The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, June 23, 1905, Image 6

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vn/ITItKSOFMKXICO HOW THESE BIRDS HAUNT THE ARID ALKALI PLAINS. rii<- \\ hlrrlnu: nini'L < one of Knurr |ip>rri snornirm noil llir \Vny In XV h Irll I hr ( I it'll n« Mum Dml'Cliila I lion li* i nrrlnn l’ro>. ,\ night tin 1 moon looks down upon :i <1. solute, iirM pin In, stretching away |, t:.» iriont Slerrn Mnilrp^iounlnln I ,i Hi" m slmdnwy i^lne, V-rnlust the M. wimi »ki The Air Is chill, nml n n ml somivIiom out every folil In in:i .kmkeis we might ulmoAt he ■ |.iiii,ii l ii night on the titiiilrns. With - ifee n innini'tit of ilnwii the mu ii.skIh everything, n most welcome v i ■ rt til Ii for n while, soon to nniUe one i, 11 ii its lii'enthless lien I. Long he I on tl ■ rnlny sen son m-tunlly begins 'll -Isons to feel n quickening I,. || i • . the lihints seent the coming .,.*iiin weeks linforolirtlltl; the rush n,i' *ti-i Mins, .wollen with the molting i ruin the lower moimtnln tops, I ,-,i llf life to the hinds through which i spring Is it w nkeolng every win ii e\. ept on the nlUnll plnln. Win re n thin rlinl of red brown ( . * is | hi t'11 \ eovors the while pn i ■ • h'inenijiilte hushes ttml loot, i let siniiige, uncouth organ cacti rei,r 11ir i ohiiiiiis, like mammoth can ili'hilirn. Hero wild eyed rattle roam iinei sli\. tilhhllng oceHAlomilly at I lie hitler glass stems Kurt her nut In the desert, where even the nie*<|tlllr and eaetl fall, we ride slow y across itie parched surface, wondering If a single living tiling can endure the bitterness of the earth. Ill the distance move the whirlwinds of dust, tall, thin columns with perfectly ills) net outlines, undulating slowly here and there, both life and death In their silent movement. Men remarkable It seems to ua when n stin> grest blue heron now and then files silently up from the desert (what ran possibly attract these birds to such a of death ns this, distant even front the hitter pools?) and flaps slowly out of slghi Twice s grest ebony raven sitlla through the dusty air over out heads the smite bird repasalng No other life Is risible asve the Ital- mced black specks high agalust the blue, as Invariably a part of a Mexlenn day r* tire atara of the night. Karons, vultures, raven all move slowly, seem Ing le** alive tlinu the distant dust columns Kill we feel the real spirit of the eternal desert when, as we turn to re trace our slops, we spy a something white, different from the surrounding earth, it nit the spell of pnst ages falls upon u* The hitter water Is Aver dry ing up, the whirlwinds carry the dust from place In place, the birds come and go a* they please, hut this relic of an elephant of the olden time brings past and present Into close touch. Win t ► Inis the desert looked upon since this mammoth staggered dying Into the ipiagmlre which proved Its tomb'.' t)ur eyes smart from Ills dunt as we reluctantly turn our horses’ heads on the hack trail, for we should like to slay and search out these fos sits more fascinating In a way than the living beasts and birds which pen pie the tropics beyond. tine of the most wonderful of the exhibition* of hint life vouchsafed to ns lii Mexico comes as we leave tho alkali plain and ride away among tin* )nesi|ulte scrub A confused mass of black appears In Ihe air. which soon re solves Itself lulu hundreds of Individ ual specks The atmosphere la so de ceiving that what at llrst seems to he a vnM cloud of gnats close at hand Is sonu to on to he a multitude of birds black birds, perhaps, until we approach and think them ravens and, Anally, when n tjuiirlcr of a tulle away, we know that they lire vultures. Three burros Me dead upon the plnln. This we knew yesterday, and here are the ncitvcnger* Never have we seen vul lures no numerous or tu such order. A caret til scrutiny through the glass- cs shows many score of black ami tur Key bn;/nidi walking about and feed mg upon the enivasen of the animals From this point there extends Mpvvard Into the air n vast Inverted cone of birds, all circling in the same direction. From w here vv .