The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, June 16, 1905, Image 5

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Local News of Newnan l Carl Lewis, of Atlanta, is spending the week in the city. Mr. Sam Banks was in Marshallville this week. W. 2t Eight Dny Clock for fl.HS, at .1 Stripling & Son's. Mr. .1. H. Summers sjnMit Inst Sunday i in Atlanta, visiting his children. E. C. Goodwyn sells the genuine Mon- Dr. li. L. Hood and family, who t- | tevallo coal. There is no such coal as moved to Texas about two years ng< "Climax Montevallo." tf from Coweta County, have returned am’ i will reside at Sargent. They are wel comed hack lo Coweta l>y many friends. , P. L. Sutherland, Esq , was in lie city from Saturday until Tuesday .when he returned to .Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs Sutherland and children hnvo decided to spend the summer at their country home in this county. George P. Harrison, .Tt\, of Opelika, Ala.,the sixteen-inonths-old son of Gen- R. A. Hamrick, of Union Springs, I oral and Mrs. George P. Harrison, is Col.Garland .Tones,nprominent young attorney of Kansas City, Mo., was in the city several days recently. Mr. Millnrd Farmer, who has been dangerously ill for several vVeeks, is im proving. Judge R. W. Campbell, of LaGrangc, and Col. J. \V. Austin, of Atlanta, wen- in the city Mondnv on legal business. TWO BEAUTIFUL WOMEN WHO ESCAPED SPRING CATARRH BY TAKING PE RU NA. Spring Fever is Spring Catarrh==Nothing Robs One of Strength Like Spring Catarrh. Pe-ru-na is the Finest Tonic For a Weary Woman. Ala., was in the city the latter part of ; with his grand parents, Dr. and Mrs. U. last week to attend the funeral of his A. Nnittially, while his parents are in Big line ol new Toilet Soaps at Reese s j grandmother, Mrs. Ann Hill. Louisville attending the reunion. Ding Stole. For Rent—!T rooms close in, for light j \ team from Decatur will play a J. W. Murray spent last Sunday hi j housekeeping. Parties with children game of ball with Newnan's team on Cedartown. ; , lee( ] n0 f apply. Address jHistoftlcu box the local diamond tomorrow. Decatur Mr Rigdon Simms is ill at his home : *>'• i has a fairly good team and this contest in this city. Attractive shirt-waists,worth *1. fl.AO I robably he an interesting practice Try tlie new Tastless Castor Oil at and $2, all to go in our Julie sale at till, K nn " Reese’s Drug Store. cents each. This knocks all the bargain Mr. ,T. A. Hunter is having improve- made before in Newnnn. moots made on two residences owned Insist ouhaving Climax coal. Good- wyu sells it for 16.25 per ton. tf Money to loau on renl estate pt 7 per oeut. Apply to L. M. Farmer. prices ever J. W. Stripling & Son will sell you n good Eight Day Clock for li SkS. 2t Ross Echols, of Heard County, was in Newnan last Saturday. Attorney W 1). Hamrick, of Carroll ton, was in town Saturday. 1 give both quality and quantity ol stove-wood. Davis. Phone 122. tl Attorney A. H. Freeman was in At lanta last Wednesday. T. K. Zellars, Esq., was up from : Gtantville last Monday. Talcum Powders, all makes,at Reese’s Diug Store Col. Watkins, a young attorney of Opelika, Ala , was in the city Tuesday. Mr. M. Salbide is critically ill at his home in this city. Mrs. J. '1'. Williams, who has been ^ sick the phst week, is improving. Writing paper in pound packages and envelopes, at Reese’s Ding Store. J. Stanley Powel is in the city, aft* r no absence of several weeks in Tennessee. Will and "Buck" By mm visited rela tives in Cedar Creek District last Sun day. High priced labor has no effect at Davis’ wood yard; hi 1 splits his own wood. SM ,1. B. Hatchetts and wife and J. J. „M iilinns and daughters attended the nil- day singing at Elim last Sunday. D. T. Manger is having a five-room cottage erected on Temple Avenue, t, r renting pat poses. ■ “Uncle John” Shell and John Addv. Esq., of the Isl District, vve re in town Monday. Mrs S.illio Ware and Mrs. J. C. Greenfield and young sons, of Atlanta, visited relatives in New nan this week. Prof. J. H. Walkin' and family left last night on a visit of some time to relatives at Grantville.—Griffin News and Sun, June Sltli. New York Bargain Store. 