The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, June 30, 1905, Image 5

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Clothing Sale. Mrs. Hugh Hill ami young son, of West Point, are visiting rela tives in the city. Mrs. .1. C. Austin.of East Point, visited relatives in N'ewnan sever al days this week. Miss Mary Clark, of Atlanta, is j spending the week with relatives near New nan. I Howard Askew, of Atlanta, is in the city, visiting Mr. John As- | kew and family. Mr. W. Colquitt Carter, of At lanta. spent last Sunday in New Miss Mary Daniel, of New nan, is spending this week visiting the family of Dr. •). R. Daniel.— Franklin News and Banner. Miss Onie Brannon,of Moreland, is visiting her aunt.Mrs. Benjamin F. Barker, on East North Avenue. —Sunday’s Atlanta Journal. Rev. J. R. King spent several days in eastern Georgia, near Au gusta, this week, attending a fam ily reunion. Mrs. Braketield, who was the I guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Mann, j has returned to Senoia, accompan ied by Mrs. Mann. J. C. Anderson and baby , , .... We will not carry over goods from one . . , .. • i*. n ! I - A- Dane, a guard at the coil it- Hcason to another; therefore, we con- '*turned lie a I ty convict camp, was brought to Kider it business to take a qnick loss and ; weeks in Columbus. , .... .... , close them out. They must be sold re- , Ills home ill tills city lust >\ wines- gardless of cost or vaiue. At and below ! 1. T. Mattox,of the 4th District, day ami is painfully ill. cost are terms often used with little re- . a, ,i,., gard for the truth. If you want , 0 mingling ith Mrs. May mo Hughes Thompson know its true meaning come and help streets here yesterday. , ... ‘ . ,, , , . ns reduce onr clothing stock. This is not ' ' mid Miss Daisy I eddy have gone old stock—new and up-to-date. Come Mrs. Margery Leigh, w ho has t() g h > mountains of North Caro been ill at her home on Greene- ijna to spend a mouth, ville Street, is reeovering. Luther Camp and C. C. Mt Commencing Saturday, July 1st, and! continuing for thirty days, we will! nan close out onr entire stock of clothing | from one-half to one-fourth its value. | Mi and get the first selection. During this snle other goods will be sold at reduced prices, such ns Dimities, Organdies, Muslins. Lawns. Percales, etc. No goods charged at cut prices. SUFFERED FOR VEARS WITH A COMPLICATION OF FEMALE DISEASES. Robust Women Who Owe Their Restored Health and Usefulness to Pe-ru-na. Read the Letters of Grateful Women Cured by Dr. S. B. Hartman’s Free Advice. Thousands of Testimonials Re ceived Every Year. Mn Nina L. A, Perdue and Miss Perdue were in Senoia this BARNETT ST JOHN & CO were up twill Senoia last week to in* present at the Nolan | Local News ol Newnan! Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Holmes re turned from Macon last Monday. Miss Rosadelle Holmes is the guest of relatives in Atlanta. (’ouch wedding. I Dr. Hutcheson, of Wool soy, j Fayette county, was the guest of Mrs. W. G. Post Inis returned from a visit to relatives at \\ ood- btiry. W. S. Wood, a clever citizen from near Corinth, was in the city Monday. Miss Liioile Thompson is spend ing some time with friends in j Fain and family this week. Opelika. | We are going to sell our entire Mrs. W. W. Anderson, of For- stock of clothing within the next comity relatives in the city a couple of days this week. Mrs. M. E. Woodside and Mrs. Charles A. Hough, of Binning ham, are the guests of Editor J. T. Rev. Frank Qmllian, of More- j h . the #rneHt ol - her daughter, HO days, regardless of cost, orval- larnl, was in the city Tuesday. j Mrs , F KoynoUls> no. Barnett, St. John A Go. Miss Mary Orrhas returned | At(or|1<iy 8ydney Holder,.ess Gol. George H. Garmichael, Dr. as down from