• si I upon our horses there seems not a single one out of pluce, the outline of the cone being ns tuno ah onl d -tiiii’t as though tho birds ween limited m their lllgltt to this par ticular ares li is i rare sight, the sun light, ig up every bird on the farther side uni, - i: living black as night tho " no.ii. t us. *1 ii i*r h • >■ • ‘ s partly closed eyes the v in . appears as a myriad of .-! > vv I. i ; .. wheel*. Intersect lug and • i nil other's orbits, but ne\ • . . '.i ,nig their circular out line c ■ .o nnls of soaring forma ledd us - ' o. t fir minutes before we rode • Now a change takes pla as ,.i , but as sure as the •■’lifting i bunts of a sunset. I'ntll this moment lucre bid been a tendency to A WOMAN’S WIT. LACE BARK TREES. It flfrvnl Her Well When the Hffiire- The Mnny I wen In Which Their Airily cnnrli Holdup t'nmc. A good llliMtrnllnu of the quick wit of a woman appears In the following incident of the old (sljfcAing days of the far west. The man of Toe tale does not show nlT In the best of lights and did not deserve his reward. The coach was on Its way over a lonely road and carried among its passengers a lady going lo join her husband and a man traveling by himself ’’I have $1,000 in my pocket hook," confided the lone traveler to Ihe lady, "and I feel very uneasy. Would you mind concealing it in your dress? If we are held up they are loss likely to search you.” The liuly consenled and bid the roll of hills Toward evening the shout of "Throw up your hands!" brought the coach to a standstill, and four men, masked and on horseback, demanded at the point of the platol that all money should he Immediately given up. The lone traveler passed over all his re mainlng rash, consisting of a few dol hit's, and was congratulating himself oil Ills escape when, to Ills horror, he heard the lady say: "1 have a thousand dollars here, hut I suppose I must give II up." And without further hesitation she handed over the precious pile of greenbacks. The robbers rode off In high good hu mor, hut as soon as they were gone Ihe traveler let loose Ids wrath. Ilealmsed the lady In no measured terms and hardly stopped short of calling her a coward. The licensed said little, but when the end of the Journey was reach ed she Invited the angry man lo her house. "I slmll have to accept," be hhIiI sul kily. ‘‘I haven't a cent In the world through yonr stupidity." As be whs dressing for dinner that night tils host eitme to his room. "Here Is the thousand dollnra," ho said, "which my wife ventured to lmr- iow. You sec, she bud $‘20,000 bid in her gown, and she thought If she gave up your thousand It would save further search. Thank you for the loan, which hhveil mo a heavy loas." BITS FROM THE WRITERS. I.lalit l-'olirlr* Are Pat. There are in all about half a dozen lace berk trees In the world, so called been use the Inner Imrk yields a natural lace in ready made alieet form which can he made up in serviceable articles of apparel. Only four of these curious species of trees are of milch practical value. Tourists who have stopped at Hawaii or Samoa may recall the laee hark clothing of the natives clothing of ii neat brown color when now, of re markable strength /and of a frag ant odor, like freshly cured tobacco leaf. The native tapH cloth, as It is called, is made from the hark of the hrusonetin paplrlfera, but II I* not usually Inelitd ed among the real laee hark trees. In Ms natural stale tile real lace hark Is of a delicate cream white tint. It is probably a kind of fibrous pith. When the outer hark Is removed it can he unfolded and unwound In one seamless piece, having a surface of a little more than a squnre yard. Washing and sun blenching give It a dazzling white appearance. The fabric Is airily light. It is used in the West Indies for muntlllns, cravats, collars, eiilTs, win low curtains In a word, for every pur pose (hat ordinary laee is used. In milking up shawls, veils and the like It Is customary to piece two sheets of laee luirk