The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, May 26, 1905, Image 8
SOME OF THE THINGS WE SELL. The list given this week includes many of the articles in the stockof groceries that we have for sale. To make more room for our line of groceries we must get rid of our crockery, glassware and tinware, a list of which will appear in this paper next week. SPECIAL SALE OF COFFEE. On next Saturday and Tuesday one package of Arbuckle or Lion Cof fee for I Oc with every 50c purchase of crockery, tinware or glassware. Syrups and Molases. Preserves, [Hoiiiz.] Georgia canc in barrels and half iMtn i.'. (,mrg ,i ( me in <|t. 1-2 gal. and ual. i ms. ( lib,i molasses. N. < > molasses. Bread. Dir.mi\ the bread that made Durand's restaurant famous. Sauces and Dressing. | 11 KIN/ | Tomato Catsup. Chili Sauce. Worcester Sauce. I epper Sauce. Horse Radish. India Relish, Mustard Dressing Mayonnaise Dressing. Pickles. (Hoinz) Litt't Giant, plain and mixed. Sweet ^ idget. Sour Midget. Sweet Gherkins. Sour Gherkins. Sweet Mixer!, Sour Mixed, Pearl Onions. American Plain, \merican Mixed. Dills. Mangoes. Olives. (Heinz.) Sel cted Queen, all sizes. Selected Stuffed, all sizes. Vinegar. |II *in/..| M.i t, White Wine, Pure Apple. Cherry, Strawberry, Raspberry, Pineapple, Damson Plum, Peach, Apple Rutter. Vegetables in Cans. Asparagus Tips. French Peas | Rrochct] Karly June Peas. Tomatoes. Corn. Okra, Corn and Tomatoes. I .ye I lomiriv Pork and Means. Soups. Van Camp’s celebrated chicken soups Milk Eagle Brand, White Lily. Cereals. Quaker Oats. Cream of Wheat Grape Nuts. Fruit in Cans. Peaches. Cherries. Pears. Pineapple Orated. Pineapple Sliced, Meats in Cans. Corn Beef. Smoked Dried Beef. Sliced Beef. Lunch Tongue. Potted Ham. Veal Loaf. Ham Loaf. Vienna Sausage. Hamberger Steak. Potted Chicken. Chicken Tomale. Oysters. Pearl. Smiling. Roxbury, Sardines. 11 mportml. | Hollands’ a la tomate. Holland's, in oil. Trevaiec, in oil. Kcrity Club, in oil, Sardines. | American.] Gold Label, in Mayonnaise dress ing. Gold Label, in oil. P'ederal, in oil. Continental, in oil. Mackerel. Gold Label, in cans. Lake Shore, in barrels. Salmon. Columbia River. Telmo. Robt. K. Lee. Tenina. Eortuna, [Alaska.] Staple Groceries. Postel’s Elegant Flour. K. K. K. Flour, ocorgia iiell Flour. Farm Bell Flour. Roller Queen F’lour. Silver King, Flour. Askew's Meal, Dove Hams, dory Hams. Breakfast Bacon, Silver Leaf Lard. Snow Flake Lard, Cottolene. Rice. Grits. Sugar. SALT, bulk or package. Baking Powder. Royal. 1< umford Success. Sweeetheart. Good Luck. 1 lorsford’s. Migic Yeast. Soda. Arm & Hammer. F'ann Bell. Anvil. Starch. Diamond. Celluloid, Velvet. Shirt Waist. Nickel Gloss. Roja Gloss. Bluing. Jumbo box. Jumbo package. Toilet soap. White Clematies. Balsam Tolu. Ivory. Life Buoy. Fairy, White Floating. Grand Pa's Tar. Pine Tar. Laundry soap. Octagon. Grand Duke. Export, Thunder. Lenox. Red Snapper. Scouring soap. Sapolio. Fairbanks. Washing powder. Pearline. Golcidust. Armour's. Grandma’s. Coffee. Euglthard's Filson Club. “ Pendennis. " Cardinal, ltearike's Silver Moon. Metropolitan Java Screanings. Arbuckle’s. Lion. Bulck, roasted. Teas. Tetley,s No. i and No. 2. Pendennis* Imperial. Oolong. Gunpowder, English Breakfast. Spices- whole. Pepper, spice, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, mace, celery- seed, mixed spices. Spices, ground. per, ginger, allspice, tumeric, mustard, mace, sage. Extracts. Lemon. Vanilla. Assorted flavors. Chocolates & Cocoas. Baker & Co’s. Lowney’s Huyler.s Misceleaneous. Gelatine. J ell -o. Shredded Cocoanut. Cleaned Currants. Seeded Raisins. Cream Tarta. Orange Sugar. Snuff. Railroad. Lorillard’s. Blue Ribbon. Brewton. Tobacco. Schnapps. Sweep Stakes. Early Bird. Hickory. Peper’s Natural Leaf. P. H. Hane's Natural Leaf. Corn Juice. Star Navy. Cigars. We carry a full line made by Salbide, Manget & Co. and Cuesta Rey & Co. In smoking tobacco we have Duke’s Mixture, Old North State, Recruit, Victory. Pepper, cinnamon, cayenne pep- i^ooVchlcke 0 n°?’B°00 dS5*ig«£? 