or Tourist Sleepers with unexcelled Dining Car service. The Rock Island also affords a choice of routes: on the “Scenic” route you can stop off in Colorado—see Salt Lake City—visit Yellowstone National Park; on the “Southern” route you can go via El Paso, thru New Mexico, then “up coast” to San Francisco and on to Portland or Seattle if desired. In short, these Pacific Coast excursions offer an unusually good chance to see our western country in a comprehensive manner. If you desire to go only as far as Colorado, there are excursion rates in effect to that section and return, all summer long, specially reduced June 30 to July 4, August 12 and 13, and August 30 to September 4. Extension trips to Ogden or Salt Lake and return at low cost also. From September 15 to October 31, 1905, one-way tourist or “ colonist ” tickets will be on sale to California and the Pacific Northwest—about half regular fare. If interested, tend name and address on this coupon, designating which booklet wanted and to what point you plan to go. Name probable date of start also, so wa can advise definitely with respect to rates, etc. Send booklet and rate*. Address JOHN SEBASTIAN, Pats. Traf. Mgr., Rock Island System, CHICAGO. Leave about- Destination CANADIAN CASTLES. Tin 1 I nt<*r«»NflliiK In tint to nu do It a iuo7.ii y ut Mon(r«*iil. To Aiimrlriuis castles nro associated with the storied lthlne, plcturcaqile England or France and Spain, lint It Is Interesting to he reminded by the St. John (1*. K. I.) News that there are a number of ancient Canadian castles still existing, the chief ones being St. Ours, ltlinouskl, St. Kustache, I.otbinl- | ere, Moutlbello, Ste. Marie de la Be- i unee, Vaudreil, Rotivllle and, most in- | terestlng of all, the Chateau tie Kamo- ; cay nt Montreal. The latter was built In 17fi5 by Ocrtrude de Rameaay, at thnt tlmo governor of the district of Montreal nml knight the Royal and Military Order of St. „.>ulx. From hint was descended the last French govern j or of Quebec nt the time of the capitu lation lu 1751). From that time to 1840 ; the castle remained In the possession of the government and was the resi dence of the French and Kugllsh gov- ; ernors uutil the capital was trans- : ferred from Montreal to Quebec. It Is now owned by the Antiquarian socle- j ty. which has made of It a museum for historical relics of the old regime, and ns such It possesses much interest for visitors to the one time capital of New France, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Very Best. "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy nml want to say it is the best cough medicine I have over taken," snys (ieo, L. Chubb, u merchant of Hurhin, Mloli. There is no question about its being the best, us it will cure n cough or cold in less time than any oth er treatment. It should always be kept in the house ready for instant use, for a cold onn he cured in much less time when promptly treated. For sale by Holt & Cates, druggists, Newtiau, Ga. Atlanta & West Point Railroad Co. The Western Railway of Alabama. Direct Lines Between North, East, South und Southwest. U. S. East Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. UK.Vl> DOWN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 20, 1904. If you told a man while he lived what you put on his tombstone after he dies, it would have helped him more. I’lll.ligrs and Steel. Another steel plant nt l’tttaburg. starting out with a hacking of $15,000,- 000. likely to run up Into the hundreds of millions ns time goes on. will servo to render that city more than ever the Iron and steel capital of the world. A syndicate of Its business tnen has Just paid $1,500,000 for 000 acres of land near Allegrlppn, on the Ohio, about fif teen miles from the city, and the work Is to lx* carried forward with a rush. In addition to stool mills, h large blast furnace and a plant for the manufac ture of pressed 811*01 cars are to be built. The Joy of God. 1 thank thee, too, that thou hast made Joy to abound; So many gentle thoughts and deeds Circling us round That In the durkest spot of earth 8omo love Is found. I thank thee more that all our Joy Is touehed with pain; That shadows fall on brightest hours, That thorns remain; So