together. Hellenic and ap parently weak mh It Is in single mesh, a bit of laee hark. If rolled Into a thin string, will all luit resist Ittimnn strength to break It. Despite IIh praetlenl use there Is no essential demand for laee hark. It Inis been used by the natives for hundreds of years and yet In comparatively little known to this day. A few specimens of Inee bark articles exist In different countries of Tlurope. These were made hundreds of years ago. yet, although their age is considerable, they are said to ho In a good state of preservation. - Chicago Nows. FALCONRY. Was a Sport *f Nssf A great love la Ihe next best thing to n great faith. Hllen (iluagow. The centenarian Is a man wlm hna mistaken quantity for quality. Hurry Pain. Probably woman expects Ichs of life and In that sense may be said to Im< more fortunate. Lady Violet (Irevllle. It is a defect of our educational sys tem that we are not started tu life with the habit of happiness. Sarah Grand. Ka vorlt# Hnptlah Monarcka. ltlehnrd 1. when !n the Holy Land nmused himself with hawking on the plain of .Sharon and ia said to havo presented Home of these birds to Ihe sultan. Later on, while passing through Dalmntin, he carried off a falcon which lie saw In one of the villages, and he re fused to glvo it up. He was attacked so furiously by the Justly Incensed vil lagers that It wns with tho utmost dif Acuity that Im managed to make his escape. King John used lo send both to Ire land and to Norway for Ids hawks . Wo are told by Froissart t*hat when Ed- wnrd III. Invaded France he had tillr- Opportunities in California The trade in the Orient is opening up. Our exports to Japan and China multiplied during the last year. There will soon he a tremendous increase in the trade of the Pacific Coast cities with the Far Fast. Big opportunities for the man who lives there. Why not look the field over? Only $62.50, Chicago to San Francisco or Los Angeles and return, May i, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 29, 30, 31, J une 1, August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, 1905. Tickets good tor return for 90 days. Rate for a double berth in a comfortable tour ist sleeper from Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and many other points in California,only $7. Through train service from Union Passenger Station, Chicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Line This is the route of The Overland Limited, leaving Union Passenger Station, Chicago, 6.05 p. m., and The California Express at 10.25 p. m. The California Express carries tourist sleeping cars to California every day. Both trains carry through standard sleepers. Complete information sent free on receipt of coupon with blank lines tilled. W. S. HOWELL, Gen’l Eastern Agent, 381 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY, or F. A. MILLER, General Pmsenger Agent, CHICAGO Name Street address City State Probable destination CALIFORNIA Life Is very scrappy. Look how our ty falcons nml every day either hunted men la break up the day. Why cun we or went to the river for the purpose of not eat for three hours and be done with It for n week? Mrs Humphry. Numbers of people smile without be ing nmust'll * * * To Hiulle broad ly Is their notion of gentlemanly be havior ami good breeding. Robert Hlehena. Poets naturally slug, like birds, In tin* springtime of their lives; the euros of this world silence them or make us rather noxious Mint they should he si lent. Andrew Lang. Ilol I'nas llun Afemarlnl. At Rromley by Bow Is 11 public bouse with the sign of "The Widow’s Bon,” and there u curious old custom Is hawking. Henry VII. Imported go* hawks front France, giving E4 for a single bird n touch greater sum in tlmsc days tlisn at present. Henry VIII. while hawking at Hltchln wns leaping n dike when the pole broke, and the king wns immersed head first. Into tho mud and would have perished Legal Advertisements. HHKUH-T' rt SALE* KOU JULY (•BOKO I a—-Coweta Count.' . Will In- Mold Indore the court houxe door in the city of Ncwimu, Maid county, within