8 “ ’ NUNNALLY & BARRETT NO COURT THIS WEEK. Hutchens’ Special Sale.... 250 Smyrna Rugs to c'osc out at 1 49- we have a few more odd coats and vests to close out at a price Some of them are worth 4 00 a piece; clay worsted and mixed goods, 1 00 each. Don't fail to get one of our 10 (|t black handle tin buckets, going at 10c each. Children's parasols 25c each. Can iaco lap robes, large size 50c. mg assortment of glass ware and crockery at prices below all competition. There is some thing in this line you will need. Shoe nails, 5-8, 3c a box Epsom salts in 12 lb pkgs 3c. Pea'l buttons, big lot, 2c doz. we sell shoes, hats caps, and everything, we can interest you by giving 11s a call. J. B. Hutchens west side square, Newnan, - Georgia. WOMANS PRAYER MEETING A f«\v i'f the women of the Pint Bap tist Cl.urch met lust Wednesday aftor- noon and hud n very interesting meet- jug. Hope more will be present at our next meet;up, which will be next Wed nesday aftertom at 1 o'clock. An Attendant. The adjourned term of Coweta superior court, scheduled for this week, was not held. The following order passed by Judge Freeman gives particulars: Coweta Superior Court, March Ail- journod Term, 1905. It being made to appear that James W. Shell is the leading Counsel for Luther M. Hall, under indictment for murder iu aaid Court, and that said Shell is Niok and unable to attend the Court nt this time; and as to the other orimiual,business pending in said Court, it appenriug that the best interest of the county would be subserved by a further l>ostponenioiit of the Court; It is therefore ordered, that when the Court adjourn this day that it adjourn to meet on the Hist Monday in August, next, (Auk- <) nt l) o'olook a. ni. The jurors drawn at the March Term, lUOo, 1 March IN) are required to attend on Auk 7. nt 11 o'clock, a. m., ami all per sons summoned as witnesses II Iiersous ImvitiK business iu said Court ore required to attend at said time— criminal business only will be tried. This May 22, 11'Oft. R. W. Freoniau, J. S. 0. C.C. OH AM' JPltOKS DU AWN To SKKYK AT 8K1TKM1IKH TKUM. W G Camp. A POarmieal, \V H Fort, J H Shell, Sr, J L Morris, J K Cotton, J W Summers, K M North, Fred Hunter, Glenn Arnold, T L Camp. K Mobley, VV G Arnold, W S Copeland, J K McCol lum, W S McDonald, H C Glover, J F Jones, F M Lee, 0 H North, W A Bran non, T G Burpee, \V A Bohaunon, Otis Jouos, B 11 Head. H W Aruall, M N Wiugo, J B Suns, H L Ware, F W Eberhart. TH.VVF.H8K Jl'HOKS DRAWN TO SERVE FOB FIRST WEEK OK TUB SEPTEMBER l BUM W A Huddleston, J 0 Kidd J B Nall. T W Powell M V Roberts, E W Bohan non, T J Kiuk, S T Johnson. F E Hinds- mau, J C Hunter,.! A Gable, K R Dent, M A Joues, Sr. W S Askew, A J Mur phy, O V Wiugo, Frank Bohaunon, S D Thurman, W B Harris, Tom E Potts, T L Lambert, Y C Foster, C F Stephens, M F Cole, M M Cole, D L Hardigrec, J K Folk. W F Waldrop, J T Braswell, J H Rollins, D B Benton, D 1, Puckett. \V N Walthall. J T Carpenter, T L Cook, J H Reid. TRAVERSE Jl’HOKS DRAWN TO SERVE FOR SECOND WEEK. P M Waltorn, J K Watkins, Jacobus Petty, C E Summers, E R Attaway, L M McGee, J P Bohanuou, Habersham King. J A MeKnight, O F Allen, G T Kyle, Calhoun Hill, R W Addy, G O Scroggins, J D Pearson, G E Smith. E M Yeager, A B Edge, A L Young, T L Wilkinson, G W Reid, L A Couch, Lee Hand, TIioh J Young, W A Potts, TO Grimes, O N Evans, J E Dent. W L Crowder, J L Taylor, A B CoiielHiid, J W Benton, I O Lester, J T Edmondson, S A King, John E Smith. Mr.J. P. Hughie Dead. J. P. Ilughie died suddenly yesterday afternoon in East Point,at the resiilouce of J. 0. Austin. The oause of death was heart failure. Thu funeral services will be couduoted tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock in Jouosboro.