1 can interest any prospective pur chaser of a huggv. Give me the op portunity and I’ll sell you a buggy right that will certainly please yon. E. L. Walton:. Go to the New York Bargain Store’s Summer Sale ot Millinery Goods. The latest styles and prettiest creations of the milliner’s art are being closed out at the lowest prices over made in Newnnn. Pure, sweet cream delivered every day, except Sunday, at your door, Pos tal card the day before will get your order filled. A. H. Arnold, Newnan, Ga. •ft bv him on Spring Street; and the News is informed that ho will have two houses erected on Temple Avenue at an early date. Work is progressing on the new oil ; mill, which is being erected ai the rail road crossing on the site of the old com press. R. D. Cole Mfg. Co 1ms the con tract for erecting the necessary build ings and will push them to completion with usual dispatch. Mr. and Mrs. Boo/.t, who have been conducting the Pinson Hotel in this city „, for some time, will return to Cedartown at an early data. On their departure Mrs. Sallie Parrott and Miss Sallie Miss 11. Inez Silvern, 18!l W. UWlt-h street, New York City, Grand Recorder Daughters of Americnu Independence, writes: “Nine years of work, without a vacation, wore out my nervous system. 1 lost my appetite and felt weak and exhausted nearly all the time. “Peruna restored me to perfect health fit ttve weeks. It Is the finest tonic for a weary woman that I know of. I gladly endorse It.fl. Inez Silvers. Peruua Is tlie most prompt and permanent cure for all cases of nervous prostration caused by systemic catarrh known to the medical profession. MISS ESTELLE CAMPBELL. Hammond will lake charge of the Pin- I have a lot of serviceable second hand w|| House, rakes and mowers. They arc offered away down low. Farmers needing these , New meat market on Dopo Street, machines will save money by calling on I two doors from Cutt-ino’s corner, will me. E. L. Waltotn. Sacrifice sale of millinery continues at New York Bargain Store. What you * want and need cm l»- bought so ela lip you can afford to buy twice as much as at any other store. Attorneys Holdcrness. of Carrollton, Strickland and Moody, of Hogansvillo, Whitaker, of Franklin, and Justice, of Gm-noville, were in town yesterday on legal business. ’ The women of the First Baptist Ohurf.di invite all who are interested in tin ir Wednesday afternoon prayer meet ing to be present on next Wednesday af- , tornoon tit 1 o'clock. Newnan continues to grow. 1 lie building boom i- a continuous pcrlorm- uncc here; nod yet there is alwaysa scarcity of houses. Our citizens should go right on building. prof. E. O. Sunders, Principal of the public school at Pratt Utty, Ala., who is a sou of B O. Smalms, Esq., of this ,-ity, i- spending the summer wit It rein ti ves and f rientls in On wet u Ooutlty. Lightning struck the residence of Mr. Mike Powell, on Giveueville Street, lust- Mondnv afternoon, doing slight damage, amounting perhaps to $25. Fearing fire, the alarm was turned in, and the lire company made a quick run, but the building did not lake lire. keep a full line of fresh meats nil the time. All orders filled promptly, satis faction guaranteed. Give ns a trial and see for yourself that we will give you your money’s worth. Your trade will he appreciated. Ralph Potts & Co. ■>f ’Phono I MO. Nathan Brown, a negro convicted lit ln-t term of eottrl of killing Emmett Edge, another negro, and who was giv on a life sentence, will have to serve out his sentence. IBs ease was enrriod be fore the Supremo Court, which, this wet li, allirmed the decision of Superior Court. Attorneys A. 11. Froeiimn, W. j L. Stallings and J. W. Shell wen Brown’s lawyers. Miss K,stelle Campbell, lit) N. High struct. Nash ville, Tenn., writes: •Peruna helped me when almost everything else failed. I was rundown from overwork, as I had not been able to take a vacation for three years ! and naturally my nerves were all unstrung and I was greatly In need of rest and a tonic. ‘1 went away for two months, but did not seem to get my strength back, although J was taking a prescription which the doctor gave tne before I went away. “At the requestor my relatives, with whom I was visiting, I began to use Peruna, and you cannot realize how glad I was when within a week I found I was feeling so much belter. Inside of a month 1 was feeling splendidly, ready and able lo take up my work again.”