Carrollton last A. G. North and Prof. J. E. IVn- from a delightful visit to Florida. Clothing! Clothing! going cheap! Wednesday, cheap! at Barnett,St. John & Co.’s ; ^ a(ld MpH# gcarl(0 rough ' dergrast were in Atlanta last Sat- to their Clothing at your own prices, at returned last Monday Barnett, St. John A Go’s. j home in Anniston, Ala. R. A. Wikle was in Atlanta last >|.rs. \v. J. Avery ami son,Sam, Saturday. v .) [of Madison, arc the guests of relit- D. W. Boone is in New York fives in Newnan this week. City, on a business trip. Major W. A. Turner and E. H. Misses Lucile and Cleone Ham Bowmen, lvs«j., were in Atlanta visited Atlanta last Saturday. * !ls ' Wednesday. Hon. H. A. Hall was in Atlan- * v - Watkins, the genial and ta last Wednesday. j clever principal of Turin school, I was in the city yesterday. II. Abner Camp was up trom Grantville last Wednesday. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. 'I. B. Parks, last Wednesday, a daugh- ( Commencing Saturday, July 1st, for HO days we will sell our entire stock of clothing at slaughtering prices. Barnett, St. John & Co. Mrs. P. M. Blakely is spending some time with her brother’s fam ily in Newnan.--Senoia Enterprise- (lazettc. Dr. G. A. Nminally is at Buch anan, where he went to deliver an [address to the teachers' institute of I laralson < 'omity. Mrs. Aildie Varner and Mrs. B. An Ideal Medicine. M ISS DOVISH MATHER, ISChnrch St., Burlington, Vt., Vice-President Bureau of Exchange, writes: "Four medicine In an Ideal wtunan’a medicine and by far the bent I have known to re* store lout health and strength. “ 1 suffered for several years. My baek lu lled, 1 bud hearing down pains, aud frequent liead- aclies. “ 1 would often wake from sleep in such pain that I would suffer for hours tieforo my eyes would close apain. I dreaded the Ions nights as well as the weary days. “ 1 consulted two physicians, hoping to get relief. .Finding that their medicine did not seem to cure me, a friend ad vised me to try Pernna. “ 1 uin certainly glad that I followed her advice, for Perunu w as the only medicine for me. Kvery ache and pain disap peared in four mouths and 1 am in perfect health now. ••My earnest advice to But tering women In to try Pe ru on, tor I feel sure they will not be disappointed In It”— Louise Mather. Enjoying Splendid health. Mrs. L. K. Tyler, Santa Monica, Cal., Secretary Nanta Monica Musical Society, writes: ••I wan troubled tor over three years with ayntemlc catarrh, complicated by female weaknena and Inflammation. ••Thin induced frequent headaches, nervousness, hysteria and sleepless ness, which nothing could relieve until I tried Peruna. •• 1 began to feel better after 1 had taken the first bottleful and improved from week to week until at the end of about eleven weeks I was entirely well. " I am pleased to say that I have enjoyed splendid health now for nearly a year. 1 have a tine appetite, enjoy sound sleep and do not suffer from any more headuchuH or other pains.”—L. K. Tvler. .wirr -A EDITH ■> Completely Regained her health. Miss K.dtth ltoiiinn,7iMi North Main St., Dayton, O., writes: “ 1 suffered for some time with both lung and female troubles. "/ had been under the treatment of a good physician for about nine months without obtaining any relief, when Peruna was recommended to me. A fter taking twelve bottles of this medicine I America Is the Land af Nervous Women. The majority of women are nervous because they suffer from some form of female disease. The greatest obstacle In the way of recovery is (but they do not understand Mist catarrh is the main source of their Illness. Women who are in doubt as to their ailments should write to Dr. Hartman, have completely regained my health. p reH uient of The Hartman Sanitarium, “I am pleased to recommend Pernna (lolumhus, O. (live him a full descrip* to any one suffering from the above ail- tionof your symptoms, previous treat* ments.”