— Friday’s At lanta Constitution. Mr. Hughio was an undo of Miss Pearl and Mr. A. M. Hughie, of Newnan. Miss Hughie was called to East Point last Thursday on aceouut of the death of her relative. K. of P. Barbecue Three hundred guests enjoyed the Knights of Pythias barbecue at Miporal Spring, this city, Thursday afternoon. The’cue was a success in every detail; and the "good things to cat" were abundant and served in elegant style. Hons. Hamilton Douglas, of Atlanta, and S. J. Hall, of Philadelphia, were among the guests. These gentlemen were presented to the assembly by W. M. Glass, Esq , and responded with graceful speeches. TWO MARRIAGES. younger brother of Rnilrnad Commis sioner II. Warner Hill, and one of the most promiueut citizens of the comity. According to the report Imre, Sheriff MoGchee, who 1ms been in love with Mrs. Hill for some time, last week drove to her home nnd, taking her into the buggy with him, drove through the couutry to Griffin. It is said Mrs. Hill seut her trunk to Atlanta several days ago. Mrs. Hill was formerly Miss Nellie Robinson, of LaGrunge, and a belle iu that oity. She is the granddaughter of the late Hon. Henry R. Harris. The husband, it is reported, has as yet takeu no steps to briug his wife back to her home.—Atlanta N^ws. ARE U A DISCRIMINATING DEAC0N8 ORDAINED. Mr. Ralph E. McKnight and Miss Elizabeth carlton, a popular young couple of senoia, were married on May 18th by Rev. J. w. ltailey. They have the congratulations and best wishes of numbers ot friends, Mr Roy R Bridges and Miss Leona Ingram, of Turin, were married on May 17th by Rev m m walraven. These young people belong to good families and are well known and popular in their community. Their fr e ids wish them long life and happiness. 1 SENSATIONAL ELOPEMENT IN GREENSVILLE Last Saturday evening at Bethel Baptist Church, in Heard County, occurred the ordination ot three deacons. They were Messrs. John King, of the 3rd District, Britt Crain and Virgil Thomas, of Heard County. Rev Mr. Ham mond, of this city, pastor of Bethel Chucrh, was present, but the ordi nation ceremonies were conducted by Rev. F. J. Amis, of Welcome. DUYER MAD DOG KILLED. Miss Jennie Lunsford, a brave young woman, residing in the 3rd District, shot and killed a mad dog last Saturday afternoon. The incident created some excitement in that section, and Miss Lunsford was heartily congratulated for her coolness and courage. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS All copy for advertise ments MUST be in this office NOT LATER than Thursday noon to insure insertion in the current issue. Colambns, Ira., May 24.—A special to The Columbus Ledger from Greeueville, Ga.. says Sheriff Joe McGehee, of Meri wether county, has eloped with the young and beautiful wife of Albert Hill, Newnan Pressing Club, O. W. Brad- j ley, Proprietor, will keep your clothes ; pressed nicely for $1 per month. Clothes i will be called for and delivered. Shop over Pope’s hardware store. tf Read The News and keep posted Subscribe for. the News. You can be easily pleased with one of our 1 905 Beauties. Our styles comprise a variety from which all buyers- young and old, can pick something to their liking. Prices will not restrict. Orr & Powell