-— Estelle Campbell. Col. NY. G. Post Ims returned from Hot Springs, Ark., where lie went lone- company his mother homo to Grant ville from that plane. Mrs Post went to Hot Springs recently with her husband, Hon. W. A. Post. Mr. Post runmitiH lit ■ —■ Hot Springs. His health is improving, I ( i, lljflll . lnft t A Spring Tonic. Almost every body needs a tonic In llio spring. Something to brace the nerves, Invigorate the brnln, and cleanse the blood. That Peruna will do this Is be yond all question. We have on (lie thousands of letters -which testify to the curative and pre ventive value of Peruna in cases of nervous depression and run down eon- dltlouB of the system. Wo quote a typical ease: Mr. Frank Williams, :t!tH6 .’Hth street, New York City, member First Presby terian Church and Captain Capitol Golf Club, writes: “f.... , soring I suffered win- ee i-ii-i-i MISS B. INEZ SILVER A and a run down condition which seemed Vecy 11i111•-ii 11 to overcome, “1 tried several different tonics Iml did not rcem to gel much heller until I begun using Peruna. M.v recovery was slow, rail I was Improving and I was glad toeoiitinuc using tl. “At the end of (wo iiumllis my health was restored and I looked and felt mueii better than I had for years. Yolir rem edy 1s well worthy of a recommend mid 1 am pleased to give It mlnr.”- Frnnk Williams. Peru till never fails to pre spring cati.rrh or nervous prostru lion, if taker, in time. vent I sf/vi- C J I’c-rii-na Contains No Narcotics. One reason w hy I’erutlivhas found per manent use In so many homes Is that-It contains no narcotic of any kind. l’e- rilliii Is perfectly harmless. It can bo used any lengi li of II me without acquir ing a drug habit. Peruua docs not pro duce temporary results. It Is permanent in Its effect. It has no bail effect upon tin- system, and gradually eliminates catarrh by re moving the cause of eatiirrh. There tiro a mill 111 title ot homes where I'em mu has been used off IIIIl. oil for I \M C I y VI Ill'S, Siieb a thing could not tie po-* 1 -1blu if periiiineoiilniiied any drugs of n uu.r- I'olie naliire. All co.'r -spolldouoo held Miii'tl y conlldcnlml. nnd bis relatives and friends hope lie will return to Georgia in excellent health. The News tins received two telegrams this week from P. T. MeOutClloli, who is traveling through the West with the National Editorial Association. He re ports that the editors were royally en tertained in Oklahoma. Indian Territory and Texas. They arc now headed for BABY’S HEALTH The health of tlie baby depends largely on his getting a fond that perfectly agrees with him. If the food that you are now using is not giving perfect satisfaction we suggest that you try some of our brands We make it a point to see that every item in this line is absolutely fresh. Infant, foods deteriorate with age, therefore this is important By seeing to this point we help guard your health. The following brands always in stock: Imbv's Horlick’s Malted Milk, 60c, 1.00. Peptogenic Milk Powder, 50c Ridge's Food, 60c and 1.00 We can truthfully say that none of these brands have Mellin's Food. 50c and 76c Nestles Food, 50c. Lactated Food, 50 cents, arried o>et been from a former season. All are perfectly fresh and can he depended upon for the very best, results. Mothers who are finding difficulty in securing a food adapted to the needs of their infants are re quested to ask for a sample of some of these foods, as it is possible that one or another will ]»n ve the food needed. Only actual trial will determine which. Nursing bottles, 10c, 3 for 25c. Nipples. 5c, 0 for 25c. Bottle brush, s. 5c. 'J cot lung r.egs, 5<- Pacifiers, J0c and 15o. Rubber dolls. 25c. Rattles. 10c. A full liue of toilet good- for t he health and comfort Of the baby. Talcum Powder, JOc to 25c. Johnsons Baby Pr.wdei, 2oc. Soaps, 10c, 16c and 25c cuke. Perfumes and Toilet waters, Powder Puffs, Baby Brushes, Dumbs. Particular attention is paid at this store to the compounding of’pro scriptions for infants. The most scrupulous care is observed in this work and the hast of medicines are used It is the privilege d ev eryone to have prescriptions compounded at the store ol t heir choice, no matter on whose blank the prescription is written. We solicit y 0U r particular prescription work. Telephone orders always receive prompt attention. An extra phone and nri extra delivery hoy take care ol them. l’n • Ho '“list country. Mr. McUutcImti reports hot weatherand heavy ruins in Texas and states Unit crops are late. Program ininoniioed in Inst week’s News for Children's Day at Methodist church was carried out lust, Sunday morning very successfully and with pleasure and profit to the audience. 