that earth's hllas may be our guide And not our chain For thou, who knowest. Lord, how soon Our weak heart clings. Hast given us Joys tender and true, Hut all with wtnga— So that we aee. gleaming on high. Diviner things. —Adelaide A Procter. The Gold Is the Onsets. The fact that sea water contained gold was first made patent, we belter*, by tint observation that the depoait on the copper plating of Jatty piles In aea harbors was comparatively rich in the precious metal. On tbe estimate that a ton of sea water contains approxi mately one grain, the yield would amount to something like >J)0 tons of gold per cubic mile and, a* the volume of the world's ocean is estimated at 400,000,000 cubic miles, the total pos sible yield of gold would be no less than 10V),000,000,000 tons-a truly at tractive propect to the company pro moter.—London Lancet. WhySuffer From Rheumatism? Why suffer from rheumatism when otto application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm will relieve the pain? The quick relief which til in liniment affords makes rest and sleep possible, and that alone is I }" worth many times its oost. Many who have nsed it hoping only for a short re lief from suffering, have been happily surprised to iind that after a while the relief became permanent Mrs. V. H. Leggett of Yum Yum, Tennessee, U. S. A., writes'. "I am a great sufferer from rheumatism, all over from head to foot., No 4l)J No 84 No nil!No :w Leave Arrive No 85 8 lflp 4 12p No 37 No 97 11 10a 7 37a No 33 H 15p 12 40a ts 8 15pj.Lv - New Orlenns — Ar 12 -tOnjLv Mobile... Ar 7 15a 2 55a ~ 11 Uftp 5 00rt 12 lftp 11 06p.Lv — I'eiisiieoln Ar 4 (Hip 5 <H)u 4 OOp 5 00a Lv Selma Ar 11 BOpJlO 25a 1) Iftn 10 0;,u 10 HOii 1 30|, SSP 8Blj» a imp I “I’ I2P 8 DP 0 55a 7*58a I(V Montgomery a r Ar ........— -.Mllstead Ar Ar Chehaw Ar Ar Auburn Ar 10 55a 9 57a 9 42a 9 10a 9 20p 8 20p 7 40p 8 17a ft 20p 5 28p 5 01 p 4 27p 12 Mp H 25p 12 85 p Ar .Columbus ...Ar 1- 85p 9 25 p 4 15p 3 80p It 76a 12 Tllp 3 45p •1 80p H 25 p 9 02 p H 87a 9 12a Ar Opelika \ r Ar West Point... .............. A r *8 87a 7 55a 7 33p ft 4ftp 1 46p 1 Ida 12 S)P 1 58p 'J °7p 8 flop 8 20p 11 '.Op ilOOp «28p 7 bill 7 HOP w 37 p 10 37 p 9 *°7a 10 85a Ar La Grange ...Ar Ar Newnan Ar Ar Fairburn Ar 7 38a ft 84* 6 04a a 22p 5 26p 12 51a 12 11a ia'iisp Ar East Point Ar 11 40|) 11 40a Ar Atlanta Lv 5 80ii 4 20p il 15p 1 58p 12 56p I lllp 10 8 P 9 45a 10 82a 12 54 P 0 :?p 9 15p 11 25 p 2 r>op 0 13u rt 42m h 00a 10 15a 12 43p Ar Washington Lv Ar Baltimore Lv A r Philadelphia .Lv 11 15a ft 17a 3 45a 12 10a l(M6p 9 lftp ft 55p 4 2ftp Ar New York Lv -Meals Above trains dally. Connections at New Orleans for Texas, Mexico, California. At Chehaw jor Tnskcgee, Mllstead for Tallahassee. LaUramre accommodation leaves Atlanta dully, except Sunday at 5:30 p. m. Returning leaves LaGrange at 5:50 a. m. arrives Atlanta 8:15 a. m. Trains 35 and*> Pullman sleepers New York and New Orleans. Through coaches Washing on Biid New Orlenns. Trains 87 und 38 Washington and Southwestern Limited. Pullman sleepers, compartmen nr s. observation and dining ears. Complete service New York and New Orleans, Train 97 United States fast mail. Through day coaches Atlanta and New Orleans. Write for maps, schedules and Information, and Chbmborlain's Pain Balm is the LB. HEYWARD. J. P. BILLUPS, , .. . .. .,, ,, D. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. G. P. A., Atlanta Ga. only thing that will relieve the pain.’ chas. A. WICKERSHAM, For sale by Holt & Cates, druggists, j __ Newnati, Ga. One way to foolishly waste time is to spend today planning to do tomorrow what should have been done yesterday. A Creel Threat. - Mr. Snips (who has called about that long standing account)—So you won’.t pay today, eh? Well, now, I warn you If you don’t settle with me by this day week I’ll go round to all your oth er creditor* and tell them that you've paid me lu full, and then you'll have ’em all down on you. See what I mean? To Soccred. l)r. Samuel A. Green, the historian, nays that the late ex-Governor Bout- well once gave these hints to a student at the Groton academy: "If you wish to take a college courae 1 truat you will tie ahle to do so. But there are three thing* you must