the I legal hours of Male,on the llr.Mt Tuesday in July, I llkift, to the highest and heat bidder, for cash, Atlanta & West Point Railroad Co. The Western Railway of Alabama. Direct Lines Between North, East, South and Southwest. U. S. Fast Mail Route, Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. Ill nil probability had not his falconer tin-follow lug civsc-ribcil property: One 22 liu-li HEAD pnWN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 20, 1904. dragged him out. Mlixnhctli and .lames I. were much Interested In the sport. The latter sovereign Indeed expended considerable sums on Its maintenance. Aubrey In his "Miscellanies" says, "When I wns a freshman at Oxford 1 wns wont to go to Christ church to sis* Charles I. ninlntiilniHl. "once the tavern was kept •“ <*<iPP'>r. where I once heard him say bv a widow with an only son. Ho ,l1 "* «• 110 w,1!1 "“'vking '» he started on n sen voyage on a Omni Frl r '">* 11110 1110 ‘l' , ' lrr >’ ‘"'* 1 tl,er, ‘ found day ami promised that ho would bo the covey of partridges falling upon the back by that day In the following h«wk, and 1 remember his expression year. He did not come, but for yours concentrate at the huso of the cone, that portion becoming blacker and blacker, until it scenic.) a solid mass of rnpnllj re >h ng forms. Hut at our near Bi'o ouch, this concentration censes amt there Is perfect equilibrium tor n time. Then, ns we rule up a gen tle slope into dearer view, a wonder ful a cut begins Slowly the creeping *i*> I Dings upward: the gigantic In vcnM .-one, sMI perfect In shape, lifts clour of the ground and drifts away; the summit rises in a curve, which, ltt- ilo bj little, frays out Into ragged lines nil drifting in the same direction, and before our very eyes the thousands of hints merge into a shapeless, undu lating cloud, which rises and rises, spreading out more nnd more until the eye . hit no longer distinguish the birds, which from \ullm-os dwindle to mere motes floating and lost among the clouds.—O. William Beebe In Now Jork Post. the mother kept her promise to prepare u hot cross bun for IiIh return. Each year she lived tho anxious mother ob served the custom, which 1ms been maintained by successive hosts and hostesses of the luu ever since. Now, as for long time pnst, "within Its guest chamber may be seen old oaken raf ters with buns hung up between.”—' London Standard. Not,...I, XVns Offended. A Michigan congressman tells this story: "A certain citizen of my district was called upon to defend a man who had soundly whipped a worthless individu al. He had been Indicted for assault and battery, ‘contrary lo the peace and iltgnily of the people of Michigan.' The lawyer contended that the prosecution could not hope to convict unless the . ntire allegation diis proved. ‘Wo ad in It Mu' assault and battery,’ lie said, •but we deny that it was contrary to the peace and dignity of the people of M ichlgau.’ "The Jury so held, an I the fellow was acquitted.” Philadelphia Ledger. Tl»e Ken * t of \»»cn. The festum asluoruin, or feast of asses, was formerly held .Inn. U to commemorate tho flight into Egypt. There are still extant several rituals of this festival. One, of Beauvais, In France, orders the priest to bray three times tu a similar manner. An ass, decorated with costly coverings, wns led to the altar In a procession and with hymns of rejoicing. further, ‘And I will swear upon the book ’tls true.’" Chambers’ Journal. A Walter's Walk. Borne Interesting particulars are giv en as to the ground covered by a wait er in dancing attendance upon the guest.