'I lie church was tilled to overflowing and many jsirsons were unable to get into the building. Rev. K. W. Hmitli, Presi dent LaGrange College, delivered u characteristic address; delighting and instructing bis audience. Haralson I )r. Tom Taylor, ot WohI Point,Troup enmity, enme up Inst Snfnrriny to see bis mother, Aunt Mar.v Tnylor, who has been quite ill several days. W. O. Herndon, chairman; VV. T. Unlliiliiui, W. L. Taylor, J. J. Herndon, t!. S. Fowler, it committee appointed by the Baptist church to con for with Judge Ben Tnylor in view to building n bap tismal pool at Judge Taylor’s spring,are requested lo meet next Saturday, ITtli insl . lit •’} p. in. o’clock at Judge Tay lor’s homo The Gilt Co. are ret)nested Our thanks are due to the people of J also to have rcpresonUitiv. s at .tins eon- this city and 15 miles around for the lerenoe. very gratifying manner in winch they Misses Myrt Rawls, from Meansville, rest Kin ded to the invitation lo our great and Emmie Rawls,of Senoia.tlie charm- May sale. The stoic was visited (bat ing (laughters of A. H Rawls, are whole inoiifh with seekers utter econo- spending a few days with their father I my, and they wnn abundantly inward- and family. I ed for coming But many linmlreits of Cnpt. J. W. Ford, of Zebulnn, cuinn | choice bargains in summer good- have over last Saturday and was the guest-of | off nicely. Peaches will he slim j Martin Nixon sold $20 worth of cher ries from his small orcluird. This fruit crop is tl valuable one. Pastor Bailey bed a good dny and fair congregation at the Methodist clmr- it last Sunday. Mrs. Ida Pope rcttiruod from her sis ter’s, Mrs. li. Z. Urqulinrt, at Vaughns last week and reports Mrs. I’rip. limit much batter from her illness. Charles Forrester, if Marietta, and his charming sistm', Miss Mary, ot Salt Springs, lire visiting their grnudiiiotla-r, Mrs. L. C. Stlib-y, at Senoia this week. It is with sorrow we note the «(<•<■ 11ri- ing health of our old friend. Dr. F. M Brantley, of Senoia.—Griffin News and Suit HOLT & CATES NEWNAN, GA. been left over for yum seeking and Choosing. These all go in out June -ale, which is now attracting hundreds to this store. Come nut see New | Yoik Bnrgai - Store. i The best toilet spe i Plies nl win s ole j iniiiHhlc iii perfect condition at Holt 1 ; < fates. The following are seasonable for I hot weather: Tryplieua Cream, tf!; ■ Recamier Cream, $1; Creme Eicina, j ,0c. (tin- best of cream-;; Pompeian I Massage Cream, 50e; Ko-mco < i'chiii, I "jc. Mum anil Spiro Po.vdei tor per- -ipimtion (Jotgates Violet '1.11 ■ • nill. 10 I and 25c; Johnsons, Menneiis. Squihhs L’aleum Powdeis 25e; It. & G. Rice I Powder, 25c; Palmer- Garland Violet Powder, 25c. Violet Ammonia, 15". ! Any article needed lor the toiler. Mr. Clandc Smith and Miss Ruby Les ter v.i ri- united in marriage last Wed nesday evening, in Atlanta, by !t> v. Dr. James Stacy. The bride formerly re sided at Turin and lias a number of rela- nves in Coweta County. Ice cream and sin rbets make id, al desserts. Ref resiling and easy to serve Phone as your order and stive worry. Prompi delivery in any quantity at any hour. Holt &. Cutes. We have replenished oar stock < f pocket cutlery and now show nearly a hundred different kniv-s All prices. Holt & Cates. Tanglefoot will rid the of fine- A box is the right quantity to buy :price ,0c box. Fresh stock at Molt Cates. his daughter. Mrs. A. H. Rawls, return ing home Monday morning. Our wheat raisers have harvested their grain and report a poor eioji. Spring oats are fairly good Corn and cotton, where clean of grass, is growing TO REDUCE OUR STOCK Tim reign of low prions will continue during the remainder of the si-.i-mi. Every one of our customers will piofit by helping us to reduce our stock, womli although greatly reduced, is still ling' r than vve wish. Let ns know your mil littery winds. We can supply them Fannie Be tts. Head tlie News and be in the Bwitn, first, last and all ih<- ; ^ time. Picnic Delicacies The picnic period of tip* year is with its a^iiin— the season when voting mikI old flock to •'love, hike or oflior place of resort “on pleasure bent, " f The lunch basket is ever mi indispensable ptl- junct of tlie pienie party; mid it’s n port of our business to fill the lunch basket for picnic parties with (food tilin'/- to eat, *ji Your attention is directed in a lew of the jrootl things we can place in your picnic basket,: We sell <t11 the products of the National. liiseuit Com pany. 1 hey need no introduction to tho owner of the picnic lunch basket In addition we can ai- wavs furnish I'iekles Olives. Canned Meats Im ported Sardines, etc., o) standard bra ds alwnvs {guaranteed to be fresh and of first qimlitw "li -lust now we cart add to the above the first 1'eaehes tilth Carualoupes of the season. C. P. STEPHENS & CO. NEWNAN’S LIVE GROCERS.