— Hid ith Kearns. ment and age. | No teslimoinals published without He will promptly reply with full til* 1 written cu*t«al't «t liie writer. I ructions for treatment. tree of ei> -r- - T. E. Zellars, Esq., was up from Grantville last Tuesday. Robert Lovcjoy was in Atlantal last Tuesday. Rev. M. M. Walraveu, of Turin, j was in the fitv Wednesday. ter. Hudson Moore, Esq., an Atlan ta attorney, was in town Wednes day. J. A. Hyde, a well known citi zen of Turin, was in town last again in a week or two Mrs. Sam Banks lias returned y| OII( | H . from Marshallvilic. Tr.v tlm new Tnstless Castor Oil at, Reese’s Drug Store. Insist onliaving Climax coal. (Food- wyn sells it for per ton. tf Mr. T. E. Atkinson is spending tin* week in Athens. L. I’. Bryant, of Grantville, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Exquisite new stationery at Holt & < 'ates. J. W. Trammell, Esq., ol Luthersville, was in town yester day. Milner llootcn is spending the week with liis parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. llootcn, at Jackson,Ga. Dr. G. W. ('lower was up Grantville last Wednesday. 10 inch turkey dusters, 20c at from Holt A Cates. Larger sizes up to IS inch. I*. G. Stanley, an expert drug Sanders have returned from a | clerk, of Columbus, will lit* in the stay of several weeks in northeast store ol Holt & Cates alter July Georgia. 1st. Mr. Frank Wilkinson, who has L. W. Crowder, J. D. Pearson been sick with lever several weeks, and R. II. Ware, ol the 4t, i Dis is improving and hopes to Is* out trict, and Ben II. Pearson, ol At !good Eight. Day Clock for|lUS. lanta, spent yesterday in the city. Buist’s new crop Rnta Baga. Amber Globe and other turnip | I give both quality and quantity of seed, at Holt & Cates. No left stove-wood. Davis. Phono 122. tf oxer seed will be sold yon as fresh. Big line of new Toilet Soups at ReoseV Drug Store. Eight Day Clock for $1.1)8, at .1 W. Stripling & Son's. 2t Talcum Powders, all Rccmi-’i- Drug Store. See the new ami delight fill tal emu powder at Holt \ Cates •‘Sana Dermal" price 25e. For Rent—-H room First Baptist Church light housekeeping. Bowen liecse. Money to loan on real estate rt 7 j>er cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. J. W. Stripling & Soil will sell you a lit Writing paper in pound packages mid nvolojies, at Reese’s Drug Store. the name; tlx- n front of uitable for Apply to Mason jar rubbers 5c dozen; ex tra quality red rubber I0e dozen; Mrs. Milton Dent, of New York Mias Lilith A very, of Columbia, extra caps for Mason Jars Hoc doz. City, is the guest of relatives in S. is the guest ot Mr. R. T. Sealing wax 5c, at Molt Si < ate*.. New '* ai '- Milner and family. tanglefoot tlv paper 50c box, Mrs. J.T. Fain and daughter, T. T. Mattox. Andy Bowers aud poison fly paper 5e package, in- Ellen Ramey, have returned from Tom Young, from White Oak, sect powder nc ounce, at Holt Sc Monroe. spent yesterday in th * city. Cates. Chief Engineer Jenkins, who is in charge of the corps of surveyors at work on the proposed line of the Greeneville and Newnan rail road, was in the city yesterday. Prof. J. A . I’endergrast, of Jes- up. formerly of Newnan. is in structor for tin- Heard County Teachers’ Institute, which is in session this week in Franklin. Col. and Mr and daughter, returned from a trip to Louisville, Kv.. and other large cities in tin North. EliUltio-Hflain drawnra for matt, at 117 1-2 (Mints |Mir pair, at New York Bargain Store. Are worth M) ooiiIh. We have three beautiful building lots, 7A F(y got), that we will Hell, on Groane- vllle Street. Bradley & Banka. gf If you arc iularoxloil in buying a nice building