* In a restaurant 111 Chiistianln The waiter bad provided himself with a pedometer before starting his work. According to his calculations, he took rather under 100,000 steps, covering some thirty seven miles, between S a. m. and 12:110 a. in. Working (and walking) four days a week, lie calcu lated that lie covered more Miuti 7,000 miles in a year, which would seem to show that Swedish waiters take their work very seriously, unless, indeed, the pedometer was "fast.” Westminster Gazette. rrywtHiliroil HritftMC*. (irnssoH may lu» crystallized ns fol lows. Place a saucepan partly tilled with water on the stove nnd in it dis solve enough alum to make it of suf ficient density to bear an egg. Let this boll. Take off the saucepan and lay yonr grasses (dried and tied in bunches to suit the fancy) in the water. When the water is perfectly cold lift out the bouquets nnd you will tind them a mass of beautiful crystal. Kanpiliai separator, complete with stacker, 1 mounted on four Iron wheels. Number 4«is7. , Levied on iih the property iif L. IV Drake ami I'. A. Drake (owitisfy n ft fa issued from the; Pity Court of Newuuii in favor of Avery and McMillan \\s said Drakes. This June 8th, 10o5. Also tit the name time and plane, the life estate of Nancy Caldwell and ulao the one- ninth ( I ih undivided interest in reiiiHinder of B. M. Caldwell inland to tho following hind, situated in the Ornntville District of Coweta County, in possession of Nancy Caldwell, to- wit: All of lot of land number fifty three (58) and that part of the oust half of lot of land number fifty four (51) which lies south of New Kiser or Mt»r^au's Creek. Bounded on the north by land of John Dutilmr und New Kiver, Oil the east by Mrs S. E Leigh ami T B. Hol lars, on the south by Hcott Dnvis and on the west i»v E. Mobley and John Dunbar, contain- ing in the aggregate 288 acres more or less. Levied on as the property of said defendants,ns above described under ami by virtue of three justice court ti fas issued from tin* Justice Court of the lltfoth District,U. M., xaideouuty, in favor of Robert* & Longino against Nancy Caldwell and K. M. Caldwell Bevy made by C. A. Burks I,. C ,aud turned over to me. Tills , Juno 8th, I Alsoat same time and place, the life estate of Nancy Caldwell and a Do the one ninth ill)) ; undivided interest in remainder of P. Cald- , well in and to rhe following land, situated ih j the (irantville District of Coweta County, in pos.-es>ion of Nancy Caldwell, to wit: All of lot of land number fifty thr< • 53) an ; that part of the l ast half of lot of land number fifty four (.Mi which lies > >uth of New Kiver or Mot gun ^ Creek; bounded on tie* north by land of John Du bar .and New Kiver. on the cost by Mrs. S. B Leigh and T K Zellar*, on tie south by Scott Davis and on the west by E Mobley nr.d \>iin Dunbar, containing in the Mggr gnt*» '.ss a re- more or I* -*. Levied on a- t-lie property r sain defendants as abov No in No 81 No 88 No 38 Leave Arrive No 85 No :i7j No 07 s I5p W 25h s tr,p Lv New Orleans Ar 8 Pip 7 15a*ll 10h 12 lhu 1 2.".p 12 lOu Lv Mobile Ar » I2p 2 55a 7 :i7a 11 asp 12 I5p 11 05 p Lv Pensacola Ar 4 (Hip 5 (Hla 5 00m t UOp 5 00H 1.1 . ... ...Helmu Ar 11 80 p lu :wa 1» 15a 1 nop a :io p 0 {Will Lv Montgomery Ar 10 55m 0 20 p in 05a 2 27 p 7 Up Ar Milsteml Ar \) 57m lo ;«>n 2 52p - )2p 7 win Ar Oht'liuiv Ar 0 -42*1 8 20p — It HI I- s l*»p Ar Auburn Ar 0 lOn 7 lop 12 85 p U 25 p 12 85 p Ar Columbus Ar 12 85p 0 25 p 11 -.'fin II Hip s 25 p H 87 0 Ar Opelika \r >H Ilia 7 88p I 45p 12 2Hp 1 80 p 0 02 P 0 11*H Ar Most Point Ar 7 55a fi 40p l Ida 12 5)1) 11 -.Op SI 117p 0 HTii Ar Lh Grange Ar 7 :18m rt 22 p 12 5ln 1 .)Hp h (H)| III 271 10 85a Ar New 11 on Ar « 8i h 5 20 p 12 llu 2 »7p 8 281» hnirbnrn Ar 0 04 a HOop 7 inp A r East l’oiut \ r 8 20p 7 H0p ii io| ii io"a A r Atlanta bV 5 80a 1 20 p II lap H U01 SI l.’ip'i 11 12s Ar - Washington Lv 11 15a lo-i5p in Mil 11 25p! s (Min A r Baltimore i) Pip 12 'll 2 50pi 10 15ii Ar I’liiladi-lphla...- Lv ft 15a 0 55p 0 L a inn'12 4«v Ar New 'i ork I-' 1210a I 25 p «20p 5 23p 5 01 p 4 27p t 15p 3 nop 12 asp l 58 p 12 55 p 1 lOp 10 8 p * Meals Above train * «lnil> Connections C Now Orleans for Texas, Mexico, California jorTuskegee. lilsteml forTnlliih i--i > l.utirange aecominodiitioti leiicoK Atlanta »laily, except Sunday at 5-nn n m .-4 11..u • 1 r. ’ ■ 1 • ’ At Chehnw Return inn leaves LaC,range at »:5o a. m. . riives Atlanta Trains lift ami lMiUnuiu sleepers New York and New Orleans. Through coaches Washing on and New Orleans. Trains 57 and MS Washington and Southwestern Limited. Pullman sleepers, comnartmen nr .