have to succeed—In dustry, Integrity and civility. Y'ou can not get along without civility." This advice made so much Impression upon the boy that his grandfather has tbe words printed on a little card for dis tribution to friends. Joy Enough. There's Joy enough, good people, when the furrowe feel the frost An' the lily's lookin' lonesome sn' the x'tolet's feelln' lost, When the blue smoke's curlin' upward from the cabin on the hill An' the heart Is milkin' music, though the mockin' birds are still! There's Joy enough, good people, for the winter's sweets are sown As thickly as the flowers In the gardens love has known! The stars still light the darkness, the sun shine crowns the day. An' we alng the night to momln', an' we're happy as the May! —Frank L. Stanton In Atlanta Constitu tion. Disappoint la*. Rector’s Wife (to village grocer)— Well, I hope you like our new curate. Grocer—Yes, ma'am, thank you; w* like him very well (pause); not, how ever. that I think he's ns fluent aa we had a right to exp«ct. seeing as his fa ther was an auctioneer.—London Tele graph. The C alaclsr OpaJ. "Yon don't mean to eay you’re super stitious about opals!" he remarked. "Well,” she replied, "1 think It’* un lucky to neglect an opportunity of get ting one."—Philadelphia Frees. Howto Ward Off Old Age. The most successful way of warding off the approach of old age is to main tain a vigorous digestion. This can be done by eating only food suited to your age and occupation, and when auv dis order of the stomach appears take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to correct it. If you have a weak stomach or are troubled with in digestion, you will find these Tablets to be just what yon need. For sale by Holt & Cates, druggists, Newuau, Ga. Miss Ruth Whatley, who has been the popular art teacher in our public school tbe past year, wiil leave for her home tn Newnan, next Saturday,—Carrollton Times. Newnan Pressing Club, O. W. Brad ley, Proprietor, will keep your clothes pressed nicely for $1 per month. Clothes will be called for and delivered. Shop over Pope’s hardware store. tf Subscribe for the News. THE HEW ANO ENLARGED E0ITI0N OF WEBSTER’S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Exacts in Vocabulary. It is the most use ful in size and contents. Judiciously se lected to exclude corruptions of good usage, and to avoid unintelligible tech nicalities. Excels In Arrangement. Each word he ms a paragraph Tn its correct alnhabet- cal place and Is readily caught by the eye. Excels in Etymologies. These are com plete and scientific, and embody the beat results of philology. They are not scrimp ed or crowded into obscure places. Excels in Pronunciation which is indi cated by respelling with the diacritically marked letters used in the schoolbooks, t he sounds of which are taught in tbe pub lic schools. Excels in Definitions. They are clear, terse, yet complete, and are given in the order in which the word has acquired its shades of meaning. Many of the defini tions are illustrated. Excels in its Appendix which is a packed storehouse of useful knowledge. „ Excels as a Working Dictionary. No other book embodies so much useful in formation, or is so indispensable in the home, study, school, or office. The International has 2380 quar to pages, 6000 illustrations, 25,000 new words, revised Gazetteer of the World, and a revised Biographical Dictionary, etc. It received THE GRAND PRIZE (Highest Award) at the World’s Fair, St. Louis. FREE—“A Test In Pronunciation," in etructTVe and entertaining for the whole family. Also illustrated pamphlet. Q. & C. MERRIAM CO* PUBLISHERS, Springfield Mae*. 1 JLxpert Plumbing When you give a plumber a job, be sure the plumber knows his business All work iti this line should be done by an ex pert. Otherwise, endless trouble and expense is certain to result. In dealing with Sexton, you get the services of an expert. Remember this when you need the services of a plumber. I have a complete stock of supplies, water fixtures, bath ’ tubs, etc., etc., This is great- 1 ly to the advantage of my pat- I rons, as I can supply their needs on short notice and at ' small cost. > > Am selling garden | hose at cost. \ W. L. Sexton, ^ The Newnan Plumber.