lot. we will take pleasure in showing yon three heautleH. Bradley <Xs Banks. St We’re making unheard of low prices on clothing. Ilerc’n where you Have half your money and get the clothing yon want. New York Bargain Store. I have a to* of Hervioealile Miootid Imiel rakoK and mowei'H. They are offend away down low. KnrmeiH needing these nine limes will Have money Oy ending on me. K. L. Waltom. to build, Bradley & ■ vi rv desinilile lots on Grent reduction in umbrella prices nt tbe New York Bargain Store I’mhrel- Iuh worth $ and $g at 1)8 (touts; the tif and 7o cents kind for -lit cents A priced labor Iiiih no effect at good Ml cents umbrella for Ho eeuw wood vartl; be hiiIiI.h hi* own ... 1 euii interest any prospective pur- chaser of a buggy. Give me the op- Frank S. Loltili E. <’. Goedwyn hcIIh the genuine Mon- portnnit.y and I'OhcII you a buggy right Mis* ('onie. have tevallo coal. There is no such coal an that will oeituinly please you. E. L. Climax Montevallo.” tf Waltom. If yon want Banks have lhie (jrreell'-Vlde Sip High Davis' wood. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We take pleasure in announcing that Mr, '1'. F. Shackleford and his son, 'i. 1. Shackle ford, have been appointed agents for the Newnan Division of the National I nion Life Association. We have also given them Heard, Coweta,Meriwether, Fayette and < amp- hell Counties. Therefore, we trust it will only be a short t me before the Newnan Division will have a very large membership. / Mr. .J. W. Stripling is President and Mr. H. C. Glover is Secretary and J reusurer o! the Newnan Division All death claims and all assessments ar> j payable in Newnan. The benefits of member ship in this Association, when the Division is foil, are g’,(XX) in case of death; $1.<KX) in case of accident (total disability); the care and edticalion of leu orphans in each Divis.on. and a paid-up membership after twenty years. It costs $5 to join, which is paid only once; and S' at the end of each 0 months ti ere- after. Nothing more to pay except when a death occuis in ibis division : then each menii I ays $1.25. Mr. John G. Neely is not and has not been c nnectid with the C mjmny-sinee Jim • Nth. Respect fully, National Union Life Association, by R. H. Jones, General Superintendent. Mrs. (’ojqnitt Carter mid little son. Walter Colquitt Carter. Jr., of Atlanta, arc in the city to spend ! the slimmer with the former’s mother, Mis. S. (’. 11 iil. Mr. and Mrs. <"oiljuitt Carter have gone to Newnan for tin- sum mer. They have -rented their home to Mr. and Mrs. Ray, of Philadelphia.- Atlanta Journal. The county chaingang is now working on the road from More- laud to Luthersville and is making great improvements on that high- w ay. lb n. W. A. Post, of Grantville, ha.* returned from Hot Springs. Ark. His health is greatly im- proved and his many fr.ends are delighted to learn of his recovery. The newest thing in town is the weather signals displayed by the Southern School of Telegraphy. Weather reports are received daily from Washington City and th" tlags are hoisted to toj) of a tall flagstaff on the school building. The Heinz Goods No higher standard of purify ami excel lence of loot! products is to he found than that maintained by the manufacturers of the Heinz goods. This fact is well known and needs no exploitation We call attention to it merely in order to remark that, our stock of Heinz goods is unexcelled in Newnan for completeness. We have Heinz' Sour Pickles in bulk, Sweet Mixed Pickles, Preserves, Queen Olives, Dressings, .Sauces—in fact, all of the standard Heinz products. Heinz’ White Wine and Apple Vinegars are the la st obtainable. We sell them. Give us your orders for any of Heinz g a i.'s Telephone No. 51. j C. I I Nl G. P. STEPHENS & GO. NEWNAN’S LIVE CRDCERS.