**. observation and •lining ears. Complete service New York and New Orleans * Train07 United States fast mail. Through day coaches Atlanta and New Orleans Write for m ips, - hedules and information. J. 3. HKYWARD, J. P. BILLUPS, D. 1*. A.. Atlanta, Gil. ... G. 1’. A.. Atlanta Ga. ( HAS. A. Wic i ERSHAM. 'Ur.. Atlanta. Gn GET THE BEST ibed under ami by virtue of tw ., justice •nurt tl fas issued from the justice court of lie lU'.'fh 1 >i-l ii* -t ii. M. .-slid count.' . in :avnr <>! Roberts iV l.ouunn against IV A 1 ’ ildwoll met Nancy Caldwell. Levy imuli y C. a Burks L r.’and turn* 1 over t«»me riii> dune Nth. I * 1 J. L. HKOW'S. sheriff. The -» GRAND PRIZE Highest Award iff) and Notice to Debtors Creditors. GEORGIA, Coweta County. All persons indebted to the estate of Susan 8. Gibson, late of said county, de-1 censed, are hereby notified to make im-, Kltfitrtiiff 1< rtnl. Miss Stoeksonbons 1 thought 1 saw the baron eome In. Where Is be? Mr Stoeksonbons He has just bad an in V Diseln iiti.-r. Guest (In cheap restaurant) I say. waiter, have you such a thing as a hot roll? Waiter Stop yer kiildlu'. On de level, pard, do I look like a guy wot has money ter burn? Say, If 1 bad a hot roll, youse kin beteher life 1 mediate payment, and. all those having i wouldn’t bo doin' stunts in ills beauerjr. demands against said estate, are hereby ! See?—St. Louis Republic. notified to render in their claims in ! terms of the law. This May 13th, li)04. A. P. Barfield. Hannah, Douglas j County. Ga., Executor of the estate of, Susan S. Gibson, deceased. fit j Satiated. First Boy Did yeh have plenty of ter view with me, and at present lie is nice things to eat nt that party? See- In the library to figure out whether be ond Boy Did we? We bad such loads of everything that w’en Mrs. Goodsoul gave me some iced eake to take to my mother 1 didn't even llek it going home. Time to I'hmnflr*. Edyth—Are you going to Niagara Falls on your wedding trip? Babette— Facts are God’s arguments: we No; 1 went there on my two previous should be careful never to mlsunder- wedding trips, and l believe it’s a Loo stand or pervert them.—Bdwards. j doo!—Detroit Free Press. loves you or not. Life. IlntM ttml llcmia. If some people bought a bat accord ing to their own estimation of the size of their head they wouldn't need an umbrella. - Chicago Journal. Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Larne Shoulder. These are three common ailments for j which Chamberlain's Pain Balm especially valuable. I promptly applied- it will save you time, money and suffer ing whan troubled with any one of these ailments. For sale by Holt & 1 Cates, druggists, Newnau, Ga. The New and Enlarged Edition Contains 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of the World with more than 25,000 titles, baaed on the latest census returns. New Biographical Dictionary containing the names of over 10,000 noted persons, data of birth, death, etc. Edited bv W. T. HARRIS, Ph.D.. I.L.D., United States Commissioner of Education. 2380 Quarto Pages N#w PUte*. 6000 Illustration*. Rich Binding*. Needed InEvcryHome Also Webater'a Collegiate Dictionary with uiSPagcs. 1400Illustrations. Size: 7x10x3),La. A Special Thin Paper Edition Da Luxe priat.J-from th. i*m. pl.u* m reguUr edition. IS FREE, “ A Test in Pronunciation,” lnstruo tlvo and entertaining. Also Uluatrated pamphlets. • o. a c. mlrriam co.. NMUbm, SerlaifUli, Him. Expert Plumbing \S hen you give n plumber a job. be sure tin? plumber knows bis business AIL work in this line should be done by an ex pert . Otherwise, endless trouble and expense is certain to result. In dealing with Sexton, you get the services of an expert. Remember this when you need the services of a plumber. I have a complete stock of supplies, water fixtures, bath tubs, etc., etc.. This is great ly to the advantage of my pat rons, as I can supply their needs on short notice and at small cost. Am selling garden hose at cost. W. L. Sexton, The Newnau Plumber.